I I . I CO s _ __I _ ___I-_ -- I · _ II I - - I ---I -- -- r *a-. Rs I I -- r I - I --- ---- IC-c-- IBL MIT'ss ~arr· PA Record of Olldest aned Largest -:: Continuous News Serviee ~.. I- ~ for 108 Years , N~ewspaper ~~B~- a"' Vol. CI[X No. 27 --,-· CAMBRIDGE, MASS., MONDAYT, JUNJE 59 1989 Free C[TA . A: ADISSON SIIO[TL. .FOCIJS OIV (;?A..DES9 SCOE Commaittee Citees Facu~lty Concern 1850 TO~GRADUATEE OvernStudents' Performancesace AT COMMEN~rENCEEN SAY~ZS DIVERESITY MUUST BE MAINTAINED3Elt (]By Irene C. Kuo) (]By Andrew L. Fish) Approxrimately 1850 senior andII graduate students will Citing concerns about declining student per- receiveI an estimated 2000 formaznce, a faculty committee has asked the Ad- degreesI at MJIT's 123rd missions Office to place greater weight on commencementI exercises in grades and standardized test scores in mathe- MKillian Court today. Former US Sen. Paul1 Tson- matics and science when evaluating applicants. ,gasI (D-MA), the recently- appointed41 chairman of the Students proptest two weeks- ago against prop~osed changes~ein Projecgt Inrterphasae (Tech photo byIbLerothodi-Lapnla Leeuwenw'92). The Comnmittee on Under- This perception was brought state Board of Regents of graduate Admissions and Fi,- into focus in a report prepared by Professor Anthony P. nancial Aid said that appli- I cants' "non-acadermic French last year. French found .activities, talents, and personal that over the past 20 years the qualit~ies sho~uld be considered freshman class has had a pro- FORII\? SEAS mostly as a means of di~stin- gressively smallaer fraction of studednts with math~t and. sci- guishing among individuals of Admmiistrators amdann~s~ Stude~Bnts Agrsee enace achievemlent test anid SATT com parablte academic ability."' scores between 750-800-. Thee On New Fall Prograra, Project P~kXL A~fter a yea~r-long study of the MVIT admissions process, CUAFA -report retvealed that SOME~B.CONCERNSMEM-AIN~S ~E~h~B~g~ CUTAFA found -that the-Adamis- when applicants were grouped ~ait~i ~k~iar~laiair~ii ~nen i i~b~f~ ~r, CA 'or, blase~e - c ---- '-- L5*100mmeerp - I --: :--~ I---~- ;F i r I adminlistraiion has dropped plafiA -to, make Pro- - f RAL----] -BA--,GK ject Inlterphhdse a comb5ined summer~~f and-fall- edu--- I I I cational programn. Instead, Internphase will con- REIJIG STZVI T tinule as an eight-week summner programm for disadvantaged students, whil~ie a new program, I Hurndreds Gathaer to Support III dubbed Project XL, will be established to help i Pro-Democracy Movement~IPe~t first-term freshmen succeed acaedemically .I DENOUNC~~E CHINES~~E GOVERNMENT[E g~lP I The arrangement was (By NirajBaS. IDesati) w~iorked out at a MZIay 23 mneet- I ing between Dean for Student Hundreds of people -fathered outside the MdIT Affairs Shirley Mhf.MdcBay, fac- Student Center yesterday to express their I ulty members, and student representatives. The students solidarity with Beijing students whose pro- proposed the creation of Pr·o--- democracy movement wa's brutally suppressed Part of Review of ject XL at the meeting as an by Chinese troops over the weekend. Technologyr Transfer~ alternative to the administra-b tion's planned changes in Pro- test was very emotional and j'ect Interphase. After some Yesterday 9s demonstration, (ByrAndrew L. Fish) modification, the proposal was organiz;ed by the Greater Bos- was often punctuated -by chants, in both English and accepted by the administration ton branchl of the United Asso- A congressional~subtcommit- and faculty. ciation of Chinese Students in Chinese, from the crowd. "L~ong live di~mocracy," tee is investigating the prac- The meeting came fo~ur'days the United States, drew stu- ticesS of MIPT's Industrial ]Liai- after 50 studenats conducte~d a dents from' a large number of "George ]Bush, speak out" and "Deng Miaoping, go to hell" son Program as part of a demonstration on the steps of area universities as well as review of technology transfers I 77 Mb~assachusetts A#venue to from members of -the Chinese- were some of the slogans they used. D~eng is Ch~inar's senior of federzally-fanded. research to voice their opposition to the American eommunitS;. Among private industry. changes_ in Interphase. the speakers were Sen. John leader and was an instrutmen-- Clharge Military IPmpact tal figure behind Sunday's The inquiry is being conduact- Projlect Interphase, which is Kerry (D-MA) -and Boston targeted at unnderrepresentedl Committee Head Mayr~For Raymond Flynn. crackdown. ed by the House Subcommraittee Ineffctive Lteadership (Conltinued on page 19) minority students, will this The one-and-a-half hour pro- I I - -- L------------- summmer include intensive (By Linda D'Ang~elo)) (Continued on page 16) Almost three years after its INSIDE' ~formatiibn, the Mil~itary IMP-act~ II on Campias Research Commit- SuwnIPEstrich adkdrazes Wellesley tee's inability to produce a- fi- Commeancemenet. Pagee 2. nal. report has led its twyo stu- I Yrto fcjnzs at A ffA focus on dent memabers to- relea'sd their I Armenian gLenocide. Page 10. own "Chronology of MIT's MEI- Tech~niqure '89 providesTn adequate I glimptpse of MIT life. Pagaie 11. I OperaI Company of Boaon offers jpowerful Bo2~~~Pme. Page 13. t PPwductio~n of$Idoamen~-o makes for exhilaratingevenirog. Page I4. Boaston' area Chimese students -protested Meterday against the Singhose Wn~s natsiona dewthlonoI .srh~sesso~ of their fellow studa~ents in BeBing (Tbech photo by' fig~~ ~Y~a~lle.'·-:'~~ dleltoienPFr g ~ II ---------- _.:. _:PAGE 2 The Tech MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1989 1. '. , . ':! ., . - , WrellesleyW grraduates 51 1 students I Authorized VEREX Dealet These factors "will make it hard .,E By Robert E. Malchman changing the rules for everyone to sit -ack and do nothing," | A n14 ·Critics Choie:: .- "Many of' the women in ... who has passed through them," concluded. ':= your generation have hesitated to she declared. Keohane a Mb -EVER EX "STEP SYSTEMS Estrich recalled how she had become feminists, thinking you College President Nannerl 0. ·s been raped a day and a half be- ,"'The EVEREX Step 386/20is the fastest . needed no labels and no help," Keohane W '61 charged the grad- ,., fore her commencement and dis- iI Hz Machine PC Wodd has ever-tested. said Harvard Law School Profes- uates not to retire selfishly to cussed the effects of violence _ PC World, December 1988 sor Susan Estrich W'74 at Welles- their own pleasures, letting the against women. "I cannot tell ley College on Friday. "You will world go by. you why black teenagers in New discover, I fear and hope, that Keohane told the graduates not- isiC > Great prics...Profesional Solution...And Supprt because they "owe" York would abuse and beat a jog- e you no longer have that luxury." to contribute ARenaissance computing, Inc. E ger,-or why white teenagers in The Computer Professionals . Wellesley graduated 511 seniors it to somebody - they have paid _ New.Jersey would sexually abuse at its 1 l Ith Commencement enough to get where they are - 929 Massachusetts Avenue - girl they had I _P Exercises. and not because it will make a mentally impaired CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 with all their Although women have made them happy - improving the gone to school FREE PARKING (617) 491-0910 lives." gains, there is still much to do to world entails risks, losses and hu- Despite all the dangers and all improve the lots of women and Imiliations. The graduates will im- the precautions women should _ ~E prove the world, Keohane said, - -- --- - men, Estrich said. "For years, --- · -- "because the world so desperately (Please turn to page 18) I -- _---_ -- = -- _ men have left crying children to .- _ _p~ to travel on as- needs your help." go to work, or In signment. Today, women are free XThe College has trained the she said. to do the same." graduates to be leaders, :e "imbued "We have done better at open- Wellesley women are _ ing the doors for you than at twith. a sense- of divine guilt." E r -,, IOlk-DI II I ---h- -- C _ .e _ BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON e g _ . _ s _ Congratulations Sq to the Class of 1989 .e 'a rx r- -BA&H .'- extends a warm 5,C welcome to ' . .s5 I Allan Lichtenberg .r Shari L. JacksonlThe Tech "1-2-3 is not for mee." Over one hundred computer science professors, students, software developers, and users picketed Lotus Development Corporation on on computer user- May 24 to protest litigation 1~~~ interface copyright. 16 ------- , IIII -Wlarr 1·sll Y I-Il - -P- el---- _ _ r The front page of this special commencement is- sue was composed in the lir li I style of Be Tech in 1919. 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