-------- ---- - -- PARTLY Editorial Friday CLOUDY Notre Dame and South Bend could benefit from the HIGH 42° purchase of St. Joseph Regional Medical Center. APRIL 5, LOW25° Viewpoint+ page 12 2002 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL. XXXV NO. 116 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Spring Vis kicks off with multicultural events • Models to strut the • Latin Expressions latest fashions at the educates, entertains Black Cultural Arts through music, dance Council fashion show and culture By MAUREEN SMITH£ By MAUREEN SMITH£ Senior Staff Writer Senior StaffWriter Though Saturday night's 25th annual Black Showcasing a wide variety of Latin music, Cultural Arts Council Fashion Show may be dance and culture, Latin Expressions kicks sponsored by a campus minority organiza­ off tonight at Saint Mary's O'Laughlin tion, coordinators want to make one thing Auditorium. clear: everyone is invited. Acts ranging from traditional Mexican folk "It's open to everyone. It's not an all-black dances to student renditions of favorite thing," said coordinator Andrea de Vries. Latino pop songs and choreographed dance "The models are white, Asian, Hispanic, numbers will keep the show tightly focused Black. It's a very inclusive event." on Latino culture. Titled "Noche de Ritmo Unlike years past, the coordinators wanted Latino," the event aims to educate and enter­ to bring a tighter focus to this year's show. tain. Uniting the scenes together with one com­ "We recognize that there are lots of talent­ mon thread was a challenge de Vries gladly ed people on campus, and they should be took on with fellow organizer Margaret allowed to showcase their talent but this Mason. year we wanted to focus more on the cultural "This year is a fashion show and play. The aspect - we wanted the show to be more basic premise is six couples and 12 singles, culturally driven than in year's past," Garza and they interact with each other through said. many scenes," de Vries said. "At the end of More than 50 people are involved in this the night, five couples break up and one cou­ year's production, most of who are involved ple gets married." in the opening act, choreographed by stu­ The two came up with the name "I See dents Mercedes Boyd and Yan Ortiz. You, I Want You, I'm Yours," meant to "The committee thought that Latin emphasize the love and romance storyline. Expressions should be about expressing your Twenty models are participating in this 'Latin' talents. Anyone could audition for the year's show at the Century Center. In addi­ show, but we felt that a big part of the act tion to BCAC members, representatives from had to be influenced in some way by the student government and various athletic Photo courtesy of Mariachi NO Latino culture," Garza said. teams will be strutting their stuff down the Mariachi ND, pictured here from a previous Latin Expressions, Latin Expressions is La Alianza's biggest runway. will be performing in this weekend's cultural production. The event of the year. production includes traditional and contemporary cultural see FASHION/page 4 dances. see EXPRESSIONS/page 4 fAMILIES FUED AT RECKERS Notre Dame investigates purchasing hosptialland president for Public Affairs and By SCOTT BRODFUEHRER Communications, the hospital Assistant News Editor approached Notre Dame several weeks ago when it decided to University officials are consider­ vacate its current site to gauge the ing the possibility of purchasing University's interest in assuming a the land that will be vacated by St. leadership role in the future of the Joseph Regional Medical Center land. when it moves to a new "The hospital's departure has a Mishawaka location in 2006. very significant impact to the If the University purchases the neighborhood and the City of land it would then assume a lead­ South Bend. When the hospital ership role in assuring that the approached us, our first inclination land was redeveloped, minimizing was to say we are not in a situation the impact of the hospital's depar­ where land is scarce; we have ture on the community. areas where we can grow here. Hospital officials announced However, we cannot afford to have plans Wednesday to build a new another [abandoned area of town health care campus in the Edison like the] Studebaker corridor and Lakes Corporate Park area on we agreed to become a lead agent North Main Street in Mishawaka, in the process," said Nanni. east of the intersection of Douglas lf the University were to acquire Road and Grape Road. When the the land, it would probably not be new facility is opened, the Medical used for resources that students Center will occupy only a small would use on a daily basis. portion of its current nine build­ "We are not going to destroy the KYLIE CARTER!fhe Observer ings on the 35-acre site on LaSalle residential and pedestrian nature The competition was fierce Thursday night at Reekers as various halls competed Avenue, approximately one mile of our campus. In my wildest against one another in Welsh Family Hall's annual event, the Welsh Family Fued. south of Notre Dame's campus. According to Lou Nanni, vice see HOSPTIAL/page 8 page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Friday, April 5, 2002 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK IN NOTRE DAME/SAINT MARY'S HISTORY Welcome to the Two bomb scares threaten ND students Saint Mary's elects new BOG President Friday, April2, 1976 Tuesday, March 30, 1976 family Early Thursday afternoon classes in the College of The ticket of Mary Lou Bilek won student body Business were suspended while Notre Dame president, while 27.9 percent of the campus abstained I remember four years ago, when I was a and 14.1 percent said no to the sole ticket running. senior in high school, looking for which college I security and officials of the college made an wanted to attend. I had priorities. I'd gone to pub­ extensive search for a bomb believed to be hidden Students anonymously posted signs around campus lic school my whole life. Now I wanted to go to a somewhere in the business complex. Lewis Hall was advising others not to vote because only one ticket Catholic school. I mentioned this to my fellow also threatened by a similar, but unrelated, bomb was running. parishioners at St. Brigid scare early Thursday morning. Parish and someone sug­ gested, "Why don't you go to Notre Dame?" Then, all I knew about Notre Dame was it had a famous football team (they showed us Rudy Compiled from U-Wire reports at school). So I, in my inno­ BEYOND CAMPUS cent ignorance, said, 'It's not Catholic.' Ok, ok- you have permis- Angela Campos Student may be trapped in Bethlehem hotel sion to royally chew me out for that. (Blasphemy! MADISON, Wis. Palestinians and the Israeli army that Scandal!) But at the time, I Lab Tech As of the last contact University of overtook the town as part of Israel's didn't know any better. Wisconsin-Madison senior Tara response to recent suicide bombings, I looked into Notre Dame. McKinney had with her family, she Bethlehem and other West Bank It wasn't my first choice. I'm an anthropology was stranded in Bethlehem's Star cities have been declared closed mili­ major now, but I originally intended international Hotel, roughly 500 meters from tary areas. relations. I was looking for good IR programs at Manger Square where Palestinian Continued tensions and attempts to Catholic universities, and I listed Notre Dame gunmen are currently surrounded by evacuate foreigners pinned in the Star because it was Catholic. I had my heart set on Israeli troops. Hotel make determining the status of Georgetown. McKinney is part of a study abroad any individual difficult. I applied here. I received a letter in December program in Brussels, Belgium, and McPhail said McKinney was most saying I'd been accepted into Notre Dame. I was was visiting Israel. Study abroad offi­ likely drawn to the region because of glad I got in, but I still wanted Georgetown­ cials do not have information on her the ongoing strife and not surprised they'd sent me a letter saying they had deferred whereabouts according to Josh and they went to work on [helping her by the situation. my application. I received a letter later from McPhail, McKinney's nephew and a out of Bethlehem]. so it wasn't any­ "She is studying for journalism or Georgetown advising me I'd been wait-listed. I UW-Madison senior. thing through the university," he said. photojournalism. .. She wa definitely visited Georgetown in February and I visited "They don't have a clue," McPhail A representative from UW­ there because of the conflict," he said. Notre Dame in March, for Spring Visitation said. Madison's study abroad office was Among the other foreigners trapped Weekend. It was in those two visits that my whole He added that McKinney's mother is unable to confirm whether McKinney in the hotel are a group of internation­ perspective changed. actively searching for her daughter. is with their program or if they are al peace activists with whom At each college, I stayed for an extended "She called Sen. [Russ] Feingold [D­ aware she is in Israel. McKinney may have been traveling. period: a week at Georgetown and four days at Wis.] and her other representatives In the intense fighting between The Daily Cardinal Notre Dame. In that time, I got to walk around the campus, eat in the cafeteria (GT)/ dining hall (ND), sight see, and talk to students.
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