*»*„,. J* **' Ktestlanft ®b0eruer VOLUME 28-NUMBER 43 MONDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1992 • WESTLAND, MICHIGAN-44 PAGES FIFTY CENTS 1992 SuDurljgn Communications Corporation Pair to be tried for jewel robbery to stand trial on charges of armed refused a public defender's request Two men are charged with breaking into an apart­ robbery, breaking and entering, and a . Thursday to. reduce Hart's $50,000 ment and robbing two people of nearly $3,800 of felony firearms violation. = bond and Johnson's $£0,000. jewelry. The two pair will be tried on the charges after The judge's decision came Thurs- - Bokos had been .urged by Charles they waived a district court preliminary examination. day as the two men appeared in court Grant, assistant Wayne County pro­ for a preliminary examination to secutor, to not reduce the bond. Grant Game masters: Local students determine if there was probable cause called the incident "a highly danger­ can learn and have fun at the BYDARHELLCLEM apartment, threatening two people at that they committed the crimes. ous offense." same time, thanks to a teacher STAFF WRITER gunpoint and escaping with $3,790. The men decided to waive the ex­ The 3:30 a.m. incident was one of who created an educational board Two Detroit men have been ordered The complex is on the south side of amination, in a move that averted four unrelated robberies — all involv­ to stand trial for a gunpoint robbery Warren Road, between Wayne Road testimony and automatically resulted ing gun threats — that occurred in game./ZA at The Landings, Westland's largest and Central City Parkway" in a trial being ordered. Westland during a six-day period apartment complex. Justus Hart Jr., 27, and Anthony Hart and Johnson remained in jail that ended Oct. 25. Fee is cut: The Livonia school Westland police have accused the William Johnson, "18, were ordered by last week. Bokos, saying the charges board has reduced t^he fee for some men of forcing their way into an 18th District Judge C. Charles Bokos stemmed from "a heinous offense," See ROBBERY, 2A pay-to-play programs./3A Program set: Parents who orga­ nized after the Cooper School toxic waste scare last year are sponsor­ Federal leader lauds ing an environmental awareness program Saturday for the public. /3A Glenn's arts smarts The federal government's top arts "In addition, the artists, students administrator, wearing a John and teachers will collaborate on a fi­ TRAVEL Glenn High School sweat shirt, nal theater performance piece at the came to the school to stress the im­ end of the school year." portance of arts in a school curricu­ In remarks delivered to a near-full Choose Chattanooga: There's lum. house in the school auditorium, The plug for the arts was part of a Radice stressed the importance of much more to this surprising city ceremony in which the official gave an effective arts program as an im­ in the hills of southern Tennessee checks totalling $186,600 to eight or­ portant part of a school district's than the Chattanooga Choo- ganizations and three individuals — comprehensive curriculum. including $9,500 for the high school. "I care deeply about arts educa­ choo./SA Taking part in a 30-minute cere­ tion and our future," she said. "You mony, a tour of the school's arts are tomorrow's leaders and creative Don't shutter: Trying to keep up classes and watching a review of the thinkers and you are tomorrow's au­ new artists-in-residence program dience for the arts." with changes in today's camera " was Anne-Imelda Radice, acting Radice added that the artists-in- technology is a bit like attempting chairman of the* National Endow­ residence program at Glenn is Mich­ to stay on top of th$ air fares./SA ment for the Arts. igan's and the nation's theater labo­ She was enthusiastic about the ratory "where we will in partnership new "Art Works at John Glenn High disassemble the world of the theater School" program, which is partially and take a closer look at what will funded by the NEA. make theater tick for the audiences TASTE The check presentation ceremony of the future." was attended by local school district "While developing a theater arts officials and the state commerce de­ program in schools isn't new, there Turkey options: There's more partment, which oversees grants ap­ has not been such an effort to in­ tHan one way to cook a turkey. * proved by the state's Council for the volve all of the students. The arts Some people cook their birds the Arts and CuhuralAffairs. - can energize a -.-whole school. The John Glenn program, which Whether you're involved in acting, old-fashioned way, over an open has artists in acting, music, film/vi­ film/video, dance, music and visual fire on a barbecue grill, pit or in deo, dance and the visual arts work­ arts, the arts can change your life." the fireplace ./IB ing with students and teachers Radice, saying that the arts throughout the school year, "is one "must be part of the school's curric­ of the most exemplary programs the ulum and our daily lives," said the Winner Dinner: Warm up with (NEA) has funded this year," said key to having an effective arts pro­ country chicken and barley soup. Radice. gram is the building administration. "Four outstanding artists are She said that Glenn is improving Thiseasy-to-make hearty soup is working on a long-term basis with its arts education while other low in fat and has just 111 calories Drumming up support: Anne-Imelda Radice, wearing a John children in five important disci­ schools are dropping their arts pro­ per serving. Romaine salad with plines related to the art of the the­ grams. Glenn High School sweat shirt, drums up support for school ater: acting, film/video, dance, mu­ dried cranberries rounds out the arts programs while sitting in with a Glenn musical combo. sic and the visual art. See PROGRAM, 2A meal. /IB STREET SCENE Teen charged in pencil stabbing Last cheer BY DARRELL CLEM trict, is on Hix, just south of Joy. on Friday, and he was scheduled to be STAFF WRITER The stabbing victim, also a Canton arraigned Saturday in juvenile court A 13-year-old Canton Township Township 13-year-old, was treated at in Detroit on a charge of felonious as­ boy has been charged with stabbing a Oakwood Canton Health Center, sault, Hall said. classmate in the head with a pencil where pencil wood and lead were re­ If the boy goes to trial and is con­ during a dispute Thursday at Lowell moved from the back of his head, Of­ victed, he could be placed in custody Middle School in Westland. ficer Scott Hall said. The victim had of juvenile authorities until the age of Lowell school, in the Westland por­ returned to sche%l on Friday^. 19, Hall said. tion of the Livonia school district and The boy accused in the stabbing leased to the Plymouth Canton dis­ was in custody of juvenile authorities See STABBING, 2A Hope and glory: Saturday, the Hope Orchestra will celebrate the' Brass knuckles used in beating release of their, first CD. And JIM JAODFELD/STAFF PHOTofiiurHF.K BY DARRELL CLEM Bugosh, 18, both of Westland, failed Thursday in court. The fight occurred there's good reason to celebrate, STAFF WRITER to appear for Thursday's hearing. because the victim had shot a plastic Rah rah blahs: Senior An- since they've spent the past two^ An- 18-year-old Westland man has Bokos forfeited their bond and issued gun at a girl they knew, Gates told gelle Bailey as the years honing a vibrant intellectu­ admitted wearing brass knuckles warrants for their arrest. « Bokos. "Zebra" mascot triesto when he and two other alleged assail­ The charges stem from j fight that The judge has referred Gates' case pep up her team, Wayne ally invigorating music and a dy­ ants severely beat up another young allegedly occurred in August 1991 in a to probation officials for a presen- namic stage presence./5B man. field near Manufacturer's Drive, tencing report. He is expected to be Memorial, which lost to Jamie Gates' confession came southeast of Newburgh and Cherry sentenced Nov. 19. He could face up Howell 38-0 Friday in Thursday as he appeared before 18th Hill. The victim, who sat in the court- to one year in jail and a $500 fine. high school Class AA INDEX District Judge C. Charles Bokos for a rpom Thursday, has claimed" he was Amid concerns that Bugosh and football playoff action. pretrial hearing on a charge of aggra­ beaten in the head, face, back, chest Kight missed their pretrial For more on the game, vated assault. and legs by assailants who used brass hecrings,Bokos indicated that he will Classifieds . B.C.D Obituaries . 4A The two other alleged assailants, knuckles and a wooden board. turn to Page 1C Auto . Sec. C, D Personals .... 6B James Kirsten Kight, 22, and Chris "We beat him up," Gates admitted ~ See BEATING, 2A Crossword . 9B Street Scene . 6B Employment . C,D Sports 1C Index 9B Taste ". IB Real estate . .B,C Travel 8A New cards coming Crafts on sale Wayne-Westland Public Library patrons will PUCES & FACES Holiday craft bazaars will be held Saturday by soon be "carded," part of the library's move to im­ Stottlemyer Elementary School, on Marquette OUR PHONE NUMBERS plement a computer-automated circulation sys­ card can be used at all 65 Wayne-Oakland Library east of Wayne Road, and Churchill High, on New­ tem in two months.
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