• I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 196K PAGE TWENTY-FOTJR AYorafft Daily Nat Preat Run iiandii^Btfr lEtt^ing li^raUi For the Week Boded The Weather October 23, IMS Bunny, windy, warmer ioduy, The Mlapah Spencer Circle of high 55-60, fair, milder to n lg ^ About Tomu South Methodist Church will 14,477 iHanrlfPBtpr Eupnttm M m i h low In 40a; eunny and w o rn meet Tuesday at 1S;S0 p.m. In McComb Taking Post We Always Use morrow, high near 60. The Zlpeer^aub will aponior Susanpah Wesley Hall. Miss 'JUdnehesfer—.4 City of VOlago Charm a eetlMCk pany Saturday at S Ethel Goalee will speak about p.m. at the clubhouae on Brain- Fresh Flowers the Children's Servlcea Center - VOL. LXXXV, NO. 28 (FOURtEEN TV SB(7nO N ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1965 (CUaaif|ed Advertlehig on Page 11) a rt PI. in East Providence, R.I. Host­ With Greek School PAGES— PRICE SEVEN CIMTB esses will be Mrs. Joseph David S. McComb will retire from Aaina after 88 From Oar Greenhouses J The Rev. Theodore Bacheler. Swenason, chairman, assisted years to become business manager of Pierce College, paator of Wapplnfc Community by Mrs. Fred Matthes and Mrs. Athene, Greece. He will take his new poeitlon In Febru­ State N ew s Conffrepatlonal Church, will Albert Todd. ary. A resident of 42 Elwood St., he will set up residence 1621 Hartford Rd. i conduct a service on Sunday In Greece. fi'om 6:S0 to 6:5S a.m. In the The Hattford County Dental McComb luui been active both MANCHESTER, chapel of Manchester Memorial Assistants Society will meet In community affairs and with' Hopes Dim ^ Massive Parade Hospital. Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the of­ Aetna. He served as cashier tind Krause i'lorist CONN. fice of Dr. Marvin M. Goodman, vice president for the erganisa- In CR&L Sanitary Refuse, the town’.s 797 Farmington Ave., West Uon atnee 1957. He was presi­ trash collector was fined 112 Hartford. Joseph Palmers, a dent and former director of the Manchester'a LargMt Florist I last week for two repetitive representative from the EJast- Aetna h^n'a Club. PHONS 648-SSM Bus Talks complaints. A total of 39 com­ man Kodak Co., will speak on McCUnb was born in New- plaints were reported during X-ray techniques. Mounting and oaatle, Ebigland, and came to Mediators see little to be op- Backs V iet Stand the week. developing will also be discussed the United States In 1911. He Umlstlc about In their efforts to at this time. Refreshments will graduated from Manchester head off a bus strike Monday be served. Guests and prospec­ High School and Hlllyer Ck>llege. »3 DEPENDABLE by drivers and mechanics of tive members are welcome. TURN RULE TOP QUALITY the Connecticut Railway It WIN A DIAMOND A five-year member of the Lighting Co. The Manchester Gilbert and Manchester Zoning Board of Ap­ "We're at an Impasse," state 5th Avenue 1 CARAT RING Sullivan Workshop, rinc., will Hand-to-Hand Fight JUST COME IN: peals, he qjso served as treasur­ mediator James Donnelly said have its first general meeting er and moderator for Center Friday after a fruitless five - TREASURE SHOPPE on Monday at 8 p.m. at Cooper Congregational Church. He was hour meeting of mediators, un­ Is Scene of Hall of South Methodist MANCHESTER PARKADE on the board of sponsors for the ion spokesmen and management .Halts Cong Assault Church. Plans will be made for Hartford Seminary Foundation, representatives at CR&L head­ this year's production of "The Big March and in Manchester was on the quarters In Bridgeport. SAIGON, South Viet Nam Ings of key U.8. installations on Gondoliers." Refre.shments will Town Employes Pension Board. DONT A strike against CR&L, the be served. Prospective members (AP) — U.8. Marines, using his bo<ly. NEW YORK (AP) — A McComb €uid his wife, the for­ David 8. MoOomb second biggest bus company In pistols and fighting hand-to- FOR RENT are welcome. mer Helen Dollof, have three "We dropped a lot of Viet ma.H,sive demonstration of BE PENNY WISE the state, wotild bring buses to hand from their tents, beat off a Cong with pistols," said 8gt. S and 16 mm. Movte Projec­ ohllren. David Bruce Is a banker One of the showplaces of a halt in Bridgeport, Waterbury, support for American tors—sound or silent, also Bowers School PTA recom- "human wave" assault by the Harry Ijc/wdy of Salisbury, Md. In Boston: Donald Uves in New Greece, the new campus Is Iq- AND New Britain and Norwalk. Viet Cong In the early morning fijfhting men in Viet Nam 35 mm. slide projectors. rnends that students at Bowers York, and Susan, now Mrs. Stev- cated at Aghia Paraakevl, a "They came right up to mir darkness today 10 miles south­ holes. We fired at a range of 10 is being marshaled today on WELDON DRUG C a School celebrate Halloween on en Powers, lives in Hlngham, suburb of Athens. Funds for Pa i n t s PAINT FOOLISH Biidgrt Balanced New York’s Fifth Avenue. Saturday nl^ht instead of Sun­ Mass."*- the campus have come from west of Da Nang. yards." ‘ 901 Main S t—Tel. 843-5321 A U. 8. military spokesman A turnout of 50,000 to 100,000 la day. Pierce College Is an American gifts by the Agency of Inter- HARTFORD (AP) — Con­ The assault, by an estimated estimated by leadens of th« sponsored, Independent girls' national Development, U.B. necticut's 31.31 billion budget said 56 Viet Cong, many of them 100 Vlef Cong from a force of teen-agers, were killed. He de­ march, set bo begin at noon. school and woman's college in State Department and the Greek C. J. MORRISON for the current two-year fiscal 400, was the second against Five holders of the Medal of Athena. Recently the college Government. Constantin os Dox- period Is in balance, the Con­ scribed casualties among the Marines In the Da Nang area Honor, the nation's highest mill- received a gift of 342,000 from iadls, a world-famous city PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE necticut Public Expenditure 300 Marines as moderate. since Thursday, when a Viet tary decoraUon, are grand mar- the late Miss Mable Long of planner and architect, designed Council said today after a de­ ■ One Marine squad, however, Cong suicide squad Infiltrated „hals for the • demonstration, Claremont, Calif., who was for the campus, 739 MAIN ST.—State Theater Bldg.—649-9718 tailed study. was badly mauleg. Two of lU 14 the Marble Mountain air facility binc<i as an answer to the auiU- HAllOWEEN SPECIALS many years president of Pierce There are now 637 students The CPEC, a private research men were killed and the rest and destroyed and damaged 38 vict Nam protests two weeks Baldygeis Wed 25 Y e a rs College. enrolled. group, noted that the budget is wounded, the spokesman said. jjelicopters. Da Nang Is the Hite ago. The Viet Oong also mortared Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldyga Manchester Modes, Inc. Her up 3200 million from the previ­ of the big American air base 3H0 <phe parade was new evidence POTATOES.........................10 lbs. 49e ous two-year period euid is al­ the U.8. Special Forces camp at of 463 Birch Mt. Rd. were feted husband is employed at 0 ;myers miles northeast of Saigon. ^ welling support for U.S. poll- most three times the size of the Plel Me In the central highlands sulclde squad Infiltrated the (,y viet Nam. Elsewhere, oth- Florida or CoHf. ORANGES............ dox. ,59e for their 25th anniversary Sat­ Construction Oo.,-'Manchfeter. *66 Chevrolet Impels Sport asdsn and launched a flurry of new (Burkamp Photo) State's budget for 1955-67. Ttie guerrillas broke through er slgrts of support appeared, BANANAS . ..................... 2 lbs. 2Se urday ' With a party for 100 assaults In the Mekong Della. A 13-year-old boy was anlong the Marine defense perimeter particularly on the college cam- PREMIUM ICE CREAM .-...........Vs-qol, B9c friends and relatives at the Ital­ School Called Fraud today ,ind overran bunker posi­ pus. ian American Club. The event the Viet Cong dead at Da Nang. WESTPORT (AP)—State pol­ tions. After an hour’s battle, the n ie New York- march ha« thp was given by their sons, John Marines .said he had been sell­ Viet Oong broke and fled. For “Trick or Trcaf’—We’ve Got ’Em! Baldyga and Richard Baldyga, ice say they have broken a ma­ ing soft drinks to Americans In backing of Mayor Robert. F. / T 'Y jor s\rindling operation with the Wagner ^and the City Council, It Macs. ,C.ortlandB, Red Delicious, Northern Spys, Bald­ both of Manchester, and Mrs. the area and they found draw- (See Page 8U) wins and McGowan Apples; also Bose Peiara. Paul Rivers of Manchester. arrest of four officers of a 16 cosponsored by City Council­ The couple was married Oct. FAIRWAY Westport photography "school." man Matthew J. Troy Jr. and 28, 1940 at Sts. Cyril and Metho­ State police Lt. Louis D'. the New York Journal-Amerl> Honeydews; CasabaS, red, white, blue Grapes, Pomergran- Marchese said students who atea, Imported Chestnuts, Persinuuons, Pineapples, White, dius. Church, Hartford, and have Pink Grapefruit and Plenty of COLD, FRESH, CIDER! lived In Manchester all their signed up at the “school" were Among those scheduled to . Green, Yellow SquaA, Imported Red Onions, Spinach, married life. Mrs. .Baldyga, a BOTH STORES bilked of large sums of money Lupton Says GOP participate are veterans groups, Beet Greens, Peas, Cukes, Boston, RomfUne Lettuce, White Manchester native, is a daught­ through false advertising and labor and fraternal organiaa- Sween Potatoes, Purple Top Turnips, Yellow Globe 'Dlmlps, er of the late Mr.
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