!2017004GG! WESTERN 67 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ISSN 1448-949X (print) ISSN 2204-4264 (online) PRINT POST APPROVED PP665002/00041 PERTH, FRIDAY, 6 JANUARY 2017 No. 4 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY JOHN A. STRIJK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER AT 12.00 NOON © STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA CONTENTS PART 1 Page Casino Control (Authorised Games) Amendment Notice 2017 ................................................ 89 Commission for Occupational Safety and Health (Appointment of Member) Instrument (No. 5) 2016 ............................................................................................................................. 91 Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2016 ....................................................................... 69 Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2016 ............................................. 76 ——— PART 2 Deceased Estates ....................................................................................................................... 104 Education ................................................................................................................................... 92 Electoral ..................................................................................................................................... 92 Fire and Emergency Services .................................................................................................... 92 Health ......................................................................................................................................... 93 Heritage ...................................................................................................................................... 94 Local Government ...................................................................................................................... 95 Marine/Maritime ........................................................................................................................ 95 Minerals and Petroleum ............................................................................................................ 96 Planning ..................................................................................................................................... 100 Premier and Cabinet .................................................................................................................. 102 Racing, Gaming and Liquor....................................................................................................... 103 WorkCover .................................................................................................................................. 103 IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE © State of Western Australia This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Attorney General for Western Australia. Inquiries in the first instance should be directed to the Government Printer, State Law Publisher, 10 William St, Perth 6000. PUBLISHING DETAILS The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by State Law Publisher for the State of Western Australia on Tuesday and Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances. Special Government Gazettes containing notices of an urgent or particular nature are published periodically. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette. • Material submitted to the Executive Council prior to gazettal will require a copy of the signed Executive Council Minute Paper. • Copy must be lodged with the Sales and Editorial Section, State Law Publisher no later than 12 noon on Wednesday (Friday edition) or 12 noon on Friday (Tuesday edition). Delivery address: State Law Publisher Lower Ground Floor, 10 William St. Perth, 6000 Telephone: 6552 6000 Fax: 9321 7536 • Inquiries regarding publication of notices can be directed to the Publications Officer on (08) 6552 6012. • Lengthy or complicated notices should be forwarded early to allow for preparation. Failure to observe this request could result in the notice being held over. If it is necessary through isolation or urgency to email or fax copy, confirmation is not required by post. If original copy is forwarded later and published, the cost will be borne by the advertiser. ADVERTISING RATES AND PAYMENTS EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2016 (Prices include GST). Deceased Estate notices (per estate)—$31.10 Articles in Public Notices Section—$72.30 minimum charge (except items of an exceptionally large nature. In these instances arrangements will be made for pricing the notice at time of lodging). All other Notices— Per Column Centimetre—$14.40 Bulk Notices—$263.90 per page Electronic copies of gazette notices sent to clients for lodgement with the Delegated Legislation Committee—$47.50 Clients who have an account will only be invoiced for charges over $50. For charges under $50, clients will need to supply credit card details at time of lodging notice (i.e. a notice under 4cm would not be invoiced). Clients without an account will need to supply credit card details or pay at time of lodging the notice. 6 January 2017 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 69 — PART 1 — CONSERVATION CO301 Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2016 Made by the Minister for Environment under section 23F(2) of the Act. 1. Citation This notice may be cited as the Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2016. 2. Interpretation In this notice— “extant” means known to be living in a wild state; “protected flora” means any flora belonging to the classes of flora declared by the Minister under section 6 of the Act to be protected flora by notice published in the Gazette 9 October 1987, at p. 3855; “taxon” includes any taxon that is described by a genus name and any other name or description. Note: The plural form of “taxon” is “taxa”. 3. Declaration of rare flora Subject to clause 4, protected flora— (a) specified in Schedule 1, being taxa that are extant and considered likely to become extinct or rare, as critically endangered flora, and therefore in need of special protection; (b) specified in Schedule 2, being taxa that are extant and considered likely to become extinct or rare, as endangered flora, and therefore in need of special protection; (c) specified in Schedule 3, being taxa that are extant and considered likely to become extinct or rare, as vulnerable flora, and therefore in need of special protection; and 70 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 6 January 2017 (d) specified in Schedule 4, being taxa that are presumed to be extinct in the wild and therefore in need of special protection, are declared to be rare flora for the purposes of section 23F of the Act throughout the State. 4. Application Clause 3 does not apply to those plants of a taxon of protected flora specified in Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 that have been planted for any purpose other than such plants that have been planted for the purpose of conservation of that taxon and in accordance with approval given by the Director General. 5. Revocation The Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2015 is revoked. Schedule 1 — Flora that are considered likely to become extinct or rare, as critically endangered flora [cl. 3(a)] Division 1 — Spermatophyta (flowering plants, conifers and cycads) 1. Acacia aprica 25. Banksia ionthocarpa 2. Acacia awestoniana subsp. chrysophoenix 3. Acacia cochlocarpa 26. Banksia ionthocarpa subsp. cochlocarpa subsp. ionthocarpa 4. Acacia cochlocarpa 27. Banksia montana subsp. velutinosa 28. Banksia serratuloides 5. Acacia imitans subsp. perissa 6. Acacia insolita 29. Banksia verticillata subsp. recurva 30. Brachyscias verecundus 7. Acacia leptoneura 31. Caladenia busselliana 8. Acacia pharangites 32. Caladenia caesarea 9. Acacia rhamphophylla subsp. maritima 10. Acacia sciophanes 33. Caladenia drakeoides 11. Acacia splendens 34. Caladenia elegans 12. Acacia subflexuosa 35. Caladenia graniticola subsp. capillata 36. Caladenia hopperiana 37. Caladenia huegelii 13. Acacia unguicula 38. Caladenia lodgeana 14. Acacia vassalii 39. Caladenia luteola 15. Acacia volubilis 40. Caladenia melanema 16. Adenanthos pungens 41. Caladenia procera subsp. effusus 42. Caladenia viridescens 17. Andersonia annelsii 43. Caladenia williamsiae 18. Andersonia axilliflora 44. Calectasia cyanea 19. Androcalva adenothalia 45. Calochilus pruinosus 20. Androcalva bivillosa 46. Calytrix breviseta 21. Austrostipa jacobsiana subsp. breviseta 22. Banksia anatona 47. Chorizema humile 23. Banksia brownii 48. Commersonia apella 24. Banksia fuscobractea 49. Commersonia erythrogyna 6 January 2017 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 71 50. Conospermum galeatum 93. Grevillea brachystylis 51. Conostylis setigera subsp. grandis subsp. dasys 94. Grevillea bracteosa subsp. 52. Cyphanthera odgersii howatharra subsp. occidentalis 95. Grevillea calliantha 53. Darwinia carnea 96. Grevillea curviloba 54. Darwinia collina subsp. curviloba 55. Darwinia whicherensis 97. Grevillea dryandroides 56. Dasymalla axillaris subsp. dryandroides 57. Daviesia bursarioides 98. Grevillea humifusa 58. Daviesia cunderdin 99. Grevillea maccutcheonii 59. Daviesia euphorbioides 100. Grevillea maxwellii 60. Daviesia glossosema 101. Grevillea phanerophlebia 61. Daviesia microcarpa 102. Grevillea pythara 62. Daviesia ovata 103. Grevillea scapigera 63. Daviesia pseudaphylla 104. Grevillea thelemanniana 64. Drakaea confluens subsp. thelemanniana 65. Drakaea elastica 105. Grevillea sp. Gillingarra
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