• • .Blue Wave- page 10 VOL. XV, NO. 90 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's TlllJRSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1981 Supports FLOC ND continues boycott body. "Wc:'re calling for details in spending all thl'ir timt· - a tn·mt·n­ By MARY AGNES CAREY Novc:mber," he said. d~lUS burden - to rt··t·ducltt' the Sluff Reporter In February, 19H.2, tht·. review studt·nts." conunittee will then tkcidt· if the Ct·d Schickd, president of FLOC, The University-wide boycott of llnivc:rsity will honor a student vott· said tht· purpost· oft he hoycoll is "to the Campbell, Libby-McNeil-Libby for a boycott. make a statt·nwnt." Sht· t·xplained and Nestil' Corporations will con­ FLOC membt·rs must obtain IS that a thrt'l'·way negotio1tion he· tinut· until February, 19H.2, accord­ pen.Tnt of allmH.krgraduatt· student tween FLOC. limnt·rs, ;md ing to Dr. James McDonnell, signatures currently enrolled (not Camphdls ami l.ihby-McNl'il·l.ibby director of student activities. studying abroad) to have the issut· to improvt· conditions l(lr placed on a ballot. If approved by farmworkns is FLOC's immnliatt· Tht· Student Boycott Affairs Com­ students, the boycott will continut• goal. "They ( li1rmworkers) live in in· mitttT, which met last Thursday, for another two years. human conditions. art· trt·atetl un­ based the decision on reports sub· McDonndl explained that a two­ justly, anti tlt·snvt· improvemt·nts in mittcd by both the Farm Labor year boycott was approvt·d, living and working conditions, Organizing Committn· ( FI.OC) and "(otherwise) Mudents would he wages, and sakty," slw said. the Campbell Soup Company. "It did not appear to the committee that anything had changed from a year ago." McDonnell said. Stwll•nts are helping the public fill out tbeir income tax forms. ANAD offers help ( {Jimto by Rachel Blount) Committet· members also ap­ proved guidelines establishing a n.cw committee: to review future to anorexia victims "student-initiatt·d boycott Flames sweep Hilton; referenda." This committee will Editor's Note: Anorexia Nervosa with ditti:rcnt proposed remedies. consist of tht.• viet· president of stu­ is a disease which afflicts Hospitalizmion might, of net'Cssity, dent affairs, assistant to the vice thousands of college students. be the first step in trc:atnll'nt. Be­ eight die in Las Vegas president for student affairs, dean of most~y female, e11ery year. In this havior Modification Therapy is t'S· students and director of student ac­ three-part series, The Observer ex­ scntial: the group encourages taking LAS VE<iAS, Nt.·v. (AP) - Ar­ refugees listened outside the Con­ tivities. amines the circumstances and courses in nutrition anti assertive­ sonists st·t the four fires which'sent vention Centn meeting room lkpresentativt·s from Voluntn·r symptoms surrounding anorexia, ness training. "Sometimes individual flanws swt·eping through tht· giant where the news conference was Services, Center for Experiential the avenues of help available, and psychotherapy is most c:ftcctive," l.a1o Vt·~a~ Hilton. burstin~ out an held. learning, C~mpus Ministry. the specific case of a Notre Dame Meehan said. "but the ~roup places t·•ghth lloor wmdow and roanng up About -t,\Jl)\J people were rest·ued Minority Student Affairs, and ~;tutiel(i wilb u more "evere l'Uriely most or ns nopt· 111 sdr-hetp the side of the hotel, authorities said or t.•vacuatcd from tht.· building, in· Housing will also serve on the com­ of anorexia known as bulimitl. programs." yestt·rday. Eight pcopk dit'd and eluded I I 0 plucked from the: roof by mittee as well as at kast one: studt.•nt Today: Part Two. One anorexic support group 19H wert· injured. helicopter. and one faculty reprc:sc:ntativc which has enjoyed consitkrable llnlike tht· killer M<iM <lrand Parrish said fires were started "on chosen by the vice president for stu­ By BRIDGET BERRY progress since its inception in Mic­ fiord tire whkh daimnl H4 lives the: dghth floor in the elevator lobby dent affairs. News Staff hiana in the summer of 19HO meets Nov. 21, "building codes were not a art.·a. Another was on the second bi-weekly in the Oaklawn Psyc­ fat·tor in c:itlll'r point of origin or floor in the uniform linen area and 'l'h., curr"l)t b h' h Anorexia Nervosa and Associated ~ ~ oycott, w IC ex- hiatric Cc:ntc:r in Elkhart. "Family sprt·ad of fire." Las Vegas Fire Chief the other was in tht· third floor in a t"n·'s· Disorders is a national non-profit ~ u to University-administered therapy is always encouraged, as the: Roy Parrish told rt·portcrs. service c:lcvator." The fourth fire areas directly serving the Notre educational and sc:lf-hc:lp group victim's entire family is generally im­ Parrish said firt· hoses on tht· ninth startnl in a ninth-floor firehose:. Dame student voting population, based in Nort~field, Ill. ANAD offers mersed in her crisis," Meehan said. floor were sevt·rcd, stuffed with counseling, information '\nd refer­ Parrish said he could not link the · will be reviewed again in late Consequently, sdf-help groups in· llammablt- material and sc:t afirt·. rals, and educational programs to Hilton blau· with c:~rlicr fires on.the November or early December, dude anorectics and often one or llilton llotcb Corp. Vice: Presi­ anorectics and their families. Foun­ famous Las Vegas Strip. l'JHI. more family members, former dent Henri Lewin otfert·d a At that time, according to McDon­ der and President Vivian Meehan en­ anorectics and also "candidates" for S I 00,000 rt·wanl for information Lt·win said the hotel had not ncll, all companies involved in the courages and supports sc:lf-hclp the disease. leading to the apprehension of the received any threats bcli>re the fires, boycott, as wc:ll as FLOC members, groups. Through extensive Meetings arc soothingly informal arsonists. but during the confusion of evacua­ will be: asked to provide written research, the groups has discovered and familiar. Tht· girls art· painfully "This is a homiddt· invt·stigation. tion, hotel management received a rt.·ports and possibly presentations wha·t it bdicves to be possible:, hont·st and candid. They converse This is a criminal invcMigation," call in which the: caller asked, "Is the: to the committee: and/or student causes, kc:y symptoms and promis­ about their emotions and diftkulties <Jov. Bob LiM said as hundreds of fire fire still <~n? Have they got you yet?" ing remedies. frec:ly, asking for sympathy Meehan is not concerned with sometimt·s, receiving empathy and weight Joss l'XCt'pt in its rhvska( •·nmra~~inn :•lmo~t alway~ Mem­ l;p to$50 billiuu threat to the hclth of the victim. bers asserted that until a victim ad­ Weight loss is only a symptom of a mitted illness, proposed therapy was much more serious problem," she u~dess. The group, they said, had Reagan) Cabinet debate cuts said. "The anorectic is generally given tht.·m tht· couragt· to admit and from a middlc:-class, success­ oric:ntc:d family. She was usually a \VASIIINGTON (AP)- President Reagan gave three "They did conclude: that some more: t'Uts were pos­ good child, never rebellious. As she THURSDAY ......·:·:·:·:·:·:·:-:-;·:····""· ··---·J-~.- Cabint·t secrt·taries a t·h;lnce yt·sterday to make direct sible:, and still protect the truly needy," she: said. grew, she developed a distorted sclf­ ::::::::::::::::::::FOCUS appt·als bc:fort· ht.· finally tkddes where his budget· "Truly needy" has become the administration's imagc:. She has low sclf-estcc:m and t'Litting ax will fall. catchword to defend itsclf :~gainst suggestions that perceives that she has little: or no But deputy White lloust· press secretary Karna Small those dependent on government assistance will suffer control over her 'empty' lite. She: is said "tht·re were no fundamental disagreements" on under the president's budget cuts. not happy. She often hates hcrsclf. confront thl'ir disease. spending reductions and that when the mc:c:ting broke It's this illness, not the: symptom, Crosson said that a ~o:roup could Ms. Small defined the "truly needy" as "those people: up, tht· president, his aides and the Cabinet members that has to be treated in order to not takt· tht· place of individual psyc­ who would have a very difficult time surviving without "were looking for additional cuts." cure the anorectic." hotherapy. "Anorectics must have: the benefit of the programs." With one wc:c:k to go before: he unveils his plans to ANAD · recognizes the key more to share than their p;tthology, In their search for further budget cuts, the: Cabinet sla.~h a~ much a.~ !SO billion from proposed 19H2 symptoms of the: diet-related disor­ and an dlCctive group would he ex· members were conferring with budget director David budget increases, the president is focusing almost ders as: exaggerated interest in food tremdy difficult to organize." The A. Stockman, who sat next to Reagan at the meeting t·ntircly on the economy. couplc:d with the denial of'hungcr; care given through Jht· University's yesterday. Reagan met in the White I louse: Cabinet Room with sleep problems; excessive devotion Psychological Services is rdln·tivc "They were told to go back and work out the: details," Agricultun· Secretary John Block, Interior Secretary to schoolwork; and a program of of Crosson's viewpoint. Ms. Small said. James Watt and Richard St·hwc:ikcr, secretary of the: unrelenting c:xerdsc.
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