clupw AGRICULTU1UL AND DOMESTIC Wild ColumbiueH. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Oh ; tho south elopes are puiple with vio'.etf. „ the third story of the brick block corner of Main The fields are ablaze with gold stars, and Huron streets, And the prodigal Indian tobacco Has whitened the lane to the bars. >NK ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN, The shad-i loesoms mimic a snow-stoim, fiitranco on Huron stroot, opposite the Gregory Well down in (ke 'hick of the woods; ' HOUHG. By the spring-side the great orange oowslipi Have shyly crept out cf iheir hoods. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, And the wizard, with five yellow fingera, Hits down by the strawberry blooms, lerms, S3.00 a year, or SI.50 iu advance nliero a blue-winged fra;l epicurean Is drowning himielf in perfumes. There are Bethleham buds in the. pasture, BATES OF ADVERTISING Ihero aro buttercups hard by the marsh, There are wake-robina down in the ewamr-grove. 1». 2 W. I 3 W. 6 w. I 3 m. 6 m. 1 year Where the sedge-flag is wiry and harsh ; 1 square• $ 75 $1 25 $1 50$2 50 $3 50 $5 00$8 00 And crowded and sweeton toe ledges •) squares. 1 50 2 00 2 5(1 3 50 6 00 8 00 12 00 Wild saxifrage nods as you paps, ares 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 5015 00 And maidenly mre droop the wind flowers 3 50 0 00 15 0025 00 That hide in too sheltering grass, 5 00 8 00 12 00 20^00 30 00 VOLUME XXXI. But I share them. I'npluclrrd fiom my pathway j column 5 uui 7 uo 10 00 1.T00I24 00 38 00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1876. I brush bacX the sweet-breaihing fern, 5 column 7 OOilO 00 is oo 2o;oo 3o;oo J , in tm ifi nn NUMBER 1604. And I pass by the spicy-breathed birch-iiee, ]coliunil..:lO m< 18 »» 18 00 22_00 35 OOjSO 00|l00 00 Whose tassels trail into th« burn. •Twelve lines or less considered a square. BAWLING BELLA. or had run back under the train, and I am hunting the ehyest of beantie?, Cards iu Directory, not to exceed four lines, $4.00, The cars flew so this way and that, and That flower with a tropical cheek. BY F. B. BUGHAN. forgot the creature. But when we'd got I lay flat enough between the raiis. Bu PltOSPEBITt IN IRELAND. forced debauch, or both. As Mr. Jew- ' jjininoss or special notices 12 cents a line for the the lights went by like flashes, and the engines—the ash-boxes of ihe en Where the crimson shows bright through ils ^i/jsertJon* and 8 cents for each subsequent In- O dear ! some cotton ! what a fearful din! to Seestadt, and the grate of iny engine everywhere one heard the groaning and A Prosperity Attained Through Terribl* ell is but 26 years old, and has a strong brownness. Why, there she stands the sweetest elf alive, was being cleaned Oftt, the fellow down ginesj 1 JkneW sll three etlgihea tha and vigorous constitution, it is hoped As the blood of a brunette should speak T e n<1 clinking of the buffers crashing together, Wiffefina—Condition of the People Gen- High and shy, in the p.'accs untrodden, "jj»rrW * death notices free; obituary notices Her hair untortured by a crisping pin, underneath there with the poker called still Stood iired tip at the station as wel that he will soon be well.—Hudson (iV. ,'vuts a line. The widest little shoes we could contrive, and the men crept about under ahtl be- as my tobacco-pouch. The ' Wittekind erally Ameliorated. It blooms in the shade of the rocku, out from the ash-hole: ' Hornig, Hornig, [From the London Spectator.] Y.) Republican. And waven its flushed bells to the passer, yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing No cruel corBet those soft ribs to fre': tween the cars aa if tlte wheels were would go harmless enough over me, Whose loolting and longing it mocks t tteir advertisements quarterly. Additional chang- From a loose belt her light sash fluttering falls you've brought a roast with you. I be- gingerbread and the buffers downy pil- Na one who now revisits Ireland after ;.« vrill be charged for. The very picture of lithe ease, and yet lieve the fire of the Pluto has scorched even though I had been stouter than 1 DWARFS] This moment a yellow throat fluttered \dvertisements unaccompanied by written or She bawls ! our Bella bawls ! lows. But before all there was a wretch- was; tke 'Hermann,' too, might be mer- an absence of some years can have any verbal directions will be published three months, the fellow's brains. Come down and doubt that she has made a considerable Just over my head from % tree ; mdcharged accordingly. Ind how she bawls! just see those knotted scowls, ed little assistant station-master I could ciful to me, at any rats if it was Oarry- A Nobby Little Conple. And I followed him up through the basbes, How the sobs struggle in her little throat; see! Sure enough, as true as I sit here, not bear the man, because he once came advance In material prosperity. Evi- [From the Philadelphia Times.] Half-Hoping his ftest I should see, tegal advertising, first insertion, 70 cents per ing little water and^ fire, ahd the sleet)- And there were the columbines, hiding folio; -tf cents per folio for each subsequent inser- What swelling gurgles, what tumultuous howls, there lay my hare underneath in my ash- very much iu my way in a certain matter | era uiirle>' me cucln't Bland iip too much; dfeiice of tfae fact is boftie in ijpon him Two of the smallest children in the .M 'when a postponement is added to an advertise- And then, at last, that long, wild, piercing note • box, dead and half stewed. The ash-box in a multiplicity of Ways. 'Jhe pros- In the rocky cleft? scattered about. ment, the whole will be charged the same as the first oor Bridget trembles, faithless brothers jeer ' —but I could not help looking in amaze- but under the'Slius,'one of the new, werld for tkeir ages, which are 12 years Ah I my sunny-fuced g(»ld-bearted >>eautte». Mamma turns pale, "Who's killed?" her fathf i nvupt have caught him on the jump. He perity is not such as this country enjoys, My darlings, your secret is out I iasertiou. ment as I paw Jus signal lantern every- lew-built elephants, I was a dead man. and 1.2 years and 2 months, respect- —Independent. calls, •was in a hurry to be roasted." but of its kind it is real and consider- ively, were introduced to the faculty And tho wide eyes of startled guests sav, "Hear !". where, swinging in an inch, swinging Ay ! dead ? That wouldn't be the worst. JOB " She bawls ! your Bella bawls!" Loud laughter followed tire young en- horizontally, swinging crosswise, up, able. It has been attained through ter- and students of tii& Jefferson Medical Aronnd the Farm. gineer's story. I should be slowly crushed and torn into rible sufferings, that reflect discredit Pimphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, down, behind, before, and heard his shreds. Which engine was it, then College recently. SenoHta Lucia ITALIAN farmers, in order to prevent jsll Tickets. Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads and other And ail tho worla seems bawling m reply; "Now laugh, will J-ou, you stupid shrill voice through all the storm. And on our statesmanship and our intelli- Zarata, a sprightly brunette, is a fraction harness and articles in leather generally .irietics of Plain and Fancy Job Printing executed Nat barks like mad, tho cross o!d parrot feoolds blockheads, at the poor beast!" growled coming there ? gence, but now that the suffering is past, from suffering from the ammoniacal till promptness, and in the best possible style. The six canaries, sworn to do or die, ' ' see, I'd just called to the man as I saw "All this, you see, boys,I had thought under twenty inches high and weighs Shriek till a napkin every cage enfr,IaB . Eimmermaun, as he filled the glasses; him slip through between two buffers, it is some consolation that it has not five pounds in her elegant street cos- odors of the stable, add a little glycer- The robins wrangle where the cherrfpR „ ' „ between the blow and the lying flat; ine to the grease employed to coat the Tha horses whinny in the dio^nt stalls " because you don't know what a cursed tjat he ought not to be so devilish reck- been undergone altogether in vain. * * * tume, which includes complete female BUSINESS DIRECTORY. pleasant feeling one has under <m ash- but when I Was once dpwh( all cScula' leather. A good idea, but a better one The hens all cackle, and the r ooBters crow- less, in a storm -where one could neither tion ceased^ and it •tyas just biv intit I Formerly the tenant had no protection garb, from a bonnet down to the mod- Sbe bawls ! our Bella bav/^'; box. " see nor hear a thing, and might slip against eviction but the good feeling of ern gaiter, the latter being less than is to allow none of the ammonia to es- TMINALD MACLEAN, M. D., Pbysician and g, g stretched taftieil but; and held my breath cape.
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