Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 20, 2015 OUR 125th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 34-2015 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Stop & Shop Expansion Objector Files Court Appeal By DELL SIMEONE it was revealed that Mr. Gasiorowski 314 Mountain Avenue. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader was being paid by Village Supermar- A resolution was also passed ap- WESTFIELD – The town council kets, the owners of the Garwood proving the insertion in the munici- on Tuesday night held a brief regu- ShopRite. The case will now go to the pal budget of a grant from the lar meeting at which officials ap- State Appellate division, which will Westfield Foundation for $1,200 for proved 18 finance resolutions, a decide the matter, which could take the Westfield Memorial Library sum- public safety resolution and various over a year. mer program. property and code requirements. A The council approved monies for A resolution was approved to add workshop meeting preceded the the Downtown Westfield Corpora- $7,685 to the budget, representing a regular meeting. tion in the amounts of $102,477 for grant obtained by the federal Depart- It was announced at the meeting August and the same amount for ment of Justice through the Bullet- that James Hughes of Westfield has November to promote business ini- proof Vest Partnership Program. filed an appeal of State Superior Court tiatives in town. The amount of $3,000 was ap- Judge Karen Cassidy’s June decision A resolution was passed that ap- proved by resolution for an applica- upholding the Westfield Planning proved the application by the tion for the Flood Hazard Area Pond Board’s approval of an addition and Westfield Historical Society to the Cleaning permit for work proposed renovation of the Westfield Stop & Union County Trust Fund for Rec- at Mindowaskin Park. Town Admin- Shop. Mr. Hughes is represented by reation and Historic Preservation, istrator Jim Gildea said the park will attorney Ronald Gasiorowski. Dur- for a grant of $100,000 for restora- be 100 years old in 2018. Mayor ing the planning board’s proceedings tions to the Reeve House, located at Andrew Skibitsky said dredging the pond will make the water flow better. The council authorized a resolu- Fanwood Council Approves tion which authorizes the tax collec- tor to participate in a pilot program to Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader conduct online tax sales, which is IMPROVEMENTS COMING SOON… Work is about is begin on the former site of the New Norris Chevrolet property on Contract For Skate Park believed to attract a greater pool of North Avenue. Redcom Design and Construction will be the new owners and tenants of the lot following rehabilitation and potential buyers. construction of an addition to the existing structure. The sign for the original owner, Rotchford Pontiac, is now visible. By DANIEL SAVICKAS an ordinance passed by the board of The council also authorized a reso- Written Specially for The Westfield Leader health that now makes it illegal to feed lution awarding a contract to Verizon FANWOOD – In the midst of what wild animals on private property. This Wireless to place a node on the chim- Zoo Property to Be Off she described as the “dog days of sum- new ordinance, however, excludes the ney of the Westfield Memorial Li- mer with blistering hot weather,” Mayor feeding of birds. Councilman Kranz brary at 550 East Broad Street. Colleen Mahr stood at the podium dur- played up the importance of the ordi- Verizon will pay the town $8,000 a ing Monday evening’s borough coun- nance by saying, “These animals will year to lease the space. Limits to Development cil session to talk about how excited she come back if you feed them and they’ll The council approved resolutions was to be swearing in Eryn Sinclair to leave their calling card with their waste granting permission to various build- By FRED T. ROSSI purposes. ager Al Mirabella told the council the Fanwood Recreation Commission. or even disease. We should not be feed- ers to demolish 10 single-family Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The 5-to-0 vote will allow the mu- that roof repairs and ceiling renova- Mayor Mahr described Ms. Sinclair’s ing these animals on our properties.” homes in several neighborhoods in SCOTCH PLAINS — The town- nicipal government to receive a siz- tions at the Shady Rest Clubhouse previous work in therapeutic recreation Mayor Mahr chimed in that it might be order to build new ones. ship council on Tuesday approved an able state grant to help finance clean- are near completion and that he ex- at both Kean University and the JFK useful for the council to assist in publi- The next council meeting will be ordinance that authorizes a deed re- up efforts at the property, which town- pects the building to be re-opened Medical Center, noting that someone cizing the new ordinance so the public held on Tuesday, September 1, at 7 striction that will limit the former zoo ship officials plan to turn into a pas- next month. The council also ap- with that background will certainly can be more informed on the matter. p.m., at the municipal building, lo- property from being used for any- sive park. The governing body has proved a resolution authorizing up to enhance the commission. The mayor Councilwoman Katherine Mitchell cated at 425 East Broad Street. thing but recreation and open space had several discussions this year on $43,106 for Barton Ross & Partners also mentioned her own personal en- followed the subject of wild animals by whether to accept the state assistance, to prepare construction documents thusiasm about having a woman aboard mentioning the progress of the effort to which required the township to ap- for the restoration of the building’s on the commission. With that, Mayor clear poison ivy out of the Fanwood prove a deed restriction on the prop- exterior — a sort of second phase in Mahr swore in Ms. Sinclair officially, Nature Center by using goats to eat Mountainside Council Gives erty so that it remained as a recreation the overall refurbishment of the his- which was followed by a brief round of away at the invasive plants. Council- facility “in perpetuity,” said Town- toric building. Mr. Mirabella said that applause by those in attendance. woman Mitchell expressed how im- ship Attorney Robert Renaud. That after the exterior work is underway, Commencing with further official pressed she was with the progress and Update on Traffic Delays provision had raised concerns among the “biggest phase” — renovations to business, the council unanimously added, “Those goats are just so darn some on the council who were hesi- the building’s interior — will be ad- passed 12 resolutions concerning mu- cute.” Mayor Mahr echoed the senti- By KATE BROWNE intersection. The mayor assured resi- tant about making what Deputy dressed. He said, and his sentiments nicipal matters. Councilman Jack ments, saying she has seen “significant Specially Written for The Westfield Leader dents that Department of Transporta- Mayor Colleen Gialanella said sev- were echoed by Mayor Kevin Glover, Molenaar was absent from the meeting progress already.” MOUNTAINSIDE — The bor- tion officials appear to be responsive eral months ago would be “a lifetime that he was interested in “moving this due to vacation. Included among the Ms. Mitchell added that the Fan- ough council updated the public on to the public’s concerns and are in- commitment” in exchange for the forward.” resolutions was one awarding a con- wood Memorial Library’s donation several issues including traffic back- vestigating the situation and possible state funding of about $60,000. Mr. Mirabella also said that the tract to set up a skate park in Fanwood drive is fast approaching in September ups on New Providence Road and solutions. Mayor Mirabelli indicated Mr. Renaud said on Tuesday that if township’s summer road work pro- to Kaltech Engineering. However, gov- and urged Fanwood residents to bring Route 22, and also honored Jeffrey that the goal is to have the situation the approximately six-acre site were gram — which involved repaving of erning body members did not discuss their unused books for the drive that Whyte, who recently received his resolved prior to the start of the up- to be sold to a private developer, the 11 sections of roadway — was set to any immediate details on the skate park will take place at the library on Septem- Eagle Scout Award from the Boy coming school year. government would be “essentially be completed this week, “on time and at that time. ber 12, 14, 15, and 16. Scouts of America. Regarding the recognition of Jef- cheating the public” since the prop- under budget.” He said the extra funds Moving forward, the council pro- The council then opened the meet- Mayor Paul Mirabelli advised the frey Whyte, Mayor Mirabelli noted erty had been purchased 15 years ago would be used to upgrade the side- ceeded with general announcements. ing to the public. A disgruntled resident public that a member of the council that Eagle Scout is the highest rank using township open space trust fund walks around the municipal build- Councilman Russell Huegel discussed expressed various concerns to the gov- and Police Chief Allan Attanasio have attainable in the Boy Scouting pro- money raised through local property ing. the efforts of the Department of Public erning body, as well as to the few who been in contact with the New Jersey gram and involves vigorous require- taxes.
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