1987 FALL PROGRAM GUID: Check It Out­ •New Blues Show •Techno Returns • Alternative Programming For Kids • Complete listings of every show 8200 Willovv 24 Hr. Concert Line 861-8200 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctober Wednesday 14 ................................... Foghat Sunday 25 .......................... The Beat Farmers Thursday 15 ........................ ....... .. .... Incubus Tuesday 27 .. .......... ...... Sorceror's Apprentice Friday 16 .......... N.O. Music Association Benefit Wednesday 28 ........... Johnny J. and the Hitmen with The Song Dogs & Mighty Sam McClain $1 Admission $1 Dixie Beer Saturday 17 .. .... ...................... The Radiators Thursday 29 .................. ... ... ..... .. ........ Plan 9 Tuesday 20 ...................... The Black Problems Friday 30 ................................... Boulevard 6 Wednesday 21 ........................ Force of Habit Saturday 31 .................. ... ......... Off the Cuff, The Wilderness J.D. Hill & The Jammers featuring Kevin Grey from Coming in November- The White Animals Thursday 22 ........................ .. Abstract Illusion Saturday 14 ......................... Dash Rip Rock Friday 23 ........................ Barbara Menendez Friday & Saturday 27,28 The Cold (reunion) Saturday 24 ......................................Romeo Don't stop here.•• Turn the page for the latest on NICK'S the most progressive station in Big Train Bar town. 2400 Tulane Ave. Wednesday isp Left: The interior of the WTUL executive office. Above: A section of a Vox Royal Guardsman guitar amplifier. p~~oros KEfflfMCCAFFE rY TOliLET NliGHT ALL TOILETS JUST $10 A Toilet is nine of Nick9 s famous mixed drinks. VOX HU M ANA • 3· egmnmg m 1ss ues Techno returns on Wednesday nights B late Sep­ in November for a trial penod of one month tember. and And debutmg I!" December IS the much throughout the ant1 c1pated alternative ch1ldren 's programming, commg year. you'll The Other S1de Of Tl''le Forest. a show number of specifically for chtldr,en featuring creatiVely WTUL's pro­ preproduced stones . and mus1c aired early 8200 Willovv grammmg We are con­ Sunday morntngs ;ust for kids. 24 Hr. Concert Line 861-8200 stantly stnvmg to present the In addtt1on to these programming changes. we best possible format for our have someth1ng spec1al m store for our classical OctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctober listeners. mcluding mtroducmg new listeners The Classical Listener's Guide. a Wednesday 14 ............................. .. .... Foghat Sunday 25 ............. ..•.. ... ..... The Beat Farmers programs that w1ll greater diversify publ1catton outlmmg upcommg WTUL classical Thursday 1 5 ............ ......................... Incubus Tuesday 27 .. ................ Sorceror's Apprentice your ltstenmg expenence. and rev1vmg The Other Side OtThe Forest­ programmmg and c1ty w1de events of interest Friday 16 .......... N.O. Music Association Benefit Wednesday 28 ...........Johnny J . and the Hitmen old programs that. through 1/stner mat!. we to our classically incflned listeners (see with The Song Dogs & Mighty Sam McClain $1 Admission $1 Dixie Beer know you want back. Alternative Childrens' Programming accompanymg story) Saturday 1 7 .............................The Radiators Thursday 29 ....................................... Plan 9 On Thursday nights. startmg 1n October, You. the listener. are what WTUL 1s all about. Tuesday 20 ...................... The Black Problems Friday 30 ................................... Boulevard 6 n December 6 . tot s ar:Jd ment) for c hildren. 1f any. and I to be used as story material a Blues Show w11/ replace the Global Folk Show. If you have questions or comments, or if there Wednesday 21 ......................... Force of Habit Saturday 31 ..... .. .. ..................... Off the Cuff, others around New hope to change that Everyone's Some of the stones will be which has been moved to Saturday mornmgs IS anythmg you would l1ke to hear on 'TUL. don't The Wilderness J.D. Hill & The Jammers Orleans w1ll be offered really exc1ted about the project" rewntten scnpts. while others 0 Also amng m October. alternating with Up W1th hes1tate to let us know. I hope you'll en;oy the featuring Kevin Grey from alternative childrens' program- Scheduled to be broadcast on will be read verbatim from the Coming in November- Tulane on Thursday nights. IS Forum. a news The White Animals ming that prov1des an escape Sunday mornings (so as not to class1c texts changes and efforts we are making in the commg program devoted to contemporary New Orleans Thursday 22 ................. ......... Abstract Illusion Saturday 14 ......................... Dash Rip Rock f rom the repet1t1on of modern compete unfa1rly w1th Saturday WTUL IS hopmg that the months -Bobby H•th•w•r Friday 23 .......................... Barbara Menendez Friday & Saturday 27,28 The Cold (reunion) day cartoo ns In other words, If morning ch1ldrens · entertain­ children's program will open the Oener•t N•n•fl•'• WTUL you. your youngest son or m ent) The Other Side Of The station to a new audience 1n the' Saturday 24 ............... .. ... ................ .. Romeo younger sister are look1ng for Forest will be a merry httle New Orleans area. It w1ll cer­ somethmg a b1t more stlmulatmg melange of ongmal scnpts and tainly make more people aware Buy A T -Shirt Now. than transfor ming robots from class1c tales of adolescence. of the vanety of programm1ng space. th1s may be the show The programs w1ll be pre­ offered by the stat•on v The hottest 1-sl1irts and sweatshirts available, just i11 91.5 uMI\\'\~ you've been wa1t1ng for produced by WTUL. add1ng a time for the holidays. Please include $1.50 for P&H. \J,. •.••.. NICK'S Jeff Wemstem. J azz Director profess•onal polish to the stones for WTUL and headmg up the The Tulane commun1ty at large The Classic T ................. $10 The Official WTUL Fall Program Guide Big Train Bar ch1ldrens' project. notes will be employed for wnt1ng Instant Classic 100% co/loti, white rvi1h b/111' /~go or blur with wlutr lug~. that " there's very little some of the onginal scnpts and lassical mus1c listeners Very .<harp DJid built ro lasr. Contributors · 2400 Tulane Ave. (quality rad10 entertain- also for vo1ce charac- Caround· the c1ty can fmally The Classical T ... .. .......... $10 keep up w1th WTUL's Classrcal L.J. Allen , Bobby Hathaway, Howard Herm;m, Stefan From the Class1cal Afusic /)epartmem, 100% cot/~11 1111d with D epartment The Classrcal Lrs­ Schocllman Berth01•m on rite front at no add111~nal cost. mus•c and sound tener's Gwde Is a new, biweekly effects are JUSt a product1on whrch h rghlrghts The Jazz T .. ........... ... ... $10 Advertising · few of the · spe­ featured p1eces of every upcom­ Finally, a World ofjazz t-shirr/100% co/loll. Andrea Rosen cial touches Ing class•cal show planned for the The C LG also includes lrstings The Sweatshirt .. ........... .. $15 Photography · show of spec1al presentations sche· 100% cotton, guarallteed CL>IIYY for rlre fireside. Whit t wrth Vicente Farinas, Kerri McCaffery The c hildren's duled for the class1cal shows. a blue logo or blue u•r tlr ll'lrire lo&o. program 1s bemg part1al calendar of cultural events Don't delay! Send {or yours today! s p o nsored by and "occassronal useless yet Ed~or in charge · W ednesd&y isp the Maple Street entertaining f acts regarding Tulane Universtty. Brian Foste r Ch•ldren s musrc .. The CLG rs free. to get Umverstty Center Plrast aJJr~ss all corrtspomlmet ro: EJuor, J 'ox Hr11non11, WTl'l Bookstore on the marhng list. call the stat1on TOILET NIGHT WT U L New Orleans. LA 70 1 18 91.5 FM, Tulon~ Umvt'r>ity Ctllltr, Nrw Orleans, L1 70118 wh1ch w ill pro­ during classical hours and leave Don't forget to specify size t1t1d color. Requests - 865-5885 Business - 865-5887 VIde the books your address v ALL TOILETS JUST $10 2 • VOX HUMANA A Toilet is nine of Nick's famous mixed drinks. VOX HUMANA • l 2 A - 6 A ...... .. .... Progressive 2A• 6A MONDAY 6A· SA Progressive Classical \ W7'1 n alternmve that means something more th~n u1uai-The Progre~save AlternatiVe. Progresmc mu11c as Cil]he selection of bro<~dcmcd claSSical music on Nardmi); the recently redtscovered English composer ~ the mple ofWTUL, and a progressive altitude as the- rulr an all other programming. ~ WTUL range~ evervwhcre from Renaassance to John Hebden; composers from the Maonbeim school pro . gre$•sh·~ aHcr·nn· tive (P!Ogr.o;'"· ~~ ••u' n., th·J ad,. Ab1olutdy no commercaals; bands and 1ongs other l!allons recent compmauonal prermcrcs for synthesizer. Indeed. (August Lebrun, J.B. Wanhal) or more contemporary wo1r 'r pl~y: types of mu~ic other stations can 'r play: and the general des1gn of a clmical D)'s playlist tends to artists lake Philap Glass, Stephen Funk Pearson or 40. no top include selections from all classical genres. These genres, Michael Steiner Ktmmcl. Get the pacture? Check out Bobby 's comments an the which fi ll the extcnsavc music labrary. include Baroque, A new d1rnension in classical music is featured on \ front of the VOX for more info and a few note\ on Classical Romanuc. 20th century and many others. the Sunday night show, 20th Century Classical. This programming changes. v So do not be surpmed to hear artists ranging from show guarantees a fresh insight into which direction 1 the Italian B.1roque (ancluding Pietro Locatelli or Pietro the music is headed. v ·~' 6 A- 8 A .. .... ...... Classical \ 8 A· 6 P ............ Progressive 8 A- 6 p .......... Progressive 6p- 8P ... .... ......Jazz 6p- 8P ............ Jazz 8 p• 11 p 8p- 8:30P The Reggae Show Waveline GIJ he Reggae Show as a iorum for new relea1es irom [il]his weekly Tulanr spom wrap-up features interviews, clips from radio ~ both Jamaica and England, but it doesn't agnore U\lroadcam and commentary. Previews of the next game and ensuing the roots. Also represented on the show arc fast-paced, season are also abundant. The real fun comes when your phone calls are heavily horned Jamaican versions of rhythm and blue1 taken and you can ask the hard-hitting questions the newspapers avoid. (s ka) and rock steady, the music which emerged from reggae. " "Records that arc easily attainable won't get ska.
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