Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48/12(2003) 135 Geochemistry of metasedimentary sequences in the Krkonoe-Jizera Terrane, West Sudetes, Bohemian Massif: Palaeotectonic and stratigraphic implications J. A. WINCHESTER1 V. KACHLÍK2 F. PATOÈKA3 M. MELZER1 C. NAWAKOWSKI1 Q. G. CROWLEY4 P. A. FLOYD1 1 School of Earth Sciences and Geography, Keele University, Staffs ST5 5BG, England 2 Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic 3 Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rozvojová 135, 165 02 Prague 6, Czech Republic 4 NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Notts NG12 5GG, England The Krkonoe-Jizera Terrane (KJT), in the West Sudetes Compared to metapelites in the Velká Úpa Group, (northern Bohemian Massif), is currently interpreted as those of the Vrchlabí Group have higher Fe/Mg and low- a Variscan NW-directed orogenic wedge, which devel- er Na/Rb, are enriched in LILE relative to mantle com- oped between the orogenic root of the Orlica-Snienik patible elements, in LREE relative to HREE, and with lower to middle crustal complexes in the E, and autoch- a negative Eu anomaly. These geochemical differences thonous (Cadomian) Lusatian foreland to the NW. Cha- indicate that the protoliths of the Velká Úpa Group were loupský et al. (1968, 1989) distinguished four lithostrati- derived from calc-alkaline intrusives emplaced in a graphic groups in the metasedimentary and metavolcanic former active continental margin, whereas those of the sequences in the KJT: (a) low- to medium-grade Middle Vrchlabí Group indicate deposition in a Palaeozoic ex- Proterozoic metasedimentary Velká Úpa Group, associ- tensional passive margin setting. In this palaeotectonic ated with and probably intruded by the Izera and scenario the Velká Úpa Group, previously assumed on Krkonoe (Kowary) granitoid gneisses exposed in the slender grounds to be Mesoproterozoic by Chaloupský core of the KJT antiform, (b) very low-grade Late Prot- et al. (1989), is interpreted to be younger than the only erozoic metagreywackes of the Machnín Group, (c) low- KJT metasedimentary sequence of verified Proterozoic grade end-Proterozoic to Early/Middle Cambrian Radèice age, the Neoproterozoic Machnín Group (e.g. Gehmli- Group, comprising metasedimentary and metavolcanic se- ch et al. 1997). quences including the elezný Brod and Rýchory The chemistry permits two possible relationships be- metavolcanic complexes, and (d) Late Ordovician to Si- tween these two groups. Either (1) the Vrchlabí Group lurian Poniklá Group, consisting of a low-grade metased- sedimentation postdated that of the Velká Úpa Group, and imentary sequence with subordinate metavolcanic rocks. there was a change from active continental margin to pas- Only the latter sequence was palaeontologically dated sive margin settings, indicated by the differing chemis- (e.g. Chlupáè 1993). Minor metagranitoid gneiss bodies tries of the metapelites of the two groups, or (2) the two occur in all the abovementioned lithostratigraphic groups groups were Palaeozoic rocks deposited in different ar- (Kachlík et al. 1999, 2002). eas with differing source material which have since been This scenario now needs revision because the distinc- tectonically juxtaposed, with the Velká Úpa Group depos- tions between sequences on published maps (e.g. Cha- ited proximal to the source area, and the more distal loupský et al. 1968; Chaloupský 1989) may be questioned Vrchlabí Group sediments mixed with volcanogenic ma- by recent studies. The metasedimentary Poniklá and terial. Radèice Groups comprise similar metapelite-dominated Recent field studies of the quartzites helps resolve this lithologies and are difficult to distinguish lithologically, problem. Locally conglomeratic quartzite bodies contain partly because deformation and metamorphic growth of abundant blue quartz pebbles derived from the KJT Cam- albite have obscured original sedimentary structures. bro-Ordovician gneisses and metagranites (Kachlík et al. They contain many extensive mylonitic zones, suggest- 1999). Velká Úpa Group conglomeratic quartzites from ing that stratigraphic repetition by ductile thrusting is like- the Malé Labe Valley contain pebbles of dark quartz-tour- ly, although difficult to prove as preserved fossils are maline hornfelses known also from basal Ordovician scarce. These groups are chemically indistinguishable and quartzites in Lusatia, interpreted there as pebbles derived we propose that they should be combined in a single from the contact aureole of the Cadomian Lusatian Plu- Vrchlabí Group of Cambro-Ordovician to Siluro-Devo- ton (e.g. Chaloupský 1963). Ar-Ar isotope geochronolo- nian age, containing two facies distinguished by the abun- gy on detrital white micas from quartzite intercalations dance of either metavolcanic rocks or intercalations of from Vysoké nam Jizerou and elezný Brod (in the marbles and quartzites. This Vrchlabí Group is coeval Vrchlabí Group) shows cooling ages of 564 Ma and with comparable metasedimentary sequences in the Kac- 465 Ma, respectively (Marheine et al. 1999). Thus the zawa and Rudawy Janowickie Complexes of Poland. blue quartz pebbles, contact hornfels clasts and the journ1_2_03_v14_bez neucasti.p65 135 7.5.2003, 15:09 136 Journal of the Czech Geological Society 48/12(2003) Ar-Ar data on detrital micas, taken together, suggest that Chaloupský, J. et al. (1968): Geologická mapa Krkonoského národního the quartzite source area comprised meta-igneous rocks parku 1:50.000. Ústø. Úst. geol., Praha. of Neoproterozoic to Ordovician age, and hence the age Chaloupský, J. Èervenka, J. Jetel, J. Králík, F. Líbalová, J. Píchová, E. Pokorný, J. Pomourný, K. Sekyra, J. Shrbený, of deposition of much of the Velká Úpa and Vrchlabí O. alanský, J. rámek, J. Václ, J. (1989): Geology of the Group quartzites was no older than Ordovician. Krkonoe and Jizerské hory Mts. Geological Survey of Czechoslova- This sedimentation age of the quartzite precursors fits kia, Prague, 1288. within the Cambro-Ordovician to Siluro-Devonian time Chlupáè, I. (1993): Stratigraphic evaluation of some metamorphic units span of accumulation of the Vrchlabí Group, shown by in the N part of the Bohemian Massif. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 188, 363388. palaeontological and geochronological dating. If the Crowley, Q. G. Floyd, P. A. Winchester, J. A. Franke, W. Holland, quartzites are also primary members of the Velká Úpa J. G. (2000): Early Palaeozoic rift-related magmatism in Variscan Group, their age implies that both of the KJT groups are Europe: fragmentation of the Armorican Terrane Assemblage. Terra broadly coeval. However, the presence of numerous my- Nova 12, 171180. lonitic zones and ductile thrusts in the KJT shows that Dostal, J. Patoèka, F. Pin, C. (2001): Middle/Late Cambrian intracontinental rifting in the central West Sudetes, NE Bohemian tectonic imbrication of rocks from both groups occurred. Massif (Czech Republic): geochemistry and petrogenesis of the bi- Such imbrication may also have brought rocks with dif- modal metavolcanic rocks. Geological Journal, 36, 117. ferent protolith ages into contact, while on the larger scale Gehmlich, M. Linnemann, U. Tichimirova, M. Lützner, H. the Velká Úpa and Vrchlabí Groups were probably jux- Bombach, K. (1997): Die Bestimmung des Sedimentationsalters taposed by ductile thrusting, analogous to that proposed cadomischer Krustenfragmente im Saxothuringikum durch die Einzelzirkon-Evaporationsmethode. Terra Nostra, 97/5, 4649. along the Kowary and Kaczorów shear zones by Seston Hladil, J. Patoèka, F. Kachlík, V. Melichar, R. Hubaèik, M. (2003): et al. (2000). Metamorphosed carbonate sediments of the Krkonoe Mts. and Hence, on the basis of both the geochemistry of the Palaeozoic evolution of Sudetic terranes (NE Bohemia, Czech Re- metapelites and the presence of blue quartz and hornfels public). Geologica Carpathica, Bratislava (in press). clasts in the locally conglomeratic quartzites, the Velká Kachlík, V. Patoèka, F. (1999): Metamorphic complexes of the north- eastern prolongation of the Saxothuringian Zone Góry Kaczawskie Úpa Group must be broadly coeval with the Vrchlabí Mts and Eastern and Southern Krkonoe Mts. Fieldtrip guide C3. In: Group: both are Palaeozoic (Cambrian to Silurian + De- Brause, H. Hoth, K. (eds): Tagungsband zur 8 Jahrestagund im vonian?) in age (Kachlík Patoèka 1999; Hladil et al. Görlitz 1999 zum Haupttema Westsudeten, Exkursionsführer und 2003) and mostly postdate intrusion of the late Cambrian Veröffentlichungen GGW 206, 103113. Berlin. Izera and Krkonoe (Kowary) granitoid gneisses. In this Kachlík, V. Patoèka, F. Marheine, D. Maluski, H. (1999): The deformed metagranites of the Krkonoe-Jizera terrane: controversies scenario the Velká Úpa Group sediments were more prox- between protolith ages and stratigraphy. Abstracts of the PACE mid- imal, perhaps derived from less deeply dissected part of term review and 4th PACE network meeting, Geological Institute, the source area comprising a former active continental University of Copenhagen, Denmark, October 910, 1999: 2122. margin of Neoproterozoic age, and hence generally dis- Copenhagen play chemical characteristics more typical of ACM-type Kachlík, V. Patoèka, F. Fajst, M. (2002): Sheared metagranitoids in the Jetìd Range Mts.: the role in the westward propagation of the clastic sediments, despite also being deposited in an Early Variscan orogenic
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