■ \ ,, . a ®asr; PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. I I . 1M T v o l u m i i t —1 County Baseball Young Man and Big Wind-up Day F reeholder Budget NHASSET WINS THE League Is Now Girl Drowned in at Island Heights AgainExceeds the a Q Full Swing WELL CUP RACE IN Pt. Pleasant Surf Camp Meeting Legal Fixed Limit WITH LEGAL LIMIT FIXED AT TOME RIVER, POIET PLRASART 'AN EASY WALKOVER DAUGHTER OP JUDGE M*PHER- B IL D SERVICE OR OLD CAMP #*•,«83.7«,THEY PROPOSE TO ARD LAKEWOOD IE A ERW SOH OP U.8. DISTRICT COURT OROURD TROUGH WARRED RAISE #73,350.00 WORKING AORBEMVRT a r o f r e a k h e r Island I Wight» and lb* Gandy cup rar« TO EEEPOFF; 400 ATTERO at Bn* Sid* Park. In all thr** race« ORE OF T B I VICTIMS ¿ COMPETITOR; WOR I T aha wm tailed by Herman Muller. As­ Notwithstanding th* fact that on* of Th» Ocean County Baseball League Th* lir»t drowning art-idem uf the Island Height*. N J . August II was oiganised al Lakewood on Monday IRTHUTES OVER BOUQUET sistant City Solicitor of Philadelphia Sund«> August llth wa* the greatest the reasons foe indicting the Board of summer in Ocean county water took Freeholder« a year ago last May wa* night of this week by fcpteeentativen After the race «he crowd gathered in religious day tlial Ii UimI Heights has place last Finlay iftslM M , when Mi«» from Tunis Rivef, Point Pleasant and ^•pll i'up race, gvnerally e s * the assentbly room of the yacht club ever had, and at it* rtoee another de- that on a previous year the Board had Kliaabeth MarPher ton.young*’*! daugh­ Lakewood The meeting was held in I lb« t>luc ribbon" rv»ni of lb* house, and the Handsome «■•well cup elnrntion had been made that this raised more money than the law «1* ter of Ho«. John H MarFhertoo, judge the rooms of the l-akewood Fire Co. in fUrnegai Bay yachting ctr- w m premmted to winner by Assistant beautiful resort • hall not be deprived of lowed the present Board on Tuesday , of the V. 9 Court (or the Eastern Dia- voted to raise $75.350. when according Harry 8 N gw man occupied the chair, i «on «o Saturday afternoon Attorney General Gaakill It w m re­ the purpose for which it wa* dedicated tnct of Philadelphia. Pa , and Mr. C. D. and P. G Bunnell of Tom. River waa iai toth. by Maohasstt owned ceived by former Mayor Weaver in a to law they can raiae but on« hall of Judaon, of Troy N Y . were drowned —• place where old and young can the temporary secretary. After decid* ■ Mayor Wravar o( PhiUdel* brief speech Capt. Herman Muller w m come for physical, moral and spiritual one per cant on the valuation of Im I while awtmming together in the surf at Ing to form a league, these officer* were Tbrr* «err but ihraa boat* in w m ale» brought to the (rant and com­ help and one of lit main attractions year, or $*«.»51.79. Whether tbie w m about four o'clock, at Point Pleasant chooen President. C. H. Wheeler at H ManhaaMt. raiWd by Harman pelled to make hie little any. Thera aha It be an annual rampmeeting intentional, in defiance of law. for The young people had been in the Point Pleasant; eecreUry. WHIi*o» A. (, rt]<r«wniing I ha 8aa Bid# Part w m a merrymaking that night at tha The day liegan with a service at 10.30 which the Board ha* bees more or lese water for some time when they decided N'owlan. Lakewood, treasurers. C.Har- Bouquet- failed by Gaorfa Sea Sidn Park club bouse to celebrate a. m , in « hich Rev. O. B Wight of noted in past yeaie. or whether it w m kch>l> to swim from the Casino bathing bench ria. Tom* River. Them officer* are •»- ,n. the sixteen yaar old aoa the victory, and the moat pleaaed man Trenton, offered a prayer that brought from the incompetence and ignorance, to the Manaaquan Inlet. The ocean ao the executive committee. „r . R, T, Pattaraon o( Mec in the whole retort w m Mayor Weaver God and people clooe together: Mr. and for which it it juet as much noted, it w m rough and dangerous owing to Under this arrangement Toms River . rcpraamliag l »land Hrtghu S u n Piniah Mrs Bates sang a sweet duet. A large would be unposable for the outsider to easterly wind* and a bed storm earlier playe today at Point PleMant. »nd r _ j, and Frank, owned and sell- Freak (;SIOI choruf choir led by I. H, Linton, Kaq., say. However the Board is not the In the day, but ae both Miss MacPbar­ next Tuesday at Lakewood. rCap» Ororgc Bailay. »ailing lor Bouquet 1:11:24 4 42:40 with Dr. Allieon A. W. Gaw a»organist, only factor in fixing the county tax Manhaaeet t:Sl:40 4:29:24 ton and her companion were accustom­ rate Ita budget must conform |to the t Hrad yaehl club ed to the water and were daring swim­ made the woods ring with the song* In a game that wai both snappy »nd n finished second. Capt Bail- K lapsed Corrected rate as fixed by law. and be^ approved mers they had no fear "The fight is on, O Christian soldier" — in spot*—«crappy. Tome River put it t out of the race on the last Manhasset 2:JSKX» 2:24:1 A and "Att hail the power of Jetus name". by the County Tax Board before the Bouquet 2:5190 2:11950 At a little le»r than half the distance money can be railed, and the Board over Hainceport. Tueeday, 6-S- Bran­ , owing..ring toI the (ailing wind. The Rev. C K Adamson of Philadel­ son and Rickman were the bnttery for Manhaaeet was designed by C. D. they had hoped to cover, is a long, curv­ will have to cut iu budget down in all «1 be confessed that there wa» phia, preached with much effect on Toma River, and Arch was on the job. Mower of the Rudder, who also design­ ing sand-bar and within the arm of this probability, as there is no. likelihood of itiir in thr conte»t The men in a deep quiet-looking stretch of water "Holding our country for Christ against Hainceport kept ahead a good part of wt »nd Freak knew they had no ed the cup winners. Empress and An­ allenemirs " Rev. C. M. Boswell ap­ the Tax Board overriding the law which in rMlity is a place for dangerous of the game, a n d there w m plenty of 1 ol winning outride a fluke or a other Old Maid: and wa» built at New plied the Mnron to Island Heights. The budget is ae follows, adopted by Rochelle. N Y. Morton Johnson built eddies Here the young people were interest caught and although they exerted their Without using any names he described the Board Toms River—Richman c. Pierce es, the Freak from a Bailey model A. Courts $ 9,000 utmost strength they could not make the attempt* to ouerthrow special re­ Rogers If. Shuts 3b, Branson p, Search Carey Smith of New York designed the Board of prisoners 1,000 head way against the current. ligious work by those who tore down 2b Woolley cf. Schwarz lb, Chamber- Bouquet, and »he wa» built by Amoa and carried off the former commodious For Insurance 1,500 With the exception of a few hardy lain r( Lewis of Forksd River. Salaries 7.000 bathers at Jay's pavillion. the beach and costly auditorium; by a crowd of llainesport West rf, AUoways p, The Sewell trophy w m a gift from the Coroners 250 was deserted and it was against the ad­ men some of w-hom arc known, who, on Bowers 3b, M. Bakey cf. Woolfrom lb, late William Joyce Sewell of Camden, Elections 4,i)00 vice of the bathing mMters that people Wednesday night, August 7th, this Hulspirc ss. T. Uakcy c, McClusky 2b, who presented it through Judge Joseph year, secured a team and wagon and Stationery 250 H Gaakill to be sailed for annually on entered the water. Where Miss McPher­ Hills If. son and Mr Judson entered there were .with loud toned bells, while crouched Printing «0° Toms River—2 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 x-6 on the »econd Saturday in August by down to hide their faces, at a rapid Fuel and lights 400 no bathing ropes. The spot is only llainesport-- 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0-5 the three amateur yacht clubs, Bay Constables and Justices 500 200 feet from the Manasquan inlet, and pace drove down campmeeting walk, Head, Island Height» and Sea Side Fox bills 350 there is always a strong curent running compelling the minister to wait until On Saturday last Lakewood defeuted Park Saturday wa* the eighth contest. Indigent soldiers 200 A little girl suddenly saw tho couple the noise had ceased; and finally of a Point Pleasant. 5-5, at Point Pleasant. It has been won four time» by Sea Side notice served, threatening to treat as County Superintendent 350 disappear beneath the surf. She ran to Last Saturday afternoon the Egypt Park, and four times by Island Heights. trespassers those who should attend a Surplus revenue 1,000 the group of bathers and told them of it.
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