For Your Any Type of Reasoning Related Queries Join Telegram Channel : GA Mahendras Live Kuldeep Mahendras Reasoning Get Additional 10% Discount On All Products & Services of Mahendras Use Code : E009419 Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) 1 APRIL ✓ ODISHA FOUNDATION DAY 2 APRIL ✓ International “The Music of Words” Children day 'कार्यस्थल मᴂ ✓ WORLD AUTISM 'Inclusion in the समावेश: एक AWARENESS DAY Workplace: Challenges महामारी की दनु िर्ा and Opportunities in a मᴂ चुिौनिर्ा車 और Post-Pandemic World'. अवसर'। 4 APRIL ✓ INTERNATIONAL Perseverance, DAY OF MINE Partnership, and Progress AWARENESS Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) 5 APRIL ✓ NATIONAL ‘Sustainable MARITIME DAY Shipping beyond Covid-19’ ✓ International Day of Conscience 7 APRIL ✓ WORLD HEALTH Building a एक वथ, वथ DAY fairer, दनु िया का निर्ााण। healthier world 10 APRIL WORLD ✓ "हो륍योपैथी- एकीकृ त HOMOEOPATHY “Homeopathy- चिकक配सा के लिए DAY Roadmap for Integrative रोडर्ैप" Medicine” Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) 11 APRIL ✓ NATIONAL SAFE Keep mothers and MOTHERHOOD DAY newborns safe from coronavirus ✓ National Pet day 12 APRIL ✓ INTERNATIONAL DAY OF HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) ✓ INTERNATIONAL ‘Access to 12 APRIL DAY FOR Essential STREET Services ’ CHILDREN OBSERVED 13 APRIL ✓ JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE ✓ International Turbun Day Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) 14 APRIL ✓ B.R.AMBEDKAR JAYANTI ✓ World Chagas Disease Day 15 APRIL ✓ World Art day 16 APRIL ✓ Indian Railway day ✓ World Voice day One World Many Voices Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) 17 APRIL ✓ World Hemophilia Adapting to Change , day sustaining care in a new world 18 APRIL ✓ World Heritage day Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures 19 APRIL ✓ World Liver day ✓ Chinese 20 APRIL Language Day Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) THEME(H) 21 APRIL ✓ World Creativity and Innovation Day ✓ National Civil Service Day 22 APRIL ✓Earth Day Restore our Earth ✓International Mother Earth Day Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- April 2021 DATE DAY(E) THEME(E) DAY(H) Other 23 APRIL ✓World Book and 'To share a story'. Copyright Day ✓English Language Day ✓Spanish Language Day SVAMITVA ( Survey of 24 APRIL ✓National Panchayati Villages and Mapping Raj Day with Improvised Technology in Village Areas ) ✓International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace 25 April- World Malaria Day (ववश्व मलेररर्ा ददवस) World Malaria Day was established in May 2007 by the 60th session of the World Health Assembly, WHO's decision-making body. The day was established to provide "education and understanding of malaria" and spread information on "year-long intensified implementation of national malaria-control strategies, including community- based activities for malaria prevention and treatment in endemic areas." Prior to the establishment of WMD, Africa Malaria Day was held on April 25. Africa Malaria Day began in 2001 ववश्व स्वास््र् सभा, डब्ल्र्ूएचओ के निर्र्य लेिे वाले निकार् के 60 वᴂ सत्र 饍वारा मई 2007 मᴂ ववश्व मलेररर्ा ददवस की स्थापिा की गई थी। र्ह ददि "मलेररर्ा की शशक्षा और समझ" प्रदाि करिे और "मलेररर्ा की रोकथाम और उपचार के शलए राष्ट्रीर् मलेररर्ा-निर्車त्रर् रर्िीनिर्ⴂ की साल भर की गहि कार्ायन्वर्ि पर जािकारी फैलािे के शलए स्थावपि ककर्ा गर्ा था, जजसमᴂ मलेररर्ा की रोकथाम के शलए समुदार् आधाररि गनिववधधर्ा更 और स्थानिक क्षेत्रⴂ मᴂ उपचार शाशमल हℂWMD की स्थापिा से पहले, अफ्रीका मलेररर्ा ददवस 25 अप्रैल को आर्ोजजि ककर्ा गर्ा था। अफ्रीका मलेररर्ा ददवस 2001 मᴂ शु셂 हुआ Q . _________is a book authored by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.? _______________भारि के प्रधाि मत्र車 ी िरᴂद्र मोदी 饍वारा शलखिि एक पुस्िक है।? a. Exam Warriors right b. My India c. Our Future d. Student life The book was initially published in 2018 by Penguin India. Prime Minister had written the book for young students to provide them a handy guide to deal with stress of examinations. It comprises a letter from the Prime Minister to the teachers and parents; and ’25 mantras’ to the students and urges them to treat examinations as “a festival” and “celebrate it”. The book was also published in Braille version and other Indian languages. Q .Who has been made the brand ambassador of McDonald’s in April 2021 ? ककसे अप्रैल2021 मᴂ McDonald’s का ब्ा車ड ए車बेसडर बिार्ा गर्ा है ब्ा車ड ए車बेसडर बिार्ा गर्ा है?? a. Rashmika Mandanna b. Ayushman Khurrana c. Ajinkya rahane d. Virat Kohli Q .Who has been made the brand ambassador of Chopard , a Swiss luxury company in April 2021? ककसे अप्रैल2021 मᴂ Chopard , a Swiss luxury company का ब्ा車ड ए車बेसडर बिार्ा गर्ा है ब्ा車ड ए車बेसडर बिार्ा गर्ा है?? a. Rashmika Mandanna b. Deepika Padukone c. Ajinkya rahane d. Virat Kohli Rohit Sharma Vega , Crickingdom , LaLiga , IIFL Finance , Oakley , Dr. Trust , Financepeer , Glenmark Phama ( Candid Powder ) Virat Kholi Great Learning , Vize , Digit Insurance , Vivo Kuldeep Handoo Fit India Movement A R Rahaman BAFTA breakthrough India Sourav Ganguly Bengal Peerless Housing Depika Padukone Levi’s Vaani Kapoor Mango and Myntra Ayushman Khurrana Tecno Mobile Ajinkya Rahane Neo Growth Credit Pvt.Ltd , ELSA Corp Devdutt Padikkal Eat.fit Shraddha Kapoor Bella Casa Viruss RBI Public Awareness Campaign Chacha Chaudhary Namami Gange Project Aamir Khan Ed-tech Start-up Vedantu , Ceat Tyres Sachin Tendulkar Paytm First Games ( PFG ) Khushi Chindaliya Regional Ambassador for India by UNEP Dia Mirza UNEP – Goodwill Ambassador for India Nethra Goodwill Ambassador of the UNADAP Amitabh Bachchan Alexa’s first ever celebrity voice , IDFC First Bank For customer awareness campaign of RBI Priyanka Chopra Parle Agro’s Fruits plus fizz portfolio ‘ B – Fizz “ Q . World Press Freedom Index 2021 , released by Reporters without Borders ( RSF ) a French non-government organisation has again ranked India at 142nd out of 180 countries . It is topped by which country ? व्डय प्रेस फ्रीडमइ車डेक्स 2021, ररपोर्यसय ववदाउर् बॉडयसय (आरएसएफ) 饍वारा जारी ककर्ा गर्ा, (एक फ्रा車सीसी गैर-सरकारी स車गठि) िे 180 देशⴂ मᴂ से भारि को कफर से 142 वᴂ स्थाि पर रिा है। कौि सा देश शीर्य पर है? a. Finland b. Norway c. New Zealand d. Singapore e. Turkey According to the energy conversion Index ( ETI ) report , which country ranked first in the list of 115 countries ? ऊजाय 셂पा車िरर् सचू का車क (ETI) ररपोर्य के अिुसार, 115 देशⴂ की सचू ी मᴂ कौि सा देश पहले स्थाि पर है? A) Nepal B) China C) Russia D) Sweden INDIA TOP BOTTOM World Press Freedom Index 142 Norway Eritea 2021 Henley Passport Index 2021 84 Japan Afghanistan Inclusive Internet Index 2021 49 Sweden Burundi Global Gender Gap Report 140 Iceland Afghanistan 2021 Economics Freedom Index 121 Singapore North Korea 2021 World Happiness Report 2021 139 Finland Afghanistan INDIA TOP BOTTOM Global Home Price Index 56 Turkey India International IP Index 2021 40 United States Democracy Index 2020 53 Norway North korea Global Climate Risk Index 2021 7 Mozambique Coronavirus Performance 86 New Zealand Index Corruption Perception Index 86 New Zealand & Somalia & South ( CPI ) 2020 Denmark Sudan INDIA TOP BOTTOM Asia – Pacific Personalised 10 Singapore Health Index Global Terrorism Index ( GTI ) 8 Afghanistan 2020 Climate Change performance 10 Sweden Index ( CCPI ) 2021 Energy Conversion Index ( ETI ) 87 Sweden Q. What is the name of 13th governor of RBI who headed Committee on the Financial System ,1991 and Committee of Banking Sector Reforms , 1998 , has passed away ? आरबीआई के 13 वᴂ गविरय का िाम क्र्ा है, जजन्हⴂिे ववत्तीर् प्रर्ाली, 1991 और बकℂ क車 ग क्षेत्र सधु ार सशमनि, 1998 की सशमनि का िेित्ृ व ककर्ा, का निधि हो गर्ा है? a. Sir Osborne Smith b. C D Deshmukh c. Benegal Rama Rau d. M Narasimhan Q. What is the name of Renowned Tamil actor and comedian who has passed away ? िामचीि िशमल अशभिेिा और हास्र् अशभिेिा का क्र्ा िाम है जजिका निधि हो चुका है ? (a) Suneet Sharma (b) K . Sivan (c) Vivek (d) Sanjay Kapoor (e) Karan Bajwa Q . A book , “ Believe – what life and Cricket taught me “ the much awaited Sunesh Raina autobiography is co authored by whom? प्र। एक ककिाब, "ववश्वास करो - क्र्ा जीवि और किकेर् िे मझु े शसिार्ा" बहुप्रिीक्षक्षि सिु ेश रैिा की आत्मकथा के सह-लेिक कौि हℂ ? a. AB de Villiers b. Ravichandran Ashwin c. Suresh Raina d. Ricky Pointing e. Bharat Sundaresan A book ‘Wanderers , Kings , Merchants : The story of India through its Languages ’ is authored by whom? पुस्िक A वा車डरसय, कक車 ग्स, मचᴂ絍स: द स्र्ोरी ऑ괼 इ車डडर्ा अपिी भार्ाओ車 के माध्र्म से ’ककसके 饍वारा शलिी गई है? 1. M Hamid Ansari 2. Renuka Singh 3. Sangeet paul Choudary 4. Peggy Mohan 5. Pavan C Lall M Hamid Ansari By Many a Happy Accident : Recollections of a life Renuka Singh Dalai Lama’s “ The little Book of Encouragement Sangeet paul Choudary ‘ Yes Man : The untold story of Rana Kappor “ Pavan C Lall Platform Scale : For a Post – Pandamic World Pankaj Dubey One string Attached Aakash Ranison Climate Change Explained – for one and all” Q .
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