Cttee: 8 Sept 2021 Item No. 1 Application no: 20/01829/FUL For Details and Plans Click Here Site Address Land Adjacent To Solar Farm, Court Drove, Overton, Hampshire Proposal The installation of a 15m monopole supporting 3 no. antennas on support poles mounted to proposed crows-nest headframe, 4 no. cabinets and ancillary development, within a compound formed from 1.6m high close boarded timber fencing 25m x 10 m with a 3m wide access gate. Registered: 9 July 2020 Expiry Date: 17 April 2021 Type of Full Planning Case Officer: Bethan Wallington Application: Application 01256 845361 Applicant: EE (UK) Ltd Agent: Mrs Susan Griffiths Ward: Whitchurch, Overton Ward Member(s): Cllr Lucie Follett Maitland and Laverstoke Cllr Colin Phillimore Cllr Ian Tilbury Parish: OVERTON CP OS Grid Reference: 450782 150323 Recommendation: the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed at the end of this report. Reasons for Approval 1. The proposed development would be of an appropriate design and siting and would not result in significant impacts on the local landscape character and scenic quality of the area. As such the proposal complies with the National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021), Policies EM1 and EM10 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 and Policy LBE1 of the Overton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2029. 2. The development would not result in an undue loss of privacy or cause undue overlooking, overshadowing, overbearing or noise and disturbance impacts to neighbouring properties and as such complies with Policies EM10 and EM12 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029. 3. The development would not cause an adverse impact on highway safety. As such the proposal would comply with the National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021), Policies CN9 and EM10 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011- 2029 and the Parking Supplementary Planning Document (2018). 4. The proposed development would not cause any adverse impacts on biodiversity and as such the proposal is considered to be in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021), Policy EM4 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 and the Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees Supplementary Planning Document (December 2018). 5. The proposed development would not cause any adverse impacts on trees and as such the proposal is considered to be in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021), Policy EM1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029, Policy LBE1 of the Overton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2029 and the Landscape, Biodiversity and Trees Supplementary Planning Document (December 2018). General comments This application is brought to Development Control Committee in line with the scheme of delegation due to the Officers recommendation for approval and the number of objections received. Planning Policy The site lies outside of the Settlement Policy Boundary and within the open countryside. The site is located outside of but directly to the south of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (July 2021) Section 2 (Achieving Sustainable Development) Section 4 (Decision-making) Section 10 (Supporting high quality communications) Section 12 (Achieving well-designed places) Section 15 (Conserving and enhancing the natural environment) Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2011-2029 Policy SD1 (Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development) Policy EM1 (Landscape) Policy EM4 (Biodiversity, Geodiversity and Nature Conservation) Policy EM10 (Delivering High Quality Development) Policy EM11 (Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment) Policy EM12 (Pollution) Policy CN6 (Infrastructure) Policy CN9 (Transport) Overton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2029 Policy LBE1 (Landscape, The Built Environment and Local Distinctiveness) Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance (SPD's and SPG's) and interim planning guidance Design and Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (July 2018) Planning Obligations for Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document (March 2018) Landscape, Biodiversity & Trees Supplementary Planning Document (December 2018) Heritage Supplementary Planning Document (2019) Other material documents The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) Overton Village Design Statement (February 2002) Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended), The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. Description of Site The application site is located to the west of Basingstoke on an area of land known as Lordsfields Plantation to the north west of Overton and to the south west of Quidhampton. The field in which the site is located operates as a solar farm; planning permission having been granted in 2014 (planning permission 14/01777/FUL). To the north of the site lies the main railway line linking Basingstoke to Andover. A belt of landscaping and mature trees lie on either side of the railway track and form the field boundary with access from Court Drove, a single track to the east of the site. Public access extends along Court Drove to the east with the nearest Public Right of Way sitting approximately 475m to the west beyond intervening woodland and connects to the Harrow Way to the north of the site (by approximately 1km). The land to the north of the railway track falls within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The nearest residential property, Ridgewood, is positioned approximately 255m to the south, with the property, Tanelorn, lying approximately 270m to the south west. Both properties benefit from screening in the form of mature trees within their curtilage. Beyond a further belt of trees to the south of these properties lies the Overton Church of England Primary School. Due to the distance and intervening trees and buildings the application site is well screened. The fields surrounding the subject site are agricultural in nature. Proposal The application seeks planning permission for the installation of a 15m monopole of an olive brown colour and containing supporting antennas. At ground level five cabinets of a fir green colour are to be positioned adjacent to the monopole of varying sizes but cumulatively measuring 3.4m in width, a maximum of 1.2m in depth and a maximum of 1.9m in height. Ancillary development would include two inspection chambers either side of the monopole. Supporting information to the application states that the telecommunications apparatus is required as part of the network improvement programme to improve coverage and capacity in the area particularly along the railway line for the Emergency Services Network as well as local users noting that demand for coverage has increased with more people now working from home on a regular basis. Amended Plans Amended plans have been received which altered the design from a lattice tower to a thinner monopole and reduced the tower height from 20m to 15m. Close board fencing to enclose the compound has also been removed. A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Tree Survey was also submitted to support the development. Consultations Cllr Tilbury: "There was an attempt to build a 25m high mast close to this location back in 2005 which after a campaign through the school we managed to get refused by the DC committee due to various concerns, particularly the visual impact and concerns over the anxiety around health issues. The application is BDB/61512. This site is closer to the school and in a highly visible location next to Court Drove which is a popular route for leisure and recreational purposes. I also understand that the landowner has not been consulted and has indicated they do not support this site, which I would have thought the applicant would have had the foresight to check first…" Overton Parish Council: "Objection - the parish council was concerned that the landowner's permission had not been sought before the application had been submitted. The impact of the mast on the NWD AONB was of concern - this area had to be protected. The mast would also be visible from most of the village and would impact on the landscape. The location was also close to a byway and was not secure. The lack of prior consultation with the borough councillors and parish council as well as the school was considered to be desultory. Whilst it was accepted that better communications and 5G were required, the placing of a mast in open countryside was not the answer. There were already two masts at the northern end of the village and it seemed that a mast sharing arrangement would be more appropriate." Landscape: Initial comments: Objections to impact on landscape character and visual amenity. Comments on amendments: Objections to impact on landscape character and visual amenity. Final comments: Objection as it would be a visual intrusion for users of the PRoW's Overton 5 and 6, as well as users of Court Drove. The location of the site adjacent to a national designation (AONB) reinforces the sensitivity of the local landscape character and the impact this would have on the visual amenity of that landscape. Trees: Initial Comments: Survey required. Final Comments: None received. Biodiversity: Initial Comments: Survey required. Final Comments: No objections subject to conditions Network Rail: Advise that the development contacts Network Rail prior to construction. Public Observations Twenty seven letters of objection have been received raising concerns on the following grounds (in summary): Impact on the character of the area/design The 20m mast would completely disregard the beautiful rural character of the area. Although adjacent to the solar farm, this is screened whereas the height of the mast provides a different proposition. The mast is too high and would unsightly and impact the public rights of way nearby. The size of the 25m by 10m compound seems excessive. The site is adjacent to an extremely popular lane used by walkers, runners, cyclists and horse-riders and it is the main link between the village and ancient Harrow Way just two fields away.
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