SISSALA EAST DISTRICT ASSEMBLY DISTRICT MEDIUM TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 2014-2017 GOVERNMENT OF GHANA MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DPO 4/3/2014 - 1 - APPROVAL OF DIST RICT MEDIUM TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN At a meeting held on …………………………………………………………..the Sissala East District Assembly discussed and approved the District Medium Term Development Plan and is hereby submitted for your further action, please. ………………………………… ………………………………….. PRESIDING MEMBER SECRETARY TO THE ASSEMBLY (HON. ALEX BAPULA) (MUMUNI SALIA SUMANI) VISION The Sissala East District Assembly aspires to provide a qualitative living standard for the people at all times. MISSION STATEMENT The Sissala East District Assembly exist to improve the livelihood of its people by initiating the necessary socio- economic programmes and projects creating an enabling environment for community and private sector participation for development of the district in collaboration with all stakeholders. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Sissala East District Assembly would like to acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by all community Members, Area Councils, District level actors, including chiefs, non-governmental organizations, RPCU and mentors from University for Development Studies(UDS) towards the preparation of this plan. Our special thanks go to the out-gone Upper West Regional Minister Hon. Ephraim Avea Nsoh for the immense support received in the preparation of this document. We are most grateful to him. We thank all DPCU members and planning team who did the write-up and NDPC for enriched backstockings through comments and suggestions. This document would not have been completed without the useful contributions of Mr. Baba H. Osman, the Chief Regional Economic Planning Officer RCC/RPCU and Dr. Jonas Akudugu, our mentor from the Savanna Alliance Ghana. The Sissala East District Assembly therefore wishes to specially thank those who in diverse ways contributed towards the successful completion of this plan not leaving out those who have not been specifically mentioned here. - 2 - LIST OF ACRONYMS DMTDP - District Medium Term Development Plan MTDPF - Medium Term Development Policy Framework GPRS I - Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy GPRS II - Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy CBRDP - Community Based Rural Development Project REP - Rural Enterprises Project NGOs - Non-Governmental Organisations BECE - Basic Education Certificate Examination JHS - Junior High School GER - Gross Enrolment Ratio SMCs - School Management Committees PTAs - Parent-Teacher Associations TB - Tuberculosis NHIS - National Health Insurance Scheme STIs - Sexually Transmitted Infections ITNs - Insecticide Treated Nets CHPS - Community Health Planning Services KVIP - Kumasi Ventilated Improved Pit STWSSP - Small Town Water Supply DWST - District Water Sanitation Team WATSAN - Water and Sanitation DA - District Assembly SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises DACF - District Assemblies Common Fund HIPC - Highly Indebted Poor Countries IGF - Internally Generated Funds GSFP - Ghana School Feeding Programme DWAP - District Wide Assistance Project CSWP - Community Water and Sanitation Plan - 3 - EU - European Union DISCAP - District Capacity Building Project AAIG - Actionaid Ghana NADMO - National Disaster Management Organisation FOMWAG - Federation of Muslim Women Association of Ghana FGM - Female Genital Mutilation CBOs - Community Based Organisations DFID - Department for International Development DDHS - District Director of Health Service TBAs - Traditional Birth Attendants DHMT - District Health Management Team UNICEF - United Nations International Children’s Education Fund MDG - Millennium Development Goal NACP - National Aids Control Programme DPCU - District Planning Coordinating Unit DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency WFP - World Food Programme CEPS - Customs Excise and Preventive Service SADA - Savannah Accelerated Development Authority YARO - Youth Action for Reproductive Order GETFUND - Ghana Education Trust Fund NYEP - National Youth Employment Programme CHRAJ - Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice NCCE - National Commission for Civic Education WAJU - Women and Juvenile Unit TCPD - Town and Country Planning Department VRA - Volta River Authority MDAs - Ministries Departments and Agencies RCC - Regional Coordinating Council DADU - District Agricultural Development Unit GOG - Government of Ghana - 4 - GSGDA - Ghana Shared Growth Development Agenda GSGDA II - Ghana Shared Growth Developmnet Agenda ii MOFA - Ministry of Food and Agriculture AC - Area Council EPA - Environmental Protection Agency DHA - District Health Administration NSS - National Service Scheme MOE - Ministry of Education ECG - Electricity Company of Ghana MORT - Ministry of Roads and Transport MOI - Ministry of Information DDF - District Development Fund CWSA - Community Water and Sanitation Agency EHD - Environmental Health Department DSW - Department of Social Welfare MLGRD - Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development - 5 - Table of Contents LIST OF ACRONYMS .................................................................................................. - 3 - PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... - 7 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................ - 9 - CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................... - 14 - 1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................... - 14 - 1.1 Participation ...................................................................................................... - 14 - 1.2.2 Financial Review of District Assembly from 2010 to 2013 ............................ 28 1.3 Analysis of Current Situation .............................................................................. 34 1.3.1 Physical and Natural Environment .................................................................. 34 1.3.2 Demographic Characteristics ........................................................................... 38 1.3.3 Cultural Characteristics .................................................................................... 41 1.3.4 Spatial Organisation ......................................................................................... 42 1.3.5 Economy of the District ................................................................................... 47 1.3.6 Social Services ................................................................................................. 49 CHAPTERTWO ............................................................................................................... 88 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 88 CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................ 130 3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 130 3.2 Development Focus ....................................................................................... 130 3.2.1 District Goal .............................................................................................. 130 3.3 Development Projections 2014-2017 ................................................................. 130 3.3.1 Population projections .............................................................................. 130 3.3.2 Population Projection for first ten settlements ........................................... 131 3.3.3 Projection of Water needs ......................................................................... 132 3.3.4 Projection for sanitation facilities ............................................................. 133 3.3.5 Projection of Housing Units ...................................................................... 134 3.3.6 Estimation for Educational Needs ............................................................ 134 3.3.7 Estimation for Health Needs ..................................................................... 135 3.3.8 Agricultural Production Estimation/Projection ......................................... 135 3.3.9 Financial Projections of the Assembly ..................................................... 136 CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................... 151 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 151 4.2 District Composite Programme of Action .................................................. 151 CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................ 171 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 171 5.2 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN – 2010 ..................................................................... 172 5.3 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN – 2011 ..................................................................... 187 5.4 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN – 2012 ..................................................................... 205 5.5 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN – 2013 ..................................................................... 217
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