SPECIAL REPORT How Your Town Can Collier's AVOID A Recession • 8 Danger Signals To Watch For • 10 Specific Steps To Prevent Trouble APRIL 30, 1954 Pictun Collier's PUBLISHED BY THE CROWILL COLLIER PUBLISHING CO. CLARENCE E. STOUCH PAUL C. SMITH OF THE MONTH Chairman of the Board President EDWARD ANTHONY ARTICLES Publisher Once you've kept your appointment with IS THERE LIFE ON MARS? Dr. Fred L Whipple 21 the ten fascinating Hollywood stars you'll ROGER DAKIN meet in M-G-M's plush and highly polished CAN WE GET TO MARS? .... Dr. Wernher von Braun with Cornelius Ryan 22 Editor "Executive Suite", you'll see why this pow- A STAR IS REBORN Evelyn Harvey 32 erful romantic story was the perfect vehicle to rate the great high-powered casting of HE'S STILL THE BURMA SURGEON Peter Kalischer 34 GORDON MANNING our time. OF DICE AND MEN Richard Donovan and Hank Greenspun 64 Mutating Editor Yes, M-G-M really rolled out the rich (Concluding Nick the Greek—Fabulous King of the Gamblers) red-carpet treatment to welcome Cameron DAVID MANESS Hawley's breathtaking best-seller to the THE WRISTS THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS Tom Meany 82 Assistant Managing Editor screen! They took its sizzling story of the YOU CAN BUILD A BETTER SCHOOLHOUSE Sey Chassler 98 personal affairs behind the cool facades of a skyscraper. They sharpened its staccato pace. ELEANOR STIERHEM RAWSON They enhanced its heartfelt intimacy. They Fiction Editor put flesh on its fabulous personages. SPECIAL WILLIAM 0. CHESSMAN HOW YOUR TOWN CAN AVOID A RECESSION Art Director William L. Batt, Jr., with Ronald SchOer 48 JAMES A. QUIGNEY SHORT STORIES Photo Editor SECOND CHANCE (The Short Short Story) James S. Hort 10 ASSOCIATE EDITORS THE BANKRUPT HEART Eileen Herber* Jordan 30 JEROME BEATTY, JR. DERBY DAY Mel Heimer 40 WARREN BROWN SEY CHASSLER DANGER: RIVER RISING Robert J. Nelson 72 HOWARD COHN ARTHUR C. FIELDS EVELYN HARVEY DIANA HIRSH And then they gave it that grand all-star HOMER JENKS backing: William Holden, June Allyson, SERIAL JERRY KORN Barbara Stanwyck, Fredric March, Walter ALFRED M. LANSING Pidgeon, Shelley Winters, Paul Douglas, JOHN C. PELLEW Louis Calhern, Dean Jagger and Nina Foch! DARK DOMINION (Third of Four Parts) David Duncan 88 CORNELIUS RYAN Here, indeed, is a gala offering for M-G-M's JAMES THRASHER GURNEY WILLIAMS 30th Anniversary Jubilee! Everyone knows about the woman behind FEATURES every successful man. No one knew, at first, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS the women behind Avery Bullard, ruler of WALTER DAVENPORT APPOINTMENT WITH O'HARA John O'Hara 6 BILL DAVIDSON a vast industrial domain. When he dies mys- HELEN WORDEN ERSKINE teriously, his five top male executives are 48 STATES OF MIND Walter Davenport 14 JAMES J. HAGGERTY, JR. plunged into a fierce grappling for control LETTERS 16 CHARLOTTE KNIGHT of his empire. And so are the women who TOM MEANY love and serve and shape these favored five. COLLIER'S CREDITS Gurney Williams 18 BILL STAPLETON Each fights in his or her own way, with his or FRANCIS WALLACE her weapons. Only one man can win the pre- QUICK CHANGE Irwin Caplan 57 cious vacated "Executive Suite". Who is it? EDITORIALS 102 EDITORIAL ASSOCIATES We've ransacked our memory without BARBARA BIAKEMORE ROBERT BUNN finding a man-woman conflict that lets loose CHRISTOPHER S. CARTER more fireworks than this one. Here's that EARL FULTZ whole hectic and heady world — not lam- THE COVER . Chesley Bonestell WAYNE R. GREEN pooned or libeled or looked at too quickly RONALD OLIPHANT —but muscularly caught by a first-class ob- ROGER PIPPETT server who knows whereof and of whom he From an orbit around Mars, the first visitors from that remain, all cargo carriers, will stay In the LOUIS SARDELLA JANET SHEPS the earth prepare to land on the most intriguing orbit. When will this visit occur—and what will writes. CHARLES SMITH of our neighbor planets. The winged rocket in the it uncover? Leading scientists give the answers in NAOME WALSH He knows that world of stainless steel, its foreground Is preparing for the descent; the ships a special nine-page report, starting on page 21 MARTHA WEINMAN joys and its terrors... the open scandals behind closed doors .,. the chaste and the cheats ... livewires, deadbeats, the what's- The characters In all itorlai and striata in thia magazine are purely EDITORIAL RESEARCH in-it-for-me boys with the adding-machine Imaginary. No reference or allualon to any living person Is intended. ROSANNE MeVAY, Reieorcfi Chief hearts, the heroes and visionaries, the soft MADELIN ALK women with the proverbial whims of iron. DOROTHY D. BENNETT LEE CAMPBELL And now, thanks to the infinite treat of DIANE DOWNS "Executive Suite", we too know from the JOHN H. THATCHER, JR. inside out and the top down, that fabulous SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT EDITORIAL and EXECUTIVE OFFICES but familiar world of thick carpets and thin 204 West High Street, Springfield, Ohio 640 Fifth Avenue, New York 19, N.Y. skins and thrilling challenge! FRANKLIN C. LORANGER, Proofroom C(uV MARTIN IMER COLLIER'S, Vol. 133, No. g. TITLE "COLLIER'S" Reg. U.S. Pat. Oft. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: United States and Possessions, FRANKLIN C. REILEY The producer was John Houseman, whose PUBLISHED every other week by The Crowell-Colller Pub- hits include "Julius Caesar" and "The Bad lishing Company, Springfield. Ohio. U.S.A., Publishers of also Canada. I year (26 Issues) S3.50: a years (52 issues) Collier's, Woman'a Home Companion. The American Maga- 16.00; 3 years (78 issues) $0.00: 4 years (104 Issues) and The Beautiful". Robert Wise directed. zine. Executive and Editorial offices, 640 Fifth Avenue. New 110.00. Alf other countries. I year $7.00. Payments from for. York 19. N.Y. Clarence E. Stouch. Chairman of the Board: elgn eountrlea. except Canada, must be In United 8tates funds. Paul C. Smith. President; T. L. Brantly. Peter J. Denner- BUREAUS ADDRESS all subscriptions and correspondence to Tha lein. Edward Anthony. E. P. Seymour, John W. McPherrln, Washington Wm. A. Slttig. William A. H. Blrnle. 8hepard Spink. Crowell-Colller Publiehlng Company, Springfield, Ohio. C. F. Norsworthy, Vice-Presidents; Denis 0'8ulllvan, Sec- ENTERED as seeond-elasi matter at tha Post Office. JAMES C. DERIEUX, CAW retary; E. J. McCaffrey. Treasurer, M-G-M presents "EXECUTIVE SUITE" Springfield. Ohio, under Act of March 3. 1879. Authorized aa JOHN NEWHOUSE second-class mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa. Canada. starring WILLIAM HOLDEN, JUNE COPYRIGHT. 1934. by The Crowell-Colller Publishing Compnny. Springfield, Ohio. U.S.A. Sold simultaneously in MANUSCRIPTS or art submitted to Collier's should be ac- ALLYSON, BARBARA STANWYCK, the United States and Canada. Copyright under Interna- companied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Tha West Coast tional Copyright Convention. All Rights Reserved. Printed Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited THEODORE STRAUSS, CJiW FREDRIC MARCH, WALTER PIDGEON, In U.&.A. manuscripts or art SHELLEY WINTERS, PAUL DOUGLAS, ROBERT CAHN JOHN FLOREA LOUIS CALHERN with DEAN JAGGER, CHANGE OF ADDRESS should raach us fiva weeks in advanca NINA FOCH, TIM CONSIDINE. Screen Play of th* next iasua data. Give both tha old and naw addresses. Midwest (Chicago) by Ernest Lehman. Based on the novel by BILL FAY Cameron Hawley. Directed by Robert Wise. THE CRO WELL-COLLIER PUBLISHING COMPANY Produced by John Houseman. Far East (Tokyo) Publishers of COLLIER'S, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION PETER KALISCHER Collier's, April 30, 1954 IS THERE LIFE ON MA ftp*? By DR. FRED L. WHIPPLE Chairman, Department of Astronomy, Harvard University Astronomers—planning to give the great red planet its closest scrutiny in history this summer—are nearer than ever before to answering the most fascinating question of all N JULY 2d, the planet Mars, swinging see Mars's great reddish deserts, blue-tinted cloud ing the Martian face without once seeing the dis- through its lopsided orbit around the sun, formations and—especially conspicuous—its dis- puted markings. o will be closer to the earth than at any time tinctive polar caps. This year we may get an opportunity to clear up since 1941. All over the world, scientists will train The Martian polar caps cover about 4,000,000 the canal confusion once and for all. An Ameri- batteries of telescopes and cameras on the big red square miles in the wintertime—an area roughly can team, sponsored jointly by the National Geo- sphere in history's greatest effort to unravel some half the size of the North American continent. graphic Society and Lowell Observatory, will of the mystery surrounding this most intriguing of But as they melt in spring, strange blue-green areas photograph Mars from Bloemfontein, South Af- the planets. develop near their retreating edges. Some months rica, where Mars will appear almost directly over- Next to Venus, Mars is our closest planetary later these color patches, now covering great areas head nightly during early JuLy. The U.S. team, neighbor. Even so, it will be 40,000,000 miles of the planet's surface, turn brownish. Finally in using new photographic techniques and the latest away as it passes by this summer (compared to the deep of Martian winter they're a dark choco- in fast film emulsions, expects to get the most de- 250,000,000 miles at its farthest point from the late color. Do these seasonal color variations in- tailed photographs of the planet yet obtained. earth); on the most powerful of telescopes it will dicate some sort of plant or vegetable life? That's But great as the 1954 Mars observation program look no larger than a coffee saucer.
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