WESTFIELD LEADER THI UADING AMD MOST WIMIY C1MLULATEB WUsXLY MWUAMt IN WHOM COVHTf temt iCWice, WMUIeM, K. J.* WESTFIELD, NEW JEKSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1950 Adult School To!^,? County Republicans Plot Welch, Evans Public Schools ^care-Buying May Seek Vote Fall Election Strategy On %» Zones Horace E. Baker of Westteld, John T. Hopkins, Robert S. Snev- To Open Sept 6 Register By Mail •*«•Sugar Slocks « chairman of the Union County ily, Bert L. Roeber, Henry L. Builders To Ask Republican Committee, announced Johnson, Charles W. Proton, John Lyons Hospital Returning To the committee's plane today for H. VanderVcer, Arthur D. Bauer, Council Aid On Cloudy Weather, ICurriculuM To Seeks Volunteers Store Shelves the fall election campaign. Robert F, Gunbert, Conrad B. Nov. 5 Referendum Deficiency Exaw, The first atep will be an inten- Lewis, Frank E. Marik, Harvey B. Stumen Forecast sive drive to register all cititeni Dr. Crawford H. Bagam, mana- Daycock, Arthur Baker, Henry C. Following announcement that a The U. S. Weather Bureau last feature Foreign According to reports received before Sept. 28, the deadline for ger of the Lyons Veterans Admin- Van Reasselaer, Donald Bagger, Newark realty syndicate has aban- night predicted that today would Enrollment Plan yesterday from WeetAeld retail- registration of voters. Special em- istration Hospital, has announced Sidney L. Mapes, Mrs. Hilda Eich- doned plans to buiid a $1,600,00 gar- be rather cloudy with a few scat- ers, local housewives have given phasis will be placed on the regis- JRelations Course that the fall drive for volunteer horn, Mrs. Decker, Mr. Evans, den apartment in Brightwood ave- tered showers and the highest tem- up their rather frantic quest of tration of new votera who have Are Explained workers at the hospital has opened George W. Ruckert, Donald M. nue, Herbert R. Welch Jr., West- perature in the upper 70s, The sugar which has prevailed for themoved to Union County in recent and will continue through Septem- Pearsall, Florence Schierenbeck, fleld builder, revealed this week outlook for tomorrow and Satur- The W«rt0cl4 Adult School will past six weeks. As a result, sugar months. All Westfteld public achoata will er. Charles Doerr, Albert Kaufman, that he will ask Town Council to day is for some cloudiness, with continue the practice of allowing stocks on grocery shelves are be- ipen on Wednesday, Sept. 4, •* During the sil weeks prior to Mra. DuBois Rcilly, Jack Camillo consider adding a referendum to chancy of afternoon showers or people to register by mail during All persons between the ages of ginning to return to normalcy in he following hours', Gra4* testate* Election Day, a whirlwind cam- and Mrs. Jean Teslof. the Nov. 5 election ballot for "G' thumjerehoweig, The highest tern- )u week prior to registration 21 and 45 who are willing to give quantity and variety. However, it 9 a. m., Junior and Major alt* paign will be conducted to insure Garwood: Public meetings, zones for garden apartments.. Last peratfcres on those days will be night, from Be*. 1J-J2. ThU itregular service art asked to con-several of the storekeepers inter- ,chool» at S-.2B i. m. Each gtttm victory for all Union County Re- Percy Watt and Clara DeFteitat; spring Mr. Welch submitted plans in the lower 80s, for convenience to those people tact Red* Cross Headquarters, We. viewed said they were still limiting hool or junior hi|-h sckoat P*|M publican candidates. For this pur- Central campaign, L. Thomas to the Board of Adjustment for a who cannot register in person on 2-1031, and arrange for an inter- each customer to a certain amount will report directly to the rtNa pose plans have been prepared for Daub, John F. Richardson, Ber- $700,000 72 unit garden apartment Monday, Sept. 26, in the cafeteria view. Those accepted for service of sugar. umber designated on kit proaw* will be given a training course at an intensive canvass of all voter* nard Bteiner, Albert H. Miller, at 023-1010 Central avenue and of Roosevelt Junior High School soap powders, and deter- Defense Council Ton card. High school pupil* wU' from 7:30 to 9 p. m. For those the hospital. in every precinct. Mr. Baker has Joseph E. Humenik, Fred L. Cow- made a request for a zoning ex- gents continue to be snatched up, •eport directly to hwaerooM* who register in penon, counselors appointed the following commit- ell, Burton E. Dickerman, Archie ception which was declined. with several store managers re- lom«rooin liata will b» potted fc| •nd instructor! will be present to tees and local members to conduct 8. Darroch, Michael Galiuewski, Robert L. Evans, another West- porting they are entirely "out" of Plans Expanded he boys and s>irla locker rootaa, answer questions about the 32 dif- the fall campaign, in which a David A. Murray, Clara DeFreitas, Aeld builder, whose $500,000 Dor- Gas Price Level the latter item. From one store it United States Representative, Jane Miller, Albert Gill and Wil- m the bulletin board tad •« ferent courses. ian road project was also stymied, he door of each homerwiw was learned that no soap shipment three Freeholders and a Sheriff liam Gilbert. said he probably would join Mr. Director Names Robert L. Foose, president of the had been received in seven weeks. are to be eleeted: DefieitHcu Exem.imtm*i '"* board of directors, today stated, Mountainside: Public meetings, Welch in asking Town Council to Junior high deflciencf «SMH<M> Held In Town Shortenings, which were report- Westfleld: Public meetings, Roy Walter F. Haupt and Harry W. reestablish the referendum plan. Zoning Committee "Wertneld will have another op- ed to be scarce in past weeks, are ions will be liven at 9 a. m. at» E. Kitthell, Union, chairman; Rob- Beechler; general, campaign, The apartment problem in West- portunity thisxfall to enjoy an out- Lonsdale Green Jr., Addison C. 'uesday, Sept. B, in roam 107, move abundant in Westfleld stores ert L. Evans and Mrs, Florence Charles N, Thorn, Robert Laing, standing pnrram of adult classes. War Renewed field has met with opposition from Ely, and Union County Park Police Senior high deficiency ***** this week. With the drop in de- Decker of Westfleld; speakers, H. Wilton F. Unning, Arthur H. Whether one Is Interested In learn- residents in various sections. In Chief Lyman L. Parks were ap- nations will be given at 9 a. m, Along Highway mand for shortenings, the atten- Russell Morn, Summit, chairman, Lennox, Charles E. Jerome, Al- ing more about the ligniflcance of 1948 the Belcher Report advo- pointed Tuesday night as a com- m Friday, Sept. 1, and TiMaday, tion of buyers has been shifted to Edgar E, Rumple, Helen Steff«n, bert E, Hartung, Charles Herrick, today's headlines in the news, how 1 cated a 6-1 ratio of one-family mittee to form a table of organ- Sept. 5, in room 118. SehedlM Although the gasoline price war oils, which are reportedly being Mr, Evans, Hilda Eichhorn and Charlea Canon, William Steven- to improve his own capabilities, or dwellings and apartments respec- isation for the Westfleld Civil' De- howing individual examination* broke out again this week in sev-sold out rapidly. Paul E. Davis; general campaign, son, Fabian E. Vincent, Joseph how to develop new recreational tively. At that time Frank Temin, fense Council. will be posted in the wain hal eral. sections of Union County, The stocks of Union County tire F. Edward Biertuempfel, Union, A. C. Komich, Norman W. Wool- outlets, there is something in the Maplewood realty operator, was Chief Parks, council director, building Sept. 1. ' Westfleld service station operators distributors and retailers ere de-Alex Campbell, Scotch Plains, co- ley, William Stevenson, Walter F. program for everyone. planning to erect a 150-family and other members of the council To be eligible for an eiemiaa- mantained the 26.7 and 24.7 cents pleted because of scare-buying. In chairmen, and Charles P, Bailey, Haupt, Emily Hoffarth and James apartment in Brightwood avenue met in Town Hall to discuss fur- on a pupil must prennt • e*r- "At the present time there is a gallon price level. the l>ast eight weeks tire Kales have Jane F. Jones, Dennis N. Lever, E. Mitchell. which would bring Westfleld to ther expansion and operation of iflcate of tutoring or «vid«»ce of i phenomenal growth in commun- Frank C. Housman of Rahway, been at their highest point in 27 about the 6-1 ratio, but early this the defense set-up. mving attended a rammer school. ity schools for adults .throughout president of the Union County years of business, an ' Elizabeth Scotch Plains Man, 24, pring he sold the tract to the Enrollment ' the state. Many of them follow Gasoline Dealers' Association, said distributor said. A directive from the State Civil Dr.J.K.QuayTo Essex County realty interests. Fupilt who did not attend WMU ' the same pattern ai our local that the county dealers have Defense Council which gives Wcst- latest Polio Victim ild schools last year aro invited school. However, in some respects agreed to cut their prices where fleld an evacuee quota of 1,840 in enroll according to the follow- We»tfield hat always been unique, necessary to meet competition. Speak Sunday event of an atom bomb attack on Ai a self-supporting school, spon- Birch Hill Group So far this year Westfteld has Chapel Rooms New York was read to the group g schedule: Senior high school, p sored by dozens of local organiza- Several stations in Route 25, had no cases of poliomyelitis.
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