'-Gke ~s S Tt>L<f)tX XXV. UNIVERSITY ARGONAUT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, If]23 NUMBER 9 TAB -BEI- EL STUDE4T 4IUSICIA4S UAY FUB INTERMURAL FOOTBALL "FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE" BATTY D4 TODAt IB NUT BIG SUCCESS ABANUQNEU THIS TEAR SEE QUAKE IIOBBOB Freshmen will wea] green on the caps campus IDAIID A4D IMIO4TA4 until 6 ]n. Only 360 Annunjs p. every day except Sunday. The cam- r So]d --1Vlll Hnve Many Injuries Last lear Due fIo1 University Men Miss New Drfve In Near pus includes the ground around every university Tokyo Vandal Team Prepared Inferno by Twenty- building. To Put up Snappy Fight T11is Four Hours The tag sale for The Gem of the Intra-mural football has been def- Afternoon Mountains, held Wednesday, Freshmen will Thurs- smoke nothing .but corn cob initely abandoned for this year be-, day and DISASTER DESCRIBED Friday of last week resulted pipes on the campus. cause of the large'umber of injuries in only 360 sales BRUINS HEAVY TEAM according to Nerle received by poorly conditioned play- Al Mar]norm, Doy liIcKfnleF, Storm)- Drake, business manager of the 1924 ers last fall. Conch Mnthews'ggregation Hnudf- shfy Jazz Bnnders, Return annual. Nr. Drake characterized the Heretofore there has been keen rl- capped Wfth Four Ffrst Strfng I'ron> Orjent sale as disappointing, as he had ex- valry between the members of the Men Ont pected to sell at least 800 tags. An- seniors will Vivid stories of the horrible Japan-~ Only appear bare-headed on the intra-mural association in different other tag day will be held in the near The University of Montana Bruins ese earthqual es in which hundreds campus. uncs of sport, but elimination of foot- ffuture.t arrived in Moscow yesterday noon in of thousands of persons perished, are ball this year will delay startfng~f The business management of the time for a workout on MacLean ffeld told by 'Al Marineau and Doy Mc- the 1923-24 schedule until the bask staffs a w jll1 haveh officeffi hours in the U Frosh caps must not be worn at games. Only PreParatorF to their game here this Kinley, university students, who are ~ etball season opens fn midwinter. hut on T d d Th rooter caps are permissable. afternoon with the Idaho Vandals in on the Idaho camPus after A meeting of representatives of all baclc ing th thi d the first conference clash for either two months in the the group houses and dormitories spendfc>g nounced yaga may be of The Sere- purchased Dates are not permissable at athletic contests. wfll be held soon to arrange schecl- of the two teams. as )nf(]mbers Collegiate any time at these hours. ules and definitely announce awards The Montanans, in Moscow «r the ince this year's Gem of the Noun- for the different lines of intra-mural oPening game, are some twenty men sport, basketball, tennis, baseball strong. Under the tutelege of Coash "Jim" and track. Athletic director Bob Stewart, they are rePorted to ',-': ',"':„"-","',"'"':„"'",';-" be the strongest aggregation wh«h „';:.",.';;;-';;;;„';;""" DILL GIVES TALK SELECT TIE4tY-EIGHT Nathews stated that the award will be similar to that of last year which'as been turned out of the Missoula was a institution in recent years, and Ida- "Twenty-four hours be " h loving cup. hopes to be able to make appoint- ho 1'ans are promised a good brand of TD GIRLS'LEE CLUB tel in Yokahoma, which is now noth- teams line up for the whistle at 2:30. ing more than a huge pile of debris," COLU]lf- said. "We were in Kobs 'arinean IS SPEAKER AT SPECIAL PIJAiVS ilIADE FOR SECOND ANNUAL TRIP but we did not realize its extent un- Outlook OF DB. BABTO4'S '":"":;.::-'"":.'."""";- til we returued to Yokahoma several Good For Reyetftfon of Last TALK Year's Success ual weight. When interviewed by an Argonaut representative last even- "The first reports received were For If]24 OLD THEORIES OF "WILL" AND ing, Coach Steward stated that the to the effect that approximately 700 "MIND" United States Senator C. C. Dill of Eighty girls tried out for the uni- SEVERELY CRITICISED team which he would send against Persons had been killed in a qualce UNIVFRSITY THANKS ilIOSCOW Spokane was the principal speaker at versity girls'lee club, and twenty- the Vandals this afternoon would fn yokahoma. This Is not an linus- MEN FOR SUPPORT GIVEN TEAM Hend of Psycfcoloffy Department Says the special Columbus Day exercises eight have won places for the weigh in an average oj about 175 ual occurence there and the news tour Heredfty nnd Envfronmen't held at the University this morning which the organization Mold pouncls, whne the Idaho team wn] failed to create much of a sensation. Locnf Merchants Show Loyal Syjrft will take early in the All Personnlfty balance around 168 pounds according Of Co-oyerntfon fn Backing spring, according to YOKAHOMA IN RUINS Louisa to compiled figures. Idaho 100 yorcent Martin, manager. Defending modern "Upon our return to Yokahoma we Seantor Dill ch(Ise as the subject behavioristic Psy-s Just what Idaho's chances are in Last year was the first tour to be chology and using caustic remarks found that the ouly streets in the of his talk the two eminent charact- the oPening conference game, cannot "Come fellows now aud join the made by the girls'glee club, although about its enemies, Dr. J. Wesley Bar- city which had about 300l000 PoPu]o- ~ im- chorus eristics of Columbus, his fluent the men have been making their an- ton, head of the'department of psy- be hazarded. The Silver and Gold tion betore the quake, were seve:rnl Together every Idaho an(1 his indomnitable cour- chology squad has against streak man, agination nual trip for some time. The trip at the University of Idaho bumped a Paths of With Gold and Silver )raving o'r addressed the among the Piles stone. us, age, pointing out that he had con- made by the girls last assembly of students of bad luck during the past ten days, ' ' " " g spring was Wednesday on "Human Death >vas everywhere and the 1>ay ", . 'eived and proposed to exploit a new successful. Personality'nd four of the first string men are Favorable press com- "Ourfindings in this line are was veritably dotted with floating l route to on old world, and discovered oi'uffering from injuries which are P I d N 1 oaf ]inc too ments followed it, and its home con- recent origin only. We are discover- bodies," likely to out Mont- And well her sons may get excited, thereby a new world. certs were well received. ing things about the human m keeP thecn of the Today's her Waterloo." hi According to the two student mn- VOIENG pEOpI,E 1VIN ery that we have never known, and ana game. "Skip" Stlvers, brilliant 1 d s FINAL SELECTION JlIADK sicians, scores pcrishe<l in the boy . '„"g ".. 'e,,"lt is ihe young man and the yonng would have, been laughed at by the old quarterback, suffered painful injur- field shortly before 2:30 Friday af- Those who when, after swimming out tn,fngnn woman of today who develoPs new have been selected for school. ies in practice during the week and ternoon svith the pep baud pl; vin places are: tirst "Such 'as esr navy vessels, anchored in the and the crowds cheering and singing, ways of doing old things, evolves soprano, Lillian terms free will to choose is not likely to start the game, while Shaw, Orofino; our actions, mind, spirit and harbor, they were refused permission everY man on the varsity squad will easier and more efficient methods of Lillian Lang, Spok- soul are Wayne Davis, ha]fback, wnl likely be ane; Editha generalities that could not be studied to board the warships, naval officers realize that the entire city of Nos- performing o]d taslcs, that inadver- Barton, Moscow; Fern out for similar reasons. cow is behind them. Cranston Anderson, Sandpoint; Flo- holding 'that they had no authority tently discovers new Processes and than a joke. But now fs RINNISON STILI OUT All Mosco~ wi]] c]oso Friday after renc]e Selby, psychology to take on passengers without specf- noon from 2:16 to 4:15. The original opens up new fields of endeavor." Boise; Lois Prinzing, fust emerging from the clouds, so Frank Kinnison fs not yet in con- Nampa; and Pearl Eschirgi, of Boise. that we fic orders.'losing time was fixed at from 2:16 On<> of the greatest assets toward can study definite phases of dition to enter the game after re- 4 Second soprano, 1t." The members oi'f)e orchestra left to o'lock but inasmuch as a ma bui]<ffng u]> n raoe of men able to Marie Johnson, St.. oeiving a severe strain to hfs shonI(I- jority of the Moscow business men Maries; Seattle SePtember 18. Others in the lead the wor]d in ProductivitF and Opal Hunt, Omaha, Nebras- PERSONALITIES CHANGE DAILY er nearly two weeks ago, which Prac- expressed a prefc)rence for 4:16 it has ka; Mary Gettys, Dr. Barton exp]ained band were Mahlon Merrick, drummer, been generally agreed that the clos- thought is health, the Senator stated. Newcastle, Wyom- that people tically disrupts the carefully devel- ing; Lillian act in response to stimulation, a stud< nt nt lVashington State Coll- Inn time mill be from 2.15 to 4:15. "While we are young, and while our iVordman, Twin Falls; that oped Idaho backfje]d.
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