i: n~ : n X ll «,::: l I: xii:~ 5 DIGIT 0290 41 1 31 90 X 5'] rt T ri.I f 11 IT ,._ T r. r , 1\ •• u 1... n J. II \,1.,.J I Y I \ CAL AS S:JCIATICN 13 S[SSI ~~ S ST. P~ 1v1 IC Ct~C C, • ,-, ...,nf\1 Rhode Island Jewish ' 1\.l VL.1v u ·wor1a News ......................... 1:-J Local News ...........•.............. 4-5 Essay ...•.....•••..•..................•.. 6-7 Around Town ....• - ................. 8 A & E ............................... 14-lfi Social Events •.......•........•. 16-17 HERALD Obituaries .............................. 18 Classified •.............................. 19 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVI, NUMBER 48 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1989 35¢ PER COPY ----Images of the Diaspora--­ Israel Aid, Jewish at Beth-El by John Chadwick 1 he colonel and the· rabbi are Working for the better part of Interests Imperiled, by In 19 I 8. the president of an gone now but their pa rticular two years. Goodwin has taken obscure Rhode Island synagogue brand of valor is still one of the great pains in the selections, Budget Cuts ~at alongside President most enduring signatures of the striving to present a chronicle of by Howard Rosenberg Woodrow Wilson and the American-Jewish experience. temple history that comes alive months of full funding, with one leaders of Europe during the The two men are part of a series with the sights. sounds and WASHINGTON (JTA) - month reduced by 5.3 percent, the Paris Peace Talks which of vivid images captured by smells of Diaspora Judaism - Lobbyists on Jewish issues were AIPAC official added. It is also concluded the first world war. local art historian George W. American style - with some sent scurrying to see how their not immediately clear how Israel's His name was Colonel Harry Goodwin who has wrapped up good humor thrown in as well. favorite programs would be af­ military aid, $1.8 billion in cred­ Cutler and his empathy for an ambitious gallery project A young man's religious fected by President Bush's order its to be spent on U.S. weaponry. European Jewry led him from called "Visions and Voices of school report card - .. P' for to make across-the-board budget will be affected by the cut. Temple Beth-El. in Providence. Beth-El." effort. ·-p· for attention - is cuts to meet deficit-reduction Bush's "sequestration" of fed­ to France where he participated juxtaposed with a letter from an targets. eral programs came after Congress in the negotiations which led to The gallery, known as the elderly woman asking for a new The cuts ordered are 5.3 per­ failed to agree on its 1990 deficit the Treaty of Versailles. Bernhardt Gallery of Temple seat - one farther away from cent in non-defense programs and reconciliation bill. That bill, for Nearly fifty years later, Rabbi History. is actually a tapestry of the temple organ which she 4.3 percent in Pentagon programs. the fiscal year that started Octo­ William G. Braude. also of American-Jewish folk history claimed hurt her ears. While they may very well be ber I, brings total spending for Temple Beth-El. left the Ocean that features clothes, There's a letter from a restored within a few weeks, it is the fiscal year in line with the State for a journey south - to correspondence and photo- Providence woman visiting not immediately clear how U.S. Gramm-Rudman-Hollings defi­ Selma. Alabama. There, he graphs culled from the temple what was then Palestine. She aid to Israel and other items of cit target of$ I 10 billion for 1990. To make it easier to negotiate joined Dr. Martin Luther King storage closet. The display is noted with dismay that her usual interest to Jews may be affected. the reconciliation bill. lawmak­ Jr. in one the most memorable open to the public and a room at the King David Hotel For example, Israel had been ers decided to remove non­ days of the Civil Rights dedication is scheduled this was not available - that section scheduled on October 30 to re­ essential items that would take a Movement. the Freedom March Friday. October 27 at the of the hotel had been blown up. ceive its $1.2 billion in economic long time to negotiate, including to Montogomery. temple. aid for the fiscal year. An official (continued on page 19) at the American Israel Public catastrophic health care. federal Affairs Committee said it has not aid for child care and a reduction yet been determined whether in the capital gains tax. Arguments Israel will receive the full figure But landmark child-care legis­ Sukkot Lubavitcher Style and be asked to refund 5.3 per­ lation is still expected to be ham­ Heard in cent of it, or if it will receive all mered out soon in a House-Senate but that $63.6 million. (continued on page 20) lnvoca · Israel could also receive 11 · Case Final arguments have been Women's Law in Israel: heard in the lawsuit brought by Daniel Weisman against the Emerging from the Wilderness Providence School District and a decision is expected shortly, by Ginni Walsh The Legal Center is indeed officials close to the case, say. UJ A Press Service bombarding the courts with µrc• Weisman, along with the cedcnt-setCing legal cases. More­ American Civil Liberties Union, J ER USA LEM, Israel - Attor­ over, it is just as active in pro­ sued last spring claiming the ney Judi AlayotT. 33, administra­ posing legislation for the Knesset. recital of an invocation at his tor of the Israel Women's Net­ The Center, initiated by Dr. daughter's graduation from the work Legal Center, is a striking Frances Raday, a lawyer and Nathan Bishop Middle School, example ofa generation of wom­ lecturer at the Hebrew Univer­ violated constitutional bans on en determined to make historic sity. receives most of its funding prayer in school. changes in Israel's legal system. from the Jewish Agency. The The school district has denied Surroundejd by law books and Agency is funded largely by the charge saying the invocation reams of research material. Alay­ American Jews through the was not meant to foster prayer otTsits in the Network's crowded United Jewish Appeal/ Federa­ resource library. Rabbi Yeshoshua Laufer's annual sukkot bash nearly raised the roof and was akin to invocations tion Campaign. Says AlayotT. of the Chabad House last Thursday. Pictured here is the Chabad before meetings of legislative "'We're making bigjumps now "Thanks to the Jewish Agency band which set many a foot tapping. bodies. but we're still about 20 years be­ we've been able to expand all of Because there was no question hind the United States," AlayotT our activities, including litiga­ over the facts of the case, the explains. "It's an uphill battle tion and legislative work." In (continued on page 20) and we know that we're going to fact, the Center 1s the only organ­ have to keep bombarding the ization in Israel to focus solely courts." (continued on page 20) R.I. JEWISH HERALD presents "Women In Business" PART/ Here's one for the record - Attorney Judy Alayoff (third from left) Read their stories discusses a precedent setting legal case with co-workers at the lsrud in this week's Herald Women's Network's Legal Center. The only organi1.ation in Israel to focus solely on promoting landmark legal cases for "omen, the Cenlcr receives most of its money from the Jewish Agency, the major r.-cipi­ ent of funds from the UJA/Fed.-ratlon Campaign. - UJA Pre~~ Service Photo by Zeev Ackerman - ,- 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1989 World and National News Tensions Rising Between NCJW Publishes Jewish Braille Institute V. P. Wins U.S. And Likud Choice Guides State Dept. Approval For Blind by David Landau NEW YORK. N.Y. -As part To Serve In Foreign Service have every right to refuse to talk of its public education campaign JERUSALEM (JTA)- Prime lo the PLO." Shamir declared. on a woman's right to choose A landmark State Department Minister Yitzhak Shamir had In Washington, State Depart­ abortion, the National Council decision lo permit qualified blind what his aides described as a "very ment spokeswoman Margaret of Jewish Women has published people to serve as Foreign Serv­ friendly" telephone conversation Tutwiler issued a sharply worded six Pro-Choice Strategy Guides. ice officers has been handed down rcrentl) with President Bush. statement calling those remarks in response to persistent efforts But however cordial the cx­ "unhelpful, and we are dis­ The guides offer information by a Jewish Braille Institute leader diangc may have been. it ap­ appointed." on Pro-Choice ranging from gen­ to expand the rights of the blind parently did not soothe Ameri­ But she emphasized at the same eral background information and visually impaired. can irritation over the Israeli time that the Bush administra­ and public education program premier's sharp remarks rejecting tion does not want a confronta­ ideas to strategics for social Avraham (Rami) Rabby. vice .\.merican and Egyptian efforts to tion with Israel. action and community service, president of JBI and an inter­ promote an Israeli-Palestinian In fact. Tutwiler stressed that public relations. membership nal ion a ll y rccogn ized authority on dialogue. the administration is continuing and fundraising. the employment of disabled per­ Shamir surprised opponents to work for the success ofShamir's sons. initiated the campaign after and supporters alike by telling own proposal for Palestinian elec­ In addition to education. the his personal application for Likud Knesset members that he tions in the West Bank and Gaza Guides are intended to help non­ appointment to a Foreign Serv­ would risk a confrontation with Strip.
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