Building and Environment 114 (2017) 118e128 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Building and Environment journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/buildenv Within canopy temperature differences and cooling ability of Tilia cordata trees grown in urban conditions * Mohammad A. Rahman a, , Astrid Moser b, Thomas Rotzer€ b, Stephan Pauleit a a Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, School of Life Sciences, Weihenstephan, Technische Universitat€ München, Emil-Ramann-Str. 6, 85354 Freising, Germany b Forest Growth and Yield Science, School of Life Sciences, Weihenstephan, Technische Universitat€ München, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising, Germany article info abstract Article history: Urban trees regulate their thermal environment mostly through the canopies. With multilayered com- Received 21 September 2016 plex canopies trees prevent solar radiation (reaching the ground) thus reduce the heat storage under- Received in revised form neath. More importantly the intercepted energy rather increases the latent heat flux, hence reduces the 27 November 2016 air temperature during the daytime. However, there is little information on within canopy temperature Accepted 12 December 2016 of urban trees and inter-relationships between latent heat flux exchanges to identify thermal impact of Available online 14 December 2016 vegetation. The present study continuously measured sapflow and within the canopy air temperature of Tilia cordata trees along with meteorological variables at two different street canyons in Munich, Ger- Keywords: Urban trees many over the summer, 2015. Within the canopy radius of 4.5 m, daytime temperature reduced up to À2 Thermal environment regulation 3.5 C with energy loss of 75 W m during warm and dry August when the soil moisture potential was Heat storage below 1.5 MPa and vapour pressure deficit was 4 kPa, but the nighttime temperature went up to 0.5 C. Latent heat flux Deeper underneath the tree canopy, 1.5 m above the ground the average temperature fell by up to 0.85 C Canopy temperature on hot sunny days. The regression equation showed better agreement of this air temperature reduction with the sap flow of trees (R2 ¼ 0.61) rather than the differences between shaded and unshaded, paved and grass surface temperatures. Although the research is at an early stage, the results showed the po- tential of using canopy air temperature differences as a tool to better understand the transpiration response to within and below canopy temperature and also to be used in climate models. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction that air temperature within a park can be about 0.94 C cooler than outside. Heat loss by evapotranspiration in arid environments with It is well known that urban trees can contribute to mitigating ample water supply can range between 24.5 and 29.5 MJ/m2 per the urban heat island (UHI) since urban greening could affect day whereas, in temperate climates, it can be between 0.7 and temperatures through different processes [1]. Firstly tree canopies 7.4 MJ/m2 per day [6]. The release of water vapour corresponding to can intercept the solar radiation and prevent the underneath sur- these heat loss values ranges from 0.28 to 12 l/m2 per day [7]. face to absorb shortwave radiation consequently less convection to Thus leaf and air temperature have long been established as contribute to the heat island. Most importantly through evapo- indicators of plant-water stress and for initiation of irrigation in transpiration tree canopies absorb solar radiation as well as energy agricultural crops [8]. Largely due to the higher latent heat of from surrounding environment to increase latent rather than sen- vaporization and specific heat, the process of evapotranspiration is sible heat fluxes. Combined with oasis and clothesline effects [2] particularly effective at generating high evaporative cooling [9]. even a single tree can moderate the micro-climate [3], whereas However, solving the energy fluxes using leaf temperature can be large parks can extend the effects to the surrounding built envi- very sensitive to errors since they can vary significantly over a short ronment [4]. Meta-analysis of Bowler, Buyung-Ali [5] have shown spatial distance due to radiation interception during the day. To eliminate leaf-to-leaf variation in terms of leaf-scale transpiration, within canopy and associate leaf and air temperature information on photosynthetic parameters and radiation regimes inside the * Corresponding author. canopy are required [9]. In case of closed canopies radiative fluxes E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Rahman). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.12.013 0360-1323/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. M.A. Rahman et al. / Building and Environment 114 (2017) 118e128 119 À3 are relatively homogeneous in horizontal directions, which results cooling power Pc [W m ] per unit volume vegetation as a function in average temperature distributions that are primarily one- of the leaf area density (LAD). This is rather a simplified approach dimensional [10]. where the transpirational cooling effect is allocated to a volume Air temperature within the canopy will increase when there is containing vegetation. At the tree scale, the leaf to air temperature little turbulent mixing [11]. A usual assumption is that surface net difference can be used to compute the sensible heat flux H and radiation of a single leaf is balanced by sensible and latent heat might be combined with boundary layer resistance (gbH) and fluxes. Similarly, incoming and outgoing energy from a whole latent heat flux (E) to solve more common notation of energy flux À canopy would be balanced. Reicosky, Deaton [11] reported that densities (W m 2). 40e70% decrease in evapotranspiration can be associated with a More realistically, solving the latent heat flux of a canopy in 4e5 C increase in the canopy air temperature. Conversely with relation to its temperature differences would be better in quanti- optimum evapotranspiration tree canopies will compensate the fying the cooling effects of an individual tree. Within canopy “Oasis” effect from the surrounding environment that is not water evaporative cooling is compensated for by the heat transfer from stressed. In this way the daytime canopy heat flux is downward the surrounding environment after some equilibration time. with strong radiational warming taking place in the outer part of Therefore, the balance between incoming and outgoing energy the canopy layer, not inside. Taha, Akbari [12] studied the effects of from a volume of vegetation can be estimated from the integrated evapotranspiration and shading for two warm weeks in Davis, volume of all leaves inside the canopy. The main aim of the study is California and measured the air temperature and wind speed along to provide insights into the string of inter-relationships between the path within a 5 m high orchard. They reported that inside the latent heat flux exchanges to identify thermal impact of vegetation canopy day time temperature fell by 4.5e6 C. Miyazaki [13] in the urban environment. The study used a simplified approach of measured air temperature under small and larger green canopies air temperature differences within the canopy through basic in Osaka, Japan and reported that the cooling effect became more physiology of a common urban tree Tilia cordata planted in con- significant in the early morning (air temperature difference was trasting urban micro-climatic conditions. Specifically the study 1.6 C). Retrospectively, the nighttime canopy heat flux can be aimed 1. To investigate the relationship of: a) meteorological vari- upward. Studies have already demonstrated that a tree canopy can ables b) tree transpiration with air temperature differences within retain heat at night [12,14]. and underneath tree canopy 2. To quantify the direct cooling effect Canopy micro-climate has direct influences on nearly all bio- of T. cordata trees under stressed urban conditions in terms of physical processes in plants including respiration, photosynthesis, diurnal scale. and growth [6]. Models have already been developed to predict the three-dimensional distribution of microclimate-related quantities 2. Methods (e.g., net radiation, surface temperature, evapotranspiration, flux partitioning) in complex canopy geometries [15,16]. Many of them 2.1. Study area considered canopy as single big leaf e.g. Sellers, Randall [17],or several layers of big leaves e.g. Dai, Dickinson [18]. Similarly, The study was carried out in Munich (4880N, 11350E, at 520 m microscale modelling such as by the Vegetated Urban Canopy asl), one of the largest and still growing cities in Germany with a Model (VUCM) has been introduced by Lee and Park [19] and later high population density (4500/km2) (Bayerische Landesamt für coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model Statistik, 2015). Munich has long been reported as a city with [20] to better understand the impacts of single tree canopy within substantial effects of UHI on growing conditions or degree days single urban canyon conditions. To simulate micro-climatic quan- [25]. Due to close proximity to the Alps, the climate of Munich is tities at street canyon scale Lemonsu, Masson [21] also introduced a affected by its sheltered position and characterized by a warm numerically efficient method by improving the Town Energy Bal- temperate climate. The annual mean temperature is 9.1 C with a ance (TEB) urban canopy model and including vegetation inside the temperature range from À4 C (January) to 24 C (July) and with an canyon to more accurately simulate canyon air temperature. annual precipitation of 959 mm, mostly occurring during summer However, in a heterogeneous landscape such as in urban areas with a maximum of 125 mm in July [26]. There are only a few tall temperature can vary in the horizontal direction by 10 C or more buildings higher than 100 m in Munich; however, with frequent within a single tree crown [22].
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