Short Stories for Students – Volume 26 – Finals/ 4/16/2008 12:14 Page 319 Cumulative Author/Title Index A Animal Stories (Brown): V14 Barth, John A&P(Updike): V3 The Arabian Nights (Burton): V21 Lost in the Funhouse: V6 Achebe, Chinua Araby (Joyce): V1 Barthelme, Donald Civil Peace: V13 Art Work (Byatt): V26 The Indian Uprising: V17 Vengeful Creditor: V3 Asimov, Isaac Robert Kennedy Saved from Adams, Alice Nightfall: V17 Drowning: V3 Bartleby the Scrivener, A Tale of Greyhound People: V21 Astronomer’s Wife (Boyle): V13 Atwood, Margaret Wall Street (Melville): V3 The Last Lovely City: V14 Happy Endings: V13 Bates, H. E. African Passions (Rivera): V15 Rape Fantasies: V3 The Daffodil Sky: V7 Africans (Kohler): V18 Average Waves in Unprotected The Bear (Faulkner): V2 Aftermath (Waters): V22 Waters (Tyler): V17 The Beast in the Jungle (James): Agu¨ eros, Jack Axolotl (Corta´ zar): V3 V6 Dominoes: V13 Beattie, Ann Aiken, Conrad Imagined Scenes: V20 Silent Snow, Secret Snow: V8 B Janus: V9 The Aleph (Borges): V17 Babel, Isaac Because My Father Always Said He Alexie, Sherman My First Goose: V10 Was the Only Indian Who Saw Because My Father Always Said Babette’s Feast (Dinesen): V20 Jimi Hendrix Play ‘‘The Star- He Was the Only Indian Who Babylon Revisited (Fitzgerald): V4 Spangled Banner’’ at Woodstock Saw Jimi Hendrix Play ‘‘The Baida, Peter (Alexie): V18 Star-Spangled Banner’’ at A Nurse’s Story: V25 Beckett, Samuel Woodstock: V18 Baldwin, James Dante and the Lobster: V15 All the Years of Her Life The Rockpile: V18 The Beginning of Homewood (Callaghan): V19 Sonny’s Blues: V2 (Wideman): V12 Allen, Woody Balzac, Honore de Bellow, Saul The Kugelmass Episode: V21 La Grande Brete`che: V10 Leaving the Yellow House: V12 Allende, Isabel Bambara, Toni Cade A Silver Dish: V22 And of Clay Are We Created: V11 Blues Ain’t No Mockin Bird: V4 Bender, Aimee The Gold of Toma´s Vargas: V16 Gorilla, My Love: V21 The Rememberer: V25 America and I (Yezierska): V15 The Lesson: V12 Benet, Stephen Vincent And of Clay Are We Created Raymond’s Run: V7 An End to Dreams: V22 (Allende): V11 Barn Burning (Faulkner): V5 Berriault, Gina Anderson, Sherwood Barnes, Julian The Stone Boy: V7 Death in the Woods: V10 Melon: V24 Women in Their Beds: V11 Hands: V11 Barrett, Andrea The Best Girlfriend You Never Had Sophistication: V4 The English Pupil: V24 (Houston): V17 319 Short Stories for Students – Volume 26 – Finals/ 4/16/2008 12:14 Page 320 Cumulative Author/Title Index Bierce, Ambrose Brownies (Packer): V25 Chopin, Kate The Boarded Window: V9 Burton, Richard De´sire´e’s Baby: V13 An Occurrence at Owl Creek The Arabian Nights: V21 A Point at Issue!: V17 Bridge: V2 Butler, Octavia The Storm: V26 Big Black Good Man (Wright): V20 Bloodchild: V6 The Story of an Hour: V2 Big Blonde (Parker): V5 Butler, Robert Olen A Christmas Memory (Capote): V2 The Birds (du Maurier): V16 A Good Scent from a Strange Christmas Not Just Once a Year Bisson, Terry Mountain: V11 (Bo¨ ll): V20 The Toxic Donut: V18 Titanic Survivors Found in The Chrysanthemums (Steinbeck): Black Boy (Boyle): V14 Bermuda Triangle: V22 V6 The Black Cat (Poe): V26 Byatt, A. S. A Circle in the Fire (O’Connor): V19 Black Is My Favorite Color Art Work: V26 The Circular Ruins (Borges): V26 (Malamud): V16 Cisneros, Sandra Blackberry Winter (Warren): V8 Little Miracles, Kept Promises: Bliss (Mansfield): V10 C V13 Blood-Burning Moon (Toomer): V5 Callaghan, Morley Woman Hollering Creek: V3 Bloodchild (Butler): V6 All the Years of Her Life: V19 Civil Peace (Achebe): V13 The Bloody Chamber (Carter): V4 Calvino, Italo Clarke, Arthur C. Bloom, Amy The Feathered Ogre: V12 ‘‘If I Forget Thee, O Earth . .’’: Silver Water: V11 Camus, Albert V18 Blues Ain’t No Mockin Bird The Guest: V4 The Star: V4 (Bambara): V4 The Canal (Yates): V24 A Clean, Well-Lighted Place The Blues I’m Playing (Hughes): V7 The Canterville Ghost (Wilde): V7 (Hemingway): V9 The Boarded Window (Bierce): V9 Capote, Truman Connell, Richard Boll, Heinrich A Christmas Memory: V2 The Most Dangerous Game: V1 Christmas Not Just Once a Year: Caroline’s Wedding (Danticat): Conrad, Joseph V20 V25 Heart of Darkness: V12 Borges, Jorge Luis Carter, Angela The Secret Sharer: V1 The Aleph: V17 The Bloody Chamber: V4 Conscience of the Court (Hurston): The Circular Ruins: V26 The Erlking: V12 V21 The Garden of Forking Paths: V9 Carver, Raymond A Conversation from the Third Floor Pierre Menard, Author of the Cathedral: V6 (El-Bisatie): V17 Quixote: V4 Errand: V13 A Conversation with My Father Borowski, Tadeusz A Small, Good Thing: V23 (Paley): V3 This Way for the Gas, Ladies and What We Talk About When We The Conversion of the Jews (Roth): Gentlemen: V13 Talk About Love: V12 V18 Boule de Suif (Maupassant): V21 Where I’m Calling From: V3 Corta´ zar, Julio Bowen, Elizabeth The Cask of Amontillado (Poe): V7 Axolotl: V3 A Day in the Dark: V22 The Catbird Seat (Thurber): V10 The Pursuer: V20 The Demon Lover: V5 Cathedral (Carver): V6 The Country Husband (Cheever): V14 Bowles, Paul Cather, Willa Crane, Stephen The Eye: V17 The Diamond Mine: V16 The Open Boat: V4 A Boy and His Dog (Ellison): V14 Neighbour Rosicky: V7 Crazy Sunday (Fitzgerald): V21 Boyle, Kay Paul’s Case: V2 The Curing Woman (Morales): V19 Astronomer’s Wife: V13 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Black Boy: V14 Calaveras County (Twain): V1 The White Horses of Vienna: V10 The Centaur (Saramago): V23 D Boyle, T. Coraghessan The Challenge (Vargas Llosa): V14 The Daffodil Sky (Bates): V7 Stones in My Passway, Hellhound Chandra, Vikram Dahl, Roald on My Trail: V13 Dharma: V16 Lamb to the Slaughter: V4 The Underground Gardens: V19 Cheever, John Dante and the Lobster (Beckett): V15 Boys and Girls (Munro): V5 The Country Husband: V14 Danticat, Edwidge Bradbury, Ray The Swimmer: V2 Caroline’s Wedding: V25 There Will Come Soft Rains: V1 Chekhov, Anton Children of the Sea: V1 The Veldt: V20 The Darling: V13 The Darling (Chekhov): V13 Brazzaville Teen-ager (Friedman): Gooseberries: V14 Davies, Peter Ho V18 Gusev: V26 Think of England: V21 Bright and Morning Star (Wright): The Lady with the Pet Dog: V5 Davis, Rebecca Harding V15 Chesnutt, Charles Waddell Life in the Iron Mills: V26 Brokeback Mountain (Proulx): V23 The Goophered Grapevine: V26 A Day in the Dark (Bowen): V22 Brown, Jason The Sheriff’s Children: V11 de Balzac, Honore Animal Stories: V14 Children of the Sea (Danticat): V1 La Grande Brete`che: V10 320 Short Stories for Students, Volume 26 Short Stories for Students – Volume 26 – Finals/ 4/16/2008 12:14 Page 321 Cumulative Author/Title Index de Unamuno, Miguel Elbow Room (McPherson): V23 Flaubert, Gustave Saint Emmanuel the Good, The Elephant Vanishes (Murakami): A Simple Heart: V6 Martyr: V20 V23 Fleur (Erdrich): V22 The Dead (Joyce): V6 Eliot, George Flight (Steinbeck): V3 Death in the Woods (Anderson): V10 The Lifted Veil: V8 Flowering Judas (Porter): V8 Cumulative Author/Title Index Death in Venice (Mann): V9 Ellison, Harlan Fountains in the Rain (Mishima): V12 The Death of Ivan Ilych (Tolstoy): V5 A Boy and His Dog: V14 Four Summers (Oates): V17 Debbie and Julie (Lessing): V12 I Have No Mouth, and I Must Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins The Deep (Swan): V23 Scream: V15 A New England Nun: V8 The Demon Lover (Bowen): V5 Jeffty Is Five: V13 Old Woman Magoun: V26 Desiree’s Baby (Chopin): V13 ‘‘Repent, Harlequin!’’ Said the The Revolt of ‘Mother’: V4 The Destructors (Greene): V14 Ticktockman: V21 Friedman, Bruce Jay The Devil and Tom Walker (Irving): Ellison, Ralph Brazzaville Teen-ager: V18 V1 The Invisible Man, or Battle Devlin, Anne Royal: V11 Naming the Names: V17 King of the Bingo Game: V1 G Dharma (Chandra): V16 The End of Old Horse (Ortiz): V22 Gaines, Ernest The Diamond as Big as the Ritz An End to Dreams (Bene´ t): V22 The Sky is Gray: V5 (Fitzgerald): V25 The English Pupil (Barrett): V24 Galsworthy, John The Diamond Mine (Cather): V16 Erdrich, Louise The Japanese Quince: V3 Diaz, Junot Fleur: V22 Garcı´ aMa´ rquez, Gabriel The Sun, the Moon, the Stars: V20 The Red Convertible: V14 Eyes of a Blue Dog: V21 The Difference (Glasgow): V9 The Erlking (Carter): V12 The Handsomest Drowned Man in Dinesen, Isak Errand (Carver): V13 the World: V1 Babette’s Feast: V20 The Eskimo Connection A Very Old Man with Enormous The Ring: V6 (Yamamoto): V14 Wings: V6 The Sailor-Boy’s Tale: V13 Eveline (Joyce): V19 The Woman Who Came at Six Sorrow-Acre: V3 Everyday Use (Walker): V2 O’Clock: V16 Disorder and Early Sorrow (Mann): Everything That Rises Must The Garden of Forking Paths V4 Converge (O’Connor): V10 (Borges): V9 Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Exchanging Glances (Wolf): V14 The Garden Party (Mansfield): V8 Meeting Mrinal: V24 The Eye (Bowles): V17 Gardner, John Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter: V18 Eyes of a Blue Dog (Garcı´ a Redemption: V8 Doerr, Anthony Ma´ rquez): V21 Gibson, William The Shell Collector: V25 Johnny Mnemonic: V26 The Dog of Tithwal (Manto): V15 The Gift of the Magi (Henry): V2 Dominoes (Agu¨ eros): V13 F Gilchrist, Ellen Don’t Look Now (du Maurier): V14 The Fall of Edward Barnard Victory Over Japan: V9 The Door in the Wall (Wells): V3 (Maugham): V17 The Gilded Six-Bits (Hurston): V11 Dostoevsky, Fyodor The Fall of the House of Usher (Poe): Gilman, Charlotte Perkins The Grand Inquisitor: V8 V2 Three Thanksgivings: V18 Doyle, Arthur Conan The Far and the Near (Wolfe): V18 The Yellow Wallpaper: V1 The Red-Headed League: V2 Far, Sui Sin Gimpel the Fool (Singer): V2 du Maurier, Daphne Mrs.
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