684 a method which, as far as I am aware, has heretofore not NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. been used in this country. There was a little secondary (From our own Correspondent.) hcomorrhage, which was soon controlled, and the case has since progressed favourably. NEWCASTLE EYE INFIRMARY. CORK UNION : RESIGNATION OF DR. CREMEN. THE annual meeting of our Eye Infirmary was held last At the meeting of the Cork Board of Guardians last week, week, and from the report it was shown that there had been a letter was received from Dr. Cremen, one of the medical the the which a large increase of patients. Some necessary alterations were officers of workhouse, resigning appointment he has held for the ten Dr. at a made in the rules, and it was decided to proceed with the past years. Cremen, pre- vious drew attention to the utter impossibility of erection of the new building at the north end of the city, meeting, any physician engaged in active practice under. which will involve an of .E4000. The visiting expenditure nearly taking the sole medical charge of about a thousand persons, charity has a considerable amount of invested funds, which nearly half of the number being in hospital. Dr. Cremen’s must be trenched upon at first; but it is hoped that, consider- recommendation that additional medical assistance was ing the great advantages of this institution in a manufactur- was not attended to, and consequently he con- ing community like Newcastle and Gateshead, this may requiredsidered, in the interests of the sick poor, that he ought to his After some discussion a resolution be soon made up by benefactions. resign post. was that Dr. Cremen should be asked to reconsider his LONGEVITY IN YORKSHIRE. adopted CLEVELAND, determination, and that a week should be allowed him for Having been in the Cleveland district lately, the following the purpose. remarkable cases of longevity in husband and wife came COUNTY KERRY INFIRMARY. under notice. I add that I made full and my may inquiry, The election of a medical officer to this institu- I I received was temporary that believe the information truthful. tion took place last week, there being two candidates, James Miller died at Boulby, near lately Loftus, Cleveland, Messrs. Neligan and Fitzmaurice. Last year, on a vacancy of senile He was old, and was in decay. ninety-five years announced, the same competed, the result health until a few before his death. He smoked to being gentlemen good days that Mr. was elected. The the last. He wanted his bed removed before he being Neligan appointment just his and an and his Mrs. who had "an as was, however, challenged by opponent, appeal died, wife, Miller, advantage, was made to the who the will be in of and would at the Queen’s Bench, quashed proceed- seen, point seniority, ings as being illegal owing to some of the governors not same time appear to have considerable " force " of character, being to the Act of Parliament. she was ill at the same duly qualified according although time, remarked, "Ay, At the meeting last week there were nine governors present he was always first and foremost all his life in everything, but the chairman the of six of them, and and now he wants to be so in death." Mrs. Miller did not questioned right refused to take an amendment, the consequence being that survive her but died on March last of long husband, 17th Mr. Fitzmaurice has as replaced Mr. Neligan0 medical officer senile decay. She was returned as 104 years of age; and of the her doctor thinks she have been had she infirmary. might living yet MEATH HOSPITAL, DUBLIN. not refused taking medicine. She had no movement of the bowels for three weeks before her death, and refused During the summer session a course of lectures will be- to nurses and in the theatre of this hog. the doctor’s A short time before her husband was given probationers help. Mr. assisted Dr. Moore. The taken ill Mrs. Miller wanted him to go to Hinderwell, a pital by Ormsby, by manage- ment of and medical cases, and the various duties good stiff walk. He said he was not able to go ; Mrs. Miller surgical " to the attendants of the will be " It was but idleness of him." Mrs. belonging sick, explained, replied, nothing Miller, and must of service to those for whose benefit like her was a lover of and prove great husband, the "weed," enjoyed these lectures have been I understand this is the a smoke up to within a short time of her death. provided. first course of lectures of the kind ever delivered in a Dublin NORTH OF ENGLAND MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. hospital Mr. Jeaffreson showed some sections of the spinal cord CITY OF DUBLIN HOSPITAL. prepared by a new process, for which he claimed better During the past year nearly one thousand patients -were hardening and differentiation of structure, his method consist- treated in the wards, and upwards of ten thousand cases at ing in (1st) steeping in solution of perchloride of iron for the dispensary, in addition to several hundred extra accident three or four weeks, or such time as the specimens may be cases. The mortality averaged 16 per cent. A new depart. required; 2nd, allowing them to stand for twenty-four hours ment in connexion with the hospital has been established in water, then immersing them in a solution of gum Arabic for for the purpose of training nurses for the sick in hospital, for twenty-four hours, then embedded and frozen ; sections are the poor, and for private cases. then cut, which are washed in a very weak solution of tannic acid, and finally washed in the usual manner, as desired. The CORK SOUTH CHARITABLE INFIRMARY. specimens were examined by the medical men and other The annual report of this hospital for the past year shows members with a good deal of interest, and gave rise to some dis- that the average number of beds occupied was 71 per cussion. Mr. Davison and Mr. Harkus showed Amphipleura diem, while the extern patients numbered some 14,000. It pellucida and Amphipleura Lindheimerii. Altogether the is a subject of regret that a valuable and tried institution meeting was a most interesting one, and the Society is doing like the Cork South Charitable Infirmary should be ham- a good work in the interests of microscopical science. pered in its operations by want of funds, the trustees being Newcastle-upon-Tyne, April 1st, 1884. compelled to open the present year with a debt of nearly 100. Dublin, April 8th, 1884. IRELAND. SUEZ. (From our own Correspondent.) (From a Correspondent.) AMPUTATION BY CARDEN’S METHOD ; DRESSING WITH SINCE my last communication, the partially recovered WOOD-WOOL. cases have all been sent to Cairo, and 170 fresh cases have MR. of the Meath has ORMSBY, Hospital, Dublin, recently arrived from Suakim, of which only ninety were wounded. been using wood-wool dressing after operations, and speaks A great many cases of sunstroke, dysentery, and diarrhea highly of it. The following are brief notes of a case in were among the sick. The sunstroke was not of a severe which this method was used :-A man aged fifty-three was nature, and the dysentery seemed to yield readily to treat. admitted for disease of the tarsal bones of the left foot, ment. The wounds are not so severe as those of the first. extending for some distance into the lower ends of the tibia batch, and are nearly all due to swords and spears; a few and fibula. Amputation was performed a hand’s breadth bullet wounds have been admitted. The spears used are below the knee-joint, ether being administered by the comparatively blunt ; they are heavily weighted at the end,. Ormsby inhaler; Carden’s method, by oval skin flaps and and are thrown by the natives with great force, The blow circular division of the muscles, being the operation is sufficiently heavy to fracture long bones, and several At adopted.. the second dressing wood-wool was applied- such cases have been received. The men suffered a good 685 deal in being carried down the eighteen miles from the battle-field of Tamainet to the sea, as it was all stretcher- work. But they are now in good heart and full of spirits, Obituary. and express themselves satisfied and pleased with the steps taken here for their comfort. The General and staff visited ALLEN THOMSON, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., LL.D., &c. them the day after arrival, and inquired into all their ALLEN THOMSON, one of the most distinguished ana- The weather continues the cases. very pleasant, nights, tomists and embryologists of his time, was born in Edinburgh and evenings being exceedingly cool and agree- mornings, on April 2nd, 1809. His father was John Thomson (origin- able, so that life in a marquee is at present no hard- of one of the ablest and most learned ship. On March 23rd there were about 160 in hospital, ally Paisley), and during the last week no fresh arrivals have been physicians of his day, of great mark and influence in politics admitted from the seat of war. The cases in hospital have and science, and who filled in succession the chairs of been progressing very satisfactorily. Trumpeter Fanning, Military Surgery and of Pathology in the University of of the 19th Hussars, who was so severely wounded at El Teb He was twice married. By the first with many sword-cuts over the shoulders and head, died Edinburgh.
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