Naturalization List Sorted.Xlsx

Naturalization List Sorted.Xlsx

Naturalization List Sorted Page 1 Family Name Given Name Date of Nat. Index File No Aadland Olaf Tomason 1919 N 806 Abar Narciss 1868 O 3291 Abare Helen Shirley Warren 1960 N 4787 Abate Sebastiano 1908 D 165 Abbass Amin Betrus 1924 N 1408 Abbati Carmela 1955 N 4578 Abboss Amin Betrus 1921 D 2553 Abbott Alphonsus Robert 1970 N 5035 Abbott George 1921 N 1114 Abbott John 1888 O 1809 Abbott Leonard Edward 1918 D 2091 Abbott Mabel D. 1941 N 3001 Abbott Minnie Poole 1950 N 4335 Abbott Orval Cornelius 1918 D 2007 Abbott Orval Cornelius 1929 D 3833 Abdo Saleem 1919 D 2147 Ablan Josefina 1933 N 2270 Ablan Mary 1954 N 4504 Ablin Joseph 1925 D 3131 Ablin Joseph 1930 N 1858 Aboud Stundy 1939 D 4542 Aboud Stundy 1944 N 4023 Abrams James Edman 1912 N 192 Abrams Joseph 1890 O 7752 Abrams Joseph 1920 D 2330 Abrams James Edman 1909 D 258 Abronzino Luigi 1943 N 3685 Accas Antony George 1918 MP 32 Acheson Piercy Roy 1917 D 1185 Acheson Piercy Roy 1922 N 1223 Acker William 1892 O 1390 Ackerlin George Frederick 1843 O 5479 Ackerman Charles H. 1901 O 375 Ackerman James Herbert 1919 D 2206 Ackerman James Herbert 1925 N 1585 Ackerman Murray 1892 O 1506 Ackerman Murray 1892 O 7744 Ackerman Philip 1896 O 663 Ackermann Ulrich 1899 O 488 Ackroyd William E. 1863 O 3763 Ada John 1890 O 1604 Ada (McColl) Jean Ballantyne 1951 N 4358 Adam Frances Kate 1929 N 2053 Adam James 1840 O 6615 Adam Thomas R. 1840 O 6614 Adams Armegil J. 1899 O 502 Adams Christopher 1848 O 5232 Adams Fred William 1907 D 26 Adams Fred William 1910 N 112 D - Declaration of Intent MP ‐ Military Petitions R - Repatriations N - New Law Petitions OS ‐ Over Seas Petitions O - Old Law Petitions TR ‐ Transferred Petitions Updated - 04/11/2017 Naturalization List Sorted Page 2 Family Name Given Name Date of Nat. Index File No Adams Frederick W. 1906 O 6196 Adams George 1856 O 4558 Adams James Franklin 1908 D 113 Adams James Franklin 1915 N 432 Adams John 1850 O 5116 Adams John Nathan 1919 D 2132 Adams John Nathan 1921 N 1142 Adams Juem Soon 1963 N 4860 Adams Samuel 1858 O 4418 Adams Thomas 1860 O 7221 Adams Thomas 1880 O 2365 Adams William 1852 O 4945 Adams William Gordon 1917 D 1462 Adams William Gordon 1929 D 3880 Adams William Gordon 1954 N 4476 Adderley William 1851 O 5063 Adkins John 1894 O 738 Adler Claire 1944 N 3947 Adler John Jehuda 1943 N 3756 Ador Benedict 1886 O 1970 Adsit Dorcas May 1929 D 3757 Adsit Dorcas May 1932 N 2220 Adsit Dorothy Greenizen 1961 N 4792 Adsit George 1860 O 3881 Aerne Atto 1924 D 3001 Aeschbaker Jacob 1851 O 5062 Agoliaro Joseph 1929 D 3736 Agoliaro Joseph 1936 N 2527 Agostino Domenico 1918 MP 39 Ahern John 1858 O 4301 Ahern John 1908 D 216 Ahler Christian 1859 O 4139 Ahles Fred 1858 O 4423 Aiello Dominick 1920 D 2447 Aiello Vincenzo 1931 D 3942 Aiello Vincenzo 1934 N 2308 Aiesi Anthony 1944 N 3962 Aiesi Antonino 1942 D 4788 Aikens Frederick William 1926 D 3359 Aikens James Hubert 1926 D 3360 Aikins Gordon Kenneth 1912 D 544 Ainslie William 1884 O 7623 Ainslie William 1891 O 1186 Ainsworth Gertrude Moore 1938 N 2645 Airth Alexander 1887 O 7596 Airth Alexander 1892 O 1421 Aitken Andrew 1873 O 2931 Aitken John James 1917 D 1469 Akerlin Frederick 1840 O 6617 D - Declaration of Intent MP ‐ Military Petitions R - Repatriations N - New Law Petitions OS ‐ Over Seas Petitions O - Old Law Petitions TR ‐ Transferred Petitions Updated - 04/11/2017 Naturalization List Sorted Page 3 Family Name Given Name Date of Nat. Index File No Akins Fredrick William 1913 D 694 Albano Silverio 1945 N 4045 Alberry George 1943 N 3735 Alberry Helene 1970 N 5023 Alberry Richard Benjamin 1939 D 4530 Albertson Clifford Charles 1940 N 3004 Albertson Eugene 1946 D 4919 Albertson Eugene 1949 N 4272 Albertson Grace Lorraine 1941 D 4625 Albertson Grace Lorraine 1944 N 3960 Albertson Henry Michael 1915 D 845 Albertson Henry Mikel 1917 N 547 Albertson Horace 1892 O 1462 Albertson Michael Alexander 1941 D 4624 Albertson Michael Alexander 1944 N 3961 Albertson Rose Hannah 1955 N 4548 Alcantre Louis 1889 O 7683 Alcomback Charles Hubert 1927 D 3473 Alcomback Gardner 1927 D 3462 Alcombrack Aaron 1909 D 301 Alcombrack Aaron 1913 N 303 Alcombrack Charles Hubert 1917 D 1519 Alcombrack Charles Hubert 1929 N 2023 Alcombrack Fred Spencer 1919 D 2210 Alcombrack Fred Spencer 1927 D 3543 Alcombrack Gardner 1920 D 2283 Alcombrack Minnie Augusta 1937 D 4413 Alcombrack Minnie Augusta 1941 N 3202 Alcombrack Minnie Augusta 1928 D 3672 Alcombrack William 1915 D 1007 Alcombrack William 1919 N 810 Aldrich Herbert Franklin 1915 D 884 Aldrich Herbert Franklin 1918 N 683 Alecci Francesco 1912 D 534 Alecci Francesco 1914 N 369 Aleria Joseph 1920 D 2373 Alessandro Luigi 1922 D 2674 Alexander Henry 1939 D 4531 Alexander Henry 1942 N 3300 Alexander James 1835 O 6390 Alexander James 1837 O 5839 Alexander John 1841 O 6626 Alexander John 1913 D 657 Alexander John Sherrard 1923 D 2772 Alexander John Sherrard 1928 N 1907 Alexander Louis 1892 O 1253 Alexander Maria Anna 1964 N 4901 Alexander Peter 1919 MP 101 Alexander Robert 1911 D 470 D - Declaration of Intent MP ‐ Military Petitions R - Repatriations N - New Law Petitions OS ‐ Over Seas Petitions O - Old Law Petitions TR ‐ Transferred Petitions Updated - 04/11/2017 Naturalization List Sorted Page 4 Family Name Given Name Date of Nat. Index File No Alexander Robert 1913 N 336 Alexander Ruby Alena 1941 N 3119 Alexander (Scott) Kathleen Elizabeth 1960 N 4788 Alfonzo Fred 1910 N 66 Alford Heidi Violet 1969 N 5018 Algate John B. 1858 O 4312 Alguire Bertha 1941 N 3218 Alguire Eva Adaline 1920 D 2432 Alguire William Leslie 1920 D 2333 Alguire William Leslie 1925 N 1550 Aliverio Vincenzo 1920 D 2399 Alkenbrack Lottie Loella 1920 N 1073 Alkiewicz Albert(o) 1967 N 4969 Alkiewicz Edward Henry 1967 N 4979 Alkenbrack Lottie Loella 1918 D 1975 Allan Malcolm 1859 O 7188 Allard John B. 1884 O 2081 Allard Joseph A. 1876 O 2667 Allarn Edward 1852 O 4932 Allegretti Vincenzo 1946 N 4127 Allen Annie 1927 N 1796 Allen Cecil 1921 D 2571 Allen Cecil Hobson 1926 N 1626 Allen Charles J. 1886 O 1967 Allen George Curtis 1891 O 1087 Allen James 1827 O 6076 Allen James 1858 O 4269 Allen James Mulvany 1911 N 148 Allen Jay Barber 1917 D 1433 Allen Joseph 1856 O 4559 Allen Kinko 1962 N 4844 Allen Maria Theresia 1953 N 4421 Allen Mary (sister Mary Gabriel 1941 D 4732 Allen Patrick 1858 O 4267 Allen Patrick Joseph 1918 MP 17 Allen R. Byron 1892 O 1459 Allen Sarah Lovina 1936 N 2454 Allen Thomas 1849 O 6804 Allen Thomas 1868 O 3371 Allen Thomas 1870 O 2993 Allen William 1827 O 6279 Allen William 1831 O 5994 Allen William J. 1878 O 2512 Allen William J. 1904 O 173 Allinger Frederick 1867 O 3427 Allingham Alexander 1884 O 2098 Allingham Ellen 1877 O 2557 Allingham Richard K. 1883 O 7551 Allingham Richard K. 1892 O 1426 D - Declaration of Intent MP ‐ Military Petitions R - Repatriations N - New Law Petitions OS ‐ Over Seas Petitions O - Old Law Petitions TR ‐ Transferred Petitions Updated - 04/11/2017 Naturalization List Sorted Page 5 Family Name Given Name Date of Nat. Index File No Allingham William 1885 O 2023 Allsop Joseph 1891 O 7787 Almeida Adelino 1929 D 3902 Almesberger Johann 1925 N 1525 Almesberger John 1922 D 2736 Almesberger Rosina 1928 N 1927 Almgren Andrew P. 1880 O 2329 Aloan Kathleen Thompson 1944 N 4040 Alperoilz Abraham 1922 D 2687 Alperovitz Lena 1929 D 3834 Alperovitz Wendal 1913 D 640 Alpert Samuel 1911 D 426 Alpert Samuel 1914 N 391 Alpertvitz Abram 1927 N 1800 Alpirovitz Izrol 1907 D 33 Alpirowitz Israel 1912 N 194 Alstyne Jacob Alvin Van 1936 D 4332 Altamura James Frank 1942 N 3436 Alter Nyon Ja Kim 1962 N 4837 Alteri Joseph 1919 D 2144 Alteri Joseph 1922 N 1230 Alteri Louis 1944 N 3349 Alton Christopher 1840 O 5731 Alton Clifford Matthew 1934 D 4170 Alton Clifford Matthew 1937 N 2622 Alton Daniel 1844 O 5390 Alton Elmer Lorn 1940 D 4581 Alton Ernest Lorne 1932 D 4021 Alton Ernest Lorne 1936 N 2551 Alton Gerald Anson 1939 N 2770 Alton Harold Elmer 1932 D 4030 Alton Harold Elmer 1937 N 2569 Alton Lawrence 1840 O 6616 Alton Lawrence 1843 O 5488 Alton Stewart John 1940 N 3002 Aluzzo Samiel 1917 D 1851 Alves Joe Moreira 1919 MP 108 Alviti Annibel 1922 D 2693 Ama Joseph 1909 D 328 Aman Ansel 1846 O 5351 Amaries Richardo Ranchez 1943 N 3933 Amatt Harry Jackson 1917 D 1174 Amatt Harry Jackson 1920 N 990 Amborse Edward 1888 O 1727 Amboticlo Robert 1925 D 3188 Ambrose Joseph 1895 O 998 Ambrose Thomas 1893 O 1308 Amedeo Saverio 1921 D 2632 Amedeo Saverio 1925 N 1494 D - Declaration of Intent MP ‐ Military Petitions R - Repatriations N - New Law Petitions OS ‐ Over Seas Petitions O - Old Law Petitions TR ‐ Transferred Petitions Updated - 04/11/2017 Naturalization List Sorted Page 6 Family Name Given Name Date of Nat. Index File No Amell Hugh 1879 O 2417 Amend William 1970 O 3077 Amendolia Domenick 1944 N 3997 Ames Charles Wesley 1917 D 1581 Ames Charles Wesley 1953 N 4462 Ames Rose Mary 1943 R 70 Amey John D 1901 O 389 Amirault Regis John 1942 N 3522 Ammon Agnes Whalen 1941 N 3219 Amo John 1906 O 1 Amo Joseph 1912 N 207 Amo Joseph 1913 N 279 Amo Leander 1884 O 2097 Amo Louis 1880 O 2342 Amo Napoleon 1884 O 2096 Amo Tuffield 1876 O 2616 Amores Dick Ranchez 1943 N 3933 Amorosa Antonio 1908 N 49 Amorosa Antonio 1914 N 343 Amorosi Luigi 1926 D 3417 Amorsi Emanuele 1904 O 182 Amyote Ernest Joph 1917 D 1434 Anable Edmund A.

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