:THtrHALLNDAY REVNEW HIERARCHYOARTO RELIGIONO PHILOSOPHYO SCIENCE VolumeI NumberI Autumn1997 The Coraducrtor The Hallidav Review Autumn 1997 list is not definitive!Indeed, nothing about iN:fFiE EtrGNNNING EugeneHalliday could be defined with certainty,for his talents seemedto denythe limitation which definition implies.He lhe L\as the word. and Tn begrnnrng transcendedall ourdefinitions. Ithe wordwrs with Godand the word wasCod. That is asapl a slan for an)thing Those of you who knew Eugene to do with Eugene Halliday as can be Hallidayneed no persuadingofhis genius. imagined. The word in all its forms, the Thoseofour rcaderswho cometo him only Logos which is the manifestationof the via thispublication will, I am sure,frnd the Creator God, this was the conceptwhich manin his words. ruled his li{b. Exceptthat it was morethan a In theReview we will publishHalliday concept,forhe hadembodied it into his very writingswhich do notfit easilyor obviously and was a living exampleof substance, he into his Collectedworks. we will print its working. All his life he wrote, spoke, Hallidaypoems and pictures and we will be listenedto, the Word in all its myriad forms. happy to consider contributionsfrom This Review is readersstrictly on the intendedto reflect and ln thisissue themeof thisReview. comment upon the ]lfe I (A maximumof 1500 work of Eugene TheSoul by ELrgeneHalliday 7 tttords at the mohenl, 5 Halliday,and to discuss please, ancl far lote, "Not Two Mantrasby DonaldS. Lord 6 his ideas. rry SoEasy by MonicahDowney 7 not monel!) We wtll ideas, but l,4e ideas," 7 includeyoui views and would be his reply to Successby EugeneHalliday 8 questions in a letter this. He believedthat l6 page, (please keep every man who sub- t7 them as shorl as ISHVAL t7 stantialised a concept possible, please!)and Somethrngto Sieep On by E.FL t7 g'ven to hrn] was we will be happy to Poenby DavldMahlowe 2l entitledto call that con- ).1 publish the times of cepthis. in thathe had evenls. tneenngs ano made it liis own. But classes which are nevedheiess.the mode and clarity with linl(edto the work ofEugene Halliday. which our subject expounded univelsal As the Reviewdevelops, there will, I truthslent a logic to their expressionwhich am sure,be otherfeatures ofinterest which I for one have neverheard bettered. will demandinclusion. EugeneHailiday refusedany definition I rvill be very glad to hear from you, of himself exceptas sinply "adist".He and I hopeyou will feel ableto recommend refered here to the Renaissanceideal ofthe the Halliday Review to olhers. The u,ider aftist as man himself, the measureof all the netthe betterlIn the meantime,welcome things and the microcosm of the to thefirst edition ofHR! rnacrocosm. As in all things, Halliday embodiedtl'e Loncepl.He $as a painter. TheEditor modeller, musician. dramatist. writer, teacher,phiiosopher, poet and scientist.The The Hallidav Review Autumn 1997 "Man fhe Halhla, Rlvq lhtit t DtriJ Maht ,L!) $ Pfitntutt hr rht seven. becamea living soul",not man Lttlchrt { Prcrr, slthte cattd!., S.h t LLre, ottttkr. Kntt$ni, chcrhtu t* t 6 tsD. dnl print l ht the atL & Thnllt Prt$ n)ltflontul acquired a soul, as if man first existed without a soul and was then given one. picture A.boutorur cover Man L! a soul, that is. the spirit or breath of life, inside a body made of the This wasdesjgned originally by EH asa theatre "dusl programme.The figDrein theh€avens is theCreator ofthe ground".that rr. ofmaner.Man ofthc Tim€ Play,the Overseerol rheCreat Globe is spirit and matter: spirit from God's "brcath Theat.e.His hair is the synbol of His hiearchical breathinginto him the of life", and power, in sreamingabundance to flowingoutwards matter from his physical body madeofthe constitulea world Thecurtains serve a dualpurpos€ "dust to hide aid to reveal.Thcy opento showlo the ofthe ground". initirteihe secrets ofthe dilinedrama.They close to Iide e$entialsflom peripheraleyes.Thecurtalns also When spirit entersinto associationwith dividethe phy ofTime into!cts. Theirmovine folds matter in a body the spirit becomesa soul: areanother image oinovin8 power,like the flowin8 ''andman becamea livrng soul". Soul is that the dexlersrde 1s locks of God above.Nore divrnespirit dwelling in a materialbody da.kermd stroneerin outlinefian lhe sinisterside. This is to remindus ofthe polarisednature ofbe'ng Within the material,physical body, the asmale (dexter) and iemale (sinister). Ascftivere$ is rherole ofthe nra1e.rccepti!iry that ofdre female. embodiedspirit, or soul, undergoesvarious The gre.t Globe of life c.nnol cxst rvitholt the experiences.By theseexperiences the soul inreracrionofdresc xvo. To preferone lo dreother rs becomes progressively more and more aucre of itself .r5 a polentrall)crealive The candleslresymbols oflhe Trinitywhich lights thc procesresofrhe World Dramalvnh force,fomr being, an image of the supreme creator, God. How doesexistence in a physicalbody gr\e suchexpeflencel C physrcJlbody is "Dust" Wearc concernedin evtathinE \e rlo und dre made of the "dust of the ground". \rith the pnblen oJ saul . We tehd to use the \rotd \a'asthe ancientsymbol for tlretiny padicles l..,-lt. oal r"h ,rk de!ac .'hdt lt,et neda ht , This is \|hat EH said abo t the sou! we call materialatoms. All physical bodies are made of material atoms. Ail materiai atoms offer IIHE SOIL]L resistancewhen force is applied to them This resistanceis the basisof the value of by EupleneFtralliday the physical body to the soul. Only in the presenceofresistance does the soul become et us say at oncethat man doesnot awarcofitselfas a creativebeing. ,ave otpo.ue.s,ra soul as one may we would not be l'nveor possessa tllngthat onemay pick up Without resistance as beings able to or put down at wiil. Man does not l1dvea consciousof ourselves energyto overcome soul;he is a soul. apply forces,to expend oppositionand build things, to erect great "And the Lord God formed man ofthe cathedmls,to throw bridges across wide dust of the ground, and breathedinto his dvers, to drive tunnelsbelow the earthfor nostrils the breathoflife; and man became undergroundraihvays, to rocket men to the a living soul." These are the words in the moon. secondchapter ofthe book ofGenesis,verse lfhe Hallidav Review Autumn 1997 Material rcsistance is the means soul or individual spirit and undergoes wherebyman'ssoul becomes able to conhol experienceswhich chamcterise it in certaln itseli The resistanceof the earthto the ways.The way the soul is characterisedand child's feet enablesthe child to walk. thepuposes it embracesdetermine its value Gravityopposes the child'seffort to stand to othersouls and to God. uprightand in so doingpresses the child's feet to the ground. Resistanceoffered by one man to anotherin a wrestlingmatch allows the contestantsto testtheir degreeof strength andskill. Resistanceoffered by one man to anotherin a verbalargument allows each man to test his ability to expresshrs meaningand to exposesweaknesses in the other'sargument. Resistanceoffered by one group to another in the field of politics allows membersof the groupto testthe validity andviability ofthefu political views. Resistancemakes possible the growth of the humansense of responsibilityand obligationin everyfield of activity.And resistancemakes a man's soul more and moreaware ofitselfas a possibleopponent Foerntry EugeneFlalliday to or co-workerwith, every other soul - and with God. Into Thy handsI commend Beforethe creationofthe univeNethe my spirit,for Spiritofcod dweltin Itself,beyond all that mankind can comprehend.when God thereare no others createdthe universeHe madepossible the thatwill upholdme embodimentof His Spiritin separateforms, thatwill defendme someofwhich are human. The Spirit ofcod breathedinto thehuman form is lhesoul thatwill feedme Thematerial body of manat death must thatwill in love fall againback to the "dustof the ground" me fiom whichit came.The soul ofman, as the chastise inbreathedSpirit of God, must at death thatI maybecome also returnto its sourcein God. oneof suchhands. When the Spi t of Cod entersthe physicalbody of manit makesitselfinto a 4 Thc Hallidav Review Autumn 1997 Hdttidq' w.ts |ery fn eutt sue o1 IHR we hapc to leoture a l,Mbol ol uniw\al signiJicdnce. Eusene linstsrenr upon the \alueol:ttnbols Theystinulate deep inwanl wisdom, and b kg it inb a.ce$ible coksciousness.The srnbot. he sdid,contaircd fur norc inlbmation than the extende.lprcre bl nhich it cauld be eqlained! h h,ld detths ||hich wa s ds suchcannot ddetruately canler' The notes ||hich arconpanr this slmbol )rere wti en bNE H, but he dlso taught thdt one should look at lhe svhboLa d let it sPeakto one Diahouttrying to interytrct it h)r ifiellectual neans mechanical beings. For only in the ofthe "l will", "Eye-Will"is IlledirtationGiuidlc consciousness mechanicalitytranscended. Only ifone can actuallythink and feel the meaningof the his symbolcontains the words"l will", andactuaiise this original significanceof meaning can one free oneself "l". the letter This letterstands from the laws goveming the for thefirst personsingular, the merely material processof the knowing object of all world. knowledge,the acting subject of Consciouswill is the only all action. the supreme"lAM" force in ihe The "l will, "Eye-will" or non-mechanical Conscious Intelligent Power universe.Not to be conscious, consciously to which creates, sustainsand not to be able machine.To developsthe Universe. will, is to be a mere becomeconscious of oneselfas Becausethis Intelligent an "1", and "eye". a World- Person is infinite. there is Watcher,is the flrst prerequisite nowhere where it is not. of freedom, of self- Wherever lntelligent Porver determination. operates it is this same coiumn Inteliigent Power. wherever The vetical the "1" thereis a sufficientlysensitive representsihat aspectof will, organismthis IntelligentPower which appearsas unified in our maymanifest as an individuated the anti-gavity force observer,a watcherarld dircctor being, the force which stretches ofrvorldevents. upwards againstthe downward pull of the earth, against the To incrcasethe sensitivity deadweight of matteras such.
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