5526 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1885. cate plans and sections of the proposed tram ways ' commencing at Shaft No. 1 and terminating in and works, a book of reference to such plans, and Shaft No. 2 before described. a copy of this notice as published in the London (e.) A shaft or well, called Shaft No. 3, at or Gazette, will on or before the 30th day of near the statue Stone Moses before described, on November instant be deposited for public inspec- the west side thereof. tion with the clerk of the peace for Middlesex, (/) An adit or tunnel, called Tunnel No. 3, at his office in Clerkenwell, and that a copy of so commencing at Shaft No. 1 already described, and much of the said plans, sections, and book of terminating at Shaft No. 3. reference as relates to each of the parishes and (0.) A shaft or well, called Shaft No. 4, and other places from, in, through, or into which the a deep boring therein, and a pumping engine, and proposed tramways and works will be made or additional buildings, at or near the Company's pass, and also a copy of this notice as published engine-house, on the south side thereof. in the London Gazette, will on or before the same (/i.*) A shaft or shallow well, called Shaft No. 5, day be deposited for public inspection as follows, at a point in a field in the parish of Kettering, that is to say, as regards the parish of St. Mary, belonging to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch Islington, with the vestry clerk of that parish, at and Queensberry, occupied by the executors of the his office at the Vestry Hall, Upper-street, Isling- late William Blott, being 30 yards, or thereabouts, ton ; as regards the parish of Hornsey, with the in a so nth-westerly direction from the avenue parish clerk of that parish at his residence; as leading to Warkton from the Kettering and Stam- regards the parish of St. James and St. John, ford main road, and 260 yards, or thereabouts, Clerkenwell, with the vestry clerk of that in a south-easterly direction from the said main parish at his office, 58, Rosoman-street, Clerken- road. well ; as regards the parish of St. Luke, Middle- (/) A conduit or line of pipes, called Conduit sex; with the vestry clerk of that parish, at the Vestry Hall in the City-road; and as regards the No. 1, commencing at Shaft No. 5 last described, parish of St. John at Hackney, with the clerk and terminating in Shaft No. 3. of the Board of Works for the Hackney District (A.) A shaft or well, called Shaft No. 6, and a at his office at the Town Hall, Hackney. pumping engine and buildings near or adjoining And notice is hereby further given, that-on or the same, at a point in a pasture field, in the before the 21st day of December in the present parish of Warkton, belonging to his Grace the year printed copies of the intended Act will be Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, and deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House occupied by John George Johnson, such point of Commons. - being 130 yards, or thereabouts, north of the farm . Dated this 18th day of November, 1885. buildings at Cinque Foil Farm, and 16 yards, or Hugh C. Godfray, 101, Finsbury-pavement, thereabouts, east of the occupation or farm road B.C., Solicitor for the Bill. leading from the aforesaid farm buildings to the Sherwood and (70., 7, Great George-street, public road from Warkton to Grafton Underwood. Westminster, S.W., Parliamentary (/.) A conduit or line of pipes, called Conduit Agents. No. 2, commencing at the pumping engine lastly hereinbefore -described, and terminating by a Board of Trade—Session 1886. connection with the Company's main, in the Kettering Waterworks. parish of Weekley, in or under the main road rom Kettering to Stamford, at the point where (Application to Board of Trade, tinder the Gas the public road leading from Warkton joins the and Waterworks Facilities Act, 1870, for a said main road. Provisional Order authorizing construction of (m.) A reservoir or covered tank, immediately New Works ; Extension of limits of Water adjoining and on the north side of the Company's Supply; Increase of Capital, &c.) existing reservoir in the parish of Kettering. "jVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Kettering 2. To extend the urea or limits within Avhich JL1 Waterworks Company Limited (hereinafter the Company are now authorized to supply water, called the Company) intend to apply to the Hoard and to include within such limits and enable the of Trade, under the Gas and Waterworks Facilities Company to supply water for public, private, and Act, 1870, for a Provisional Order, to be con- other purposes to or within the whole or some firmed in Parliament in the ensuing session, for parts of the parish of Warkton, in the county of the following purposes, that is to say :—' Northampton, and to confer upon the Company 1. For powers to make, sink, construct, and powers for affording throughout the whole or any maintain the following works in the several part of their limits of supply as extended, a proper parishes of Kettering, Weekley, and Warkton, in and sufficient supply of water, and for preventing the county of Northampton, or some of them. the waste, misuse, and contamination of the water (o.) A shaft or well, called Shaft No. 1, in a of the Company. pasture field, in the parish ef Weekley, belonging 3. To authorize the Company to raise additional to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queens- capital not exceeding the sum of £15,000, by the berry, and occupied by the executors of the late issue of new shares of £5 each, for the purpose of William Blott, at a point of 95 yards, or there- paying for and constructing the new works herein abouts, in a south-easterly direction from the described, and also for extending the Company's Company's engine-house, and 25 jards, or there- mains for supplying water, and for the general abouts, in a south-westerly direction from the purposes of the undertaking. statue known as Stone Moses. 4. To exercise the following powers, or some of (5.) A shaft or well, called Shaft No. 2, in the them, namely, to lay down and maintain conduits, same field, at a point 140 yards, or thereabouts, aqueducts, pipes, culverts, and other works in, in a southerly direction from the engine-house, under, over, across, and along, and to cross, break and 110 yards, or thereabouts, in a south-westerly up, alter, divert, or stop up, or otherwise interfere direction from the statue be fore-mentioned. with roads, streets, highways, alleys, public places, (c.) An adit or tunnel, called Tunnel No. 1, footpaths, bridges, sewers, drains, streams, brooks, commencing in the well at the Company's engine- and watercourses, within the said parishes of house and terminating in the Shaft No. 1 before Kettering, Weekley, and Warkton, or any of them. described. 5. On or before the 30th day of November, (d.) An adit or tunnel, called Tunnel No. 2, 1885, a copy of this advertisement, and a plan.
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