ZZ0_Index.qxp 3/15/2005 3:45 PM Page 419 Index A array data, 130 ABEL, 21 splitting, 140-144, 199-201, 227 design file, 22 two-dimensional, 131 abstraction, 8 Assisted Technology, 21 Actel, 3 Avalon bus, 26, 83 Advanced Boolean Expression Language. See ABEL B algorithm, 5 acceleration, 25, 41 bandwidth considerations, 6, 14, 40 concurrency, 5 Base System Builder, 178 partitioning, 5 basic blocks, 139 validation, 36 behavioral simulation, 12 Altera, 3, 23 behavioral synthesis, 13 SOPC Builder , 178 Bekker, Scott, 325 ANSI C, 94, 129 Birkner, John, 19 application bitmap image file, 213 bottleneck, 14 block, C language, 121 characteristics, 42 BMP format, 285 domains, 41 buffer width, 64 monitoring, 14, 98, 158 parallelism, 14 C prototyping, 11 structure of, 56 C++, 4 supercomputing, 301 C language, 4, 13 Application Monitor, 95 analysis, 104 arithmetic operation, 129 constraints for hardware, 129 ARM, 7, 26 debugger, 123 expanded source, 121 419 ZZ0_Index.qxp 3/15/2005 3:45 PM Page 420 420 Index for hardware design, xv co_register_read, 359-360 loop unrolling, 106 co_register_write, 360-361 optimizer, 127 co_signal_create, 361-362 pointer, 130 co_signal_post, 362-363 preprocessing, 104 co_signal_wait, 74, 115, 363 programming, 11, 195 co_stream_close, 53, 113, 364 semantics, 135 co_stream_create, 57, 64, 365-366 Celoxica, 42 co_stream_eos, 68, 366 Center for Computational Biology, 326 co_stream_open, 53, 367 Chameleon, 28 co_stream_read, 368-369 CHAR_TYPE, 66 co_stream_read_nb, 296, 369-370 Chua, H. T., 19 co_stream_write, 53, 67, 370-371 CISC, 25 coarse-grained, 37 clock column generator, 223 connecting, 185 Common Universal tool for Programmable dual, 177 Logic. See CUPL edge, 116 communicating sequential processes. generation, 109 See CSP operating frequency, 124, 134 compiler rate, 109 Impulse C, 104-108 secondary, 185 processing flow, 103 skew, 124 complex datatypes, 130 co.h, 51 concurrency, 5, 12, 38 co_architecture_create, 57, 342-343 configuration subroutine, 56, 62 co_bit_extract, 343-344 consumer, 55 co_bit_extract_u, 344-345 process, 53, 96-97 co_bit_insert, 346-347 cosim_logwindow_create, 97, 372 co_bit_insert_u, 347-348 cosim_logwindow_fwrite, 96, 372-373 co_err_already_open, 66 cosim_logwindow_init, 373-374 co_err_not_open, 66 cosim_logwindow_write, 374 co_execute, 52, 54, 348-349 Cray, Inc., 33, 301 co_initialize, 51, 104, 349-350 CSP, 39-41 co_memory_blockwrite, 221 application, 40 co_memory_create, 77, 350-351 bandwidth considerations, 40 co_memory_ptr, 351-352 idealized, 40 co_memory_readblock, 78, 352-353 programming model, 42 co_memory_writeblock, 353-354 C-to-hardware, 27 co_parameter, 109 CUPL, 21 co_par_break, 127, 354 cycle-accurate simulation, 14, 123 co_process_config, 57, 108, 355-356 co_process_create, 56, 62, 356-357 D co_register_create, 357-358 co_register_get, 358 data co_register_put, 359 dependencies, 139 ZZ0_Index.qxp 3/15/2005 3:45 PM Page 421 Index 421 bandwidth, 14, 40 PowerPC, 25, 48, 167, 311, 317 Data General Eclipse, 18 soft versus hard, 310 Data I/O Corporation, 21 encryption, DES, 147 data movement, analyzing, 147 end-of-stream, 67 dataflow, 14, 42, 65 examples datatype, 59 DES encryption, 147-161, 168-208 DDR, 317 FIR filter, 87-101 deadlocks, 69 fractal object generation, 280-299 and pipelining, 72-73 HelloFPGA, 50-57 avoiding, 69-73 image filter, 209-255, 259-277 debugging SERDES interface, 326-332 hardware, 119-125 uClinux, 259-277 DES encryption, 149 exporting design from the Impulse tools, 183 methods, 7 generated hardware and software, 262 prototyping, 9 desktop simulation, 60, 97 F Digital Equipment Corporation, 33 digital signal processing. See DSP Fast Simplex Link. See FSL diode matrix, 18 fetch-and-execute, 35 direct memory access. See DMA field upgrades, 23 DMA field-programmable, 2 as alternative to streaming, 222 gate array. See FPGA input process, 222-223 logic array. See FPLA transfer, 223 FIFO, 60, 64, 209, 331 DSP FIR filter applications, 8, 13 coefficients, 88 programmers, 11 consumer process, 97 dual clock, 185 expanded source code, 121 generating, 109 hardware generation, 104 dynamically reconfigurable, 4 performance, 91 computing, 25, 28, 303 producer process, 94 source code, 89 E test bench, 90 window size, 87 EDA, 12 fixed-point, 42 edge detection, 210 conversion, 285-286 EDIF netlist, 106 fixed-width integer, 42 embedded processor, 5, 163 Fletcher, Bryan H., 309 advantages of, 311-312 floating point, 130 as a test generator, 165-167 fMax, 129 disadvantages of, 312-313 FPGA, 2, 17 MicroBlaze, 25, 165, 178 as high-performance computer, 302-305 Nios, 48, 231 as parallel computing machine, 27, 35 ZZ0_Index.qxp 3/15/2005 3:45 PM Page 422 422 Index bitmap, 4, 191, 267 description, 14 compiler tools, 35 description language. See HDL computing, 133-134, 301-307 development, 11 embedded processor, 310 engineer, 12 MicroBlaze, 25, 165, 178 generation, 125, 156-159 Nios, 48, 231 platform, 4 PowerPC, 25, 48, 167, 311, 317 process, 41, 58, 59-63 design philosophy, xvii synchronization of, 59, 65 history of, 17 communication with, 51 netlist, 106 constraints of, 58 operating frequency, 319 prototype, 160 place-and-route, 10, 106 simulation, 91 platforms, xix, 5 synthesis, 159 synthesis, 127 hardware/software FPLA, 18 applications, 15 fractal interface, 14 accuracy of, 282 partitioning, 12 geometry, 280 solution, 13 objects, 280 Harris Semiconductor, 17 FSL, 85, 160, 165, 201, 223, 259 HDL, 4 connections, 266 generation from C, 108-109 function table, 19 simulation, 116 fusible link, 18 top-level module, 108 Hello FPGA, 50 G heterogeneous parallelism, 37 high-performance computing, 2 gate array, 2 history gate delays, 124, 127 of programmable platforms, 17 gcc, 45 Hoare, Anthony, 39 General Electric, 18 Hyperterminal, 269 Generate Options dialog, 262 generic, VHDL, 109 I geophysics, 41 Gokhale, Maya, 46 IBM, 17 grid computing, 326, 332 IDE, 156 image data H reading and writing, 213 image filter, 210 hand-crafted HDL, 13 partitioning, 219 Handel-C, 42 image processing, 41 hardware, 106 Impulse C, 45 acceleration, 311, 312, 321-322 and ANSI C, 42 accelerator, 163 datatypes, 59 analysis, 159 for streaming applications, 42 compiler, 13, 129 ZZ0_Index.qxp 3/15/2005 3:45 PM Page 423 Index 423 library, 49, 341-373 instruction scheduling, 47, 128, 135-136 co_architecture_create, 57, 342-343 instruction stages, 139 co_bit_extract, 343-344 instruction-set simulators, 14 co_bit_extract_u, 344-345 in-system debugging, 10 co_bit_insert, 346-347 INT_TYPE, 66 co_bit_insert_u, 347-348 integer co_err_already_open, 66 datatypes, 129 co_err_not_open, 66 division, 129 co_execute, 52, 54, 348-349 integrated development environment. See co_initialize, 51, 104, 349-350 IDE co_memory_blockwrite, 221 Intel, 17 co_memory_create, 77, 350-351 4004, 17 co_memory_ptr, 351-352 8051, 25 co_memory_readblock, 78, 352-353 Intersil Corporation, 18 co_memory_writeblock, 353-354 IP core, 25 co_parameter, 109 IPFlex, 28 co_par_break, 354 co_process_config, 57, 108, 355-356 J co_process_create, 56, 62, 356-357 co_register_create, 357-358 Java, 4 co_register_get, 358-359 JTAG, 108, 159 co_register_put, 359 co_register_read, 360 K co_register_write, 360-361 Kernighan, Brian, 50 co_signal_create, 361-362 co_signal_post, 362-363 L co_signal_wait, 74, 115 co_stream_close, 53, 113, 364 language-based design, 12 co_stream_create, 57, 64, 365-366 latency, pipeline, 126 co_stream_eos, 68, 366 Lattice, 3 co_stream_open, 53, 367-368 legacy co_stream_read, 368-369 algorithm, 36 co_stream_read_nb, 296, 369-370 C code, 147 co_stream_write, 53, 67, 370-371 programming, 14 minimal program, 50-57 Linux. See uClinux operating system motivation behind, 47 load balancing, 280 origin, 46 locality, 40 parameter, 63 log window programming model, 42, 48-50 creating, 99 simulation library, 60 initializing, 99 inline function, 129 writing to, 99 INMOS, 34 logic input rate, 126 equation, 20 input stream, 67 synthesis, 23, 106 ZZ0_Index.qxp 3/15/2005 3:45 PM Page 424 424 Index loop streams-oriented, 42 considerations, 199 monitoring, 99 pipelining, 47, 106, 125, 204-207 functions, 63 unrolling, 126, 141-142, 203-204 Monolithic Memories, 19 Los Alamos National Laboratories, 46 Montana State University, 326 Moore's Law, 25 M Morphics, 28 MPI, 38 machine model, 40 multicomputer, 33 MIMD, 33 multitasking, 32 shared memory, 34 multithreaded, 32 SIMD, 33 SISD, 32 N von Neumann, 32 macro interface, stream, 174-175 National Institutes of Health, 326 main function, 51 National Science Foundation, 326 Mandelbrot National Semiconductor image generation, 279-299 DS92LV16, 326 set, 279 neural data, 326 Mandelbrot, Benoit, 280 Nios, 48 Memec, 156, 169, 259, 309 stream performance, 83 V2MB1000 board, 169, 259 Nios II, 25, 231 memory, 47, 58. See also shared memory access, impacts of, 128 O accessing, 200 block read and write, 139 O_RDONLY, 66, 115 controller, 312-313 O_WRONLY, 67, 114 for data communication, 78 obsolescence mitigation, 311 embedded, 81 Occam, 34, 36 external, 81, 310, 317 on-chip interface, 26 reducing accesses to, 139 On-chip Peripheral Bus. See OPB usage, 316 OPB, 26, 84, 317 message passing interface. See MPI timer, 187, 188 MicroBlaze, 25, 165, 178-193, 201, 223, 315 operating frequency, maximum, 124 Development Kit, 156 operating system stream performance, 85 embedded, 257-277 MIMD, 33 uClinux, 257-277 MinGW library, 94 optimization, 137-139 mixed processor design, 7 C code, 195 model expression-level, 137-139 machine, 40 level, 315 programming, 31, 32, 47 through experimentation, 323 communicating processes, 41 within basic
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