ST. JOHNSBURY CALEDONIAN, DECEMBER 2, 1908. The Towns Around. cessful efforts of its president. Dr. George A. Gates, a Vermonter who has left his McINDOE FALLS. impress upon several of our' western yrs. Ophelia Paddlcford spent part of colleges. The Observatory is a gift of a week in Bath, N. H., with her graduate of the class of 1901 at the col- lege it glucr. Mrs. H.W.Nelson. a.nd dedicated to the professor in sciences who is well remem!ered here Alice Moore was home from Danv- Miss Academy gradu- days last week, returning as a former stndent and KH ille several ate, attending the Academy when his .Monitor- father, S. II. Brackett, was at the head mm Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Rodgers went to of the science department. The many Grows Hair Monitor, Thursday, to spend a few friends of President Gates and Prof. can jaTS with their son, Prof. Bradley Brackett will congratulate them upon and we . Ro'du-rrs- the notable additions to the college yr. nnl Mrs. II. B. Chamberlin and plant. of PROVE IT! son Irasburg were guests at i, hnmberlin's last Tuesday and Tribute to Dr. Fuller. jj i ANDERINE is to the hair what freh ihowert Wedu'toy- - The November number of the Journal of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It McLachlm ft Miss Alary was called to of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute tfsM rink In the rooti. invitTorateS BOO in Peacham last Tuesday by her home contains a most appreciative tribute to strengthens them. lis exhilarating, stimulating ana thecle.ith of her grandfather. the hair to grow the late Dr. Homer T. Fuller, the first ; ? properties cause The voting ladies gave Miss Mary ay and heautiful. It at president of that and principal at ur abundantly long, strong a surprise party Saturday institute Morgan once imparts a sparkling brilliancy and vel evening- of St. Johnsbury Academy from 1871 to vety softness to the hair, and a few weeks Mr. ami Mrs. E.W.Lawler entertained 1882. Among the resolutions passed use will cause new hair to sprout all over the Mr. ami Mrs. James McGrath and son by the Alumni Association are these, scalp. Use it every day for short time, pav uf Lisbon, Thanksgiving, Mr. and ft i week will which would refer just as properly to xlwy afier which two or three times a r's. Charles McFarland entertained be sufficient to complete whatever growth Hard-.jc- k. the constructive work he did their s n Murrv McFarland of at our you desire. Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Bedell entert- Academy as at his later position in Bedell ained Mr. and Mrs. Bert and Worcester : A Uciy from St. Paul wrilcs is aubstsnc of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Karl (wilowt: children "His zeal for his work, his unflagging Maviies and little daughter were entert- "V t uran uslnit Danderfne my hair Winchester's, application to the trying tasks of v i M niy shoulders and now ained at Jack and Mr. It : i, :lo my hip." Mrs. Clarence Bedell and Orpha were directing a growing institution will and .'.r.jt! cr Irora Newark, N. J. D. gue sts at II. Chamberlin's. always le remembered among those of ' I Incn ntlng Danderfne regularly. us who came under him. T.'li'.:,l Kr.n, to me It I had very lit- M J M.mre and family spent Thanks started " Most of all we were impressed by his tle I hnvethe most beautiful long giving at Chase sat Woodsville. ai.J thick hulr auyune would waul to Lava." clean, upright, unswerving will hold Christian The Ladies' Society a sale of character. He was the kind of man who articles, handkerchiefs, druggists fanev aprons, had hut to see his duty clearly before NOW at all in three candv.etc.. at the vestry, Friday eveni- him to apply himself with all his energies h . of I sizes 25c, 50c trnd $1.00 ng, i'eeember 4-- There will be a short' to an unflinching performance of the per bottle entertainment during the evening and work." enjoys a greater sale' than cocoa and cake will be served. i Danderine any other one preparation regardless of kind of Clarence McLam Dartmouth was a The Poultry Industry. or brand, and it has a mi ch greater sale than guest at Walter Skinner's several days It is a fact not generally kijown that ill of the other hair preparations in the last week. of all farm products poultry stands fifth world combined. Hubert Kendall wascalled to Newport, in value. It is estimated that the cash Saturday, to attend the funeral of his derived from the saleof poultry and eggs FREE To show how quickly Dindirtn amounts to half a billion dollars annual- acts, we will send a large sam- sister. ple tree by return mail to anyone who Mrs. William Kimball and Lyman ly. It is Ixdieved that this amount is ' sends this fiee coupon to the being rapidly increased each year, due 'rA This( Field visited relatives in Woodsville last to f v4 KN3WLTCN DANDERINE CO., CHICAGO, ILL, the fact that farmers are beginning to M week Miss Eddy, the nurse who has been WELLS RIVER. of Two t' with their name snd address and 10c Death Harvard Professors. realize the profits there are in a well to pay Mr and Mrs. H. Goodrich and Will caring for Mrs. Emerson, returned to St. iu silver or stamps postage. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bailey and children cared for flock of hens. When all poul- sclent Thanksgiving Horace Johnsbury Tuesday. Prof. John Henry Wright, dean of the Hunt at of Lisbon spent Thursday with Mr. and try keepers fully appreciate how easy it s Johnsbury. Harvard graduate school since 1895, Jackson at St. Quite a large delegation of Mechanics, Mrs. A. H.Bailey. is to increase the productiveness of D. died Nov. 25, nt his home in Cambridge, their .imks I 'helps of Lunenburg was a of L., and M. W. of A. attended the fowls, is Willis Hiller of Waterford, X. Y., who aged 56 years. He was born L'rum-yah- , it fair to assume that this the home of his brother, Walter Thanksgiving sermon last Sunday, at guest at is attending school in Tilion, was the Persia, son of Rev. H. branch of farm products will advance over Sunday. which was very good and was delivered the Austin Phelps guest of W. H. Goodwin over Sunday. Wright, a missionary. He received three well toward first place in relative value. in a very able manner by Rev. Kel-le- y In. and Mrs. C. II. Smith spent Thurs- Mr. The following letter from C. D. Chatter-to-n of Sheffield. Mrs. Addie K. Bigelow spent Thurs- degrees from Dartmouth College. His & SmytKe. Prayer was offered by day it I'assuinpsic, the guests of Mr. of West Brookfield, Vt., indicates the Lougee day in studies and teachings covered wide Rev. Mr. Sargent of this place. Bradford with her sister, Mrs. way in which some are increasing and Mrs. S. Hurlhurt. Fletcher. territory. From 1876 to 1878 he was a their Alvin Bradley, who R. s, egg He says: "I have used Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carter were boards at student at Ieipzic University; 1878 to production. has just received the sad news of Miss Melissa Moore, a former teacher Perfected Poultry Food' for the guests at Mrs. C. I. Smith's. Sunday. 18M6, associate professor of Greek at 'Page's the death of his mother St. Johnsbury here, now of Barre, visited friends in and I one-thir- more at Dartmouth; professor of classical phylo-log- last two years, got Mr. and Mrs. Solon Merrill bf St. town last week. I Center. 1X86 1887, eggs than before. can't get along Jnhiisliu! y were guests at M. E. Turner's at Johns Hopkins, to Rev. Mr. Walker held very interesting Dr. Smalley and daughter of Montreal and professor of Greek in Harvard since. without it." recent v. If this - meetings each night fast week and will were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lee, Friday Prof. Wright was married in 187'.) to you want to know more about We made a large late purchase of Arthur Welch has moved to Continue them this week. and Saturday. Mary Tappan, daughter of Eli Todd food and the best ways of using it, write for where he has rented the Felch Misses Lottie Munsell and Mary Fel- Tappan, president of Kenyon College, at to C. S. Page, Hyde Park, Vt. his farm. booklet, "Profitable Poultry." It will . LUNENBURG. lows came home Thursday from their Gambier, Ohio. His wife and two sons M: Mertie Skinner returned to her schools. survive. le sent free, postpaid, to anyone men- tioning this school in Topsham, Monday, after a W. II. Bishop of the Island Pond Herald Miss Nellie D. Lee, Genevieve Fellows, George A. Rartlett, for many years a p;ier. two weeks' vacation. Miss Lena Moore made his customary visit here last week and Arthur Graves were home from col- of German Harvard, was professor at Notice. and Miss Nellie Manchester commenced and received a warm welcome from his lege for the Thanksgiving vacation. found dead in his bathroom at Ware Commissioners' WimrS: the winter term of school at Monroe, many friends in this town. EvSTATK OK THOMAS O. IU.ODC.KTT. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brock went to Ash- Hall, Cambridge, Nov. 25. He was 65 iy. The "Deestrick Skule" will be given by old He re- The unilerKiKnrrl.
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