EPSC Abstracts Vol. 11, EPSC2017-866, 2017 European Planetary Science Congress 2017 EEuropeaPn PlanetarSy Science CCongress c Author(s) 2017 The opposition effect on Ceres observed by the Dawn Framing Cameras S. E. Schröder (1), J.-Y. Li (2), M. Rayman (3), S. Joy (4), C. A. Polanskey (3), U. Carsenty (1), J. C. Castillo-Rogez (3), R. Jaumann (1), L. A. McFadden (5), S. Mottola (1), M. Sykes (2), C. A. Raymond (3) and C. T. Russell (4) (1) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), 12489 Berlin, Germany ([email protected]), (2) Planetary Science Institute (PSI), Tucson, AZ 85719, U.S.A., (3) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, U.S.A., (4) Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, U.S.A., (5) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, MD 20771, U.S.A. Abstract far been observed by ground-based telescopes (unre- solved) was 1.1◦ [9]. The Dawn cameras have now Framing cameras on board the Dawn spacecraft have resolved its surface at phase angles smaller than that. acquired images of dwarf planet Ceres at near-zero phase angles to study its opposition effect. The op- position geometry was reached through an ingenious scheme of orbital navigation. Images were success- fully acquired by both the primary and backup cam- era in different color bands, reaching near zero phase angle on parts of the surface. Coverage includes the well-known bright area in Occator crater known as Ce- realia Facula. Analysis of this rich data set and com- parisons with results from laboratory experiments will provide insight into the regolith properties of Ceres and its enigmatic bright terrains. 1. Introduction The reflectance of planetary regoliths is known to in- Figure 1: Dawn orbital maneuvers to achieve the op- crease dramatically towards zero solar phase angle, a position geometry (plus sign), with Ceres in the center. phenomenon known as the “opposition effect”. The Dawn was thrusting in the parts of the orbit drawn in strength of the opposition effect is governed by two bold. mechanisms, shadow hiding and coherent backscatter, which are related to regolith properties like particle size and morphology, composition, packing density, and surface roughness. The first instance of the oppo- 2. Orbital maneuvers sition effect on a minor body was reported for asteroid Massalia [1]. Resolved images of minor body surfaces In a remarkable feat of orbital navigation, Dawn was at near-zero phase angles are rarely acquired by space- carefully nudged into the opposition geometry. First, craft because of the resources required and the risks of Dawn moved into an elliptical polar orbit, thrusting spacecraft eclipse on the other side of the body. Of- with its ion engine only in selected parts of the orbit. ten, such images are acquired on approach during a Then, another thrusting session changed the spacecraft flyby, as for asteroids Steins [2, 3] and Lutetia [4, 5, 6] beta angle (the angle between the vector to the Sun and by Rosetta. Sometimes, the small mass of the body the orbital plane) by almost 90◦, achieving the oppo- allows the spacecraft to slowly move into the opposi- sition geometry (Fig. 1). A risky eclipse of the space- tion geometry, as for asteroid Itokawa by Hayabusa [7] craft behind Ceres was avoided by the natural drift of and comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by Rosetta the beta angle due to Ceres’ motion in its orbit around [8]. The lowest phase angle at which Ceres had thus the Sun. Acknowledgements We thank the Dawn flight team for realizing these unique observations. References [1] Gehrels, T.: Photometric studies of asteroids. V. The light-curve and phase function of 20 Massalia, ApJ, Vol. 123, pp. 331-338, 1956 [2] Schröder, S. E. et al.: Evidence for surface variegation in Rosetta OSIRIS images of asteroid 2867 Steins, P&SS, Vol. 58, pp. 1107-1115, 2010 [3] Spjuth, S. et al.: Disk-resolved photometry of Asteroid (2867) Steins, Icarus, Vol. 221, pp. 1101-1118, 2012 Figure 2: Opposition images of (a) Asteroid Lute- [4] Masoumzadeh, N. et al.: Photometric analysis of As- tia, (b) asteroid Steins, (c) comet 67P/Churyumov- teroid (21) Lutetia from Rosetta-OSIRIS images, Icarus, Gerasimenko, (d) dwarf planet Ceres. Note the ab- Vol. 257, pp. 239-250, 2015 sence of any perceptible shadowing, characteristic for [5] Schröder, S. 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The effective phase angle of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using Rosetta- observations is affected by the finite angular size of OSIRIS images, A&A, Vol. 599, pp. A11, 2017 the Sun (0.2◦ at Ceres). For the bright areas inside [9] Tedesco, E. F. et al.: Worldwide photometry and Occator crater, Cerealia Facula, angles as low as 0.7◦ lightcurve observations of 1 Ceres during the 1975-1976 were reached. The phase function of Ceres has now apparition, Icarus, Vol. 54, pp. 23-29, 1983 been sampled over a range of 155◦, the widest avail- able for any minor body. We show a raw image of [10] Belskaya, I. N. and Shevchenko, V. G.: Opposition Ef- fect of Asteroids, Icarus, Vol. 147, pp. 94-105, 2000 Ceres in opposition in Fig. 2, together with opposition images of other minor bodies. At first glance, Ceres [11] Li, J.-Y. et al.: Surface albedo and spectral variability seems to conform to the relation between strength of of Ceres, ApJ Letters, Vol. 817, pp. L22, 2016 the opposition surge and geometric albedo reported by [10], who found that the opposition effect for aster- [12] Schröder, S. E. et al.: Resolved spectrophotometric properties of the Ceres surface from Dawn Framing Cam- oids of intermediate geometric albedo is stronger than era images, Icarus, Vol. 228, pp. 201-225, 2017 that for asteroids of lower and higher albedo. Special effort will be devoted to analyzing the very bright Fac- ulae, whose photometric properties are very different from Ceres average [11, 12], clues to which we hope to uncover by comparing with the results of photometric experiments..
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