1570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. TEXAS. if consent be given, then I a-sk unanimous consent that the Clinton J. Farrell to be postmaster at Vernon, in the county of stitute be read instead of the bill. Wilbarger and State of Texas, in place of Clinton J. Fan·ell. In­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania cumbent's commission expired January 23, 190-!. unanimous consent to consider a bill, the title of which the Clerk VEID£01\""T. will report. John Metcalf to be postma ter at Fair Haven, in the county of The Clerk read as follows: Rutland and State of Vermont, in place of Ira R. Allen, decea ed. The bill (H. R. 8889) to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Monongahela River in the State of Pennsylvania by the Eastern Railroad WASHINGTON. Company. William R. Baker to be postmaster at Colville, in the county The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The of Stevens and State of Washington, in place of William R. Chair hears none. What is the gentleman's request? Baker. Incumbent's commission expired January 3, 1904. Mr. DALZELL. I ask that the reading of the bill be omitted Judson J. :Merriman to be po tmaster at Lind, in the county of and that the amendment in the nature of a substitute be read. Adams and State of Washington. Office became Presidential The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the substitute. Januarv 1 190-!. The Clerk read as follows: Jame·s W. O'Connell to be postmaster at Republic, in the That section 4 of an act approved F ebruary 18, 1903, entitled "An act to county of Ferry and State of Washington, in place of John Stack. authorize the construction of a bridge aero t he Monongahela River in the Incumbent's commission expired· December 14:, 1903. State of Pennsylvania by the Eastern Railroad Company," be, and t he John F. Spangle to be postmaster at Cheney, in the county of same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: " SEC. 4. That this act shall be null and void if aetna.! construction of the Spokane and State of Wa-shington, in place of Alexander Watt, bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed resigned. within two years from February 18, 1904:." George Vetter to be postmaster at Sunnyside, in the county of The amendment was considered, and agreed to. Yakima and State of Washington. Office became Presidential The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was January 1, 1904:. read the third time, and passed. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the title will be amended. CONFIRMATIONS. There was no objection. Exemttive nominations confirmed by the Senate February 9, 1901,. CONSULAR AND DIPLOMATIC APPROPRIATION BILL. CONSUL. Mr. HITT. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House now resolve John Todd Hill, of Connecticut, to be consul of the United itself into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the States at San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua. Union for the further consideration of the bill H. R. 11287, the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill; and, pending that, I RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MOl'I"'EYS. ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from At·kansas [Mr. A. J. Gillis, of Walla Walla, Wash., to be receiver of public DINSMORE] and I be allowed to control the time in general debate. moneys at Walia Walia, Wa-sh. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from illinois moves that the MARSHAL. House resolve itself into Committee of the Whole House on the Charles Lewiston, of Wisconsin, to be United States marshal state of the Union for the further consideration of the diplomatic for the western district of Wisconsin. and consular appropriation bill, and, pending that, he asks unani­ mous consent that the time for general debate be under control POSTMASTERS. of himself and the gentleman from Arkanca [Mr. DINSMORE]. COLORADO. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. Paul J. Sours to be postmaster at Denver, in the county of Den­ The motion was agreed to. ver and State of Colorado. Accordingly the House resolved itself into Committee of the GEORGIA. Whole House on the state of the Union, with Mr. LACEY in the Mattie H. Hanson to be postmaster at Forsyth, in the county of chair. Monroe and State of Georgia. The CHAIRMAN. The House is now in f'_,ommittee of the Hugh M. Pierce to be postmaster at Moultrie, in the county of Whole House on the state of Union for the further consideration Colquitt and State of G~orgia. of House bill11287, the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill. :mssoURr. Mr. HITT. Mr. Chairman, may I ask the gentleman from Ar- Henry J. Crider to be postmaster at Maitland, in the county of kansas about how much time his side will require for general Holt and State of Missouri. debate? Edward Myers to be postmaster at Appleton City, in the county Mr. DINS~ORE . Since I last conferred with the chairman of St. Clair and State of Missouri. several gentlemen have spoken to me asking for time, and it js John P. Rankin to be postmaster at Higbee, in the county of probable that there will be considerable time desired upon this Randolph and State of Missouri. side of the House. NEW YORK Mr. HITT. One hour or two hours? · . Mr. DINSMORE. I think even more than that; I think about Job~ M . Brown to be postmaster at Port Jefferson, m the county three hours. I suggest that we can probably reach an agreement of S~?lk and State of ~ ew York. about the time later in the day. · W~ S. McLaughlin to ~epostmaster at Avon, m the county Mr. HITT. Very well, we will go on, and agree as we proceed. of LIVmgston.and State of New York. I now yield to the gentleman from Connecticut [Mr. SPERRY] :fif- Owel H. Willard to be postmaster at Randolph, m the county I tee::1 minutes. of Cattaraugus and State of New York. 1\Ir. SPERRY. Mr. Chairman, on Monday last our friend from wrscoNsm. 1\fas achusetts [1\Ir. THAYER] , in his speech upon the Panama Walter C. Crocker to be po.stma ~rat Spooner, m the county matter, referred to a petition from New Haven, which had been of Washburn and State of WISConsm. sent to the Senate as a petition from the representative men of Yale. The petition which he spoke of was sent to the Senator from Massachusetts, 1\ir. HoAR, and contained about twenty HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. names in all. There were among those names some of the pro­ WEDNESDAY, February 3, 1904. fessors of Yale, but a very few in number. I am quite sure that my friend from Massachusetts does not wish to inflict a The House .met at 12 o'clock m. wrong upon any members of Yale, that being the college from Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HIDi'RY N. CotJDEN, D. D. which he graduated, and therefore he must take a little pride in The Journal of ye terday's proceedings was read and approved. that institution. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, HOLLY SPR~GS , MISS. As I have already said, that petition, containing twenty names, Mr: SPIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take more or less, was sent to the Senate and presented to that body from the Private Calenda:r House resolution No. 181 and recom­ by the distinguished Senator from Ma sachusetts, 1\fr. HoAR. mit it to the Committee on War Claims. But there was another petition, also from citizens of New Haven, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Mississippi asks unan­ sent to the Senator from Connecticut, 1\ir. PLATT, signed by imous consent that House resolution No. 181, on the Private Cal­ nearly 100 men, many of them connected with the institution to endar, be t.aken from the Calendar and recommitted to the Com­ which the gentleman from Massachusetts refers. I do not wish to see an injustice done to any person, especially in my own dis­ mittee on War Claims. Is there objection? [After a pause.] trict, or to have them misrepresented. I do not think that my The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. friend from Ma sachlisetts intended to misrepresent, but he left BRIDGE ACROSS MO. 'ONGAHELA RIVER. a false impres ion upon the Members of the House. Mr. DALZELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for I wish at this time to send to the Clerk's de k the petition the present consideration of the following bill; and, Mr. Speaker, which I have just refer.red to as the one sent to the Senator from 1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 1571 Connecticut, that the same may be read. I want the names read, holder upon the petition. I present this petition in justice to the also their profession or business, and when read I wish to make people of my district, some of whom think that the speech of my it a part of my remarks, that these names may be published in distinguished friend from Massachusetts did not present the mat­ the RECORD. ter in its true light and gave a false impression of the sentiments The Clerk read as follows: prevalent at Yale University upon this subject. I wish to add Whereas we, the undersigned citizens of New Haven, Conn., without dis­ that in the columns of the New Haven Register only a day or two tinction of party, believe that the President of the United States was fully ago one of the signers expressed himself upon this subject.
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