Vol . 1. N o . 1 Student Publicat i on, Coll ege of th e Main l and October 15 , 1973 T exas Cit y, T ex a s 77590 Sanders Previews Album By Judy Bevers Seven Day Adventurist. True, Staff Reporter his music does make him good money, but that is not the reason For all you unpatriotic stu­ he sings. As a philosopher, he is dents who do not appreciate the interested in communicating program committee's work, we with people. He uses the words would like to tell you what you of his songs to convey a message missed by not coming to hear to the listener. Those who do not Don Sanders at the student care for his style of music can centl'r on Sept. 27. still enjoy the lyrics of his songs. Resides giving us a sneak He has no one message in his previl'W of his forthcoming al­ songs but has a wide variety of bum, EXTENDED PLAY, he subject material. Singing of also played many of the student's sol·iety, woman, illl•gal old favorill>s and even took a few drugs, the government, roach· n•qul•sts. Don has many new es, Jesus freaks and any other songs, the likes of which you will fn•aks, he does not tell you how nevl'r hl·ar played by anyone but to n•acl to these things but only Don. shares his experiences with Rdon• going any deeper into them. The songs are comical and his music, let's see just who Don light but often have an obseun• Sandt>rs is . To begin with, he is meaning for the industrious onl' of thl' few accepted local pl•rson who cares to look for musil·ians around here. Born and thl'm. raised in Houston, he attended thl' University of Houston and Don did not want to share any n•ceiwd a Bachelor's Degree in of his major philosophies with us Philosophy in 1965. He is a disc as he fl•lt it would only serve as jot·kl'Y for KPFT on Mondays anothl'r rule for us to try ty live and soml' of his taped songs can by. He feels everyone should hl' ht•ard on that station. He has havl' his own philosophies to try ht·l'n pl•rforming mainly in Texas to live by. _ _ _ · . 'i)lrihts, tTStiTf;- lttnm.on, Don's love o art and love of and othns} but in the near future music are what keep him going plans to play in Georgia and as a musician. Although many of olhl•r Northl•astern States. his songs are inspired, most To get to the more personal begin as a central theme or DON SANDERS RELAXES AFTER EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE AT COM facts, Don has just turned 30, is thought upon which he builds a Judy Bevers, Mainland Comet Reporter, Enjoyed Her Interview 5'7 ½ ", likes to be given flowers story. He calls these thoughts an ( Wl' presented him with a flower intensity of emotion. He is Although we could write for­ this up-coming local musician so appreciate him and his music. from the student body), and working lo communicate and ever on the themes and philoso­ that the next time he comes to And to all our old faithfuls who when asked if he was Roman explain these throughts or feel· phies which Don sang, we wish play for us, he wi ll know by the came, keep on rockin' and don't Agnostic replied that he was ings. only to arouse your interest in size of our audience that we desert! Advocate Addresses Great Issue Series UH Opens New Campus College of the Mainland's an­ Dean for Continuing Education. College of Mainland students A committee was appointed nual "Great Issues Lecture Ser· He added that Nadar would wi ll have to wait for awhile but it consisting of Jerome McAllister. ies" will begin another year with answer questions from the aud­ is going to be worth it. The Bill Blaniken, and John Cox to Ralph Nadar, the hard-hitting ience after his presentation. University of Houston at Clear study the effectiveness of the consumer advocate, in an ad­ Since 1965, Nadar has served Lake will be completed in 1975, learning process al COM. both in dress on Monday, November 26 as a catalyst lo focus attention on according lo information given al the curriculum offered and how al the La Marque High School critical areas of American life. It the recent COM board meeting. we can continue to evaluate tht• Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. was during that year that he rose To make it possible fo r COM effectiveness of education at Tickets, which are $2.00 and to national prominence with the students lo enter the Clear Lake COM. $1.00 for students, may be publication of his book, Unsafe branch, the university will be run 1.•• ............................ •a,J obtained at COM's Administra­ parallel to COM, making t he At Any Speed, in which he Ralph Nadar tion Building; King's Jewelry attacked the automotive indust­ transition from COM lo Univer­ ~ Coming Events~ Store, Texas City; University of ry for its failure to incorporate of congressional members. sity of Houston an easy process. Texas Medical Branch bookstore, Nadar's presentat io n will · Board trustees also discussed certain safely features in car 0 -·····························- Galveston; Rosenberg Library, design. launch the fourth year of the and approved a plan fo r a more The Sam Houston Samplt•r is Galveston; Newsland, Nasa 1, COM's Great Issues Lecture fl exible contract, recommended to be during the week of Oet. :2:2 Clear Lake City. In addition, mail This book and his testimony Series. During its short li fe span, by President Dr. Fred Taylor, fr om 8 a.m. til 10 p.m. in tht• orders may be sent to COM's before a Senate investigating the series has attracted approxi­ for obtaining teachers fo r periods College Center for all you history Great Issue Series, 8001 Palmer committee contributed to the mately 16,000 people to hear of less than ni ne months. The buffs. There is no admission ft'l' Highway, Texas City, Texas passage of the National Traffic such nationally-known figures as theory behind this new concept and tht> publil' is invitl'd. 77590. Orders should include a and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in David Brinkley, Senator Edward will be of benefit lo the students Thne is going t<; ht• a check, made out to COM, and the 1966. Muskie, Senator Barry Gold­ by more thorough development sandwieh tht>att>r, .. A Thurht•r number and type of tickets He continued to make a visible water, Dan Rather and many of course documents, etc. Carnival'' on (ktoht>r :2:2. at 7::lO desired. impact on the legislative scene others. In other business, President p .. Evt>ryont' is invitt>d and t ht• Nadar will speak on "The Con­ with the passage in 1967 of more "COM has a strong commit­ Taylor explained the budgetary tiekets an• only $2.00 hut dut· tti summer Society", delving into stringent laws for inspection of ment to presenting outstanding revisions necessary because of thl' seating limitations only 1-ltl such diverse aspects as environ­ slaughter houses and meat pro­ speakers on a wide spectrum of the college assuming operations an' to ht• sold. So hurry ·and gl't mental hazards, corporate re­ cessing plants. subjects and viewpoints," Smith of t he Coll ege Center snack bar. your tickt•ts. sponsibility, the energy crisis, Nadar subsequently formed explained. "We feel that citizens Snack bar operations were as­ Tht>rt' is to hP a COFFEE and reconstructing the American the Center for the Study of must be well-informed about sumed at the beginning of the HOUSE on Octolwr I~ at ~ p.m. political system. Responsive Law which has is­ critical issues if our democratic summer under Robert Smith, in the Collt•gt• l'<·ntl'r. Bill and "I don't know which topic he'll sued reports on the health system is to function success­ director of student life at the Lucille Cacil' an• a marrit·d l'ouplt· emphasize - I do know his hazards in mining, the poor fully." College Center. Snack bar oper­ from Houston who sing lwatui comments will be timely and conditions in nursing homes, Further information regarding ations last year were contracted fully and havl' pla.n•d in Houston, thought-provoking," commented industrial pollution, misleading the lecture series may be obtain­ out to Servomalion Inc. of Boston, l'onnt•1·t inll and :",;1•w Larry Smith, COM's Associate advertising and the effectiveness ed by calling 938-1211, Ext. 296. Houston. York. Page 2 Mainland Comet October 15, 1973 Editorials. Thornton • • Exhibits Art Uninformed Americans The Gallery Season of College One of the major problems talked about in the United States of the Mainland was opened today is the fact that the public is being frequently recently with an Art Show by MISINFORMED as to how certain political matters take place. one of COM's own artists, Don Thornton, who recently joined Moreoften, however, the public is totally UNINFORMED! the staff. The show in the Fine For instance, when Ms. Sissy Farenthold came to College of the Arts Gallery will continue Mainland recently to inform the citizens on important aspects of · through Nov.10, from 2 to 5 p.m. Thornton has exhibited in revenue sharing, her lecture was very poorly attended.
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