JPEBIOBfCAI DEPARTMENT -HOPERTY O* .*,,*i,aa Public Li. INew York State Society Number HI ESTABLISHED IN 1896 EDITED BY J-DFLENNER. JUS y 7 Alaska n Clubs Yukon u *- m omnd 0lm0Q SL^iubs Exposition -TT hi Good Literature Roads Independent Music H. L. SIZER, PRESIDENT OF THE NEW YORK SOCIETY. Democratic IN THIS ISSUE. |The "On With the Dance," the Lena Wiseman Episode, Editorial.—"Latest Public From the Seattle Electric Company" Editorial.—"Cruise of the Ownershipof Drama Cruiser Nashville," Reminiscences of a Confederate Veteran, by W. R. Inge Dalton, M. D.—All About the Nerv York State Society, all Utilities Illustrated.—Hon. Webster Davis on Robert Emmett, a new and brilliant orb in Seattle's galaxy of orators. i1 FMERSON SAID- "HITCH YOUR WAGON TO A STAR." YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU PUT AN AD. IN THE MAIL AND HERAID. s# p n* i t re Seattle, Washington, March 9, 1907 Every Copy ' ° Saturday VOLUME X NUMBER 15 THE SEATTLE MAIL AND HERALD Oldest Bank in Washington Articles of incorporation were filed P. CAPLAN Ind. A 266? P. COHEN BANKING DEPARTMENT the first of this month in the office of the county auditor and with the Secretary The A. J. Goddard Company, of Seattle, of State at Olympia, organizing the Bank Dexter Horton ® Co. has opened a bank in Fremont, Wash. for Savings in Seattle, and naming 25 Vienna Dye Works BANKERS local business men as trustees of the LADIES' SKIRTS SPONGED, Seattle. R. A. O'dell, of Lewis, Iowa, will or­ bank. The company will conduct no PRESSED AND REBOUND, Established in 1870. ganize and manage a savings bank in commercial business of any kind and will $1.00.. CALLED FOR AND South Tacoma. make no commercial loans. Quarters DELIVERED FREE OF Capital, Surplus and Undivided have been secured on the northwest cor­ CHARGE. W. R. Calderwood is organizing the ner of First Avenue and University St., Profits $1,000,000.00 Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning, Pressing. Dye­ Specie Bank of Seattle, at Seattle, capi­ in the Erickson building, and they intend ing and Repairing. Transact a general banking business. tal stock $25,000. to open for business in about ten days. Interest on Savings Accounts at 4%. REASONABLE PRICES Deposits received by mail. It is reported that Hume & Company, PERSONALS. Correspondents in the principal cities of bankers, of Brownsville, Ore., have dis­ 1409 Fourth Ave. Seattle, Wash. the civilized world. solved by mutual consent. John T. Hedges has resigned his place Agents of Bank of British North America. in the postoffice at Yakima, Wash., and i will hereafter be among the clerical First Avenue South and Washington St., L. Y. Williams is about to resign from EDGAR S. HADLEY the position of cashier of the Bank of force of the Yakima National Bank. SEATTLE, WASH. Sprague at Sprague, Wash. LAWYER A. J. Boehmer, a former resident of 322-23 Pioneer Bldg. Office: Main 1921 M. Furuya and associates of Seattle, Vancouver, Wash., but now assistant Residence Phone: Ea»t 3082 have incorporated the Japanese Commer­ of the First National Bank at Payette, cial Bank of Seattle, capital $25,000. Idaho, was transacting business in Van­ More Than a Million couver last week. Residence Phone East 3898. Our resources exceed a Office Main 5684. million dollars. A gen­ articles of incorporation with the county erous response to mod­ clerk. The purpose of the institution is W. D. Vincent, cashier of the Old Na­ ern banking methods. to do a general savingse and commercial tional Bank of Spokane, at Spokane, DR. GEO. E. WEBSTER Our Savings Depart­ Wash., was in Palouse, Wash., a half day DENTIST. ment pays 4 per cent, banking business. interest, compounded last week looking over the town and vis­ twice a year. Security iting with the bankers. 204 Denny Bldg. 1408 Second Ave. rather than income, our The House committee on insular affairs motto. We invite your last week decided to make a favorable account. report on the Phillipine agricultural D. F. Knapp, cashier of the Exchange 10 a. m. to 4 p. em. Tel. Red 3994 E. L. GRONDAHL President bank bill as passed by the Senate. Bank at Kennewick, Wash., spent two Ind. L 2372 A. H. SOELBERG Vice Pres. and Cash. days in Prosser, Wash., visiting with As­ JOHN ERICKSON Vice President The First National Bank of Sunnyside, sistant County Treasurer F. M. Bentley W. R. INGE DALTON, M. D. Corner First Ave. and Yesler Way, on Wash., has all the preliminaries arranged and Carl Harner. Room 447 Arcade Bldg. Pioneer Square. and is ready to do business as soon as the furnishings arrive from the East. Skin Diseases Only. Seattle, Wash. STATE BANK OF SEATTLE Lawrence Mott's new book is called Dexter Horton & Co. will be unable to "The White Darkness," and is a collec­ move into their new quarters in the New tion of the author's recent stories of the York block before April 1st on account Northlands of Canada. of the non-arrival of their bank fixtures. These new tales show marvelous hu­ V. V. WILLIAMS Puget Sound National man grip and a wonderful sense of ro­ D. D. S. mantic incident, marking a new growth February 25th was a record day for Offices, 408-9 Hinckley Block. Bank bank clearings in the Pacific Northwest. in the author's art. Tacoma reached $937,245; Spokane, $1,- The book is issued by The Outing Seattle ------ Wash. Capital Paid Up $300,000 177,721; Portland, $1,708,698, and Seattle, Publishing Company. Surplus 150,000 $2,074,812. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. JACOB FURTH President ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ON SALE OF The Northern Securities and Banking REAL ESTATE. J. S. GOLDSMITH Vice President No. 7709. F. E. ELLIOTT R. V. ANKENY Cashier Co., of Seattle, has amended its articles IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE Refracting' Optician. Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the of incorporation, changing the name of State of Washington, for the County of World, including Alaska. the institution to the Northern Bank and King. In Probate. 11 and J2 Heussy Bldg. Phone, Ind. A 1416 Trust Co. In the Matter of the Estate of Guardian­ 304 Pike St., Seattle, Wash. i General Banking Business Transacted. ship of Albert B. Cavanaugh, Minor. Anna B. Cripps, the guardian of Albert The following officers have been B. Cavanaugh, minor, having filed her pe­ tition in this court, duly verified, praying elected for the new First National Bank for an order of this court for the sale of of Kelso, at Kelso, Wash.: S. S. Strain, real estate of said minor for purpose of CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS—Want­ Peoples Savings Bank president; Henry W. Coe, vice-president; better investment; ed young men to prepare for Railway And it appearing to the court from said Mail Clerks, Immigration and Chinese In­ SEATTLE. WASH. and W. V. Kiebert, cashier. petition for the purpose of making a bet­ ter investment, that it is necessary to sell spectors, Postal Clerks and Carriers. EDW. C. NEUFELDER President The Forest Grove National Bank, at said real estate of the said minor, and it Write for free catalogue. WEST COAST R. H. DENNY Vice President appearing to the court that said petition CORRO. SCHOOL, PIONEER BUILD­ JOS. F. GREENDEAF Cashier Forest Grove, Ore., has been authorized conforms to, and is in accordance with the to commence business, capital $25,000. requirements of law in such case made and ING, SEATTLE, WASH. The officers are W. B. Haines, president; provided. It is orderd by the court that all persons interested in the state of the John F. Bailey, vice-president; J. A. said minor appear before said superior Thomburgh, cashier. court on Thursday, the eleventh day of SUMMONS. Variety Iron Works April, 1907, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in No. Incorporated. Geo. James, Mngx. the forenoon of said day at the court room IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING MANUFACTURERS AND FOUNDERS Articles of incorporation were filed of the probate department of said superior County, State of Washington. last week for the Lane Savings Bank, of court, in the City of Seattle, in said King West & Wheeler, Plaintiff, vs. George Gat- Castings of All Kinds Cottage Grove, Ore. The incorporators County, then and there to show cause, if winkel and the unknown heirs of Jane Machinery Castings, Hotel Ranges, Archi­ any they have, why an order of this court Doe Gatwinkel, late the wife of George tectural Castings and General Contracting. are H. S. Myers, F. M. Myers and M. S. should not be granted to said guardian au­ Gatwinkel, and the unknown heirs of Jane Myers, all of San Francisco. The capital Doe Gatwinkel, late the wife of Daniel thorizing and empowering her to sell the Gatwinkel, Defendants. stock is $5,000. said real estate of said minor for the pur­ The State of Washington to the Above pose aforesaid. Named Defendants: It is further ordered that a copy of this You and each of you are hereby sum- The state bank bill past the house last order to show cause be published at least moneded to appear within sixty days after week. The chief amendment proposed four successive weeks before the said 11th the date of the first publication of this sum­ The Moran Company and adopted was that which requires pri­ day of April, 1907, in The Seattle Mail and mons, to-wit: within sixty days after the Herald, a newspaper printed and published 9th day of March, 1907, and defend the vate banking concerns to specify the fact in said County of King and of general cir­ above entitled action in the above entitled ENGINE AND SHIP BUILDERS that they are private banks both or their culation therein.
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