Received by_NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM SAUDI* ARABIA and COUNTERTERRORISM SUMMARY: COUNTE.RTERRORISM WHiTE PAPER APRIL 2017 Saudi Arabia takes a multifaceted approach to fighting terrorism that relies on hunting down the men, cutting off the money and changing the mindset that terror organizations create and rely on. The Kingdom is committed to working in close collaboration with the U.S. and its other international partners in this fight against t_he scourge of terrorism. Combatting the Men Over the past decade, the Saudi government has fundamentaily restructured its operations tQ add re~ m1ti9niil seg.irity thre~ amt to p~of te_rroris_t atJ;acks. lhi_s ind!Jdl!$ finding iind eliminatingterrorists within the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia has successfully dismantled AI-Qa_eda's organizational presence.in the Kingdom. Saudi Special Forces continue to aggressively pursue counterterrorism operations against Al-Qaeda in Yemen, where it hasreorganized as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Saudi security forces maintain r_i_gorous security stan_dard_s and are cominuously train_ing on the best practices for combating terrorist threats. Saudi forces recently dismantled several terrorist cells and arrested dozens of individuals connected to terrorism, effectively preventing a number of terrorist attacks. • In early January 2017, t_he Ministry of Interior a_n_nounced th.at Saud_i Secmity Forces had arrested more than 300 foreign nationals frorh nine nations over the past two years for involvement with Daesh. In 2016, Saudi Special Forces thwarted planned and imminent terrorist attacks at the Prophet's Mosque during Pilgrimage season, the U.S. consulate during Ramadan, an international football rr_iatch at the al Jawa_hara Stadi_um i_n Jeddah, a checkpoint in Damman, tourist areas on Taro.ut lsland on the Arabian Gulf. They also prevented seven suicide attacks targeting mosques in the Eastern Province. Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Uri1t 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM -1-· SAUDI ARABIA AND COUN_TERTE~R6R·1sM' Saudi Arabia works closely with the.U.S. and allies to combatterrorism around the world. In February 2017, CIA Director Mike Pompeo honored Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nail with the George Tenet Medal to recognize h.is significant contributions in the fight against terrorism, demonstrating the close cooperation between the CIA and Saudi Ministry of Interior. The U.S. National Security Agency collaborates with the Kingdom's Ministry of Defense, focusing on internal security and terrorist activity in the Arabian Peninsula. The Kingdom hosts the United States Milit_ary Training Miss.ion as a special Security Assist.ance and Security Cooperation organization, strengtheriing collaboration betvieen the two nations. Saudi-U.S. counterterrorism cooperation has resulted in the prevention of a number of terrori_st plots o~ U.S. soil; including critical intelligence sharing that foiled a cargo plane­ bombing plot by AQAP in 2010. Saudi Arabia regularly coordJn_ates with international Qrganizations in fighti11g terroriS111. In.2011, Saudi Arabia signed an agreement with the United Nations to create the United Nations Centre for Counter Terrorism, donating an initial $10 million for its establishment. The Kingdom donated an ad.ditiorial $100 rni_l_l_ion in 20_14 to enhance its capabilit_ies. UNCCT has initiated.more than 30 non-military counterterrorism projects around the world at the global, regional and national levels. In 2_016, Saudi A_rabia announced pla~_s to h_nk internal sections of its d.atabases to the General Secretariat of Interpol to ensure a inore effective method of investigation. Cutting off the Money In order to combat terrorist financing. Saudi Arabia has enacted one of the strictest finan_cial control systems in the world. Th_e Saud_i Ai:abi_an Monetary Agency (SAMA), e_stablished in 2003, requires that all financial institutions within the Kingdoin's jurisdiction imple·ment all recommendations for combatting money laundering and terrorist financing issued by the Financial ActionTask Force. The Sau_di government implemented a number of rules and regulations that prevent the exploitation of charities, including by prohibiting the transfer of charitable funds abroad. 2 Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM SAUDI ARAB_IA_ ANO COUNTEATERRORJSM -1- Saudi Arabia works inclose alignment with its international partners on stemming illicit funding. Saudi Arabia currently has Financial Action Task Force Observer status, and is on track in implementing compliance standards and munial a·ssessment procedures to achieve fun membership in 2018. Saudi Arabia has ratified the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, along with a number of UNresolutions related to combat.i11g terrorist fina.nci.ng. Saudi Arabia works with its international partners to place sanctions on entities that assist in terror financing, working particularly closely with the U.S. Treasury Department and cooperating wH_h U.S. requests for certified bank records. Saudi Arabia serves as co-chair of the Coiinter-lSIL Finance.Group alongside the U.S. and Italy Ending the Mindset Saudi Arabia is carfyirig out a.multifaceted campaign that attacks extremism and its ideological roots as a critical cQmponent ofits strategy to defeat terrorism, To combat radical ideology, Saudi government officials have.adopted a series of counterterrorism education measures aimed at undermining extremist views,and disrupting those that promote violent extremism. The Ministry of Education has revised its school textbooks to ensure that they do not include intolerant language, and regularly audits these textbooks and curricula to ensure that teachers do 1101 espouse intolerance or extremism. The government is working to monitor extremist communications online and through social media channels, applying cyber-security technologies to track radicalized messaging throughout the region. Saudi govemmentand religious leaders have routinely condemned terrorismand extremism. The Kingdom's religious establishment is fully engaged with the Saudi government in countering the mindset sustaining ra:ctkal extremism. The Grand Mufti and the Coundl of Se.nior Scholarn have issued a number of.statements and fatwas condemning terrorism and extremism. Ir11amswho preach intolerance or hate toward others are dismi§sed, punished or retrained. 3 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM -1-- SAIJD1 ARABIA AN_O cou"NrERTERRORISM Rghting and Defeating Daesh As the birthplace of Islam and home to the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia is the main target of Daesh and either terror groups. Daesh has carried out deadly attacks in the Kingdom and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has declared his intention to destroy th_e Saudi state, Given this, all e;x_ercises and training of S_audi non­ conventional forces have focused on countering non-state insurgents in recent years. Saudi Arabia has enthusiastically joined the U.S.-led fight against Daesh, carrying out 341 ai_rstrik_es i_n support of coalition strikes in Syria. Further, the Saudi governrnent has said that the Kingdom is willing to participate with ifs own forces if the US-led coaliticin is prepared to engage in ground operations. • Saudi forces have arrested hundreds of alleged Daesh supporters. In December 2015, Saudi Arabia announced the establishment of the Islamic Military Allianc_e to Fight Terrorism, which has grown to include 41 nations. Saudi Arabia has enthusiastically joined the U.S.-led fight against Daesh. The Saudi government has said that the Kingdom is willing to participate with its own forc·es if the U.S.-led coalition i_s prepared to engage in ground operations. This is distributed by Qorvis MSLGROUP on behalf of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. 4 Additional infomiation is available at the Department ofJustice, Washington, D.C. Received by NSD/FARA Rt:gistri:!.tion Unit 05/25/2017 4:23:27 PM SAUDI VISION 2030 VISION cLJgJ AN AMBITIOUS NATION: EFFECTIVELY ~:~'.tJ}~3)0 d..,l.:ig.w..s.d! d,µ).nJ! ~I GOVERNED AND RESPONSIBLY ENABLED KINGOOi'i OF SAUDI ARABIA The roles and requirements of government have grown significantly since the Kingdom of Sa.ud_i Arat:iia's founding. Government -. any govern_ment - needs to evolve and improve continuously, if only to keep pace with rising expectations and challenges. This requires us to meet high standards of transparency and accountability. We are committed to managing our finances efficienctly and effectively, creating agile public organizations, a_nd tracking both their own performance and that of the government overall. SAUDI VISION 2030 GOALS Effectively Governed Raise Saud_i Arabia"s rariki_n·g on the E-G_overrimerit Survey ln_dex to among the Top 5 natioris from its current ranking of 36th • Increase non-oil government revenue from SAR 163 biflion to SAR 1 trilfion Raise Saudi Arabia's ranking in the G_overnm:ent Effectiveness Index from 80th to 20th Responsibly Enabled • Raise the non-profit sector's contribution from less than 1 percent of GDP to 5 pe:rcent of GDP Rally 1 million volunteers per year, compared to 11.00:0 volunteers now • Increase household savings from 6 percent to 10 percent of total household income SAUDI VISION 2030 COMMITMENTS Effectively Governed • Qawam: lnc:reaslng Spending Effic:lenc:y Saudi Arabia is committed to making
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