ige «• THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE March 1922. mßtrnM Ï.M.CA. D D D LOCALSPORT ATHLETICS S RACING CIRCLES FOOT! Hargrove's for Quality and Stylo EDDIE'S FRIENDS —and Value and Volume. Conditions to Govern 77mm SHE EFB RETAINS DISABLED , \NHATS WAR VETERANS National Open Golf 8l& IDEA OF RAN.\I\T HEY LEID OVER H (T4 THE PûT 0QFO9£y Disabled Veterans now in town Sobs f EDDIE., Came here for their Convention VA SHôW US VlHMtH*] And as they wandered up and down Vl€U.7 lets fcôT AMy INS HD BLOCK Play Sfks Interest It came to their attention GOT?! --WERE i~M MIKEHASIT had a Sale of note Of course you've heard that, i see'EMi—ve SÛOIHIN 6- "TVUS GAME,TOO,y* Where Veterans who were wise ok! chestnut about "It might PAID <=RÛÛÎD SV|RUP?-HE»ES Former Billiard Champion Already had been in to vote have been worse." Committee Considering Arrangements * Neces­ For the Fifty-Dollar prize. MöNeVSHOW UNDERSTAND'. A STRAINtfT Puts Up Game Exhibition It reminds us of the story of sary if List of Entrants Should Reach More ALL but Cannot Pull Ahead. the little boy who having been US THE FlftS- 0»4E-r - Can You Understand told his grandad had swallowed 1 the "fiddle." said, "Well he Than 300 as Is Thought Probable. VM>RViSl—TH*T PiN^ . Chicago, March 28.—(By The Asso­ There was a fellow who got married hoped grandad would 'lay off IS, IF VOU HME VJE.U-. B<yys, ciated Press.)—Willie Hoppe Tuesday the piano.' " night gave one of the gamest exhibi­ about two weeks ago and he opened up New York, March 28.—As spring ap­ ficult dredging that will have to be EM - CMON! pA>y MEU - fw tions of billiards in his long career, a checking account at the bank for hi* The point we want to make is proaches curiosity increases regarding done. but was unable to overcome the spec­ wife. The other day he went home all that although it's raining— It now appears that Jock Hutchison, C'M OM'.-C'MOH1, AGOUT "T3 SHoW tacular playing of the champion, Jake boiling over and told his wife that her conditions to govern the national open British opes titleholder; Jim Barnes, account was overdrawn. She meekly '"April showers" always bring Schaefer, in their 1500-point 18.2 golf championship tournament sched­ American champion, and Walter Hägen, I've &ÖT A VOU Of*E OFTWiE balkline match for the world's title, replied, "Why, John, I can't see how "May flowers," keep on looking uled to get under way on July 11 over P. G. A. crown wearer, will represent and the second block of play ended that can be. I've got half the check 8 Ntnry little: MOST 0&-AtfnFV>t- book left yet." for the "Blue Bird," swallow the skokie course near Ctncago. The America in the British open champion­ with "Young Jake" stUl m the lead, the fiddle and lay off the piano, United States Golf association commit­ ship at Sandwich, England, in mid-June. mit Myself! UTTLE. COMBINAT« I,000 to 952. Schaefer won the block 500 to 486, but at one time led his You see that dear thing didn't under- • hen you'll be all right. tee having this problem in charge is still Strengthen American Entry tve got IN THE WHGLH t6CKj In the event that Chick Evans, Jess do you THINK! I challenger 300 to 97. stand. Now, do you understand about ! undecided as to what course to pursue, three KIK6-S Score by innings: the Spring Suit Bargains at My Organi­ Think of how nice it is to have being ever confronted with the specter Guilford, Francis Ouimet, Bobby Jones THROW MONEV — SEVEN. H16HT zation Sale? Every suit sold during a nice cleun bath, a fine, smooth of an overwhelming entry. or any other of our American amateurs VNHO WOULD Schaefer—157, 143, 35, 16, 53, 27, go abroad for the British amateur INTK POT JUST NINE.,TEN *N3> II, 58—500—50H—1,000. this sale means that the purchaser gets shave, and fresh new clothes Suppose that upward of 300 players UkE TO "TAKE Average Tuesday night, 624-8; grand a Five Dollar bill handed him with the from your neck straight down should send in their names. Such an tourney, at Prestwick, the latter part TO HEAR IT — *N1> ALL . suit. array would put to rout almost any pro- of May, and remain over for an addi V A LOOK'. average, 5*14-17. south, including the calluses off RATTLEl Hoppe—43, 54, 0, 71, 17, 134, 167— your feet. vision made for previous 'opens. The i tional month, the American entry in PtM Ü -O. MA-My suggestion favoring two courses which the classic British open will be materi 486—166—952. Shoo away trouble, class officials of the Professional Golfers' ally strengthened. Average Tuesday night, 69 3-7 ; grand that's all. association made some time ago, thus Reports from the south are to the average, 59 8-16. MIKEHASIT far has not been favored by Robert effect that Hutchison, Barnes and Champion Starts Fast Clothes may not make a man Gardner, chairman of the championship Hagen will leave for England shortly The champion started with rapid GREAT, but make him FEEL committee, one of his objections be­ after the north and south open is played scoring runs of 157 and 143, which great- Ours do. ing that the extra course which would at Pinehurst, in order to prepare thor­ took the heart out of Hoppe's follow­ only be used for a day or two, might oughly for the British meet on British ers, but only stiffened the backbone of Everything great—from collars handicap some of the contestants. courses. the veteran, who as a boy in his 'teens to sox—from value to volume. Last year Jock Hutchison violated all D Would Divide Field nearly two decades ago, beat the traditions of the tight little isle by world's greatest players. On the other hand, Gardner rather transporting the championship to i Hoppe's lips tightened perceptibly leans to a plan calling for dividing the i America, after a stirring battle with as he sat in bis corner watching field into three parts. The first would young Rogers Weathered, English BEGIN TH Schafer's perfect work in the first play 36 holes on Monday, the second 36 j amateur. Although it is hardly likely two frames, and when the challenger Hargrove's holes on luesday and the remainder ; that the Chicago Scot will repeat that failed to score in his third inning the play two rounds on ednesday. The j fcat this year, the triple combination « match appeared to be over. best _4 scores and ties of the three j 0f Hutchison-Barnes-Hagen should PHI Schaefer, however, weakened in the E The Shop for Father and Son days could then get together in the keep the defending British golfing I final frames and Hoppe came back championship proper on Thursday and i forces occupied from start to finish of with 134 in his sixth frame, passing Friday. the championship. 21 Schaefer in the next inning with a run Brooklyn and New York Are This would in addition to prolong­ mi Alan Gow, who has been appointed ) 1K2 MY IMT'V Furuw Scnvicc. l«c. of 167. ing the meeting a day also cause a two- professional at the Edgewater club, At the start of play Schaefer was Baseball Enemies Until Reg­ day layoff for those who qualified on Chicago, has sailed from England for the Hoppe of last night. He played ular Season Opens. Monday. That may be regarded as an this country- He is accompanied by with precision that was perfect, while NTEIES objection, but no matter what way you Forbes Leith, his assistant at his form­ Bumping Into a Straight Flush. Hoppe was very unsteady and the look at it, the ever increasing size of er club, Banstead Downs. The Surrey breaks were all against him. New York. March 28.—Brooklyn the field is bound to necessitate some professional is the latest addition to As the game progressed the luck and New York are baseball enemies to­ : sort of legislation regarding the entry. the considerable list of British players shifted and the champion at one time day and will continue hostilities until ICOLl Definite announcement has been who have drifted to America in recent seemed certain of defeat. the regular season opens. Robinson's made that George Duncan and Abe years. He was born at Lochton, Perth­ Back of Hoppe's corner sat his 5- Mitchell in response to many requests Davis Cup Contenders Lo National hopefuls and Huggins' Yan­ shire, in 1885, and represented Scot­ year-old daughter. Alice, and as the kees begun their long trek from Dixie for return engagements, plan to arrive land against England in the professional night's play ended, she rushed to her in this city early in July. Thev will at Beaumont. international match at Muirfieild in father and whispered in his ear: Meantime the Giants and the Chi­ play in the national open at Skokie, 1912. For ten years he was located "You'll win sure tomorrow, papa." and may be booked for matches from e cago White Sox continue their threat­ Shell Drivers Will Have Their at Gogmagog, Cambridge. Will Be More Numerous "Perhaps she's right." commented ening gestures, which so far have re­ July 16 to October 25.
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