202 1 PreK – Grade 12 202 1 PreK – Grade 12 SummerSummer ProgramProgram GuideGuide Don’t put your future on hold. The world is changing. Be READY to change with it. admission.uwstout.edu RegisterRegister forfor 202202020201 In-Person RegisterRegisterRegisterRegister for forforfor 202 2020 20202022020202011 In-PersonIn-Person RegisterRegister forfor 20220201 Learning Register for 2020 In-PersonLearningLearning Learning SummerSummerSummerSummerSummerSummerSummerSummerSummerSummer School! School!School! School! School! School!School!School! School!School! School! 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Call Call CallCall (715) (715)(715) 852852 852852-3141-3141-3141-3141 fromfrom from from 8:00am8:00am 8:00am 8:00am – –– 2:00pm– 2:00pm2:00pm 2:00pm SiSi necesita Sinecesita necesita ayuda ayuda ayuda en en español, en español, español, está está está disponible disponible disponible en este enen este número número ● Yog ● Yog Yogkoj xav kojkoj xav tauxav kevtau tau kevpab kev pabrau pab Hmoob,rau rau Hmoob, Hmoob, muaj muaj raumuaj ntawmrau rau ntawm ntawm tus nabtus tus nabnpawb nab npawb npawbno ● no N noế●u N quý●ế uN quýếvịu c quý ầvnị ctr ầvợnị cgiúptrầợn giúp trbợằ nggiúp b ằTingế bng ằTing ếVing ệTit, Viế vuingệt, Vilòngvuiệ t,lòng gvuiọi sglòngốọ i s ốg ọi số Si necesitaSummer SummerayudaSummerSummerSummerSummer en español, está disponible en este Registrationnúmero RegistrationRegistration Registration ● Yog koj xav tau kev pab rau Hmoob, muaj rau ntawm Fairtus Fair nab Fair Fair npawbFair no ● N ế u quý vị cần trợ giúp bằng Tiếng Việt, vui lòng gọi số REGISTRATIONREGISTRATIONSummerSummer Registration Registration CLOSES CLOSES : Fair Fair: REGISTRATIONMonday,Monday, February February CLOSES CLOSES 24 24 : : Monday,Monday,Monday,Monday,Monday,Monday, February February FebruaryFebruary February 24 24 242424 24 SunSunSunday,day,day, April AprilApril5:005:00 18 to 18to 8:00 8:00 p.m. p.m. Sunday, April5:005:005:005:005:005:00 to to 18toto to 8:00 8:00 8:008:00 8:00 p.m. p.m. p.m.p.m.p.m. p.m. AfterAfter April April 18, 18, registration registration adds, adds, changes, changes, and and AfterNorthNorthNorthNorth April 18,High HighHigh registrationHigh School SchoolSchool School adds, changes, Commons CommonsCommons Commons and cancellationsAftercancellationsNorthNorthNorth April 18, should Highshould registrationHighHigh be be made SchoolSchool madeSchool adds, by by contacting changes, contacting CommonsCommons Commons and the the cancellationsNorth High should be School made by contacting Commons the appropriateappropriatecancellations summer summer should school school be made contact contact by foundcontacting found on on page pagethe 7 7 appropriateappropriate summer summer school school contact contact found found on on page page 7 7 LearnLearn how how ECASD ECASD and and community community partners partners can can keep keep your your child child safe safe and and engaged engaged in in LearnLearnLearn how howhow ECASD ECASD ECASD and and and community community community partners partners partners can can cankeep keep keep your your your child child child safe safe safeand and engagedand engaged engaged in in in LearnLearnprogrammingprogramming howhow how ECASDECASD ECASD for for aand and andafull full community day.communitycommunity day. 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Welcome to the Eau Claire Area School District 2021 Summer Program Guide! Dear ECASD Students and Families, This summer, ECASD is offering a wide range of programs for our students to enjoy as they take a break from an unusual school year. The Teaching and Learning Department and Principals have developed activities that are focused on helping students to be safe, healthy, challenged, engaged, and supported so that they can continue their learning during the summer months. All ECASD students have access to summer programming and the same supports provided to them during the school year. We invite any student who is enrolled in the ECASD to attend summer school. Additionally, students who attend private or home schools and live within the District boundaries may also attend ECASD summer programs. To learn if you live within the District’s boundaries, please visit the District’s interactive boundary map at www.ecasd.us/boundary. Please take a few minutes to look through this guide. There are so many options to choose from. You can select a school-based, half-day program or opt to add an additional session with one of our many community partners. Some are tailored for special interests, such as music or sports; others are targeted toward strengthening academic skills or exploring such topics as robotics, coding, art, and many, many more areas that interest students. Additional information and announcements may be found at www.ecasd.us/summer. We have worked very hard to create programming that is family friendly. New this year is transportation from home to school and back to home for ALL schools! In addition, we provide breakfast and lunch at each school when summer programs are in session. Our programs are designed to allow students to attend as many courses as possible; all ECASD courses have no enrollment costs and our partners have committed to keeping material fees to a minimum. We have something for everyone, grades PreK-12! If you don't see what you are looking for, please reach out to one of the summer school contacts on page 7. We are always looking for suggestions and may be able to assist you in making your arrangements. Please note, regular summer registration begins online on March 20, 2021, at 8:00 am and runs through April 18, 2021. If you need assistance during registration on March 20, 2021, from 8:00am – 2:00pm, please call (715) 852-3141.
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