GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA EMERGENCY ROADS RECOVERY PROJECT (ERRP) UPGRADATION / REHABILITATION OF “SHARIFABAD TO KANJU ROAD” SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN AUGUST 2011 FRONTIER HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY Attached Departments Complex, Near Treasury Office, Khyber Road, Peshawar – Pakistan. Phone: 0092–91–9213927, Fax: 0092–91–9210434, Email: [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 – 16 CHAPTER–1 INTRODUCTION 17 – 21 1.1 General 17 1.2 Project Description 17 1.3 Screening Level Social and Resettlement Impacts Assessment 17 1.4 Need for SA / RAP Study 18 1.5 Objectives of the Study 18 1.6 Existing Road Conditions 18 1.7 Proposed Improvements under the Project 19 1.8 Availability of Row (Land) 19 CHAPTER–2 LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 22 – 28 2.1 General 22 2.2 Environmental & Social Screening and Assessment Framework (ESSAF) 22 2.2.1 Impact Screening, Assessment and Mitigation Planning 22 2.2.2 Consultations 24 2.2.3 Planning, Review and Approval 24 2.2.4 Capacity–Building and Monitoring Of ESSAF Implementation 25 2.2.5 Disclosure 26 2.3 Applicable Safeguard Policies of the Bank 26 2.3.1 OP–4.12 Involuntary Resettlement 26 2.3.2 BP–17.50 Public Disclosure 28 2.3.3 Interaction with Different Departments / Agencies 28 CHAPTER–3 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 29 – 31 3.1 General 29 3.2 Identification of PAPs 29 3.3 Collection of Information from Secondary Sources 29 3.4 Collection of Primary Data 29 3.4.1 Village Profile Survey 30 3.4.2 Census of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) Encroach 30 3.4.3 Cut–Off Date 30 3.4.4 Socioeconomic Baseline Survey 30 3.4.5 Processing and Analysis of Data 31 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC (ii) DESCRIPTION PAGE CHAPTER–4 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 32 – 33 4.1 General 32 4.2 No–Project Option 32 4.3 Alternative Transport Options 32 4.4 Design Alternatives 33 4.4.1 Route Alternatives 33 4.4.2 Alignment Alternatives 33 4.4.3 Alternatives for Public Amenities 33 4.5 Conclusions 33 CHAPTER–5 CONSULTATIONS, PARTICIPATION AND DISCLOSURE 34 – 40 5.1 General 34 5.2 Identification of Stakeholders 34 5.3 Consultations with PAPs 34 5.4 Outcome of Stakeholders Consultation 35 5.4.1 Social and Resettlement Related Concerns Raised by the PAPs 35 5.4.2 Other General Concerns Raised by the PAPs 36 Highway Design 36 Highway Construction 37 Highway Operation 37 5.4.3 Addressal of Stakeholders Concerns 37 Highway Design 37 Highway Construction 38 Highway Operation 38 5.4.4 Consultation with Local Women 38 5.4.5 Consultation with Local CSOs 39 5.5 Consultation Strategy during Implementation Stage 40 5.6 Formation of Committees 40 5.7 Procedures for Future Disclosure 40 CHAPTER–6 SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF PROJECT AREA AND PAPS 41 – 63 6.1 General 41 6.2 Description of the Project Area 41 6.2.1 Administrative and Socio–Political Setup 41 6.2.2 Ethnic Clans 42 6.2.3 Religion 42 6.2.4 Language 42 6.2.5 Family Life 42 6.2.6 Marriages 43 6.2.7 Social Organization 43 6.2.8 Conflicts Resolution Mechanism and Laws 43 6.3 Economic Base and Development Opportunities in Swat District 44 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC (iii) DESCRIPTION PAGE 6.3.1 Economic Base 44 6.3.2 Industries 44 6.3.3 Irrigation 44 6.3.4 Mining Resources 44 6.3.5 Land Use and Agriculture 44 6.3.6 Forestry 45 6.3.7 Trade and Trade Centres 45 6.3.8 Education 45 6.3.9 Electricity and Telephone Facilities 46 6.3.10 Transportation and Accessibility 46 6.3.11 Fuel and Energy 46 6.4 Characteristics of the Project Corridor 47 6.4.1 Description of the Project Corridor 47 6.4.2 Agriculture 47 6.4.3 Per Acre Income from Crops 49 6.4.4 Settlement Pattern 49 6.4.5 Population 49 6.4.6 Housing Characteristics 50 6.4.7 Education Facilities 50 6.4.8 Health Facilities 51 6.4.9 Industry and Trade 51 6.4.10 Link Roads 52 6.5 Socioeconomic Profile of the Population along the Project Corridor 52 6.5.1 Population and Family Size 53 6.5.2 Education Level 53 6.5.3 Major Occupations of Respondents 54 6.5.4 Annual Income of the Respondents 54 6.5.5 Annual Expenditure 54 6.5.6 Available Social Amenities in the Project Corridor 54 6.5.7 Possession of Household Items 55 6.5.8 Stakeholders’ Perceptions about the Project 56 6.5.9 Gender and Development 56 6.5.10 Women Role in Socio–economic Activities 57 6.5.11 Conflict Resolution Mechanism in the Project Area 58 6.5.12 CSOs in the Project Corridor 58 6.6 Identification of Project Affected Persons 59 6.6.1 Census Survey 59 6.6.2 Loss of Cropped Area 59 6.6.3 Removal of Trees 60 6.6.4 Loss of Structures 60 6.6.5 Occupations and Income Status of the Affected Households 61 6.6.6 Indigenous & Vulnerable Persons and Female Headed Households 63 6.6.7 Archeological, Historical and Religious Sites 63 6.6.8 Infrastructure within ROW 63 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC (iv) DESCRIPTION PAGE CHAPTER–7 PROJECT SOCIO–ECONOMIC IMPACTS / SOCIAL RISKS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 64 – 73 7.1 General 64 7.2 Delineation of Project Corridor of Impact 64 7.3 Management of Socioeconomic Impacts / Social Risks 65 7.4 Criteria for Impact Scaling 72 7.5 Overall Assessment of Potential Socioeconomic and Impacts 72 CHAPTER–8 RESETTLEMENT PLAN AND BUDGET 74 – 92 8.1 General 74 8.2 Objective of the Resettlement Plan 74 8.3 Resettlement Policy Framework and Entitlement Matrix 74 8.3.1 Basic Principles for Resettlement Plan Preparation 75 8.3.2 Compensation Eligibility 75 8.3.3 Compensation Entitlements 76 8.3.4 Entitlement Matrix (EM) 77 8.4 Compensation for Affected Assets 79 8.4.1 Compensation for Privately Owned Structures 79 8.4.2 Compensation for Squatters 80 8.4.3 Compensation for Affected Trees 80 8.4.4 Cost of Utilities 80 8.4.5 Provisions for Compensatory Plantation 80 8.4.6 Additional Assistance for Vulnerable Households 80 8.5 Income Restoration Strategy 81 8.6 Institutional Arrangements for RAP Implementation 82 8.6.1 Project Management Unit (PMU) 82 8.6.2 Field Implementation Unit (FIU) 82 Construction Supervision Consultants (CSC) 82 8.6.3 Project Affected Person’s Committees (PAPCs) 82 8.7 Monitoring of RAP Implementation 83 8.7.1 Internal Monitoring 83 Monitoring Role and Responsibilities 84 8.7.2 External (Independent) Monitoring 84 8.8 Grievance Redressal 85 8.8.1 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) 85 8.8.2 Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) 86 8.8.3 Complaints Management Register (CMR) 86 8.8.4 Conflict Resolution Procedure 87 8.9 Process of RAP Implementation 87 8.9.1 Schedule of Implementation 88 8.10 Capacity Building and Training 89 8.11 Resettlement Budget 90 8.12 Contract Document Clauses For Social Mitigation 91 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC (v) DESCRIPTION PAGE ANNEXURE Annexure–1: Cross Section of Existing Road Annexure–2: Cross Section of Proposed Road Annexure–3: Transfer of Road to FHA – Notification Annexure–3(A): Revenue Record about Land Availability for Road Annexure–4: Environmental and Social Screening and Assessment Framework (ESSAF) Annexure–5: Questionnaire for Village Profile Survey Annexure–6: Questionnaire for Census Survey Annexure–7: Questionnaire for Socio–economic Survey Annexure–8: Details of Loss of Cropped Area Annexure–9: Details about Removal of Trees Annexure–10: Details about Affected Structures Annexure–11: Linear Plan for Affected Structures Annexure–12: Details of Public Consultation Annexure–13: Project Affected Person Committee for Sharifabad to Kabal Annexure–14: Project Affected Person Committee for Kabal to Kanju Annexure–15: Information Pamphlet in English Annexure–16: Unit Rates for Structure’s Valuation Annexure–17: Detail of Compensation for Affected Structures Annexure–18: Detail of Compensation for Tenants Annexure–19 : Agreement with the PAPs (Owners and Tenants of Business Structures) Annexure–20 : TOR for External Monitoring / Third Party Validation Pictorial View of Public Consultation and Project Features C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC (vi) LIST OF ACRONYMS SIA Social Impact Assessment RAP Resettlement Action Plan LAA Land Acquisition Act WB World Bank LAC Land Acquisition Collector APs Affected Persons ESSAF Environmental and Social Screening and Assessment Framework BP Bank Policy ROW Right of Way COI Corridor of Impact GoKP Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa GoP Government of Pakistan FHA Frontier Highways Authority ACE Associated Consulting Engineers MDTF Multi Donor Trust Fund PKR Pak Rupees NGOs Non–Government Organizations OP Operational Policy / Policies VOC Vehicle Operating Cost CBOs Community Based Organizations P&D Planning and Development PAPs Project Affected Persons RAP Resettlement Plan NHA National Highway Authority WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority AD Assistant Director PD Project Director MD Managing Director DD Deputy Director EM Entitlement Matrix GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism SCR Social Complaint Register GRC Grievance Redress Committee DCO District Coordination Officer EDO Executive Development Officer DO Development Officer C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC(vii) DDO Deputy Development Officer WSD Works & Services Department NWFP North West Frontier Province RHC Rural Health Centre MCH Mother Child Health Care Centre BHUs Basic Health Units TMA Tehsil Municipal Administration OPL Official Poverty Line PE Project Engineer TMP Traffic Management Plan ILO International Labour Organization LAR Land Acquisition and Resettlement CAS Compulsory Acquisition Surcharge AHH Affected House Holds AD (R&S) Assistant Director (Resettlement & Social) U / C Union Council M&E Monitoring and Evaluation BOQ Bill of Quantities C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MUHAMMAD SAEED YAQUB\DESKTOP\FROM SAMINA AFTER WB COMMENTS 21-08-11\REPORT.DOC(viii) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES–1 INTRODUCTION 1.
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