Wl='l l ESL EY COLI NOV 5 1 9 LIB V ews Vol. Liii WELLESLEY, MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 5, 1959 No. 17 Pianist Claudio Arrau Senate Grants Two O'Clocks T'!..,.~,~~~h'!l!.,~?.~~~::,~~M- In Response to Senior Petition rau will perform in Alumnae Hall, Monday, N~vember ? al 8:00 p.m. His program ' ill include some of the pieces which have Senate voted Saturday night two Those voting in favor of Senior class to strive for increased privi­ brought him intern•. tional fame. This will be his first Wellesley o'clocks to seniors "provided prac· two o'clocks were Mrs. Gurnsey leges, the " happiness" of seniors v. tical arrangements can be made" '\frs. Bradner, Miss Crawford, Mr. the goal of Wellesly College as an appearance. last Tuesday, November 3. Shell. Elizabeth Davis '60, Amanda intellectual community and the de­ Mr. Arrau will begin his concert Pointing system according to Pope ·60, Molly Sanderson '60, gree lo which an intellectual atmolr with two pieces by Shubert, Al­ groups was also abolished and pos· Penelope Percival '62, Marcia M<:­ phere is fostered by social reslric· legretto in C minor and Sonata in C minor. He will then play SonaLJI sible suspension for campus organ Clintock '62, Meredith Baldwin '61, tions. '61. in A major, Op. 101, by Beethoven. izalions with "mis·managed funds" and Emilie Stark Those opposed Practical arrangements now face1J instituted. and Gaspard de la Nuit, by Ravel. were Miss Clapp, 'diss Frisch. Mh. are increased cost of overtime 0£ A majority vote for the two Gnomenreigen and Mephisto ValsP, Tenney, Marcia Mason '61 and Vir­ campus policemen and watchmen, o'clock motion followed the intense both by Liszt, will conclude the pro­ ginia Waddell '61. sustained noise on campus, sign-in table discussion and the active par· Basic issues were: increased free· procedure and delay of fire im;pec­ ~ram. Chilean Studies In Germany ticipation from the largest audience dom for mature students v. "worm­ tion by the watchmen. Senate has had this year. Born in Chile, Mr. Arrau grew up like evolution" which leads each Desire for two o'clock:; on Fridays dnd studied in Berlin, where he and Saturdays was vouched for by vas recognized as a child prodig) approximately 250 petition·signer11 After fifteen years of travel, Mr. ~liss and Molly Sanderson, Chairman of .\rrau returned in 1954 as soloist Welsh To Probe House Presidents Council, wh<> with the Berlin Philharmonic. The staled "more than 3.', of the senion city welcomed him back with a • in every house" are in favor of twelve·curtain·call ovation and un· Arti~ulation ID A~ting the proposal. precedented praise from the critics. Dean Frisch':. fear of endangerini: Critics Proclaim Miracle Professor Constance Welch will Production at Yale and one or the the present academic schedule's pr<>­ When in 1956 Mr. Arrau per· give a lecture. entitled .. Word~ foremost teachers of acting in this vision for a Saturday morning re Without Feelings: Feelings Without formed in the major cities or Ger· country, Miss Welch has guided served for study narrowed the prac­ Words," in Jewett Arts Center No· tical issue to Saturday night tw<> many, he was acclaimed a "pianistic many aspiring actors. including Elia Muscian Arrau miracle." His concerts in New York, vember 11 at 7:30 p.m. Miss Welch o'clocks. then proposed by Alice Kazan, Julie Harris and Paul New­ Edinburg!), London and Boston re will consider the purposes and ( Alil McGraw '60, who organized suited in sold.out houses. techniques of the actors' art. man. the original petition Vespers Program David Barnett, manager of the con­ She will emphasize the dilemma She has also taught at the uni· The intellectual benefit of social cellt series, declared that "first.rate of the articulate actor portraying versities of West Virginia, lllinoi, restrictions al the College. propose1l To Feature Choir, quality" was the basic factor· in se­ an inarticulate character and vice and Texas. and at Northwestern. by both Dean Frisch and Miss Clapp, lecting Mr. Arrau and pointed out versa. This acting problem has ex. was not viewed as a valid problelll Madrigals, Sunday that the pianist is "known for great isled for centurie:>. by the majority or Senate. Miss Clapp remarked on the never­ This Sunday's Fall Vespers will depth of Interpretation and perfec· Kazan, Harris, Newman ceasing tendency to further classes' feature a Choir program. Services tion of technique." · An Associate Professor of Play social freedoms; Amanda Pope '60, in Houghton Memorial Chapel will Cl1ief Justice, stated the motion waa begin at 8 p.m. with an organ (Contin11ed on page 4) Prelude and Fu.Que in G Minor by Dr. Margaret Mead Deplores Bach, played by Sondra Wieland '60. After an invocation, delivered by Miss Gloria S. Livennol'e. instructor American "low level goodness" SO Continues Drive in Greek and Foreign Student Ad· Dr. Margaret Mead told the audi­ throughout the world. She pointed For $15,000 Goal; visor, the Choir will present Jacob ence al Ford Hall Forum Sunday out that Americans must be able "lo Handl's Motet for Do11ble Chorus, that the American people are prac­ tell the Russians what we mean" Funds Still Short accompanied by the Madrigal group. ticing a "low level goodness' with through an "understanding of peo· By Tuesday, November 3, S.O. had Djrected by Barbara Barnett '60, the convenient device of moving pie." collected $733.75. .048 percent of the !lladrigals is a group of Choir everything that we don't like across She stated that il is not surprising Wellesley's fifteen thousand dollar members who perform specializeJ the tracks." that 15 percent of America's popu­ numbers. goal. The speaker finds "low level good­ lation has become delinquent and Crucifi:ms from Missa Pater pec­ All students and faculty will have nc~s· in the treatment of old people. bohemian when the rest is "unwill­ cavi by Andre Gabrielli, will be sung been contacted by today for this She commented that "a society has ing to share with other people and by the Madrigals. An organ solo by year's collection or charity funds, been created where -0nly the inex­ Continued on Page Four Margaret Mitchell '62, a Voluntary lasting November 2-9. periencd are valuable; the old are Constance Welch ot1 the Old Hundredth PsalTn by Student Council put on a shelf." America should Among her former students are Miss Henry Purcell will follow. Because students are able lo pay " use the wisdom of the old" instead Harris To Review Cary Clasz and Paul R. Barstow of "a dollar every other month" or use Anthem by Purcell of keeping children rigidly separated the Wellesley College Theater. some other part-payment system in The full Choir will sing Praise the from old people, as well as from Educational Costs Studied Law Lor<I, O Jernsalem, also by Purcell, order to ease tight budgets, accord­ those who are "on the other side of Miss Welch prepared for her law joined by six members of the ing to Gwen Davis '60, S.O. president, the tracks." doctorate at Columbia and Yale. Chamber Music Society and M11r· actual checks to charities will go out She studied acting with Elsi Foger garet Milchell, organist. This work, The Happy Family in the spring after all pledges are ty at the Central School of Speech according to William A. Herrmann. A "most terrifying" fact according filled. Training in London. Privately, she Jr., Lecturer in Music and Director to Dr. Mead, is that the good families Organizations to be given money, studied with Theodore Komissarjev· of the Choir. ''is of unusual interest" in America have come to '"avoid 40 ~~ of whom are educational insti­ families crjppled or damaged bY di· shy. Maria Ouspenskaya and Martha tutions, will be notified of their al­ in the service. Graham. The Trustees of the Ameri­ vorce or crime.," even to the point locations immediately following the After a Scripture Reading by Miss can Shakespeare Festival Theater of avoiding families in which one drive. Livermore, the Choir will continue and Academy honored her with a parent has died. She says the com­ Plan For Unforeseen with Geistliches Lied, Opus 30 by special citation in 1956 for her work mon feeling is that the only way lo One thousand dollars of the ool­ Johannes Brahms. The Madrigals in training actors for performing keep children safe and happy is to lection is to sen·e as an emergency will present Psalm 24, by Orlandus Shakespeare. Lassus, and Psalm 20, by Heinrich put these ''crippled families" on the fund. following 'diss Clapp's sugges­ Fame for Others Schutz. Both groups will combine other side of the tracks. tion last spring. At that time Wel­ fo1· Duet from Contata 146, by Bach. Dr. Mead referred to two maga. Much of Mi:;s Welch's work has lesley was notified of the Tibetaa won fame for others rather th<1-n refugee crisis and had to quickly Beethoven's Mass in C Major zine articles which said that the way to have a happy family is to be sur· for herself. She bas coached many organize a weekend fund drive. The Choir will sing the Kyrie, rounded by people as much like notable actors in major roles for Funds reserved for the unforeseell Sanclus and Agnus Dei from Bee· yourself as possible. In con tradic· the New York and London stages. emergencies now will be held thoven's Mass in C Major Althougn tion to the a;:-licles, the speaker She has directed summer stock com· throughout the year, and it ls pres­ slightly unfamiliar lo many persons.
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