Truan)Rn K L Jo MM T 1 Senate II Only I to Over *Fii Te Fails Bj Two Vott

Truan)Rn K L Jo MM T 1 Senate II Only I to Over *Fii Te Fails Bj Two Vott

I i 1 :____W eatherther * Final * Partly Cloudy H *Fii EditionEdi TheT h . Masict Vnlley Newspaperewspaper DedicatedDcdi to Scn'inene and PromotingPron the Growthk’th of Nine IrrigatedIi Idaho CounUes TOL. ■I'l'. ^ 0 - - s s - ' ____________________■ TWINT\VIN FALLS, IDAHO,iO, FIUDAY, FEBRUARY 22,>, 1963 ' “ ’ TEN CENTS 1“ HighDil Death a n 1 Senatete FailsI s bybj Toll FearedFe ^ k L jI o Only Two Votti^otes For QuakesQu j MMI Tot Oververridee VetoVi I Libyii, Feb. 22 ( . BENGHAZI. )yii. Feb. 22 (/P)_A serie.s of three Q w tn BOISE, Feb. 22 (/I'}—The'—The Idaho .<t*nate.<0 failed tndiiy(idiiy by>a marginniarg: of two voles to shattering CMrthtiUHkea left mo lhnii_fou'r^fifths_of'ths_qf _ P 5 B m ow'rride Gov, Uubi'rtt £E. Smylie'sSmylic's 'veto of a billill affectingitffecting party.pii orgaiu7.ntioii. the couatnl town ofif A n iai a r r j f in ruins today and hun- B g " gqiicrc i i c r i T \viia"ni)’dob:ilo“«irth“oirtho'iwposul'nini 0'iwpos«: iiT the-roll-cnirfcveni-roll-cnUfcven IRepublicnns-joiiied -------- drcds were believedd dead or injured.inj Radio Libvii. pput u t the 21 Deiiiocratii in voting to ovenoverride. Sen. J. BuriiHBurns Ilcal,Heid, R., Butte, was nbMcnt at!«ualticfl a t '250 dead,dend. nnd»nd 100 injured. A U .'S . nnir i r m m m m H m but al) other Rcjuiblicanscans votedvoled tu »Hlistaln thc veto.eto. TliuThu I'caultihgicsultil 28-15 was two force spokesman saijl«ud unconfirmediinconfin reoorta indicwtcdticatcd vote.s s h o r t of thcJ twh v o - -----------------------r;------------------------------------------ —800-^vcrc-killcd-aTid-l-;000"litjund Woo llijiire’d. llic air force:e sent -thirds-ninjority-thirds- required to T T |„ . 11 nir trnnsports loaded[(ladeil witii. reliefn supplies fromom its make n hill become Inw do- ~ ~ baseb a se near Tripoli. Most of P f | H H])itc thc veto of tlic gov- Probe Planneib a n n e d o f cn.sualties apparently J M m ^^m _ ornor. *¥7^* Road Official came“1^, in thc firs t shock ’ 4 ■ T he househ voled 44*10 one dny ' H 1 C Thursday nfternoon... TwoTw ’o | | A earlier tu override llie veto.;i'yFish X O H atchertchery J Costs ' 7 ' e r more (lunkes struck this m om - ■ ■ T he measure,I which Li now dcnd. would have tiiuile Irglsln-WUln^ By'jO y'JO IIN FFATOS A T O S • ’ Is Run Over Ing u rescue work wns'l nIn ° Iufull l l ■ ■ swing. ■ ■ lire cniidlclnlP.i members olo, po-po. Tlmr»-Nrw.-*-Nrws S.V t mn KdllnKdllnr llllcal parties’I county central BOiSK,BOlSI Feb. 22 (Specitil)—Sen.pL’citil)—Sen. CcCccll D. Andrns, D., r llOKpltftl.1 In Al MnrJ, Bnrcearce and eomniltti By Grader 3Benghazi, Si miles 10 th e soutlT- eomnilttces. CCleanvnler, lcarw n revenkul ^oday-toilay lie intciuintciulH to make an in- CASTLEFOnO. Peb. 22-C . W. west,WMt. .were filled with the In- Smylle, in hLi veio nie>^vu ''^■’'‘tiKiilionvphIIl' ilI into the o f laising ttrout by the Idaho Beams. C3. BulU lilElnfoy dtitrlci Jured. ^ ■ . s. asaid l d he believed lhe propo.vil ly district Jured. would not promote parlyy hnr- fi<>b amand gaiuu dcpartmcittrtmcitt hatchcrhatchcrics. Hc ndded he luperlntendent. w a s listed InItt RescueRex workers dug through n lo n y b u t would "have hadad the is currentlyc u rre trying tu,0 get(,'el Uiellic recordsrecot from tho fijih condition Fridny noon nt thethe debrlidi for others feared trap opposite Masle Valley Memorial lnMplinl ped o opposite resiiU.'’ He noted.'•a: too. Hiiii ,f,i}jfjinic depnrtmentmt concerning the investigative ' hospital ped o r killed. U.S. and Brltlah ththill n t Uie Rcpubllcnii sU te'crnlrnI ---------^ with poulble Icb traclureses receiv- military'mlllta forces and Libyannn MaoU l- eoiiimliti u — — — - —-------- hearingrt held last spring , ed w lie n 'h e wna knockedced down dlersdler*- -and police rtislied food and coiiimlitee hntl urged him to veto ' the bill. W'l'klli concerning the connection —•nd-nm-ovor-by-A-rond-grAd«rtd-grader teiUs-to-iurvlvor>.—:tciui- _______ ______ ~~Th~s?vtirM-i5;iicTiipiiwieiiiis T h ~ » O U in »boul 10:30 a. m. five-mve - miles iles Tl)eTlie qunkcs centered In an nrea ,biio.n. Spud G roup- P bctweei) Raii(;;cn, Inc., and ' .--nortljweit of CiuaofordI nlBt Bnl-Bttl- ofof 2020 nriunro-mllNi; In and nreudd B M who vDied wlih the Democratic l':iwood Grimes, who was ' »nced Roclc crosiilns. ' AlAl MnrJ;M which hns n populn- W minorily 10 overrule'were (iens. i |1-4.| • |» ' -- ihtn aupcrlnicndeni of the sUia-'.— ' UoydLloyd P. Barron. Ciuiins: Jnmes w X l : l • Deputy Sheriffs T. M..1. Ketid- HonHon of« 50,000. , “jX O ttlcers Ai-e• ^ iWij«»s; haiciiery a l Ungerman. but , , A.-MacDonald. Kootenai: JnmesJames _ .. iub.\pnuenl rick and Ci^rtls Po'or, Buhl,3uhl, snld TheThe flrsl shock siruck nt sun-s«n- TRTRUCK l DRIVEH FROMOM LAMKSA.-Tcx.,LAMKSA..'! « a i kllled’wlienhen this 1063 IrIntercoasl Mack tran.porl.M pori. ^ M cciuie. Pnyetle; Jo h n A. I - C a a sutopouenlly le ft th a t post. Uie crftder. operated byly Ernest downdown Tlmrsdny ns m ost pe.*sompc.*KOns . truck overluraed about S a.m. Friday oneon mile n o rth of Hagermanlagerman on hihigliway 30. Killed was A. Rasmussen, Clnrk; Hnrold U J.1.VI./. AiiUnu snld he Intends, to aie . Pinkston, aboul 60, CasUeford.asUeford. were'‘‘c'’® ^lttlng' down to Uielrelr eve- D. llallfortl,Ila 3C. ilU cAmpanlDn.ipanlon, John H:Hailey, also iJimcM.a. wbo wwas a. sleepingale >1 the lime. w a. m"* , ,,,as wt Reelected .. •• OlBUiB recordrccords lo try to determine . , dlrl' Into nlng menis. not In \ Rynn. Washington: Don W. vas belnR used lo puxli dirt' Into nlni; i not Injured. Halle)' » ld he believes thn weld holding the king pin plale Ibroke, allowhig Ihe trail- Snmuclson. -Bomier. nnd R.n H.H d u r l e y . Feb. 2 2 -Jo e! Allen, wheUier Itli Is cheaper for Ute . | t (111 belns mnde In a roadway People^<=<>1 fled Into Uie utrecLvStreeU. er to come Ioom frcttv thethe tractor. HB ^ h the tractor, ownedied b>by ilalleyIlalley arand valued a t S21.000, and ‘ Blnckfooi. wns reelcctcd preal- itnie to raisera irout or whether It dip a t Uie crossing. Thele (trndergrnder BuildingsBulldl nnd houses toppled.toppled, Uic(lie 31-toot31 niumlnum trailertrailer ewned by Intereoaiit and valued:alued ala t S3,000.53,000. wero demolished. .Photo » , n o( Poinlo Orowhig nndid Mar- Bouldwould be c h ea p er'to buy trout w u In reverae and Pltiksionalon said Irapplng many In lhe ruliu;Ins; i by SlateSU P a tfu ln u n Prankank .Mocenicnl.Mogenscnl "or;SrSiin:.„*..o,S‘“r jV " kctlng 1n.voclatlon” of Tdnho.Itho. n tl from commerclnlcomr tro u i raisers. he could nol sec Denms. I A sccondA shock cnme nt 7:30l7:30 * * J* ** 4 Jf * III t Ihe anniiiil meeting held •niura-,Tliura- interestad In Uic eost It iu>i-_iis_rclieL.Korkers_toUcd_lii____ . » — Offlccn-*s-a J d-Denms'-rlsht ^ ----------ioiu-au-«>J...o<Biiiu.m»-u.oiisx'-'sr.r^fKiiT.fjg '.i lr ir daytT a t .the Burley Elka hnll, Inkrs ta m ise trout, compared inklB and fool were broken, and *■ ■fc r)1 votes. Doth voled to override^ r. o a r e r •*.'Dlfiters' reelccrfi'cnccrc■«TTccrc toTlliTwRtoniiTwE-irutk^rW Tiommers------ U- there possibly were other“ broken ' “ T- I , ^ A govenior's veto has n o t been AlienAllen LnLarsen, -Blackfoot,t. vice clnldni misers.rnisen If we con- aavB a bones In both less. He wasvas takenUken - L - D river Fromr o m T e x a s . o.veirlddcn since 10« ; records:ords of presldenlpresident in charge of . grower sutulhnllnl nmount by buying fish br ambulance to MaglfTValley ^ __......... “ Truan)rn irvailcy ' y - > j. -m_ • '-. liioU'lB offlioffice et,Secreury ofI SUiteS late research'research* and educaUon::i: Jo e Ircmircm commercialcomr m isers, Umt Is. 'Uemorlal hospital where he.wa.i ' , I f c Arnold- William's sliowed. Houska. \Murtnugh, vlcc presidentresident «-|,at«-|„vt I am interested In, because I undergoing ementency treatment .' ! r i ' Immediately nflcr acllnging on *"‘n chnrge of contnicta;: NMark ark vm InleresiedInlere In getting moro ! tnd being X-rayed Prldny.VH"' noon., . Prudent ’ KK illed in H agermm an a n C r a sI hI . 1 . tho VetiTme.'Ungo Uie scnMoiMo rc - DnylO'. Durley,Bi secretary, nnannfl A l- fill,ji,|, Itl|„ lheu„ stream s of Idnliojor _ • ■■ WASHINOTON. Peb. i2 ' ce.ised 1for party Re- ‘>«ft Longhursi. Bnncrofl,,, ueajj-uea-i- 11,en,e numbernumbt ot doUars wc spend. tP—SecreUiry ;oJ 'Defense llf lllu publican leaders said th e hli-* ~ p « « ly urer.urer., . HoiHouska Is aUo vlco0 and Ir ’mm convlnced-thec commer- i n r i ' .B obert S. McNamara saidMid : HAHAGERMAN, Feb.1. 22—A22—A truck dciver from,lamcun, Tex.,Tex. was killed; but his “ S S " ,trover- ^cnt of Uie National Foiato {laldai llsh area ot comparable qunl- Jet TransportI. ^ p„Q^, exercised w anted to discus* Uio controver- ‘■enl Biscd sleepingsleepii companion wasivas not even scrfltched.. oboutUt 6 a.m. FridayFrii when the 37-footi7 -fo o t »y*y ovcrover Uib hou»e-pa.ised bUl re- council. itj-. prudent caution In holdingI t m ! I nluniinuninlumii trailer broke)ke loose from the trac to r of: a 10(5.1106.1 IntercoastInter Mnck truck:k oneo n e vising 11the primary elecUonon la\Vilay?i TheThc assoclaUona* vole<l unsnl- "Commercial‘-comme m isers have quot- Sets Nonstop !:! ^ )ridft - north of Hngermun'man on highvhighway aO.

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