EFFECT OF SMOKING AND OVEN DRYfNG ON THE PROXIMATE COMPOSITION AND SENSORY QUALITIES OF SALTED AND SALTLESS Clarias gariepinus IME - IBANGA .U. AND FAKUNLE, J.OFEDERAL COLLEGE: OF FRESHWATER FISHERIES TECHNOLOGY. NEWBUSSA Abstract Sailed and saltless Clarias gariepinus were smoked and oven dried. Their proximate composition and sensory qualities were assessed using standard methods. The salted oven dried fish has mean values of 65.00% (crude protein); 21.90% (fat); 6.40% (moisture); and 0.79% crude fibre while the saltless had lower mean values of 64.50%(protein); 20.95% (fat);5.68% (moisture) and0.40% crude fibre. The ash content of the saltless oven dried fish 7.34% was higher than the salted 6.46%. The salted smoke dried fish has 64.07% crude protein; 20.74% (fat), 6.51 % moisture: 8.54% ash and 0.53% crude fibre.Thus) the oven dried samples have higher protein and fat values than the smoke dried samples. The salted samples have higher values of these nutrients than the saltless ones. Salting perhaps increases the availability of nutrients in smoked and oven dried Clariasgariepinus. Sensorily, there was no significant difference (P>O.05) in taste, texture and overall acceptability of salted and unsalted smoked and oven dried Clarias gariepinus. A significant difference existed in their colour and Flavour. The colour or the saltless smoked dried fishwas most acceptable. While the flavour of the 5% salted smoked dried fish was preferred. Thesalted oven dried fish had the highest overall acceptability score. INTRODUCTION use of chemical, freezing and use of modified Fish, a cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate is one atmosphere storage (Efuvwerevwere and of the most perishable commodities lweanoge, 1991; Awan and Okaka, 1985). especially in the tropics. It is therefore usually Some of these methods are often expensive subjected to some form of preservation after and not within the reach of the common catch.According to FAO (2003) fish provides populace. 22% or the protein intake in sub-Saharan Drying is one of the most Africa. Olatunde, 1906 reported that fish important and the oldest method of constitute 40% of animal protein intake in preserving fish worldwide. Gupta and Gupta, Nigeria.Tt is estimated that post harvest losses 2006 noted that smoking, a form or dry of fish which is often more than 50% in cooking preserves about 3% of the world developing countries, exceed those of any catch. Compared to other preservation otherfood commodity. methods fish drying is quite simple and the Fish protein compares favorably in equipment is readily available. It could be aminoacid composition with eggs, milk and achieved by smoking, oven drying, solar meal. and often have higher values of the drying or osmotic dehydration. essential amino acid methionine, Borgstron, Smoking is a method of preservation 1962 .Fishcs are rich in vitamin A, D and effected by a combination of drying and iodine. Preservation of fish is therefore of deposition of naturally produced chemical great importance to mankind especially in and tar from the thermal decomposition of developing countries where the daily intake acceptable woods. Smoke dried fish are of protein is low. Delay or prevention of consumed primarily because of its flavor. microbialspoilage offish may be achieved by Much has been reported in literature on different methods such as smoking, drying, smok ing of fish but work on oven drying of 71 ) \ fish, a viable method of fish Fish are either RESULTS AND DISCUSSION salted or not before smoking or oven drying. The proximate composition of the salted and This work looks at the effect or smoking or salt less smoke and oven dried Clarias oven drying on the proximate composition gariepinus) is as shown on table 1. The and sensory qualities of salted and salt less moisture content range from 5.68 to 6.56% Clarias gariepinus. Clarias gariepinus is a with the smoked dried samples having higher highly priced fish in the tropics, remarkable values than the oven dried ones. Since, most for its fast growth and adaptability to various fresh fish have 50 to 70% moisture, both environmental condition. drying methods, reduced the available moisture considerably. This will ensure better MATERIALS AND METHODS keeping qualities. The crude protein values The Clarias gariepinus used for this work ranges from 64.0765.00%, with the value of were bought fresh from Monday market New the oven dried samples higher than that of the Bussa in Kainji area of Niger state. The fish smoked dried samples.According to Mauron, were gutted, washed thoroughly and folded. 1970, series of chemical reactions take place The cleaned fish were weighed and divided during heat treatment of fish which could into two equal parts. A part was salted with affect the protein content. The reaction here 5% brine for IS minutes and the other part left increased the accumulation of protein in the unsalted. The fish were drained on a wire oven dried Clarias than the smoked dried mesh for 30 minutes before placement on the ones. wire mesh trays for smoke drying on the The fat content ranged from 20.33% for the Chokor smoking kiln and some on the oven saltless smoke dried fish to 21.90% for the tray for oven drying in the college bakery salted oven dried fish. The oven dried oven.The smoking temperature was between samples have higher tat values than the 7S-80°C for G hours while oven drying took smoked dried ones. This may be due to loss of place at 200°C for 3Y2hours. some fat due to dripping during smoking. The crude fibre values range from 0.400.79% Proximate Composition with the salted oven dried fish having the The proximate composition of the samples highest and the salted samples values higher were determined according to AOAC, 2000 than the corresponding saltless samples. methods. The following parameters were Smoked Clarias has low crude fibre as assessed, moisture, crude protein, crude fibre, reported by Emong & Tafa 2005. The ash ash and fat. content are higher in the smoke dried fish samples than the oven dried ones. Smoking Sensory Evaluation perhaps increases the ash content offish. A panel of 10 judges assessed the dried fish Table 2 reports the sensory qualities samples for flavour, taste, colour, texture and and consumers acceptabi Iity of smoked and overall acceptability on a nine point hedonic oven dried Cfarias gariepinus. The taste scale. They were given portable water to rinse and flavour of the salted smoke dried fish their mouth after tasting each sample at S were preferred by most panelists while the minutes interval to ensure proper evaluation. saltless smoke dried fish has the lowest score. Flavour is a combination of aroma Statistical Analysis and taste which are subjective parameters. The data obtained were subjected to analysis Salting however enhances the taste and of variance as described by Ihekoronye and flavour of dried fish. According to Karim et Ngoddy, 1985. a12007, flavour is an important factor in the consumers acceptance of smoked fish. 72 The mean value for colour ranges tissue types of fresh and potassium from 6.6-8.5 with the saltless smoke dried sorbate treated and untreated smoked fish having the highest value .There was no mullet (rnugilcephatus) world journal significant difference at P<O.05 in the texture of microbiology and biotechnology of the samples. The salted oven dried fish has pp 562-566. the highest overall acceptability score though Effiong, B.N and Tara, J.L. proximate the difference is only significantly different composition of nutrients in adult from the saltless oven dried sample which Clarias gariepinus, Ileterobranchus was least accepted at P,:S0.05.Oven drying of longifilis and their hybrid. In proc. Of fish is an under tapped processing method of the 20th annual conference of fison. fish which may also enhance the keeping Nov 2005.pp 550-553. qualities of dried fish than smoking. FAO (2003). The state of food insecurity in the world (Son,2003) Rome CONCLUSION (FoodAndAgric Organization). This study revealed that smoke and Gupta, S. K and Gupta, P.C. (2006). General oven drying of fish concentrate and increase and Applied Ichthyology (fish and the nutrient value of fish since most of the fisheries) s. New Delhi; Chand and . moisture are lost during processing .. Both company ltd. Ram agar, 1130pp . smoke and oven drying are 8cceptable Ihekoronye A.l and Ngoddy R. O.(1985) methods of processing fish. The overall Integrated food technology for preference and higher nutrient values of oven. the tropics, Macmillan dried fish to smoke dried fish indicates that publishers ltd. London and oven drying of fish is better and could Basingstokc pp 274-291. complement fish smoking which is presently Karim O.R,Akanji A.M and Olopade 2007 thepopular method.The oven dried fish were Effect of dry cooking also neater in appearance. The study also methods 0.0 the nutritional showed that moderate salting of fish before value of bonga (Ethmalosa . drying increases their nutritive value and imbrata) and sardine acceptance. Salting of fish for drying is {Sardinella aurata ) fishes therefore recommended. International journal of food Agricultural Research 4(2) REFRENCES pp327 -331 Awan lAo and Okaka, IC (1985) Elements of Mauron, J (1970). The chemical behaviour of food spoilage and preservation. protein during food preparation and Authors. Enugu, Nigeria pp 60- its biological effects. International 70. journal of vitamins Research 40: AOAC, 1992. Ollicial methods of analysis 209-227. (16'h cui tion). W8shington Olatunde A.A (1989) Approaches to The D.C.Association of official Study Of Fisheries Biology In analytical chemists. Nigeria inland waters. In Kainji Borgstron G. (I (92)" fish in world nutrition" proc.
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