March 2012 St. Louis Post-Dispatch holds “birdday” party for the longest-running news- 17 paper cartoon in America. Governor speaks during Day at the Capitol Gov. Jay Nixon addresses members of the Missouri Press Association and the AP in the foyer of the Governor’s Mansion during the afternoon session of Day at the Capitol on Feb. 9. Guests had lunch in the mansion before the governor spoke and answered questions. More photos from the event are on pages 4 and 5. Marketing expert Bryna Krauth Regular Features will be the featured presenter Get material at at the Missouri Advertising President 2 Scrapbook 13 sunshineweek. 3 org to observe Managers’ annual meeting Obituary 7 NIE Report 16 April 19-20 in Columbia. National On the Move 11 Jean Maneke 18 Sunshine Week March 11-17. The Missouri Sunshine Coalition will have a program March 15 at RJI in Columbia. Missouri Press News, March 2012 www.mopress.com Missouri newspapers not just doing same same ’ol-same ’ol Time in state Capitol well spent Bethany post office among those facing closure embers of the Missouri Press Association spent a offices. We were informed that the USPS is considering a pro- very stimulating couple of days rubbing shoulders posal to remove the mail carriers and clerks from our home- Mwith our legislators during the MPA Day at the town Bethany post office and transfer them to the Albany Capitol. Many of us went armed with cameras and notepads, post office, about 18 miles away. If this occurs, we will have and we were able to come up with at least a couple of stories to drive our newspapers to the Albany office so our papers can that we shared with our readers back home. be sorted and returned back to Bethany for delivery to our Our state representatives and senators — as well as agen- subscribers. cy officials, judges and lobbyists — were out Our Chamber of Commerce has been galva- in full force at our reception at the hotel. It nized to oppose any changes in our post office’s gave us a chance to contact our legislators on operations. Our congressional delegation has a more informal basis and explain some of our been notified about the plans and has promised positions on issues. its support. I tailed along as our executive director, t just goes to show that we are going to have Doug Crews, walked the corridors of the Cap- Ito remain vigilant about what’s coming down itol. We dropped by a House hearing on a bill the pike from the U.S. Postal Service. From the that would restrict access to photographs from elimination of Saturday mail to the closing of crime scenes. MPA attorney Jean Maneke was many small post offices and processing centers, among witnesses testifying on the bill. our lives are going to be more complicated as we There was a very interesting discussion dur- deal with the post office. ing a briefing the next morning in the Senate Phil Conger On that note, I urge you to keep on the look- Lounge. An official from the state Department Bethany Republican-Clipper out for announcements about regional press as- of Elementary and Secondary Education and MPA President sociation meetings and seminars. They provide legislative leaders discussed the challenges in a good way to network with your colleagues funding the state’s public schools. There was and discuss new ideas and ways to make money. also a debate on the proposed super sales tax that would re- The regional association meetings are inexpensive and nearby, place the state income tax, the so-called “fair tax” proposal. offering you perfect opportunities to gather, learn and talk. athy and I enjoyed dining at the Governor’s Mansion MPA’s education director, Dawn Kitchell, has been setting K and listening to Gov. Jay Nixon’s comments about the up other training programs for you. Attend when you can! state of the state. MPA advertising director Greg Baker has been holding Some members of the Capitol press corps expressed their meetings around the state telling area newspaper staffers about gratitude that the MPA made the event possible. They say selling political advertising and using research that shows local they very rarely have the opportunity these days to engage in newspapers are the best source of information for voters. He’ll give-and-take with the governor, who tends to avoid hold- have one of those sessions in Bethany on March 15. ing news conferences outside a staged event or an announce- We also urge you to sign up for the Missouri Advertising ment about one issue or another. Managers’ Association meeting in April in Columbia. Details After we returned home, we saw firsthand some of the are right over there on the facing page. Register today! challenges we are all going to have in working with our post Hope to see you down the road. PRESIDENT: Phil Conger, DIRECTORS: Joe May, Mexico Ledger Bethany Republican-Clipper Brad Gentry, Houston Herald FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Mark Maassen, Joe Spaar, The Odessan The Kansas City Star Richard Gard, St. Louis, Missouri Lawyers Media SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: Jon Rust, Cape Girardeau Southeast Missourian SECRETARY: Shelly Arth, Marshall Dennis Warden, Gasconade County Republican VOL. 80, NO. 3 Democrat-News Jim Robertson, Columbia Daily Tribune MARCH 2012 TREASURER: Bill Miller Jr., Washington Missourian Official Publication of EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Doug Crews Jeff Schrag, Springfield Daily Events Missouri Press ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Greg Baker NNA REPRESENTATIVE: Trevor Vernon, Association, Inc. EDITOR: Kent M. Ford Eldon Advertiser MISSOURI PRESS NEWS (ISSN 00266671) is published every month for $12 per year by the Missouri Press Association, Inc., 802 Locust St., Columbia, MO 65201-4888; phone (573) 449-4167; fax (573) 874-5894; e-mail [email protected]; website www.mopress.com. Periodicals postage paid at Columbia, MO 65201-9998. (USPS No. 355620). POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Missouri Press Association, 802 Locust St., Columbia, MO 65201-4888. www.mopress.com Missouri Press News, March 2012 Attend MAMA meeting in April any of you produced terrific At dinner Thursday evening, awards advertisements or campaigns Your great ad idea will be presented to the winners of the Min 2011. You could win a little 2012 Better Ad Contest. extra cash for that effort if you submit Sessions will resume at 8 a.m. Friday your advertising idea to the Missouri could win you cash with “Becoming a Brand Expert.” This Advertising Managers’ Association. session will help you construct brand- All ideas submitted will be presented at the Ad Managers’ building programs for clients. and voted on at the annual MAMA That session will be followed by meeting April 19-20 at the Courtyard meeting in Columbia “Strategic Marketing Plans.” You’ll by Marriott in Columbia. learn how to help advertisers build Mail or email your entry multi-media marketing strategies by us- for the Great Idea Session ing everything from traditional media before the meeting so it can to new media. be prepared for presentation. Krauth began her career in the media Or take a detailed description industry in 1994. Most recently she was and sample copies to pass the publisher of Steamboat Pilot, Steam- around to attendees. boat Today, and Hayden Valley Press. She Send your ideas to Greg was the publisher of numerous maga- Baker at [email protected], zines and websites, including Yampa limit one entry per attendee. Valley Real Estate, At Home in Steam- Entries will be voted on by all boat, Colorado Hunter, steamboatpilot. attendees of the meeting. Bryna Krauth com and exploresteamboat.com. The speaker for this year’s She has worked and lived in north- meeting will be marketing specialist NBC’s Last Comic Standing. west Colorado since 1996, and during Bryna Krauth. She is president of Or- The ad meeting will open at noon that time specialized in implementing ganic Marketing and has spent the past on Thursday with Missouri Press legal new revenue-generating products for 15 years in media and marketing. counselor Jean Maneke, who will ad- the news organization and leading a The MAMA meeting will begin after dress current issues affecting newspaper team of advertising consultants. She has noon on Thursday and adjourn around advertising. held nearly every management position noon on Friday, so those who attend can That will be followed by the Great in the newspaper business and is a past drive to Columbia Thursday morning Idea Session. You could win $20, $30 member of the board of the Colorado and drive home Friday afternoon. or $50. Send in your entry! Press Association. While they’re in town Thursday eve- After the ideas session, Krauth will A registration form for the meeting ning, the MAMA guests will visit the talk about “All Things Digital,” helping and an agenda can be found at mopress. Déja Vu Comedy Club in downtown advertisers grow revenue using social com/current_forms/php. Columbia to see Josh Blue, a winner of media, websites and blogs. Nominate people for Tornado video will debut May 3 Young Journalist awards, he Missouri Press Association will “Trustees for the Public” in 2008. two Halls of Fame Tshow its documentary film “Dead- The program will begin with a re- issouri Press is taking nominations line In Disaster” about the Joplin tor- ception and silent auction at 6 p.m. Mfor the 2012 Young Journalists of nado on May 3 in the Missouri Theater The film will be shown at 7, followed the Year and for induction into the Mis- in Columbia. by a question-and-answer session with souri Newspaper Hall of Fame and the The hour-long film spotlights The members of The Globe staff.
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