PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTORY OF GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL WEST BENGAL INFORMATION AND CULTURAL CENTRE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL 18 and 19, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, New Delhi-110001 Website: http://wbicc.in Office of the Principal Resident Commissioner and Manjusha PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTORY Prepared and Compiled by West Bengal Information and Cultural Centre New Delhi Foreword We are delighted to bring out a Public Relations Directory from the West Bengal Information & Cultural Centre Delhi collating information, considered relevant, at one place. Against the backdrop of the new website of the Information Centre (http://wbicc.in) launched on 5th May, 2011 and a daily compilation of news relating to West Bengal on the Webpage Media Reflections (www.wbmediareflections.in) on 12th September, 2011, this is another pioneering effort of the Centre in releasing more information under the public domain. A soft copy of the directory with periodic updates will also be available on the site http://wbicc.in. We seek your comments and suggestions to keep the information profile upto date and user-friendly. Please stay connected (Bhaskar Khulbe) Pr. Resident Commissioner THE STATE AT A GLANCE: ● Number of districts: 18 (excluding Kolkata) ● Area: 88,752 sq. km. ● No. of Blocks : 341 ● No. of Towns : 909 ● No. of Villages : 40,203 ● Total population: 91,347,736 (as in 2011 Census) ● Males: 46,927,389 ● Females: 44,420,347 ● Decadal population growth 2001-2011: 13.93 per cent ● Population density: 1029 persons per sq. km ● Sex ratio: 947 ● Literacy Rate: 77.08 per cent Males: 82.67 per cent Females: 71.16 per cent Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 2. CHIEF MINISTER: Smt Mamata Banerjee Office Tel.- 2214-5555 / 2214-5588 Ext.- 4173 / 4300 (Kolkata STD code 033) Chief Minister's Secretariat 22544666/4279 22145480/22143033/22143528 i) Shri Gautam Sanyal 22145588 ii) Shri Santanu Basu 22145587 iii) Shri Tapas Chowdhury 22144644 iv) Ms Priyanka 22141881 v) Shri S. N. Banerjee 22143144 vi) Shri Abhijit Latua 22144164 vii) Shri Santanu Bose 22141888 viii) Shri Subhra Ray 22144075 ix) Shri S. S. Chakraborty 22145665 3. SPEAKER OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY: Sri Biman Banerjee 22482911, (Extn. 122 from EPABX) Assembly House EPABX 22533100/200 Secretary Assembly 22480896 1 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 5. THE WEST BENGAL COUNCIL OF MINISTERS: Name and residential Department Address/Phone addresses of Ministers Number 1. Smt. Mamata Banerjee Home, Land & Land Reforms, Writers' Buildings, Chief Minister Health & Family Welfare, Kolkata-1 Information & Cultural Affairs, Office Tel.- Hill Affairs, Minority Affairs & 2214-5555 Madrasah Education, 2214-5588/3101 Personnel & Ad0ministrative Ext.- 4173 / 4300 Reforms Fax.- 2214-5480/ 3612 Res: 30-B, Harish Chatterjee E-mail : Street, Kolkata-700 026 [email protected] West Bengal [email protected] Tel.- (033) 2475-3000 Fax.- (033) 2454-0880 2. Shri Partha Chatterjee Commerce & Industries, Public 9831002887 BEHALA PASCHIM Enterprises, Industrial 4, Camac Street, AITC Reconstruction, Kolkata-16 Parliamentary Affairs, Tel.- 2214-5919 / Information Technology 2214-3475 2282-0770 2282-1945 Ext.- 4791 Fax.- 2282-1944 Res: Vijay Ketan 2282-0769 9/4A, Khanpur Road 2214-4900 Naktala, P.S.- Jadavpur Kolkata - 700 047 Tel.- 2411-0124 Fax.- 2411-8922 3. Shri Amit Mitra Finance, Excise 9810669977 KHARDAHA Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5525 Ext.- 4800 Fax.- 2214-1338 63, Baburam Ghosh Road, Kolkata- 700 040 2 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 4. Shri Manish Gupta Development & Planning, 9830018271 JADAVPUR Power Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-3664 Ext.- 4236 Fax.- 2214-5213 Poura Bhavan, Salt Lake 23211113 Fax : 23211827 5. Shri Subrata Mukherjee Public Health Engineering 9831811110 BALLYGUNGE Panchayat & Rural New Secretariat AITC Development Buildings, 1, K.S.Roy Road, Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2248-2130 Fax.- 2248-9843 Jessop Building 1st Floor, 63 Res: 15/1A, Gariahat Road Netaji Subash Kolkata - 700 019 Road, Kol-01 Tel.- 2440-6401 Fax.- 2440-9218 Ph. 22623290 6. Janab Abdul Karim Mass Education Extension 9932895521 Chowdhury & Library Services Bikash Bhavan, ISLAMPUR Salt Lake, AITC Kolkata-91 Tel.- 2334-2938 / 2358-9354 Fax.- 2334-4791 7. Shri Sadhan Pande Consumer Affairs 9830040522 MANIKTOLA AITC 11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-87 Tel.- 2252-7483 Fax.- 2252-0153 8. Shri Upendra Nath Biswas Backward Classes Welfare 9339538278 BAGDA Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-3606 Ext.- 4047 / 4756 Fax.- 2214-1035 CG22, Salt Lake City, Kolkata Tel.- 2337-2828 3 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 9. Janab Javed Ahmed Khan Disaster Management, Fire & 9830977758 KASBA Emergency Services , Writers' Buildings, AITC Civil Defence Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-4052 Ext.- 4026 Fax.- 2214-4051 2, Golam Jilani Khan Road, P.S.-Tiljala Kolkata- 700 039 Tel.- 2229-8527 10. Shri Rabindra Nath Agriculture 9434516839 Bhattacharjee Writers’ Buildings SINGUR Kolkata-700001 AITC Vill.- Sibarambati II P.O.- Balarambati Dist- Hooghly PIN- 712 409 Tel.- 03212-265126 11. Smt. Sabitri Mitra Women & Child Development 9434189939 MANIKCHAK & Social Welfare Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-4858 / 2214-3220 Ext.- 4782 / 4841 Fax.- 2214-5452 Puratoli, Sadarghat Dist. - Malda 12. Shri Jyotipriya Mallick Food & Supplies 9830021657 HABRA 11A, Mirza AITC Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700087 Tel.- 2252-1388 Fax.- 2252-2628 BC-245, Salt Lake City (Near Water Tank No. 3) DC Park, Kolkata - 700 064 Tel.- 2321-0636 4 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 13. Shri Shanti Ram Mahato Self-Help Group & 9932576160 BALARAMPUR Self-Employment Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5800 Ext.- 4549 Fax.- 2214-1576 Village + P.O.- Garapushro P.S.-Purulia (Mufasswal) Dist.- Purulia 14. Janab Haider Aziz Safwi Cooperation, Inland 9830068029 ULUBERIA PURBA Water Transport Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5505 Ext.- 4001 Fax.- 2214-3441 CL-170, Salt Lake, Sector-II Kolkata- 700 091 Tel.- 2337-2124 15. Shri Moloy Ghatak Law, Judicial 9434577091 ASANSOL UTTAR Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5802 Ext.- 4490 / 4114 Fax.- 2214-4036 Apcar Garden Asansol PIN- 713 304 16. Shri Purnendu Basu Labour 9433293174 RAJARHAT Writers' Buildings, GOPALPUR Kolkata-1 AITC Tel.- 2214-5889 Ext.- 4304 Fax.- 2214-1041 17, Sibnarayan Road, Uttarpara Hooghly Pin 712 258 5 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 17. Shri Bratya Basu Higher Education and 9836533533 DUM DUM School Education Bikash Bhavan, AITC Salt Lake, Kolkata-91 Tel.- 2334-6181 Fax.- 2337-6783 P-65, Kalindi Housing Estate, Kolkata - 700 089 Tel.- 2522 1136 18. Shri Rachhpal Singh Tourism 9051983339 TARAKESWAR Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5789 Ext.- 4148 Fax.- 2214-3357 Block- FE-484, Sector III Salt Lake Kolkata - 700 106 19. Shri Hiten Barman Forests 9475380929 SITALKUCHI Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-3601 / 2214-1615 Ext.- 4760 Fax.- 2214-1517 Amlapara, Ward No. 6 P.O.- Mathabhanga Dist.- Coochbehar 20. Shri Goutam Deb North Bengal Development 9434027273 DABGRAM PHULBARI Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tele Fax- 2214-5484 Ext.- 4582 145, Bipin Pal Sarani College Para, P.O.- Siliguri Dist.- Darjeeling Pin- 734 001 Tel.- 0353-2435599 6 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 21. Janab Noore Alam Animal Resources 9433282130 Chowdhury Development Writers' Buildings, MURARAI Kolkata-1 AITC Tel.- 2214-5835 Ext.- 4027 Fax.- 2214-1304 26, Rotu Sarkar Lane Kolkata - 700 073 Tel.- 2235-7949 22. Shri Shankar Chakravarty Non-conventional 9434347853 BALURGHAT Energy Sources, Writers' Buildings, AITC Correctional Administration Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-4001 Ext.- 4159 23. Shri Rabi Ranjan Technical Education & 9831190524 Chattopadhyay Training, Science & Bikash Bhavan, BARDHAMAN DAKSHIN Technology, Bio-technology Salt Lake, AITC Kolkata-91 Tel.- 2334-1443 Fax.- 2334-8074 234 Lake Town Block - B, 3rd Floor Kolkata - 700 089 Tel.- 2521 2570 24. Dr. Sudarshan Ghosh Environment, PWD 9830031950 Dastidar Writers' Buildings, MAHISHADAL Kolkata-1 AITC Tel.- 2214-5700 2214-3161 Ext.- 4068 Fax.- 2214-4711 2214-4788 119, Southern Avenue Kolkata 7 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 25. Shri Ujjal Biswas Food Processing Industries 9434105338 KRISHNANAGAR DAKSHIN & Horticulture Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-3066 Ext.- 4734 Fax.- 2214-4035 1, Mohitosh Biswas Street Krishnagar Dist. Nadia 26. Shri Shyama P. Mukherjee Housing 9434744949 BISHNUPUR New Secretariat AITC Buildings, 1, K.S.Roy Road, Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2262-4091 27. Janab Firhad Hakim Municipal Affairs, 9830037445 KOLKATA PORT Urban Development Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5497 / 2214-3197 Ext.- 4457 / 4078 Fax.- 2214-3853 28. Dr. Sukumar Hansda Paschimanchal Unnayan 9433265265 JHARGRAM Affairs Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-4062 Ext.- 4713 T. Fax.- 2214-4600 Raghunathpur P.S.- Jhargram Dist. - Paschim Midnapore 29. Shri Soumen Mahapatra Water Resources 9434016942 TAMLUK Investigation & Development Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5532 Ext.- 4057 / 4155 Fax.- 2214-5492 O.- Panshkura R.S. Dist:-Purba Medinipur PIN-721152 Tel.- 03228-252484 / 03228-254136 8 Information Directory of West Bengal Goverment 30. Shri Arup Roy Agriculture Marketing 9830071269 HOWRAH MADHYA Writers' Buildings, AITC Kolkata-1 Tel.- 2214-5701 Ext.- 4796 Fax.- 2214-5433 2/1, Dharmatala Lane, Howrah-711101 Tel.- 2638-5889 31. Shri Chandranath Sinha Statistics &
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