BEE , TUESDAY, G. 1885. OMAHA DAILY - OCTOBERc - * -y-i J - - - _THE, , i. _ -r. fc- . .1 - -i- " ' drifts arrived nt the other aide of tlio w.-icon tin? nin tires* ttpon which at Inst cinnntl , wbero lie polished off a local operations quietly or to In rttr fro- - , > GE1BHNAL fallen masi. blocking up the gallery.- . rested the dead. - i boxer , named King, Ino Hummln ; Bird , "ressof the work at liort lnt ji . It Thrty soon found that thu ceiling bad When the door otiened ix silcnco fell so neatly and e-fleclivoly Hint ( no l oy.s did not take long 1-eforo th MIIO < ( t.x- BROWN'S A , ( lie > ( piven away for thirty feet at the most- . upon the crowd watlirfeotitsidc. now out there antl Hob Fafrell ninotic wert down into tie giouml. 'Inmt t'.if cortege was formed , thVcarfc , , him workmen > vero reiliforced by de- ¬ Or, the Story of R Great Miners' Strike- . .Ihodmuago was nothing grave. Hut before the It is Suggested that the Champion is number think a hypercorn. They atu.rr IRON their hcnrl.s slopped beating as a, death litter behind , anil the people bringing up are endeavoring to brinjy about a glove tachment until finally thft lortj ( k j%. Kkd itlii Growing Cautions. c* t.-j rattlociHiiu from the shadows.- . the rear. Leaving tnino they slowly contest between him ami young Charley disappeared with the etr-pt.on seoijA.- . wound the road to the alley. The McCoy , of Philadelphia , who fought lifs- old ono who stood oul.i ! P. Pnttill.tj- .nv KMIMJ Kobcrt , leaving liis"train rn.n forward , tip llrst windsof Novcuibei ; were sweeping sparrfiifr partner , Tommy Barnes , of was a movement ) thp kt BITTERS calling- . here tf mrth ) ! the. > which was His Denting * lloj- , feet A ."Johnnio Is tinder there ! " . over immense pai night tlio I'lltstuirg Sheffield last season. Tliey are about distance of Illteen d2's head WILL HKO , to- I - CURE TVnnstafal MIC i'mic.V- At that moment Mahon was arriving slowly enveloping a hhrond falling Have Not Kiilianccil HI * Koputa- - matched in si e and if they como appeared an Ihnsiihtorrnncnnsoiki n HEADACHE nt the spot with Zaehario antl Anton. from the Kvlil sky. gether tht > y ought to make a rattling all lied out of the g.illerwhich they Mul- Anton inhised Malion to Gather- - llott Doinliilck Anxious to Try light. made. Filled with despair , be 'could only cry send INDIGESTION Ino on to breik the news to * George Cnmpboll , of Cincinnati , who The dogs seemed ht hly plensH >v tii OP wr.fT.mxn rttArrniw. out : ahead her Him UloTcil in Ilarchanilcil. ( to- v- 1HLIOUSNESS , mechanle. out of- ' mother. The father , who followed ho brought Sullivan nnd McCallroy the result of their work' find aftvr t Anton l.nullcr noiunr "My God'my Cod1" ! , Momton.- . litter , completely worn out, consented gether , is seriously thinking of ollering a fori'iuan of the work I'm in p"it-tl t. o DYSPEPSIA u oik nn hi * tin1 coal mines of The women , who had also run forward ! ( ) . , liuiiary nnil penniless. Tlio with a nod , tho'girl' ran oft' for they New # 1XH purse for a twenty-round glove tunnel limes Ino cole i.v tV n I'miiec. cold , Moqnotto , began to and York Sun' The mnnuor in which Catherine Lydioaiul v'j HM NERVOUS PROSTRATION tit nth of n miner makes n vacancy and ho se- ter-- were nearly there. Hut they must have I'ndd.y- contest between I.o Blanche , the Marine , divided into roujt , each groop tig- In thu Vullitrn mini'. Ma- sob , screaming with frght amid ihat John L. Sullivan avoided meeting MALARIA tines i'tiiiliyiiii'iit| - been perceived already. Women , half and Peter McCoy. Tlieso men have met a spot ami going to work to burrow oo , , nnil Ids dninditer- rible disortler which tlm darknesrt niig- llyan Is to his , lion one of'the miners , jloors. Very soon not creditable reputation times , but each time its own account Five or t'i- AND to him a.-- me.nted. 'j'ho men trietl to silouco them ; ran from their three the contests Ih-in wt CHILLS FEVERS- rathrriiie. explain the work nnd tilled with and baa led many to believe ( hat his en- ¬ have been decided " Twenty old dog to work i mb- sMllilm the first day. Hi' hears tlio mutter- but they became more hysterical at each there were tlilrly.thenlifry.all "draws. continued nt' the TIRKDFEKI.1NG same , wagon held u- rounds , ho believes , woultl afford ample urrow. During Uiu afternoon each of- inns of tin1 miners nimw ! t the ronvnnny nnd rattle which came from the rocks. the terror That counter with MoCaflrey has taught him - . was ? Lcvnquo opportunity for them decide the ques- thu groups its I In.mo uiuUr- GENERAL DEBILITY threats of n fluke. The arllons of thu mtper- , , , corpse. Who it having lo m.iuo Richmond thu had arrived caution. While with Domlniok * overseer matched n : Intctulcnt nnil the small received pond In M. Megrel nor assured them that no ono was hurl , only tion of superiority. ground , aiitl thm nil went to rest in tin INTIIK 15AC1C& SIDES ) despair that neither lie bad ngrood to give ruddy : I'AIN the workmen tit tlm vcrui of dcn eratlon nnd made them feel the greater shod; . They another holes al night. iesti-rdir they wrre bupy a- - Dansaert was in the iiiiuo. With car IMPURE H1.OOD- laved the riiiiiliu ; sfiimnlc. 31 thought it was not only one man" Who hnd chance , nnd his failure to keep his word PRAIRIE DOGS I CENTRAL PARK- . rounding out Iheir hnlls and carryin. ; in , pressed close to the ground he listened , lien acaln iN-lntnils Anton anil mines , has not made him any new friends. * . wh : perished , but loty, and that carl was largo quant.lies of gra cli vv'o- CONSTIPATION lintiilnuM ( orhlni nt HnHsaiicur'ft , n tippling and it last said the cries wore not those Dunn feels very sore , for ho had ' Is- going to briny them home one "by ond. Jerry .Korly Colonists Belllo n Town How pven them lo I'nn thopaoiff . CYtm l-'EMALE INFIRMITIES homo nearthcmine. Antoir.sdelermlimthm- of a child. A man was tlujro. Then spent $ TO ( ) or f-MO in making prepara- ¬ Watch 'J'no liy thu of uiu- Catherine louud her mother'tcrrihly They Worked. of visitors the buv worKrrs. to Isovciiomc kindness Million called Johnnie. Not a breath tions for tlm meeting , and now is all excited , and as soon as the llrst wonts it animals tire slightly sm.s.ll r thun tta- RHEUMATISM Miiiuirllin ,' miners nnd lw decides to battle came from the darkness.- . * : : lost money. Ho hnd an interview with Now York Tribune An addition to the . li've .soeul.ly fthra- This owners of thn mine* revel Tlio wore tittered shu cried woodeliuek. Thuy to NEURALGIA appeal ? little onu must have been crashed the Boston olwmploti in this city prior le- zoological the Arsenal in itin- - In liixui } , nnil turn adeuf ear to Ilio at onco. "Tho father's doadl"- collection at mi never appear to quarrol. Occn AND LIVER. 'of the workmen , who , tell- ¬ the hitter's departure for his lour with all.v low , 34olp. It is- KIDNEY theMarvlimtamlliMof ¬ In vain the young gM protested , Central i'ark has just been completed in they utter a sniirj ! Then that death rattle again com In ili'lit lor IIKK obtained thiriUs; a strike three ing of i'he woman How to- the minstrels, and it is reported that ho sal'd that on tlm lira1 ries ovn nnd r itV- TROUBLES ' HUl- - menced. 'I ho.y one In agony her Johnnie. * the rear of the Arsenal , near Ilia boar Jiitrs previous are baiely ah'c to mourn spoke to the wits assured by-tltti "foil fellow" that he ¬ ¬ thu door , and on seeing the wagon slop snakes often make quarters in ttioir bur FOR H AL . DRUGGISTS llcient fond thu u-iking alone re ¬ SJl.K r ' lo sustain Illc. Thu fact thai his name. Thu rattle would Hiuvly meet Paddy as soon a pos- pit that if buing cut out of the rock, and . , > Red- the , sue nearly fainted rows- 1 h Ce ln KM Trade Mark antl cn i :d worldly oiidltinn KIUW.WOINU from sponded.- . near church ! miners sible after his twenty weeks' oiigagoment- H attracting much alteiit'on. now ."They intolligenl. intfirrrl'ug Ti- ¬ Line* juir to jear niatle tlieiu susseptlblo to tlm "Mako hastol make said llich- away. At each door women dumb witli The are hastot" as a Msttuo nrtist ovpircd. There are hnrml M , " OTHRR.- . Teach in its ol reforineis. Anton hail employed . fright , looked on , while others followed feature is a little strip of Innd thirty feet tle creat'ires and quite rid mend , who had already gone to work- those who'think tin: trin will be a poor t ! hlsffpaio hour * In slmlyiii tl'o iitiestfon of- the cortege to know Whcro thu cart and Dr Conkiin yesteriay "Th d jra.r : ."They will diu vet. " . long and nearly half its wide inclosed- lalior in all itHl enrliiK-mm Ilio end litter would stop. preparation for , ilight. Minstrels are fellow seems to bu a kind of leader tlioioimhly It From both sides the miners attacked jolljr dogs , ami It. will In an iroli with n new of summer had ui.vtcicd and Then Mra. Mahon saw the litter , be-- proverbially John railing r.idinnl coat among them. The lirst hole Unit they had r ol the miners to hi * the cave-in with their picks and shovels- .
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