31st Annual greater flint Area Sports Hall Of FamE FL TER INT A AR E E R A G S P E O R M T FA S HALL OF 2010 INDUCTION BANQUET Saturday, December 4, 2010 JUlIUS SErgES - SPECIAl SErvICE AwArD ErIC TUrNEr • JOhN fIShEr • kEITh yOUNg NICk PAPPADAkIS • SCOTT PArkEr mArgArITA CAlvO 1976-77-78 flINT BEEChEr h.S. BOyS TrACk TEAmS 1980 POwErS CAThOlIC h.S. BASEBAll TEAm 1990-91-92 SAm rAgNONE, ATTOrNEy, AAU BASkETBAll TEAmS gENESyS CONfErENCE & BANQUET CENTEr grAND BlANC, mIChIgAN GREATER FLINT AREA SPORTS HALL OF FAME GREATER FLINT AREA SPORTS HALL OF FAME 30TH ANNUAL INDUCTION BANQUET 31ST ANNUAL INDUCTION BANQUET President 2009 Board GREATER FLINT AREA SPORTS HALL OF FAME Bob Burek 2010 Boardof DirectorsThis inductionAs30TH a ceremonykid growing ANNUAL marks up in Grand my INDUCTION second Blanc in and the 1940’sfinal BANQUET andyear 1950’s, as President sports were of the central Greater to my Flintlife. AlongArea Sportswith of Directors Hall of Famemy Boardpeers, I ofspent Directors. countless As hours I conclude on the elds my and tenure, courts I at continue Grand Blanc to be High impressed School and by at the McKinley role of and Bob Burekthis organizationLakeside in baseball recognizing centers the in the achievements summer. I marveled of former at the great great athletes and and coaches teams of from the era the including greater PresidentFlint area. ThisLynn Chandnois,banquet is Dona showcase Coleman, for Dave not Hoskins, only the Joe athletes Roberson, but Leroy for theirBolden relatives, and so many friends others. and others Bob Burek interested in area sports. It is also one of the premier events of the year in Genesee County.President 2009President BoardPhil Pierson Many years later, it is now my pleasure to welcome you to the thirtieth Greater Flint Area SportsBob Hall Burek of Fame 1st Vice PresidentI am personally pleased that we have reached out in recent years to involve athletes, athletic directors ofPhil Directors Pierson As a kid growing2009 induction up in Grand ceremony. Blanc This in theyear’s 1940’s class andof individuals 1950’s, sports and teams were rival central any into the my rstlife. three Along decades with of andmy peers,coaches Ithis spent in event. this countless event. Wehours believe on the it iselds important and courts for at current Grand Blancand future High County School andathletes at McKinley to see these and 1st Vice PresidentBill Haleyinductees as role models and to emulate them in the classroom and on the athletic field.We are also, Bob Burek Lakeside baseball centers in the summer. I marveled at the great athletes and coaches of the era including 2nd Vice Presidentfor the first time in history, honoring the best male and female high school athletes in the greater Flint BillPresident Haley Lynn Chandnois,Individual Don recipients Coleman, include Dave Scott Hoskins, Aldred, Joe John Roberson, Biedenbach, Leroy Roy Bolden Hall, Kelly and Hebler so many Baudat others. and Coquese Bill Basiliusarea. Finally,Washington you will who see areathletes being honoredand cheerleaders for extraordinary from personalFlint Northern achievements. assisting Their us resumes in conduct will impress of the you. 2nd Vice President ceremony. We hope in the future to involve even more student athletes in the evening’s activities. Phil Pierson Treasurer Many yearsThe later, 2009 it isSpecial now myService pleasure Award to is welcome being presented you to to the Ed thirtiethPhelps, longtime Greater FlintFlint sportscaster. Area Sports Hall of Fame 1st Vice President Bill Basilius Bob RootWith2009 you,induction I marvel ceremony. at the Thisquality year’s and class achievements of individuals of the and inductees. teams rival In any this, in our the 31st rst threeinduction decades ceremony, of the bar of excellence continues at a high level. The class of 2010 is an exceptional one. Individual BillTreasurer HaleyExecutive Secretarythis event. The teams being honored follow in the rich tradition of others selected in the past thirty years. This year we inductees includehonor the Nick 1952 Pappadakis, and 1953 Dye Keith High SchoolYoung, football Scott teamsParker, for Margaritatheir prowess Calvo, on the John gridiron Fisher and theand 1984 Eric and 2nd Vice President ~ Bob RootJim RutherfordTurner.Individual What recipients1985 incredibly Flint Northwesterninclude talented Scott basketball athletesAldred, John theyteams Biedenbach,were! for their Their outstanding Royresumes Hall, record are Kelly onsimply the Hebler state outstanding. stage.Baudat The and non-scholastic Coquese Recording Secretary ExecutiveBill Basilius Secretary Washingtonteams who beingare being inducted honored tonight for are extraordinary the 1967 Chevrolet personal Local achievements. 659 and the 1968 Their UAW-Region resumes will 1-C impress baseball you.teams The Specialwhich Services consisted award of essentially is being presentedthe same core to ofJulie players. Serges, a longtime friend and supporter of DeanTreasurer Yeotis Genesee County sports. Duncan BeagleThe 2009 Special Service Award is being presented to Ed Phelps, longtime Flint sportscaster. Recording Secretary The Board of Directors wishes to express its appreciation to the Flint Journal for its continued support of this Bob Root Craig Coney Teams to beevent. honored Not only rival are any the Hallin the of pastFame for plaques their donated excellence by the and Journal accomplishments but its sports department not only continues in the area to Executive SecretaryRoger FoutchbutThe on teams state beingrecognize and nationalhonored the inductees followlevels andasin thewell. publicize rich This tradition the year ceremony. we of othershonor In this selectedtwo category scholastic in also,the past Benteams thirtyRoof and and years. one A-Frame non-scholasticThis yearAwards we Duncan BeagleTom Healeyteam.honor Thethe 1952 1980should and Powers be 1953cited CatholicforDye their High assistance baseball School in footballteam the production culminated teams onfor the their plaques. prowessoutstanding on the season gridiron with and a statethe 1984 and Jim Rutherford championship. The 1976-77-78 Beecher track teams won the Class B state championship all three years. Craig Coney Len Jasinski1985 Flint Northwestern basketball teams for their outstanding record on the state stage. The non-scholastic Recording Secretary Theteams 1990-91-92 beingFinally, inducted Sam a big tonight Ragnone, “thank areyou” theAttorney, goes 1967 to Genesys Chevrolet basketball Conference Local teams 659 and won and Banquet the the National 1968 Center UAW-Region and AAU the Genesyschampionships. 1-C Athletic baseball Club. teams Roger FoutchJames Massar which consistedNot only of essentiallydo they do a the wonderful same core job ofof hosting players. this event, they provide a permanent “home” for the plaques of Tom Healey.Jim VukovichOn behalf ofthe our honorees. Board of Directors, I want to thank the Flint Journal for their continued support of the Duncan Beagle induction ceremony. In this difficult economic time, they have continued their financial commitment. Len JasinskiGerald MooreThe Board of Directors wishes to express its appreciation to the Flint Journal for its continued support of this Craig ConeyCathy SnyderThe JournalOn purchases behalf of the Hall Board of Fameof Directors plaques, and thebut Selection of equal Committee, importance I wish to the you success a great evening. of this Revelevent, in it this James Massar recognizesevent. Not onlyin print are thethe Hallresumes of~ Fame of the plaques inductees donated and by publicizes the Journal the but ceremony its sports. We department would also continues be remiss to in Roger FoutchBill Troeskenrecognize themarvelous inductees event..a and publicizeshowcase forthe not ceremony. only our athletesIn this categorybut for the also, greater Ben Flint Roof Community and A-Frame as well. Awards Gerald Moore not thanking Ben Roof and A-Frame Awards for assistance in the final production of the plaques. Tom Healey Bill Troskoshould be cited for their assistance in the production on the plaques. Cathy Snyder Len Jasinski Dean YeotisFinally, we have found a permanent “home” at the Genesys Conference and Banquet Center for housing Bill Troesken the plaques,Bob so Burek,not only President does Genesys host the induction ceremony, they ensure that residents and James Massar Finally, a big “thank you” goes to Genesys Conference and Banquet Center and the Genesys Athletic Club. Bill TroskoSelection CommitteevisitorsNot only to do the they area do can a wonderful see our superb job of hosting“Hall of this Fame”. event, they provide a permanent “home” for the plaques of Jim Vukovich Jim VukovichTim Bograkos - Chairmanthe honorees. Gerald Moore The Board of Directors and SelectionTHE GREATER Committee FLINT are delightedAREA SPORTS that you HALLare with OF us FAME tonight. Have a great Jim Bracyevening. Sit back as I do and marvel as you hear the accomplishments of the athletes and teams. This On behalf of the Board of Directors and30th the Selection ANNUAL Committee, INDUCTION I wish BANQUET you a great evening. Revel in this Cathy SnyderJake Brisendineis a season for celebrating, so help us celebrate in this induction ceremony a special group of men and SelectionBill Troesken CommitteeLynn Chandnoiswomen,marvelous our event..a 2010 inductees.showcase forHappy not only holidays! our athletes but for the greater Flint Community as well. Saturday, December 5, 2009 - Genesys Athletic & Banquet Center Bill Trosko Ray Collard Tim
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