「漢書 「 l 誓言十 perfomance range. And never needs are mounted with wider than ever 。1ass豊艶耀盤器苦 a匝寵‡灘謹缶 tubeless tires for a bigger footprint on the road. e鯖cient four-into-tWO. 言艶詣露盤e A c重udal been dominated for over two years sis f。豊露盤蕊豊is the ba‾ Part Of going- StoPPing・ by one motorcyde. The Honda bike road racers. The CB750F But while everyone else has been 離籍盤轟監 轄諾諾善意盛鶉帯h Place as king of the 750 Honda has not been resting on the 慈恵詣蒜。Ⅴ。n 讃欝一 machineもIaurels. pe五〇me重 So when you see the ever in- 課豊雷叢書m ・ CreaSing flood of daims that one bike Son宣e neW the rea購tWO SIotted or another is a match for the 筒Ⅴ遼健On血埋. discs in front. CB750F; Honda wo山d All with twin piston like you to keep one thing If you think high perfor一 鰐緩嬢 calipers, for added 鯛γa癌嬢eaess・ caliber壷dity firmly in mind. mance is straight line The 1981 Honda and more positive feel. CB750F is even better 薯諜罵言謹‾ than eveL Eecause to the CB750E high performance 調∞議龍田d 露盤 A repufation. t諦n l料かn αタl加・ 灘聾 curves are in between. No motorcycle rolls offthe Start with frame geometry, designed to combine quick nimble comering and high- 譜欝輩 SPeed stability. Add new 37 mm CyCle. And it can only be 蹴組。S. air adjustable front forks. done by the people The CB750F engine is not the newest design in its class - merely the most advanced. It features the Honda Pentroof調combustion chamber design for central spak plug Placement and high combustion 竃護義認塁 審露語票議書親 轢軸霊霊鷺語か is always a consideration on a high- Pe中津蒜語h。ad 。。mS are driven by dual m山tiplate chains, Which are both strong and long- A needle bearing swing arm Pivot provides precise alignment. And the new Honda VHD調shocks 議欝護 If you are one of these people, hot spark throughout the en由neも 董欝灘議隷蒜utyou already know. Ho案葛患菓腹案 FOLIJO「Ⅳ THE LEADER AIJWAYS WEAR A HELMET AND EYE PROTECTION. Specifications and availabilfty subject to change without notice. ◎ 1981 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. For a free br∝hure, See yOur Honda dealer Or write : American Honda Motor Co.・ Inc. Dept. 493, Box 9000, Vbn Nuys, Califomia 91409. Schedule of Event§ §巾Urdaγ, ÅUGUS= 5†h 8a.m.- 12:30p.m. … …. Practice,A=CIasses l:30 p.m.一6 p.m・ …‥ Qua=fying Heat Races ORDER OF HEATS しightweight Expert Heat #1 - 5 Iaps (14 m=es) Heat #2 - 5 Iaps (14 miIes) Superbike 55 ′〇〇〇ヽ ′〇〇〇〇=1し 十〇喜44 白月-‖リ ー「‖-月日 Heat #1 ■ a pa S pS m em Se S Heat #2 しightweight Novice Heat #1 - 5 1aps (14 miIes) Heat #2 - 5 iaps (14 miIes) FormuIa One Expert Heat #1 - 5 Iaps (14 miIes) Heat #2 - 5 Iaps (14 miles) Sunday, ÅUGUS=伽h H.rleγ"D.胴son Bす輸Ie巾・冊e"Twhs " 1 5 l叫s, 42 miles 鴫htweight [xperl ○ ○8 i回ps. 50.4鵬es S叩erIlike - 15 Iaps, 42 miles lig冊weigh川oYice " 1 S血ps. 42 miles hmul| 0れe l叫erl " 27 I叫s, 7S.‘ m軸es RAC漢NG音S NO丁 OUR ONLY BUS-NESS! m ‾ 音言音 二二二° 言霊二‾二三二ふふふ〇二㌦∴議ここ、∴孟註二言二三態 Sure・ mOtOrCycie racing is a part of the American DON’T YOU THiNK iT’S ABOuT TIME MotorcycIist Association. but there’s a Iot more to the AMA than organized competition, YOU JOINED THE AMA! Since 1924’the AMA has been working to protect the interests of motorcyc=sts in the United States. A Iot has l WANT TO JOIN THE AMA! Changed during the past 56 years’and motorcyc-i=g is MY FUL」 MEMBERSHiP DUESARE ENCLOSED. facing more probIems todaytha= eVer before葛but the AMA is continuing to work for you. For example, the ロー$15.00 - 1 year membership. AMA: ロー$40・00 - 3 year membership. ● Halted motorcycie bans in various cities across ロー$60.00 - 5 year membe「ship. the country. ローThis is a new membership. ● Cha=ged Pennsyivania legisIation that wouId have made enduros and poker runs i=ega一. ローThis isa renewal. AMA# ● Stopped Oregon efforts to ban motor racing. ● HaIted a California pian to ban two-StrOke motorcycIes. Address These are onIy a few of the probiems the AMA has City taken care of whiie you’ve been enjoying your motor- CyCIe" But the problems are going to keep coming. State The o=iy way the AMA ca= COnti…e tO PrOteCt yOur I ride primariIy: interests is with your support. when dea-ing with gov- ローOntheroad ローOfftheroad ernment, numbers speak loude「 than words. ローIn competition Use the membership app-ication on this page, Or give uS a Ca= on our 24-hou「・ tO冊ree Membership HotIine MaiI with remittance to: - 80O-848-8890 (In Ohio ca= 614-891-2425). Join the AMAI P.〇・日ox 141, WestervIIIe’OH 43081 AMA today! POCONO INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY, 1NC, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chai肋an DR. JOSEPH P. MATTIOLi PIesiden( SPENCER CRAMER - Former President, Cramer's Cashway 」umbe「 Co. D高調cfoIS JOSEPH FARDA - Owne「, The Sum青lit Resort 論調捕詮筆嘉鞘㌣鴇鴇。 F。,。 OFFICERS Chief E*eculive O鵬e′ DR. JOSEPH MATTIO」l SPENCER CRAMER RiCHARD PRICE Wce Prosident ISec伯ねry Tねasu伯′ JOSEPH R. MATTIO」i,川 GEORGE EWALD Assislant Sec伯ねry JOHN RUSNOK CONSuLTANTS CLARENCE CAG」E Safefy and Cons面c的n Consu伯nl OSCAR KOVE」ESKi RA」PH MATERGIA DR. POSE MATTIOLI 鵠名器駕 ROBERT WESEしOH SpecねI Evenls Di伯ctorIO朋CiaI Hoslesる OFFICE STAFF ROBERT PA○○O α伯clo′ OI Sabs 」OVENA MATTIOLI O朋c○ M合nager LINDA SiNGER Ass応ねnl ConlIO/伯′ MARK BAR R ETT DEBBIE CORBO 77cke! Sa佃s MARY TODOR 77cke書Oonsu〃anl GAR NAYしOR 7foke書Sa佃s SKiPPY MONTEしLO E*○○u海e Sec伯ねry TERRY DUDAK 77ckel Sa/es KEiTH DjVANNA JUSTINE RICHES 77ckel Sabs MARYELしYN EWAしD ‥ Cねdenぬ/ S(仰eNisoI しAURiE MERiAUしT 7fokel Safes DEBBIE TEREBECKi αeden請a応 KAREN MITCHE」L Sw"chboaId FRAN SNYDER CIeden(自侭 RACE STAFF Track Serv!ce BARRY HUBERMAN - Dirocto′ S各cU剛TY STAFF F旧E DEPT. STAFF SAFETY PAT鼠Oし JOE KEYS JOHN CASTERしINE Assisねnt ChieI CHAR」ES MASSEY Assisねnl ChieI GATEMAN SuPERVISO鼠 GEORGE DAVENPORT STEVE F」YNN Ass応ねnt ChieI Sec鳩ねγ Al]各A SuPEl]VISORS MEDICAしD各P丁. TRAF用C CONTflOし JOHN TODOR DR. PEXGREEN ……………‥0/伯ctoI C.R.E.S.T. Padio CIub BOB SNYDER しOUiS DeLUCA … … … … … ・ S叩ervisor Nazareth Radjo CIub JIM YATES DICK F」ECK BILしWEND TONY MONTEししO JAKE BOSCH PUBしiC RELATIONS STAFF GEORGE RUMPP. ‥.‥ " … … P鳩ss /nfo仰aめn S叩eIwisor しINN HENDERSHOT . …. P. P. ConsuIねn書 BI」しDIMMICH.‥..‥‥ ChieI Amounce′Ifromoめn oi伯c(O′ ST∈VE CASTしE. … ANNMARIE CAPPAREし」 P伯ss Bor S(JPer面so′ Pross Sec伯ねry BEし」E RUMPP Sね的施肥n ROBERT QUIGしEY.. ‥ BRUCE RiCHARDS JOHN GARTNER 研mIb仰aめn 」OU BRUNE上し ED BRASEFIEしD JiM CAPPS WAYNE MAZUR P伯-fねce CooIく肪)aloI FATHER PHIしIP DeREA. FATHER DANiE」 BiTSKO 嵩繊 ▲T TR▲cK HoSPITALITY T鼠ACK CARPENT各員 CHARしES TEREBECKI WALT PICHES ROBERT MITCHEし」 GINNY PA」LO MRS. DOROTHY CRAMER MAiNTENANCE CREW JACK KATES KAREN DIMMiCH 」OUIE DeLUCA. 鰯給器器鰯諾 DENNIS STERNER 」LOYD HUMMER 帥cl肪cぬn KEITH BAEHR H∈RB MASSER C棚oI Meohanic CURT WI」SON RON BERGER PAUしSMITH CHRIS FORTH BETH KOETTING GORDON KRESGE KATHY DIMMiCH Prog「am Design & Graphics - [ Ken Frantz J暮MMY ADAMO・ One Of the nation●8 tOP Pri▼ateerS Seen here at speed on his CASTROL/ARAI Leoni 'uncd I’alian demodromic.▼al▼ed Duca`i・ Jinmy i§ CmentIy lhe poin章 leader in 'he ho`ly contested ‘・Ba章tle of (he Twins.’縫重ies. CASTROL,S NEW MOTORCYCLE OIL TESTED AND PROVEN AT DAYTONA 蒜議認諾鑑識誌講読諾 tu謎諾琵L ‘挑a 20W50 lubri。。nt, Whi。h m。anS th。t it Will組ow like a 20W weight oil at OOF, and a 50 weight oil at 襲襲襲讃藷 欝寵灘m鳥鴇‡藷露盤書誌蕊詩語霊霊盤 謹書誌W豊謹豊器謹s喜欝認諾落 籠輩鶉隷護轟護 e豊議蔀討隷書謹誌霊。S。n。。 m。,。._ eyclist demands. 諸認諾富窪説摺認諾怨精薄 gearbox. CASTROL,s extensive tests on the race circuits, aS Weu aS On 器認器黒糖琵謄認諾宝器嵩 any motorcycle on ever made! 襲襲態 。h諾器鴇嘉島,謹書藍音譜n認露 謀議豊豊富蕊耀‡雅語is 盤欝諾欝謹諾議 In addition to the extremely low ash content, CASTROL ‘・S.・ National Champion relied on CASTROL to win their way into ;盤諸悪認諾忠霊藷語葦寵誌r菩 Victory lane. HE A肌/WINSTON O CHAM〃ONSH/P 俄凧/且S Wm〃〃NG O/L! 1979一議豊盤…畳語 1980一説菩提語器器削 1981一嵩浩柴嵩等ries 1 - Steve EkIund, H.D. 2 - Jay Springsteen, H.D, 3- Randy Goss, H.D. 4- Gary Scott, H,D. Race W/nners insist on ′ I AMA ``Na書ional,, Road Race’しoudon’N.H. FormuIa #1 Winner - Nicky Richichi, Yamaha Superbike Winner - Eddie Lawson, Kawasaki 250cc Novice Winner - Wayne Rainey, Kawasaki BattIe of the Twins Winner - Dave Emde, BMW Side Car Team Winners - Lind/Hart, Yamaha CASTROL,s NEW ``S,, oiI, a raCe-teSted engineeredspecificaIIyfortoday,sbjgbore lubricant used by winning fourstroke bikes and muiti-CyIinder highway rockets, is fortified with synthetic oiis, reSuIting in CASTROL =S,, exceeds the rigid Iess ash residue, increased anti-Shear SPecifications set by Honda, HarIey- Stab冊y・ improved Iubrication and permits Davidson’Suzuki, Moto Guzzi, Yamaha, your motorcycie to run cooIer‥.CASTROL Ducati. Kawasaki ``S’’assures you of Ionger engine iife, and others. Take maximum performance and doesn’t ``break advantage of the 榊 down,, at high RPM orthe most punishing Specia=ntroductory tumpike speeds. “Pocono CastroI Deai,, CASTROL ``S’’has been formuIated and See COuPOn beiow. 音容○○ - 1音l - - ー ー ー ー ○○1○○音看1音 SPECiAしPOCONO CASTROし‖S” 6-PAK OR 24 Ot. CASE DEAし Dir.Iist $21.00) Pocono price 俄二葦華塁 CASTROL ``S’’sew-On PatCh) $10,50 ミラロ特謡誓荒土書き豊評も書き端Pr'Ce $39。99 Product ca= be picked up at Pocono lnt,一Raceway Paddock Area, between track and garage area Saturday and Sunday, August 15th and 16th, 1981, and atthe main 諾 exit gate after 4 P.M. Sunday, August 16th. 雪蜂輩董量こ (717) 824-5724 655-9258 Make of Machine Your Locai DeaIer 〇°“〇〇〇喜〇〇〇〇° Aug離th’ THE HARLEY"DAViDSON `甘ATTしE OF THE TWINS, Help鞠皆勝aSe S○○ One oI 7heSe DeabIS fo′ Deね侭. Har傭リh分利庇応on Deafers A ssocfa書細n Rlck’s HarIey・DavIdson Schoch’s HarIey-DavIdson Suffolk Co. H. D. AIIen章own, Pa. 21 5043調鵜1 瀧・ Pa・ 糀謀議打N・Y・ Howe= ’3 HarIey-DavIdson HarIey・Davld3On SaIes F「ankしomardl & Sons New Klng3t○○, Pa. Yo「k, Pa. 717脚や214 Staten IsIand. N.Y. 71 7・76&9368 創2447■009 Hariey・Davld8On West MarchIano’s Har○○y-Davldson PhIladeIphla, Pa.
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