Vo1. 31 No. 6 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. August 2014 FFRF, IRS poised to settle church politicking suit The Freedom From Religion Foun- dation and the Internal Revenue Service are poised to resolve FFRF’s closely watched federal lawsuit chal- lenging the IRS’s non-enforcement of anti-electioneering restrictions by tax- exempt churches. The expected settle- ment would be a major coup for FFRF, a state/church watchdog and the na- tion’s largest freethought association, now topping 21,000 members. FFRF and the IRS filed an agree- FFRF annual staff pic ment July 17 to dismiss the lawsuit vol- The federal courthouse in Madison, Wis., is two blocks from FFRF headquarters. Front, left are Sam Erickson, graphic untarily, after communications from design intern; Dayna Long, administrative assisant; Lisa Strand, director of operations; Lauryn Seering, publicist; Liz the IRS that it no longer has a policy Cavell, attorney; Katie Daniel, bookkeeper; Chelsea Culver, student staffer; Dan Barker, co-president; Jackie Douglas, of non-enforcement against churches. director of membership; and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president. However, the agreement is being dis- Back, left are Rebecca Markert, senior attorney; Aaron Loudenslager, legal intern; Bill Dunn, Freethought Today puted by an obscure Milwaukee-area editor; Scott Colson, IT manager; Todd Peissig, board member and volunteer; Neal Fitzgerald, legal intern; Sam Grover, church, Holy Cross Anglican Church, attorney; Noah Bunnell, editorial intern; Patrick Elliott, attorney; and Andrew Seidel, attorney. (Photo: Andrew Seidel) which is intervening in the case and is represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. The settlement would allow FFRF to voluntarily dismiss its lawsuit “without Watchdog trio challenges Michigan prejudice,” meaning FFRF can renew it if the IRS reverts to its previous in- action. As of press time, District Judge mayor’s veto of atheist display Lynn Adelman of Milwaukee, hadn’t The Freedom from Religion Foun- ren cannot allow this.” Continued on page 3 dation, American Civil Liberties Union “Our Warren member simply wants and Americans United for Separation the same access to the atrium that of Church and State filed a joint fed- has been granted to others, includ- eral lawsuit July 23 on behalf of FFRF ing those who operate the prayer sta- Inside This Issue member Douglas Marshall, contesting tion,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF the ban of a “reason station” in a city co-president. “Regardless of one’s view- Meet a hall atrium where the city has allowed point, there’s no legally justifiable rea- Patriotic a “prayer station.” son to deny Douglas Marshall his First Intern Since 2008, the city of Warren, Warren Mayor FFRF member Amendment rights.” Mich., has allowed Tabernacle Church, Fouts, who Doug Marshall Dan Korobkin, ACLU of Michigan Page 2 a Church of God congregation, to set compared deputy legal director, said, “Once the up the prayer station, in which volun- atheists to Fouts told The As- government opens public space for use Bobby ‘Sugar’ teers distribute religious pamphlets, Nazis and KKK sociated Press: “The by private groups, it cannot pick and Hinds living the pray with passersby and promote their members. city has certain values choose who can use the space based on sweet life religious beliefs. The lawsuit doesn’t that I don’t believe the content of their message or wheth- seek to remove the prayer station but are in general agreement with having er public officials agree with that mes- Pages 8–9 asks the court to order the city to treat an atheist station, nor in general agree- sage. The city cannot allow speech sup- believers and nonbelievers equally. ment with having a Nazi station or Ku portive of religion and reject speech When Marshall, a Warren resident, Klux Klan station.” He added that a supportive of atheism.” asked to set up a reason station in April reason station “will not contribute to “The city has an obligation to serve for two days a week, he was denied a community values or helping an indi- all members of the community equally, FFRF’s legal permit. According to the lawsuit, filed vidual out.” regardless of their faith or their lack of team has in U.S. District Court for the Eastern In his rejection letter, Mayor James faith,” added Alex Luchenitser, Ameri- many state/ District of Michigan, Marshall and oth- Fouts wrote: “To my way of thinking, cans United associate legal director. church er volunteers who operate the reason your group is strictly an anti-religion “The government can’t simply si- victories station would offer philosophical dis- group intending to deprive all orga- lence private speakers whenever it dis- cussions with people who express an nized religions of their constitutional likes their message,” said Daniel Mach, Pages 14–16 interest in secularism. freedoms or at least discourage the director of the ACLU Program on Upon receiving news of the lawsuit, practice of religion. The City of War- Continued on page 3 Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin August 2014 Meet an Intern Name: Sam Erickson. That is how young I am, I suppose. Where and when I was born: Eagan, My legal interests are: I am still ex- Minn., Aug. 13, 1994. ploring all my career options, but if I Family: Mother, Pamela; father, decide on law school, I would use my Keith; brothers Tim, 23, Ben, 17, and law degree to fight for causes that I am Dan, 14. passionate about, such as the environ- Education: University of Wisconsin- ment, protection of civil liberties or Madison class of 2016, majoring in eco- the separation of church and state. nomics and political science. My legal heroes are: Thomas Jeffer- My religious upbringing was: Bap- son, Alexander Meiklejohn, Ruth Bad- tist. er Ginsburg, Clarence Darrow. How I came to work as an FFRF le- These three words sum me up: gal intern: I am the president of Athe- Workaholic, outgoing, optimistic. ists, Humanists and Agnostics (AHA!) Things I like: When I have the time, at UW-Madison. We are one of the larg- I love staying up way into the night est student atheist groups in the coun- doing one of my many hobbies. I will try and have hosted Dan Barker, Annie commonly be up until 3 in the morn- Laurie Gaylor and Andrew Seidel of ing engrossed in a book or a song that FFRF at various times. Through those I’m producing on my computer, or just connections, I was offered a summer messing around in graphic design soft- internship. ware. What I do here: I split time be- I also love staying in shape and ex- tween the legal department and doing ercising. You’ll see me playing pickup graphic design work. When not writing soccer at least once a week, in addition follow-up legal letters or dealing with to running, weight lifting and skiing in legal paperwork, I am designing the winter. Freethought of the Days seen on Face- Things I smite: Religion’s foothold book and Twitter [examples shown in our world and influence in Ameri- below], in addition to many other cool can culture and politics; religious re- design projects. pression of critical thinking, sexuality, In the future, I hope to get more and many other things; how religion heavily involved in legal projects while poisons the minds of the young; and continuing to help with design needs. how awkward family dinners are now Sam Erickson may occasionally wrap himself in the flag but never the cross. What I like best about it: Gives me that I’m the only “out” atheist in the a chance to help out a cause that I am family. extremely passionate about! My loftiest goal: To one day get inter- Something funny that’s happened viewed on Fox News and then proceed at work: When I first started working to offer an intellectual smackdown of with the office equipment, I had to whichever bigot is interviewing me be taught how to use a fax machine (I’m looking at you, Bill O’Reilly). because I had never used one before. Samples of Sam’s handiwork for FFRF’s Facebook page. Freethought Today Notify Us of A Note to Members published by Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. Your Address Your address label shows the expira- [email protected] • FFRF.org tion date of your membership in FFRF, P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 Change Promptly! which includes your subscription to (608)256-8900 • FAX (608)204-0422 Email: [email protected] Freethought Today and “Private Line.” Editor: Bill Dunn, [email protected] Don’t miss a single issue! If you If it says August 2014 or earlier please move, notify us directly and renew! Your prompt re newal ($40-sin- Production Editor: Scott Colson promptly. The Post Office does gle mem ber ship; $50-household; $100 Executive Editor: Annie Laurie Gaylor not forward third-class mail. gung-ho; $25-student) saves us time Assistant Editor: Lauryn Seering FFRF cannot be responsible for re- and post age, and is tax-deductible. Contributors: Linda Allewalt, Philip Appleman, Dan Barker, Free­­­thought Today is published 10 times placing back issues if we have not Noah Bunnell, Dan Courtney, Patrick Elliott, Josh Flashman, been notified prior to your move. a year, with combined issues in Jan/Feb Brent Nicastro, Max Nielson, Ben Wilson Back issues, while they last, may and June/July. Send membership or re- be ordered for $2 each. newal to FFRF, Box 750, Madison WI August 2014 53701. The only freethought newspaper in the United States ffrf.org/donate August 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 3 FFRF to distribute more atheist lit in Fla.
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