• au ching Si es To imFor PUBLISHED WEEKLY DISTRIBUTED ro ALL SERVICE AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ON W.S.M.tt. Serving the Nation's Biggest Published by La£ Cruces Citizen. Las Cruces. Overland Missile Testing Center New Mexico a private firm in no way con­ Published in the Interest of military nected with the Department ot the Army • Opinions expressed by the publishers and and civili1111 personnel ot WSMFI and • writers herein are their own and are not to be to promote a greater guided missile considered an official expression by the De­ partment of thJ Army. The appearance ot ad­ program for the national defense. •ertisements in this publication does noi cons· Publication Office: titute an endorsement by the Deparhr.ent of the Army of the products or services advertised. 114 S. Church, Las Cruces, N. M. VOL. VIII-No. 15 WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1962 8 PAGES .. I Tests for • Nike Zeus MakeS First ICBM Kill in Test Test Is Sergeant, Thorlin Commands With Optimism Pershing portant White Sands Missile Range Sees Continued WSM RSuccess has begun land surveys for three temp o r a r y missile 1 launching sites in N. M. and Success sary of White Sands' for­ and misile and space research T he seventh command­ Utah. of the Air Force. The Department of Defense ing general in the 17-year mation. The sites are for test pro­ I Among his first official du­ During his assignment at ann ounced that the United h istory of White Sands grams on t w o army solid I ties was a statement of con­ the head of the Tank-Auto­ S t a t e s yesterday morning M issile Range has taken propellant missile systems, fidence in the future of motive Command, Gen. Thor­ made the first successful in- command of the national the Sergeant and the per­ • 1 White Sands Missile Range iin worked closely with the tercept of a special target missile test center with a shing. and its neighboring commun­ Army's Shillelagh, a light­ vehicle launched by an At­ stat ement of optimism on MAJOR FORNER Proposed launch areas arc ities. w e i g h t surface-to-surface las Intercontinental Ballistic the range's futur e. near Blanding, Utah, and at guided missile system recent­ Missile from California. Brig. Gen. J. Fred Thor­ 'The achievements of White Fort Wingate Ordnance De­ ly unveiled as a research and Major Forner The intercept was made by lin, head of the Army Ord­ Sands personnel in missilery pot, New Mex., for Pershing, development program. To Command IRM the Army's Nike Zeus Mis­ n an ce T a n k -Automotive and related fields have been and southwest of Datil, N. M. sile. Yesterday's successful C ommand in Detroit until most impressive," he said. Born in Portland, Oregan, Range Services for Sergeant. h is missile range assign­ "As the first of our three Gen. Thorlin is a Class of '33 intercept test is a p art of a Major Herschel W. Forner Missiles safety zones ad­ co nt in u i n g development ment, moved into his new great national missile ranges, graduate of the Military joining tihe launch areas will recently became Chief of series to determine the full office only a few days White Sands has a long tra­ Academy at West Point. For be required, plus small in­ capabilities of the army's after the J uly 9 anniver- dition of excellent perform­ his world War II service with IRM's Range Service Divi­ strumentation sites, along Nike Ze us anti-missile sys­ ance in the United States de- the staff of Fleet Adm. Ches- sion. Maj. Forner came to each missile flight path to tem. fense and space efforts. There ter A. Nimitz, Gen Thorlin WSMR in September of last WSMR. The Nik e Zeus installation Reservists appears to be every reason ·was awarded the N a v y year. Use of these sites also will u sed in the test is on the is­ I for optimism as we look to IBronze Star and the Gold IRF's Range Services Di- be temporary, and no per­ land of Kwajalein in t h e Get Pay the future." Medal. vision supports White Sanda manent construction is plan­ southwest Pacific. As commanding general of At White Sands he suc­ by providing recovery for all ned. The ICBM re-entry target the busiest and the only over­ ceeds Maj. John G. Shinkle, missiles fired, aviation, tar- The test programs will in­ v ehicle designed for the test ROCKET ROADRUNNER-White Sands Missile Range, which :tests an Army target For Time land of the three national commanding general since gct missiles and motor pool elude firings of the missiles • d been launched into an missile called "Roadrunner.'' found itself conironied with the real thing when this June 1960. facilities. from the proposed off-range Washington (AFPS)-Presi- ranges, Gen. Thorlin's job is BM trajectory at ICBM female roadrunner nested atop the motor of an Army missile truck. Startled missilemen launch sites and impact with­ • ident K~nnedy has signed in- to administer the range, in the boundaries of the Na­ speeds using an atlas ICBM who saw :the bird climb under :the truck hood investigated, found the nearly completed to law a bill which gives "rif- through the Dept. of Army tional Missile Range. booster launched by the nest and paliently unloaded the explosive material :the truck was carrying. The nest fed" reservists readjustment and for the Dept. of Defense, USAF at Vandenburg Air now holds five eggs, and the truck probably will be out of action for several more Pershing Is the two stage payments up to $15,000. for the military service and Defense Department Force Base, Calif. weeks until the litile beep-beeps hatch. That won't slow down missile :testing at the so 1 id propellant ballistic To qualify, the invo,luntari- civilian spaLc agency users Neither the intercepting national White Sands Missile Range though and since the roadruner is New Mexico's missile d£'signed to replace ly released Resl'\-vist mu. t of the 4,000 square mile fa. issile nor the target, car­ state bird. no one wants fo di iurb her. -J. U Arm _y photo) t'hc liquid-fuelc>t Redstone in r ied a nuclear warhead. The have had :l mmimurn o rive c. ty. Ti tens . Money Belt (Continued on Page 8) intercept test used extreme­ years continuous active duty. Programs supported by the the Army's tacteical missile ly precise tracking equipment. Seventy-four Science Proves New Theory: Breaks in service of 30 days missile range include the WASHINGTON-(AFPS)-A saving of $750 mil­ arsenal. Secretary of Defense Mc­ ttr less are not considered dis- Army's Nike Zeus the Navy's lion during the current fiscal year and eventual sav­ It has been tested at the N amara stated, "This event All's Well That Welds Well qualifying so far as tihe con- Typhon and the Advanced ing of $3 billion a year in Defense Department spend­ Atlantic :\-fissile Range at evidences th e expensive and Cash in on inuous service is concerned. Research Projects Agency's ing has been predicted by Secretary of Defense Rob- Cape Canaveral for more continuing nature of the U.S. All's well that ends well And it will weld to glass, The payments are comput- ARPAT-aU anti-missile stu- ert S. McNamara in a memorandum to President John than a year, and has proven program to underst and the Incentive Pay w elded in today's Space Age ceramic materials, gold, sil­ edon a basis of two months dies- the Defense Atomic F. Kenendy on the Defense Cost Reduction Program. its reliability, but some as­ . ablilities ana lim itations of microminiaturization ver, aluminum-almost any pay for every year of active Support Agency's Project Secretary McNamara t old the President that the pects of the system's develop­ W anti-missile. systems. It Seventy-four White Sands and now they've come up presently known material, duty with the maximum pay- Banshee, program of the Can- savings are being achived in three ways: ment require use of the all­ shows that we speak of such Missile Ra n ge employees with a "mirco-welder" that and weld to those materials ment $15,000 or two years dia Special Weapons Depot, 1. Buying only what we r------------- land White Sands facilities. m atters from knowledge. h ave been h onored with makes previous welders seem even though they are even basic pay, whichever is less. need to achieve balanced be reduced with a consider- Sergeant will replace the "Concurrently, and in a co­ awards or certificates under like mechanical mastadons less than tissue thin. Officers, warrant officers and EHLJSTED readiness. able savings realized on !u- shorter r a n g e Corporal, ordinated fash ion, the U. S. the Army's Incentive Awards of even modern technology. The micro-welder is port­ enlisted men are eligible for 2. Buying at the lowest ture purchases. America's first operational • h as been carrying out a pro­ Program. For example, the new de­ able and operates on ordinary this readjustment pay based PROMOTIONS sound price. He cited a turbine wheel ballistic missile. Like Persh­ gram to fasure that our mis­ A total of $8,250 was pre­ vice, developed by Aerojet­ 110-115 AC, 60 cycle opera­ on their basic pay at the time 3.
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