Volume 27, No . 4 April 2, 1981 • NCAA INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS • Detroit, Mi., March 13(a)- 14 (b) / 160y V ll l-1. Jones 48.99; 2. Lee (Sn II) 49.47; 3. 4 :1 1.97. banked board/ these are c omplete results- Forde (Mu r St-Bar) 49.74; 4. Le wis (Haus) Heats(a): 1- 1. Harbour 4:05.18 ; 2 . Ostolozaga T eams: 1. UTEP 76; 2. S,. U 51; 3. 49.94. I X- 1. Blair 48.27; 2. Young 49.07; 3. 4:05.53; 3. Gregorek 4 :0 5.54 ; 4. Becht (Wn Ky ­ Tennessee 33; 4. BYU 26; 5. tin, Houston, Seton M l tche l l (M Tn) 50.46; 4. Rambo (S Ca ) 60.48. GB) 4:08 .31; 5. T aylo r (Ar-GB) 4 :0 8.59; Hall, Villanova 20; 8. Washington State 18; 9. X- 1 . Babers (A F) 49.40 ; 2 . White (Mt St Marys) 6. Beck ( LSU) 4: 12.92; 7. H erzong (Aub) Fairleigh Dicki nson 16; 10. Nebraska 12; 49.49; 3. Bryant (Md) 50.13; 4. Kerr (TxAM) 4:17.88. 11- 1. Nyambui 4:06.6 1 ; 2. Steeds 11 . tie, Arkansas, LSU, Middle Tennessee & 50.50. 4: 0 6.82; 3. Wedderburn (Mur St -GB) 4:06.84; Rut gers 1 1 ; 15. tie, Memp h is State, Michigan, 600 (b), Sanders (Ms Val) 1 :09.84; 2. 4. Aragon ( N Dame) 4: 14. 81 ; 5. Rankin (Ok) Mississippi Valley, Navy & Purdue 10; 20. tie, Redwine (A r ) 1 : 10 .58; 3. Njir i (S Hall -Ken) 4: 16.45; 6. Beaulieu (Ma) 4:20.17. 111- 1. Padil la Georgia, Kansas, T exas/Ar lington & V ir ginia 1:11.01 ; 4 . Giem (Mt) 1:1 1.26 ;5. Daley (Md/ E 4:07. 17; 2. Dixon 4:07.21; 3. Andersen (Ar) 8; 24 . tie, Auburn, Fresno State & Manhattan 7; S i -J am) 1: 11 .3 0 ;6 . Person (Md) 1: 12.06; 7. 4:07.42; 3. CUiiinane (NEn) 4: 10.98 ; 5. Dick ­ 27. tie, Howard, I I lino is, Northwood I n situte, Er ickson (Wn Mi) 1: 12.11; 8. R amsey (Wa St) son (II ) 4:11.08; 6. DeLashmutt ( l a) 4:17.88 ; Penn State, Texas A&M, Te xas T ech & Western 1:1 3 .3 1. S ections : 1- 1.Njiri, Giem, Daley, Erick­ 7. McA l liste r (N Ca) 4:2 1.61. M ichigan 6; 34. t ie, Geo rget own, Indiana, & son . 11-1. San ders, R eswine, Person, Rarnscy. e 2M (b), Padilla (BYU) 8:26.52; 2. Nyam - Rohde_fsland 5; 37 __tic, Baylor , Conne cticut, Heats(a): 1- 1. Ricks ( Ks) - 1:-12.94; 2. Alves. bui (UTEP-Tan) 8 :26.58; 3. Zi shka (P enn St ) Duke, East T en nes see, Montana, R ichmo nd & (FD-Guy) 1:12.99 ; 3. Johnosn (En Ky) 1:14. 3 1 . 8:40.94; 4. Stintzi (Wi) 8: 43.27 ; 5 . Ko eleman . Wisconsin 4; 11- 1. Redwine 1:11.20;2 . R amsey 1:11.7 9; 3 . (Clem- Hal) 8:46.16 ; 6. Fox (Aub) 8:55.09 ; 7. 44. tie, Bowl ing G reen, Ka n sas State & Peynado (S H all-Jam) 1 : 12.30.111 - 1. Giem 1:11 .: Scrutton (Co-GB) 9:00.88 ; 8. Billings (BOs t Kentucky 3; 47. Maryland 3 1/3; 48. Arkansas 1: 11. 39; 2 . Person 1 : 11.59; 3. Mc Gavis h (Id St) U) 9: 0 2.23. State, Clemson, Eastern Il linois, Harvard, Iowa 1:12 .52. IV - 1. N j iri 1 : 11 .90; 2. Jimerson (Ok) 3M( b), Mus yoki (U TEP -Ke n) 13:2 5. 03 ; State, Maryland/Eastern Shore, North Carolina 1 : 11 .99; 3. Carson (Nn Az) 1 : 12.08; 4. Brooks 2. Motshwarateu (U T EP -SA) 13 :25. 73; 3. Che ­ State & Oklahoma 2; 56. tie, Long Beach State, (SMU) 1: 13.27. V- 1. D aley 1 :10.68; 2. Erickson bar (FD - Ken) 13:32.68; 4. L eek (E T n-GB) Florida, M IT , & NOrth C aro lin a 1 ; 60. tie, E ast­ 1: 11 .59; 3.Shockey (II) 1 : 12.98; ... dnf - Rau 13:34.24; 5. Sheeran (En I I) 13:38.32 ; 6. ern Kentucky & South Caroina 1/3. (Ks ). V 1- 1. Sanders 1 : 11.33; 2. D acosta (Nb­ Vaughn (Ar) 13 :38.73; 7. Baker ( II St) 13:40.66; 60y(b), Lewis (Hous) 6. 16; 2. L attany Jam) 1: 12 .09 ; 3 . Bush (Ball St) 1: 13.78 ; 4. Bailey 8. Ka itany (l a St-Ken) 13 :5 1.83 ; 9.' Powna l l (Ga) 6.17; 3. Sor rette (FD-Tri) 6.23; 4. James ( N avy) 1:14. 15. V ll - 1. Cook (Ca l Po ly/Porn) (Mi) 13 :53 .42. (Ct) 6.25; 5. M i ll er (T n) 6.27; 6. PH ill ips (Tn) 1:12.13; 2. Davis (Mo) 1:12.15; .. dnf-Marsh ­ 6 .28. a ll (Id St), Robinson ( Id). V lll -1. Tufar iel lo Heats(A): 1- 1. Lowis 6.25; 2. Toatley (Clem) (V i ii) 1 : 12.37; 2. H ug hes ( In) 1: 12.86; 3. White 60yH(b), Wright (Mem St) 7 .14 ( =8, x 6;28 ; 3. Deal (UTEP) 6.35; 4. Duper (Nwn St) ( Fi tch St) 1:13.33;4.McCoy (F l St) 1 : 13 .37 . a-t C); 2. Gau l t (Tn) 7. 16; 3. R. Wi lson (Viii) 6.36; 5. Johnson (Ms Va l) 6.43. 11- 1. Phillips 7.24; 4. H ancock (Tn) 7.28; 5 . Brank ley (SMU) 6.20; 2. Davis (Bay) 6 .28; 3. Po lk ( Ks) 6.29; 4. 7:29; 6 . N orman (Rut) 7 .30. 880 (a), Koskei (SM U-Ken) 1: 52.29; 2. Young (Hous) 6.37; 5. Epps (TCU) 6.38. 111- 1. H eats(a): 1-1. Gault 7.33; 2. R . Sm it h (FD) Guimares (BYU-Bra) 1: 52.74; 3. Mays (T Tx) Jon es (l a) 6.27; 2. Walls (Tx ) 6.27; 3. L. White 7 .37; 3. H am il ton (Wn Mi) 7.43; 4. Farr is (N Ca) 1 :5 4 .79 ; 4. Ouma ( FD - K en) 1 :54 .84 ; 5 . Dahl (Ms Val) 6.28; 4. Pittman (Ark St) 6.36; ... 7.44; 5. Clark (H aus) 7. 4 5 . 11- 1. Baker ( Hous ) (Ok) 1:57.55; 6. Summerv ill e (Man) 1:5 9.66 . dq-Butler (Ok St). I V -1. H. Walker (Ga) 6.24; 7 .34; 2. Richard (Ga) 7.39 ; 3. L ee (Sn 11) 7.4 0 ; H eats(a): 1- 1. Ouma 1:53.72; 2. Mays 1:53 .97; 2. C . Smith (Al) 6.25; 3. Mil ler 6.26; 4. Serrette 4. Benjamin (Aub) 7.42; 5 . Cade (Tx) 7.44; 6 . 3 . Gwaro (Ms St - Ken) 1:5 4 .39; 4. Ridley (Bost 6.27;5. Richardson 6.3 1. V - 1. James6 .1 6; 2 . Knisely (Wn Mi) 7.69. 111- 1 . R. Wilson 7.1 6; 2. U -GB) 1 :54.56; 4. Williams (A r my) 1 :55. 18. I I L attany 6. 19; 3. Coley ( L SU) 6.29; 4. P . White Wright 7.2 1 ; 3. Norman 7.3 4 ; 4. Person (Md) - 1. Koske i 1:53.79; 2. Summe rville 1 :55 .07; 3. (Norfolk) 6.36; 5. Thom as (Ms St) 6.39. 7.40; 5. Glasp ie (Tx AM) 7.42; 6. J. Wilson ( Tn ) Barutt a (St Johns) 1 :55.78; 4. Rogers (Mt) Scmis(a): 1- 1. Phillips 6.23; 2. Davis 6.27; 7 .62. IV - 1. G. Mil ler (Aub) 7.26; 2. H ancock 1:58 .88. 111-1 . Guimares 1:54.22; 2. Dah l 1:54 .46 3. C. Smith 6.3 1; 4. Deal 6.32; 5. White 6.34. (Tn) 7.3 1; 3. Brant ley 7 .33 ; 4. Oruwari (En 11- 1:54.46; 3. Martin(Ks) 1:55.48; 4. Rider (Oh St) 11-1. L attany 6. 15; 2. Mil ler 6.22; 3. H. Walker Nig) 7.45 ; 5. B. M iller (N Ca) 7 .46 ; 6. Brooks 1:55.78; 5. L ewis (En Ky) 2:0 1. 21. 6.24; 4. Polk 6.32; 5. Pittman 6.42. 111- 1. Lewis (Nb) 7.47. V - 1. To wns ( Tn ) 7.29 ; 2. Lenstrohn 1000 (b), L emashon (UTEP-Ken) 2:12.29; 6.17; 2. L. White 6.23; 3. Jones 6 .24; 4. Co ley (Az St) 7 .31; 3 . G. Smith (N Ca St) 7.33; 4. 2. Moutsanas (Wa St -Gre) 2: 12. 55; 3. Jones 6.25; 5. Young 6.37 . IV - 1. James 6. 16; 2. Ser ­ Presberry (SE Mo) 7.57 ; 5. Guild (Aub) 7.78. (Aub) 2: 12.56 ; 4. Spooner (Rich-GB) 2: 12. 77; rette 6.20; 3. Walls 6.24; 4. To atley 6.27; 5. Ouarters(a ) : 1-1. Wr ight 7.27; 2. G. Smith 5, Hunter (Vill -Eir) 2: 12.96; 5. Neves (M IT) Duper 6.39. 7.32; 3. Lee 7.33 ; 4. Towns 7.34; 5. Oruwar i 2: 13 .09; 6. Mares (Drake) 2: 13.99. Semis(b): 1- 1. Lewis 6 .21; 2 . Miller 6.24; 3.
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