September 22, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2331 Jewish culture relies a great deal upon the This legislation would authorize $12 million At Clovis Police Department, Captain passing of information from one generation to to allow for the planning, design, and con- Bessinger served in patrol, investigations, another. The Center offers youth activities struction of the Magna Water District (District) neighborhood policing, youth services, admin- such as lectures, workshops, religious school water reuse and groundwater recharge istration, planning and neighborhood services and Hebrew High for students after their bar project. The District constructed an assignments. He continued his years of serv- or bat mitzvah, all aimed at teaching children electrodialysis reversal (EDR) drinking water ice with undoubtedly flawless service to the about the Jewish faith. Events for adult and treatment plant to remove harmful arsenic and community and people of Clovis, he climbed senior members continue to carry the tradi- perchlorate from the Barton Well Field. To ad- the ranks from Corporal in October, 1992, and tions of the culture and faith as well as provide dress the water shortage issues facing the citi- only five years later in 1997 became Sergeant. opportunities for socializing. zens of northwest Salt Lake County, the Dis- At the height of his career, he became Cap- The most important service that The Clifton trict developed a state-of-the-art, first of its tain in April 2007. Jewish Center provides is that of being a type in the world water reuse and recharge fa- During his tenure at Clovis Police Depart- sounding board and a voice for the thriving cility, known as BIOBROx, that treats the ment, Captain Bessinger helped design: the Jewish community in the greater Clifton area. waste stream from the EDR plant to produce shoulder patch policemen wear on their uni- Its sponsorship and participation with interfaith high quality effluent that can be used for out- forms for CPD; the department’s Honor Guard programs, human relations and civic improve- door irrigation. In doing so, the District will be Badge; and Challenge coin. He also led the ment reach across the lines of faith to help saving over 580 million gallons/year of drink- Honor Guard Unit, participated in the Peace promote the interests and values of their able water that was formerly being used for ir- Officers Memorial at Pelco Company, partici- membership. Under the leadership of Rabbi rigation purposes. pated in the Annual Peace Officers Memorial Ari Korenblit, it is successfully contacting and The project also includes additional pumping in Fresno’s Courthouse Park, the State Offi- connecting with all the other organizations in facilities, distribution system upgrades, and cers Memorial in Sacramento, and was an offi- the area. storage facilities required to deliver reuse cer at the funeral for fallen Marine Jared Hub- The job of a United States Congressman in- water to the District’s customers. bard and Army Soldier Nathan Hubbard. The volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing The Magna Water District has invested $36 Hubbard’s where sons of a retired department compares to learning about and recognizing million in the project and is seeking the $12 sergeant. Captain Bessinger volunteered for the efforts of wonderful, thriving community in- million federal appropriation to complete con- the Special Olympics and also managed to stitutions such as The Clifton Jewish Center. struction of the project. oversee several operations in the CPD includ- I certify that this project does not have any Madam Speaker, I ask that you join the ing Youth Services, Animal Services, Commu- foreseeable effect on any of my financial inter- members and clergy of The Clifton Jewish nications, and administrative duties ranging ests, nor the interests of any member of my Center, all whose faith has been enriched from writing/updating Municipal Codes, Home- family. Consistent with the Republican Con- throughout the years and me in recognizing land Security and Grants, Internal Affairs and ference’s policy on earmarks, I hereby certify the outstanding contributions of The Clifton Audits, Workers Comp, and Public Informa- that to the best of my knowledge, this request Jewish Center to the Jewish community and tion. beyond. (1) is not directed to an entity or program that Aside from serving the public as a Police- will be named after a sitting Member of Con- f man throughout his life, one of Captain gress; (2) is not intended to be used by an en- Bessinger’s proudest accomplishments has EARMARK DECLARATION tity to secure funds for other entities unless been raising his two sons; Derek who is twen- the use of funding is consistent with the speci- ty nine and Chris who is twenty five. Single- HON. JASON CHAFFETZ fied purpose of the earmark; and (3) meets or handedly, he raised his two boys from the exceeds all statutory requirements for match- OF UTAH ages of four and sixteen months, a responsi- ing funds where applicable. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bility any father would fathom. During this f Tuesday, September 22, 2009 time, he managed the duties of a father, police CAPTAIN DREW BESSINGER officer, and as a student earning his college Mr. CHAFFETZ. Madam Speaker, I wish to degree. Captain Bessinger celebrates with his make the following disclosure in accordance HON. JIM COSTA wife Yvonne, their ninth anniversary this year. with the Republican Earmark Transparency I ask that my colleagues please salute Captain Standards requiring Members to place a state- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bessinger for his years of service in the law ment in the Congressional Record prior to enforcement field and to wish him well as he Tuesday, September 22, 2009 floor vote on a bill that includes earmarks they retires from the Clovis Police Department. have requested. Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to f Specifically, H.R. 2265, the Magna Water pay tribute to an extraordinary public safety of- District Water Reuse and Groundwater Re- ficer who has spent his entire career serving RECOGNIZING 15TH ANNIVERSARY charge Act of 2009, which I introduced on May the public. I am speaking of Captain Drew OF THE VIOLENCE AGAINST 6, 2009, contains an earmark as defined Bessinger, of the Clovis Police Department WOMEN ACT under House Rule XXI, clause 9. The earmark (CPD) in Clovis, California. Captain Bessinger in H.R. 2265 authorizes appropriations for will conclude his years of service in law en- SPEECH OF projects under Title XVI of Public Law 102– forcement and retire from the Clovis Police HON. PHIL HARE 575, the Reclamation Wastewater and Department this year. OF ILLINOIS Groundwater Study and Facilities Act. Captain Bessinger was born in the Garden IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The project authorized in H.R. 2265 is an State of New Jersey, where he graduated advanced water treatment facility and reuse from high school in 1975. Upon his gradua- Monday, September 14, 2009 water system in the township of Magna, Utah, tion, he enlisted in the United States Army. Mr. HARE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in located in the northwest quadrant of Salt Lake During his tenure in the Army, Captain strong support of recognizing the 15th anniver- County. Magna relies on drinking water from Bessinger was a Military Police Officer; serv- sary of the Violence Against Women Act two well fields, one of which has been im- ing in Germany and achieving the rank of Ser- (VAWA) of 1994. I commend our distinguished pacted by the contaminant perchlorate, a by- geant. colleague from New York, Representative product of decades of manufacturing of rocket Upon returning from his service overseas, SLAUGHTER, for introducing this resolution motors and explosives by the defense and Captain Bessinger worked for the Department which recognizes a significant achievement in aerospace industries. Additionally, the EPA of Defense Police in Virginia. Santa Barbara the women’s rights movement. changed the standard for arsenic in drinking Police Department hired Captain Bessinger This landmark legislation, originally authored water, an unfunded mandate for which water which brought him to California in 1980 and by our former colleague, Senator JOSEPH suppliers across the Nation must comply. Be- he served there until 1984. In 1984, he ac- BIDEN, set a new standard for preventing vio- cause of this contamination and the unfunded cepted a position with the University Police lence against women and provides resources federal mandate, the Magna Water District is Department of Fresno State, my alma mater. necessary for coping with attacks that have attempting to restore the Barton Well Field, a He was then hired by the Clovis Police De- occurred. Since the enactment of VAWA fif- valuable water resource. Therefore, reclama- partment in 1987, where he remained for teen years ago, this country has made signifi- tion of this drinking water source necessitates twenty two years in a variety of roles helping cant progress in our response to domestic and federal assistance. the community of Clovis. dating violence, sexual assaults and stalking. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:23 Nov 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E22SE9.REC E22SE9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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