l)UUCOTOI'Y .J NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, F.A'BNDON, 1049 Blagg John Aldred, cattle dealer Huslrinson & Son, land agts.& surveyors Skinner William, King's Head P.R. & .Burrows Thos. ale & porter merchant Knight Annie (Mrs.), Cross Keys P.H wheelwright Cook Thomas, farm bailiff to- Platts Knowles John, shoe maker Swanwick John, grocer esq. Eastward farm Parr Joseph, shopkeeper Village .Library Dean Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. Post office Richardson John, farmer Waiters William (Mrs.), farm bailiff to Epperstone Paper Co. Mill 65, filter- Sampson Henry, joiner William L. Huskinson esq. ings, fly & middles (Wm. Wood, mgr) Sers Robert Hanslip, surgeon & medical Willis Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Freeman Charles, farmer officer & public vaccinator, No. 5 Willis Samuel, black'lmith Greaves Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer district, Basford union & Lowdham Wilson Alfred, farmer Hurt John, farmer district, Southwell union Wilson Robert, farmer EVERT ON is a parish, bounded on the east by the parish. Some marhes lying north-east and close to the river Chesterfield canal and comprising the townships of EVERTON- Idle, have been draned by a commission under the Everton WITH-HA.RWELL and ScAFTWORTH, 7 miles north from East Drainage Act of I:6o, and are now arable land. To the Retford and 3 east-by-south from Bawtry, the nearest north-west aTe stil some marshes. The Corporation of station, on the main line of the Great Northern railway, in Newark, Mr. Georg~ Harrison, Clarkson's trustees, the Rev. the Bassetl~w division of the county, North Clay division of James Lonsdale ani the trustees under 'Thomas William· the wapentake of Bassetlaw, East Retford union, Retford son's will, are the p-incipallandowners. The soil is chiefly petty sessional division and county court district, rural sand, with some pat; subsoil, various. The chief crops deanery of Bawtry, archdeaconry of Nottingham and are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 3.576A. 2R. 30P.; diocese of Southwell. The church of the Holy Trinity is an rateable value, £3874; in I88r the population for the ancient embattled structure, principally of the 12th century, township was 654, md parish, 760. with some later work, and consisting of a chancel, separated PosT OFFICS.-Ml.ry Johnson, postmistress. Letters from the nave by a very finely-worked Norman arch, nave, arrive from Baw.ry at 8 a. m.; dispatched at 5·55 p.m. north aisle, south porch and a Norman tower at the west The nearest mo1ey order & telegraph office is at Bawtry. end with eight pinnacles and containing 6 bells, given by Postal orders areissued here, but not paid the late George Smith esq. : in the tower, which has also a Scaftworth isa township in the parish, and distant 2 rich Norman arch, opening to the nave, is the effigy of a miles north-west fnm Everton village: it is bounded on the knight and lady of the r3th century: the north aisle was north, south and WISt by the river Idle. The trustees of the new roofed I885: there are 26o sittings. The register dates late Thomas Edwarl Taylor are lords of the manor and sole from the year 1567. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value landowners. ThB a:aais I,oo4 acres; rateable value, £r,o8o; £2oo, including I 10 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift the population in I:8r was 106. Qf the Rev. William Harland Metcalfe B.A. and held since LETTBR Box clearel at 6. I5 p.m. The nearest money order r887 by the Rev. William Byron Ramsay ll.A.. or Christ's & telegraph officds at Bawtry, I~ miles west College, Cambridge. The Wesleyan Methodists ha\'e a place Harwell is a 3mall hamlet, half a mile north from Qf worship. A cemetery of I acre was formed in x885 at a Everton. The Co·poration of Newark are lords of the .(!Ost of £231 ; it is under the control of a burial board of manor. nine members. The charities consist of the interest of £wo DRAKEHOLES, I mile south-east, is partly in Everton; annually, left by Miss Ella, the whole of which is for the Toft Hill, 2 miles 1orth ; Barrow Hill, I mile north-west ; Telief of women in childbirth; and the interest of £roo Stone Hill, 2 miles;outh-west; Pusto Hill, 1 mile south. annually, for the relief of the poor, left by Miss Gordon; in Parish Clerk, Gorge Harrison, 1879• Mr. George Smith left the interest on £2oo, half to go National School, eJ:Jcted for 120 children; average attend- to Christmas offertory and half for the repairs of the parisll ance, roo; JesseJas. Hayes, master; Mrs. Hayes, mist church; Miss Wells, of Stock with, left the great tithes of CARRIERS TO:- the parish of Everton, amounting to about £3r5 yearly, to DONCASTER-Willam Moore, sat. 8 a.m. from 'Brick- b3 equally divided between the parishes of Everton, Mister- makers' Arms' im ton and Stockwith, half the amount in each parish to be dis- GAINSBOROUGH-Villiam Moore, every tues. 9 a. m. from tributed amongst the poor at Christmas, and the other half 'Brick makers' knB' inn for the education of the poor. There are gravel pits in this ll.ETFORD-Jonatlan Kirk, sat. from Sun inn Everton. Holderness Joseph, cowkeeper Ward Robert (Mrs.), farmer Brentnall Thomas H Hutton Rt. butcher, farmer & overseet Winter Francis S. farmer Harrison George Jackson John, farmer, Stone hill Metcalfe Rev. William Harland B.A Kirk Richard, miller (wind) Scaftworth. Noble George Little Jarnes, farmer Blacker Fred. H. (Capt. 4th Hussars), Ramsay Rev. Wm. Byron M.A. Vicarage Little Thomas, farmer Scaftworth hall Riley Fred C Moody George, farmer, Drakeholes Hotham Mrs. Manor house .Smlth Fredk. Ridsdale, Gordon house l\'Ioore James, farmer Atkinson Charles, head gardener to Stralford l\Iiss, Rose cottage Moore William, Brickmakers' Arml Capt. Blacker Taylor George, West view P.H. & carrier Bailey Joseph, farmer, Holly house N aylor William, farmer Carver Charles, wood agent to Rev. T. T. cm.rMERCIA.L. Nicholson George, joiner Taylor Ashton Henry, baker Oldfield Edward, wheelwright Foster Chas. King William P.R. & farmr Birkinshaw Joseph, cowkeeper Parkinson, Chambers & Co. brewers Leech Frederick, head keeper to Rev. .Brown George, wheelwright Parkinson & Golland, farmers T. T. Taylor Burton Mrs. shopkeeper Parkinson Mark, farmer Willows Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer, The Calton William H. farmer, Pusto hill Pearson George, tailor Grange Cemetery (John Walker, Bawtry, clerk Peele William, grocer & draper to the burial board) Roe George, Sun P.H. & wheelwright Ha.rwell. Empson Robert, Blacksmiths' Arms Stevenson George, bricklayer Bacon Frank, farmer P.H. & blacksmith Stevenson John, bricklayer Bingham Edward, farmer Gamble Alexander Young, painter Stevenson Joseph, brick maker Boswell Thomas, shopkeeper Gibson Thomas, farmer, Pasture farm Stevenson Stephen, grazier Hirst George, farmer Graham William, shoe maker Stevenson 'Vil!iam, farmer Kirk J onathan, carrier Harrison George, landowner, farmer & Swindin Jane (Mrs.), blacksmith Spencer George, farmer maltster Ward Henry, harness maker Sutterby John, farmer Hirst John, farmer 1 F ARNDON is a parish and village, on the eastern bank posed to be Saxouwork, are incorporated in the wall of the Qf the Trent, 2 miles west-south-wast from Newark, in the north side of the lave; what is left of the second church is Newark division of the county, southern division of the seen in the columts and arches of the south aisle: the nave wapentake of N ewark, union, petty sessional divi-,ion and roof, dated 1664, is of good construction: there are two county court district of Newark, archdeacom·y of Nottin:r- stained windows If considerable merit, one on the south side ham and diocese of Southwell; the nearest stations are Rol,- of the chancel an( one in the aisle: the font is of Early leston (Midland railway), distant 2! miles across the river, English date : thE interior has been considerably renovated ani ~ewark (Midland) 2! and (Great Northern) 2~. Here during the incUJmency of the present vicar: there are 200 is a ferry over the Trent to the opposite parish of Rolleston. sittings. The regster dates from the year r56o. The living The church of St. Peter, erected during tbe reign of Queen I is a vicarage, gros yearly value £240, derived from 52 acres Elizabeth, is supposed to be the third built on the present of land in lieu of tthes, and an endowment of £160 from the site, and is a stone fabric, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, Ecclesiastical Conmissioners, with residence, in the gift of coasisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, south aisle, with the Lord Chancebr, and held since I864 by the Venerable an arcade of three bays, south porch and an embattled tower Brongh Maltby MA. of St. John's College, Cambridge, arch­ with pinnacles, also of Perpendicular work, at the west end deacon of Nottill\'ham, canon and prebendary of Lincoln and containing 4 bells: portions of the first church, sup- a ad rural dean of X ewark. There is a Primitive Methodist .
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