A Graduating Essay that Won a "Squire Boastful." Poe Reciting 1 "The Haven.'' CALVERT'S. < \ll IIOI.M Husband. A king had a squire called "Squire Once in discussing "The Raven," Poe 1 Boastful," because he promised a great observed that he had never heard it cor- TOM OF MARK SHEEP WASH Anions; tic graduates of the High deal and performed little. This king's rectly delivered by even the best renders I School at Biddeford, Me .iv 1873, was a jester thought he would teach "Squire ?that is, not aa he desired that it should per (ttilotv nineteen, young lady of who read an Boastful" a lesson and ho did so. be rend. Tbal evening, a number of visit- T. W, JACKSON, sun Kraim.'- essay on "After Graduation, What!" in One day the king had had some very ors being present, he was requested to --00, Sole ffgenl tor (he PaeMfei which she gave utterance to the following nice roast birds for dinner, lie called his recite the poem, and complied, liis im- Town Lois and Small Tracts, commendable Sentiment: squire and said: j pressive delivery held the com piny spell & & "lords ofcreation" hare been RANOIKO C. P. H. TIBEELL CO.. Tho com- ''Hans, go to tiie woods and shoot ten I bound, hut iv the midst of it, 1 happened pared tv sturdy oaks,and wo the vines that birds foi my supper." j to glance toward the open window above cling to and twine around them; but this "Not ten only," answered tho squire, the level root" of the green house, beheld FROM FIVE TO TWENTi' ACRES EACH. metaphor, ifever pertinent, to use a slang 'but a bundled will I shoot for you !" a groupof sable faces, the whites of whose BOOTS AND SHOES I < % * phrase, Ims long since "played out." We "Good!" replied the king, "if you can eyes shone in strong relief against the WO. 110 I. V rRRBT, AT BetweenSamoine tnd Buttery, s.\s FiCanctsoo nave all heard of the 63,000 oaklesi vines shoot as well as that, you may bring me surrounding darkness. These were a | in Massachusetts, to say nothing of the a hundred: you shall have a dollar for number of our family servants, who hay- j ! ttanaftctaren of Men**, Boy**, run ths* and CM9 Uncounted thousands in aud there dren s PINE C \i.k Horilb. Maine, each." ing heard much talk about "Mr. Poe, the i <mt**rw tollctix! snd pr ttnptljr Ailed, ah ilxes'MHi arc too many oaks that can scarcely sup- went lo the poet," and having but an imperfect idea qutlttlft made at tha lovmi murkfll prlcee. The jester heard this and i Plea c examine the gooda and plicae, port themselves, to say nothing of their woods before the squire, to where the of what a poet was, had requested per- supporting anything else. ... I most said mission my brother to witness the re- birds where plentiful, aud : of Will ba sold by auctio 1 at ths c r;lcs r oorTis of much prefer a life of activity and honest "Little birds, Hy! Hy apace! cital. As the speaker became more im- exertion, and I believe that the world Hans the Boaster comes to this place, passioned and excited, conspicuous grew owes me a living il I can earn it, and I Now for your lives pray run a race!" the circle of while eyes, until when al MAURICE imilt: <V CO., expect it on no other condition. So when Hans leached the woods theie length he turned suddenly toward the essay This was published entire iv the wasn't a bird to be seen; all had hidden window, aud, extending his arm, cried 410 Pine Street. San Francisco, local papers of the town, and attracted in their nests. When he weut back to the with awful vehemence: Considerable attention, the extract we to king empty-handed, he was sent prison "Gut thee hack Into the tempest, and the 1870, hive given above being Copied into many for v hundred days because he had uot night's Plutonian shore!" MONDAY, APRIL 22, AT 12 M. of the leading journals of the larger kept his word. there was a sudden disappearance of the cities. One ol these papers fell into the When he was free again tiie king said sable visages, a scuttling of feet, and the OS LIBSCSI VI. CREDIT. hands of a gentleman who was returning to him one day, "I must have live tishes gallery audience was gone. Ludicrous ac ; from .New York lo his home in Youngs- for my dinner." was the incident, the final touch was town, In this State, and he was so stiuck Hans remembered the hundred birds, given when at that moment Miss Poe, who cut to boastful IS M rUATBD IN ALAMEDA COUN IV. with the sentiment avowed that he and tried rein iv his tongue. was an extraordinary character in her | NEWARKral., poeteeat'K rt climate hml uiikuri»nwm-i|. out the extract and placed it in his pock T will bring fifty tishes instead of room, abundance of pure water, ami leanfe iron overflow. you way, sleepily entered the and with Almoat every variety of tree and plani will k'p-w etbook. He was then a married man. live." a deliberation there. Fur the eatabltehment of Hoiniw or Menu fee dull nnd drowsy seated taring Induatrlee, NrwarK apectal In hi- 1 vi)',. died, inclosed you offera attraction*. lt<T(i, having he "If you are such a good fisherman herself upon her mother's knee. He had j>>c*ted on tbe line of tbe Baj and Coeai Railroad, the slip to a friend in Biddeford, asking may bring me fifty," said the king, "and subsided from his excitement into a [winch liauea COMMUTATION TI( KKTs at :i eerj i low montbly rate and makes tbe him il it was written, as had been assert- you shall have five dollars for each one." gloomy despair, and, now, fixing his eyes I. "W". cfc itun to *»nii P/rAtielaeo in One Hour, TABEn CO.. ed, by a girl graduate of the High School So the jester lan to the sea and cried: upon his sister, be concluded: married .it cannot rail to command tbe ron*l teration of ail there, and, If so, If the lady was "Little tishes, swim apace I "And the raven, never Bitting, siill is sitting, claaaea. For tic purp hturtc,! ur f>»r apeculatton. Artistic"Photographers, couies , in cannot r»:i to proi a r- or single, etc. In due time he received Hans the Boaster to this place, still is sitting, loveetment tbe land mnner- v>. Montajoßtery bi . near Batter, ,s.in Fru:ifii*c< - Now for your lives pray run a race!" i stive, an answer giving him the holy's name, On the pallid bust of Pallas, just above my For maps, c'rculsra and fall particular! tend "r run ji*~< of Chromatic, si''."ric i an J Ptocb> chamber door; hi tin- tin- Pacific nveatmenl Company, E ileroing Phol freen the fact that she was slill hcitrt-whole And when Hans reached the sea-shore office of Land I enade Bite, Oil, , And its eyes have all the seeming of a demon ! Rooini 20, '-Jinn i Nevada block, sin Kranclaco. Card in Ufa in Paetel or Water a *r»« mud* and fancy-free, and other particulars re- not a fish could he catch. They had all A. K. DAVIS, Prealdent v ipectelix that is dreaming-??" Pitivrti 1 l.iii'l Im t'-titH'pt ('??mtnnv. lating to her family that were of a most gone to the other shore. When he re- The effect was irresistible; and as the character. The Youngstown turned to the king empty handed, l BPLSKDn) ovsa i agreeable again final "nevermore" was solemnly uttered man ut oneo opened a correspondence he was put in prison for fifty days be- ; the titter of two very ; with the which, as it cause he had not his word. half-suppressed lady, progressed, kept FLOWERSKI..iuiu young persons iv a corner was responded All Rerun* PI \u25a0 v' ? drew them nearer and nearer in spirit When he was once more at liberty the bi rn.nl. Lnr.-i't ii-.-'ti 'un nt L««i prices*! \\ " » ' " toby a general laugh. Poe remarked <\u25a0 U' \u25a0\u25a0' » r.ir- until at la-t an engagement of marriage king said to him : "I must have a rab- i bftWDMIII t \u25a0 I'," I '"'I next a was entered into between them. This bit." quietly that on his delivery of pub- lic lecture he would "take Hose along, to tit .. .r.ti .?\u25a0.u*.;.r».+ n i**.» 1- it it . ; irvLlaut. W. --Tid fact was published in the papers,and Hans remembered his imprisonment - '. >"jr also in i . ? ol tl I-i . rlt TV.'. act the psrt of (he raven, which she /:;,,. ' opt not long since the New York Tribune and replied : j Terra-Cotta Chimney Tops and Flues, turn u? \u25a0 I ? nt ir ? - n I seemed born to excel."? Scvibntr't. \u25a0addwMjffipti >r. >' \u25a0">? "i\u25a0 \u25a0 I * ' - ' \u25a0 bow spoke of the matter as follows: "Sir, 1 will bring you at least ten." Fire Brick, Etc. ti'CLl.lv.'t»>Mi,v . '.' '-. 1' .. II Fire Clay, ? "If you are such a good hunter bring I HEUtT IIIU. Vl > , . : ' A graduating essay may be made as ?A ( 213 ktark't Strret. for Thr Delicatk Perfume. New ' useful us a matrimonial advertisement, it me ten; you shall have ten dollars \u25a0 SAN FRANCISCO 1 1310 an-t 112 Market Street, York merchant, whose nose is so sensitive ' : 15 and I? McAllister Street.
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