- DNAl.941108.010 .- ...-..I- . ‘.:f 1.. I’ MARCH 1990 EDITION HRE- 85 6 Notes Sources of Radiation in Space NATURAL Van Allen Belt Solar Particle Radiation - Solar Flares - Solar Particle Events (SPE's) Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) ARTIFICIAL Nuclear Reactors Exoatornospheric Nuclear Weapons Sources of Radiation in Space VAN ALLEN BELT (Trapped Particle Radiation) 0 Inner and Outer Zones - Protons - Electrons apace naaianon Notes -- I Space Radiation .I Space Radiation Notes Average Shuttle Crew Doses 28.5' Inclination ~ STS Launch Mission Altitude Crew Av Dose Mlsslon Vehicle Date Duration (hrs) (NM) (MRAD%~~*) ._-- 61-8 Atlantlc 26 Nov 85 165.0 205 19.0 51-1 Dlscovery 17 Jun 85 169.7 205 (rnax) 18.6 51 -G Dlscovery 27 Aug 85 192.2 240 (rnax) 13.3 41-C Challenger 06 Apr 84 167.7 269 79.9 51-J Atlantis 03 Oc: 85 94.8 275 106.5 ~~~~~~ *Low LET Doses Measured by LIF-100 TLDs Sources of Radiation in Space SOLAR PARTICLE RADIATION 0 Solar Flares, SPE's Protons Helium ions Space Radiation Notes Sources of Radiation in Space ARTIFICIAL e\ 0 Nuclear Reactors .-, .&.tii. > - COSMOS 954 - COSMOS 1900 0 Exoatmospheric Nuclear Weapon Burst *- I I-- Space Radiation Exoatmospheric Nuclear Weapon Detonations -IMPACT 0 Unique effects used to neutralize space and terrestrial hardware systems - Loss of 6 U.S. satellites from Starfish Used by enemy to deny U.S. space control - Significant impact on National Security objectives Space Radiation Environment - 1015 r ElectronsSolar Wind Auroral Electrons 1/Trapped Electrons napped Protons / I I I 1 I 1 1o-2 1oo 1o2 9 n4 Particle Energy (MeV) I" Harderian Tumors Histological Data 70 60 0 Argon 50 20 10 ACobalt ,-Control 01 ' I Ill 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 700 Dose (rad) Fry et. al. - "C 24X0.05 Gy - y single dose 4.16 Gy 12 C single dose 1.2 Gy - y 24~0.174Gy Controls 01 I 1 amp& 1 Wmple 3 0 334-360 daya 4zod after akgle 5- mftar alngb t after akgk dose after Fx 567-513&I after Fa d.y. or la1 frKtlon 7 42MZBd r s557d 1st Fm 328 yo. 301 eye. 180 eyes wagu1 el a1 ,-.,.-,- Notes Space Radiation RBE of Heavy Ions in the Production of Neoplastic Transformation in Confluent CPHlOT; Cells (G,) LET (keV/urn) Yang el. al. Space Radiation - 3 ., Streaks and doubles !& Stars and flashes . I-2 I., - _- I I Bragg Curve I ~Bragg- Peak Dose Rate ~ Depth Measurement of dose or dose rate as a function of depth in Water exposed to a charge I 4, Relative Ionization Notes Space Radiation Solar Particle Events (SPEs) Time Course of Event I Avg: 90 mln 1 Avg: 60 mln I I Det&tion of Optical SPE Duration b Flare i4 2-100 Hrs. (W. J. Wagner 1987) Solar Particle Events (SPEs) SPEs Show A Correlation With Solar Cycle 10.; 250 I I E>10 MeV N 5. 200 % ’ Events peak at approximately 1 REM/hr I (W J Wagner, 1987) Space Radiation Because the Sun Rotates, Our Greatest Threat is From Its West Side (50" W) Magnetic field lines E TRo, = 1 day I Proton flare danger longltuder tor earth Dose Equivalent (REM) From AL SPE 04 Aug 1972 Solar Flare ALUMINUM PRIMARY PROTONS ALPHA LOW ENERGY SHIELDING HEAVY IONS PRIMARY SECONDARY SECONDARIES NEUTRONS TOTAL - 00 23.25 249.55 100.75 15.11 285.2 674.3 05 6.82 104.32 30.85 4.63 111.14 257.3 10 2.91 53.17 29.45 4.42 67.89 158.1 20 0.372 17.67 3.57 0.823 17.83 40.3 30 0.264 6.82 2.34 0.357 7.72 17.5 40 0.109 3.24 -0.047 0.000 2.70 5.98 50 0.047 1.74 0.279 0.047 1.91 4.01 70 0.016 0.636 0.047 0.463 1.10 2.28 5 Jcm sell shielding shown included in rddilion 10 Ihe shielding Itsled (SCC. 1986) Notes wace naaiation d Sources of Radiation in Space GALACTIC COSMIC RADIATION 0 High energy protons 0 Helium nuclei 0 Energetic heavy ions - --- Space Radiation Long-Term Exposure from Space Radiation Elemental Contributions to the Dose Equivalent From Galactic Cosmic Radiation at Solar Minimum After Passage Through 1 g/cm2 of Aluminum Shielding 20- I I I , , , , , , , , , , , l6 - Exo-Magnetosphere - Galactic Cosmic Radiation - Primaries and Fragments Dose l2 - Space Radiation Notes Space Radiation Guidelines Scenario Time Radiation Dose (REMS)’ Space Station 90 days 11 Geosynchronous 15 days 8 Earth Orbit Lunar Mission 88 days 7 Mars Mission 3 years 100 OSHA limit** 1 year 5 ~ ~~ *Radiation Equivalent Man “US. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Source: U.S. Natlonal Council on Radiation Protectlon and Measurements I Lethality Due to Acute Whole-Body Radiation Exposure Irradiationflreatment LD5O (rad) Healthy adult, autologous bone marrow or blood stem cell transplant 1100 Healthy adult, supportive medical treatment 480-540 Healthy adult, minimal supportive care 320-360 Combined stresses, burns or trauma plus radiation <300 Weightlessness, calcium deficiency plus radiation ? Human Biological Changes Microgravity Environment Cephalad Fluid Shift Fluid Loss Plasma Volume Decrease RBC and Hemoglobin Mass Decrease Alterations in Serum Proteins Reduced Number of T-Cells Reduced T-cell Responsiveness to Infectious Challenge Other Cellular Immune Changes ? Space Radiation Time Course of Physiological Shifts Associated With Acclimation to Weightlessness IRREVERSIBLE PROCESSES Neuroveslibular System Flulds and Electrolytes Pk / Cardlovascular System Bone and Calclum __ w Set Polnt 1-g Set Point A -- 3 1 t ,m 456 POINT OF' AD>PTATION Tlme Scale (months) Space Radiation Notes Survival of Mice in Different Housing Conditions I ,y (0.4 Gyirnin) I " Social Spatial Soc+Spa Social Spatial Crowded Crowded Crowded Uncrowded Uncrowded Crowding Conditions I Questions for Members of Military Medical Departments- Are there acute radiation hazards in space? Yes! 0 Solar particle events (outside geomagnetosphere) 0 Exoatmospheric nuclear weapon detonations I I Questions for Members of Military Medical Departments Are the radiations encountered in military space operations unique in comparison to the nuclear battlefield? Yes! Protons 0 HZE particles Spallation products High energy neutrons SDace Radiation Questions for Members of Military Medical Departments Are there long-term risks from exposure to space radiation while on manned military space missions? Yes! Cancer Cataracts Military Man in Space (MMIS) Program The purpose of the MMlS program is to explore the military potential of using the space environment to apply man's unique powers of observation and decision making. The potential of military man in space will be measured by conducting MMlS concept evaluations on the Space Shuttle Concept evaluations are described as those manned spaceflight activities that evaluate man's ability to enhance or conduct military operations In or from space. Military Man in Space MMlS Handbook 01 October 1986 DoD Space Policy DoD supports the potential use of military man-in-space and "will actively explore roles for military man-in-space focusing on unique or cost effective contributions to operational missions. I' (Lantham, 1987) Notes SDace Radiation DoD Operational Use of Space Force Enhancement 0 Force Application Space Control (Lantharn, 1987) DoD Operational Use of Space - Space Control - operations to ensure U.S. and Allied forces freedom of action in space, while limiting or denying enemy freedom of action in space. Negation of enemy satellites Active protection of US. and Allied space systems (Lantharn, 1987) Potential DoD Manned Space Missions NASP Operations: - SlOP and contingency Intelligence gathering Satellite Servicing: - Maintain, retrieve and refurbish Space Radiation Notes Space Radiation Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons Notes EFFECT OF INCREASE MASS ON NEUTRON LOSS - 4 --mf Critical Mass I Geometry CR8T8CAL MASS- DENSITY Notes EXPLOSIVE SUBCRITICP I I PROPELLANT . MACC BEFORE FIRING IMMEDIATELY AFTER FIRING \ 1 POSSIBLE CONFIGURATION OF A FISSION BOMB FUSE HIGH EXPLOSIVE TAMPER FISSIONABLE MATERIAL NEUTRON SOURCE REMOVABLE PLUG "Little Boy" Hiroshima Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons Notes I TIME I % PERCENT OF FISSION YIELD AS FUNCTION OF MASS NUMBER I MASS NUMBER Notes i .. Average Energy Partition Fission of 23%~ by Thermal Neutrons Kinetic energy of fission fragments 82% Prompt gammas 2.5% Prompt neutrons 3.5% Decay products Betas 4% Gammas 3.5% Neutrons 5% Total energy released per fission: 205 MeV 1 2 EFFECT OF INCREASED MASS ON NEUTRON LOSS I Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons Notes ENERGY = WORK = FORCE x DISTANCE Notes Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons I CHEMICAL POTENTIAL ENERGY NUCLEAR POTENTIAL - NEUTRON ENERGY UNITS 1 eV 3.8 x 1 ul Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons Notes YIELD-TO-WEIGHT RATIO I FISSIONABLE BOHR ATOM 2 - # PROTONS N - # NEUTRONS A-Z+N LEVEL STRUCTURE I CONTINUUM OF STATES E3 J-E,-E, E2 I ENERGY LEVELS. ATOMIC ELECTRON AE - 0.1 eV to 104 eV -PHOTON INFRARED to X-RAY Notes Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons 1 LEVEL STRUCTURE CONTINUUM Of STATES CONTINUUM ENERGY LEVELS-ATOMICELECTRON NUCLEARLEVELS AE - 0 1 eV to 104,~ AE - 104 eV to 106,~ -PHOTON -PHOTON INFRARED IO X RAY GAMMA RAY TRITIUM DECAY 3 3H1 2 H +-:e+:p Tx = 12.33 years HALF LIFE Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons Notes IMPLOSION WEAPON BOMB CASING PLUTONIUM J?-3‘ 1 HEMISPHERES I TO DETONATOR EXPLOSIVE DETONATOR FOR IMPLOSION WEAPON “Fat Man” Nagasaki I 1 Notes Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons 71BINDING ENERGY A = 2 + N = Total Number of Neutrons and Photons .. THERMONUCLEAR FUSION REACTIONS D + D = jHe + n + 3.2 MeV 0 -t D = T + 'H + 4.0 MeV D+ T =4He+n +17.6MeV T + T = 4He + 2n + 1 1.3 MeV LITHIUM DEUTERIDE R EACTlON %D + n - 4He + 3T+4.8 MeV+ D I Physical Principles of Nuclear Weapons Notes I COMPONENTS OF AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE I ELECTRIC COMPONENT, I ORIGIN OF BINDING ENERGY Notes I E=MC~ E=ENERGY (in ERGS) M=MASS (in grams) C=SPEED OF LIGHT (3 x 10 10 cm/sec) A=Z+N= NO.
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