PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-VOL. 16. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 30, 1878. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. REAL ESTATE. EDUCATIONAL. Mr. Willi am A. Beach, who has at- [Harper’s Bazar.l __ THE 'PRESS, Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS i tained some distinction a8 a criminal lawyer, New York Fashions. that in PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Wanted. 14*Y'h V I? V to lean on first class Real Estate PORTLAND ACADEMY. I says the eyes of the people, if not of At the modistes’ openings baeqnss and over- FRANCIS H. JlI V/1» |j I Security, in Portland, or vi- WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 30. LORD, LADY and the law, Mr. Tilden cannot himsell skirts prevail in the new dresses, bat not to the At 109 Exchange St., Portland. two gentlemen desiring to study cinity. Rents collected, taxes paid, &c. on Com- Fall Term begins Nepfemler'-iil, at Bloom separate A German under Prof. Ludwig Triest, would mission. to F. G. Dealer in No. 7, Hr >wu’s Block, corner of Congress from those who exclusion of it is remarked Terms: Apply PATTERSON, acted for him and who were polonaises, though Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscribers like lo tind a few partners in order to get cheaper Street. nolSdtr «od Ki'owd directs. Wo do not read anonymous letters ana coramuni- j Real Estate. 379J Congress that the latter are Seven Dollars a Year if paid in advance. ATTORNEY ANO terms. For particulars write Ph. B. Post Office Box The usual course ot studv for of both sexes, in his confidence. In other the nsnally accompanied by COUNSELLOR, pupils ations. The ame and address of the writer are in j words, prin- 1836. oe29dlw French lessons Prof. Masse. Elocution taught derai-trains instead of short skirts. A Land for by 1 must be held for the acts stylish 23 Court Boston. House anti $1,200. by Mrs. Currier. 11 cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication cipal responsible of THE MAINE STATE PRESS Street, effect is given to these the fronts house No. 55 Alder street. Six For further of 1 mt as a guaranty of good faith. his authorized by baviog is attention given to In- Wanted. one-story particulars enquire agents. published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a ^“Particular collections, cellar and drainage. ETTA A. turned back in or THElarge rooms. Sebago, good FILES, Principal. We cannot undertake to return or com- revers, by patting in a plas- year, 11 paid in advance at $2.00 a solvency anti Commercial Litigation, ocl0d6tn experienced housekeeper to take of the PA1 preserve year. charge A good bargain for someone. Apply to F. G. au3d3m 43 Brown Street. tron vest the front kitchen at Reform ^ aurieationa that are not used. The Phillips has a length of the whole garment, and AN State School. Apply 'PERSON, No. 379J Congress street.tepltdtt Phonograph very bright letter or in to Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the by person ST. PAUL’S and little turn of the by making the back drapery or else oc29dlw E. COLLEGE, | good-natured Press higher, length of column, constitutes a “square.” WENTWORTH, Supt. the For Sale. of the new having back vtry short and tilling out the $1 50 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per MAINE,' for men, and boys Evkby regular attach^ Fress is famished paragraph concerning papers. If the street—open "OORTLAND, young week after; three insertions, or $1.00; continu- Wanted. TWO-STORY house 101 New High over 10 years of The first begins pith a Ca rd certificate skirt with flounces in the still less, from -f age. year countersigned by Stanley T. Phonograph continues to take hold of demi-traio; ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. lor each week-day atiernoou Sept. 1878. For terms &c. address things and Salesmen to work on commission or A Inspection on 23d, circulars, *ullen, Editor. All steamboat and hotel others have a wide scarf like an Halt one can regain railway, in the same and draped apron, square,three insertions, or less, 75 cents; by tbe month. Enclose stamp to to 4. Part of the purchase money MISS MARTHA A. SHARP, pleasant spicy fashion, it $1.00: 50 cents week after. AGENTS if Built in 1876. oc29alw 1 oanagers will confer a favor us and in the week, per oc23dtt S. P. F., Press Office. mortgago desired. scpOdtt Portland, Maine. upon by demanding establish its stopping abruptly side seams. The Special one third additional. will thoroughly right to exis- Notices, redenth Us of every person claiming to represent our of two materials Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction arrangements in polonaises STEPHEN BEUKV, LUDWIG TRIEST', ! urn al. tence. Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions Wanted. “for sale. _ are very original. Thus a black cashmere or less, $1.50. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to assist in and Card cook- PROFESSOR OF Clarkson Potter is credited [ polonaise has the vest and the entire back of Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Stat* Book, Job Printer, A ing and general housework at the Mount Cut- Slorv House with stable, centrally located. LANGUAGES, with the re- Press” (which has a circulation in fourteen rooms besides WWERLAND COUNTY CONTENTION brocaded silk in a large every part No. 3r TI.lT.n STREET. ler House, lliram, Maine. Address House contains finished Graduate ot a German University, mark that he felt all the quaint pattern of cherries of the for $1.00 for first Heated through investiga- State), per square insertion, oc22d2w HIRAM BASTON. balls and closets by furnace, gas, sebago, and the silk vest — leaves; extends low and 50 ce uts per square for each subsequent insertion. cemented cellar, good drainage, All in complete or- OF — tion as if he was treading on rotten eggs. He quite Address all communications to be sol dlow as the owner leaves the in GERMAN, dowD, and its end is concealed aa of RATT der. Will city and one of them by apron POK LAND PUBLISHING CO. ADAlfftS, Wanted. of, .JOHN C PROCTER. FRENCH was, has broke. Even an ten days. Enquire REFORM cashmere that is edged with the new chenille Gentlemen boarders at No. 1G No, 93 old, 83 new, Exchange street. LATIN, CLUBS egg will turn when trod upon. for ocil2d3w fringe, which has no heading, and is of finer Constable Portland, HIyrile St;also table boarders ac« GREEK, FALMOUTH HOTEL. — AT — strands than that in ENTERTAINMENTS. AJXD commodaled. The of the Manhattan Bank general use. Down the selO d6m burglars ap- dtf — sepl2 -.---— sides, where the apron stops, are straight Coroner for Cumberland jorbiuu) Wcdneiiday and Thursday, Ocf. pear to be Tammany braves. A box contain- The Ladles of the First County, 30th and 31st. pieces, fringed, tied in a knot, and left to Baptist Society Richmond’s Island Instruction in English and Class* valuables to Schell, hang — ing belonging Augustus — SI 1-4 EXCHANGE WILL HOLD A STREET. down from the waist. The brocaded back is Fully realizing the good results arising from our and his name, was left untouched ical Studies bearing by and like a FESTIVAL Service of precepts of all kinds a specialty. Col- 50 Laborers Wanted FOR SALE! arnest and persistent labors in this great and good straight short, long basque, and the fldential advice and services rendered in the vork in which we are in and re- them. given, at tho office of the Portland Water tc the subscriber, engaged, rescuing demi-trained skirt is covered with in their corner given private pupils by flounce Vestry, Wilmot and Congress Sts*, ou detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended No. 33 Plum SI Portland. offer this well known property for sale. It is toring to manhood all those who are addicted to to at all hours. APPLYCompany, and also of Still another fashion is that of WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 30, sepl4 dtt WE one of the best farms in the State of Maine. troug drink, making homes and families About the only thing the Potter commit- using Jan8 dtf The Island lies oft Cape Elizabeth, two miles south iappy, which were once sad and unhappy by the satin bands for A variety ot Fancy articles and Aprons will be for J. W. tee discovered was plaid trimming black c » of the Ocean House, three quarters of a mile from COLCORD, Demon Rum. It is earnestly hoped that all the Anderson, and now they ^8|lIller sale. Oysters. Ice Cream, Confectionery and in These Coffee, FHT A Ill.lUllVn IlhllA main and miles from Portland. It lubs the county will be lully represented and polonaises. pass straightdaw , other refreshments for sale the msT a Nn pnrnvrn the land, eight ! wish he had escaped their search. d tlie f during evening. two into iwaken a new impetus in order to make more pro- Admission contains about hundred acres, divided pas- 143 Fear! Street. and two bands are pat around free. oc28d3t* rrPSR in furthprimr tliiR ornnrl pnneo nf Turn r.oronon 'Joe ture and tillage, a large house, two large barns and jan24 dtf skirt, qnrts RANDAL H. FOOTE. BANKER File citizens of Gorham will all a wel- Tiie work of the Potter far and other outbuiluings. It now cuts about a hundred give hearty committee goes for apart, separated by ^Bda or roQleaQX come and will cater for all A 70 New York. Lost. tons of bav, and large crops of vegetables are raised delegates.
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